

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited January 2023
    1 Sit in silence for three minutes... it's harder than you think. Does silently working in the garden count? Done! I sat silently for 7 minutes and prayed.

    2 List 5 things using each of your senses. Right now? I can see my Christmas decorations, I can hear Christmas songs, I can taste my coffee, I can smell my coffee, and I can feel a comfortable temperature in the room.

    3 Let go of at least 5 items in your house. I'm not in a downsizing or reducing mode so I've taken some lunch things to work, I will take an item to be mailed and another to be given to the people at work.

    4 What was your favorite Christmas gift? (this year or ever). I can't tell you what my favourite Christmas gift this year is yet. It's a secret.

    5 Move for at least 30 minutes today. Absolutely. It's a very rare day that I don't.

    6 Share a goal you achieved last year. We completed the longest bicycle ride since my husband's accident and the fastest.

    7 Slow down and savor one meal today. Mmmm ... pizza!

    8 Who was your favorite teacher. My father. :):) But I've had quite a few good teachers, in addition to him, over the years.

    9 Create something today. I finished creating my first work-related project plan today.

    10 What is your favorite lyric from a song. Difficult one given that I like so much music. But let's go with: "A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices"

    11 Send a card/note to someone today. Do emails count?

    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023? Can't tell you that! It's a secret ... same secret as my favourite Christmas gift. :)

    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today. It's a bit late in the day to read this and didn't meet too many random people today ... or people in general. But I smiled at some horses and told Rhody he's gorgeous.
    14 Tell us three amazing things that happened recently (you decide what "recently" means...lol)
    15 Call or text someone you haven't talked to in at least a week
    16 What made you smile today
    17 Take a photo of something you're grateful for
    18 What material comforts are you most thankful for? You can make your list as long as you like...
    19 Write a positive review for a company for goods or services you've received recently
    20 Write down five things you like about yourself
    21 Pay it forward in some way
    22 What do you most desire in your life right now?
    23 Go an entire day without complaining
    24 What about you makes you special?
    25 Spend time with a loved one
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend
    28 What fear have you overcome?
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...

    Machka in Oz

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 620 Member
    That's okay Machka, you can make up for it tomorrow and smile at some more random people too! You've got a GREAT smile.

    13 Tell a random person they look "good" today... I can make that happen! Going on retreat today with a buncha my card-making bffs. I know we're going to be in a mutual-admiration-society!
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    Oh, what a beautiful morning!

    Last night, I burnt the midnight oil doing my Latin translation. This morning I was out bright and early to meet with the rest of the group. Afterwards I walked into town and went to the fishmongers for fresh salmon. All in all a really lovely morning.

    DH Is off today with his birdwatching friend, which means I have the rest of the afternoon to please myself. So here I am reading all your posts.

    Virtual (((hugs))) and πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» for those who need them.

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hugs Allie. <3<3<3

    The gutter man came and removed tons of mud and cr*p from the side gutter. He also put a bit of mastic on a crack. Charged us about one tenth of the previous guy and was nice with it. I knew the previous guy was a crook, but I didn't want to undermine DH's amour propre by saying too much. I did hint at it, but he can get weird if he thinks I am taking over. I put this guy's card in front of his nose and asked him to ring him. Good decision. :p DH is mighty happy.

    I've started putting the book on KDP. Just filling in the initial form. My blurb is nearly done, but I'm going to sleep on it over the weekend. Just getting to the KDP page is an act of courage for me. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • scline01
    scline01 Posts: 6 Member
    2023 New start to a new way of life. Our way.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Allie - It's a really short step from that screaming rage to physical abuse if it hasn't already gotten that far... But the only one who can break that cycle is Tracey, in all honesty. Kyle won't break it by himself. He probably thinks it's just part of his personality and not that big a deal. It is a big deal; it is abuse, and Carmen and Miles deserve protection from that, as does Tracey herself. Tracey needs to find an abused women's shelter and get help for her and the kids. I'm sorry they're going through this, but no one has the right to make their family members live in fear. No one. Period.

    Love you, girl,
    Lisa in AR

    <3 ditto from me
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Unfortunately im stuck between a rock and a hard place,Tracy and I are at a good place in our relationship but what I saw today scares the bejesus out of me ,and i will tell her that next week when he goes back to work..
    I will also tell her that I understand now where Carmine is coming from and that I am scared for the kids and her. And will leave it at that..
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    {{{Allie}}} ... so sorry your daughter and grandchildren are going through this. Praying for you all.

    Annie ... my mom is not diagnosed with any kind of dementia but she does forget things regularly. Yesterday, she told me all about a woman at lunch who complimented her on her earrings. Turns out the woman has dementia so she complimented my mother 5 separate times in one sitting. I wonder if my mother realizes she told me the same story twice yesterday during my visit and two times the day before?? My dad warned me before his death that my mom was becoming very confused. We've had moments that are "out there," but for the most part it's been pretty tame.

    Day 11: Card. Have sympathy cards to send ...
    Day 12: Looking forward to? I hate to jinx what I'm thinking about ... now isn't that stupid? But I'm looking forward to a family member finally moving forward ...
    Day 13: I'm headed to Walmart and will give some unsuspecting soul a compliment! :D

    Husband went to the doctor. He's wearing a heart monitor for the next 30 days. Of course, he hasn't had a beat irregularity since and I'm pretty certain he won't have an incident the entire time he wears the monitor. The dog was quite intrigued with the contraption!

    I helped out with an Appreciation Breakfast for the men at the church (I used to run this thing when I was working and they asked for my help). I ate outside of my IF window and ate sugar no less. It's talking back to me. I'll have to watch the rest of the day.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,548 Member
    Allie, of course it is your decision to make, my dear. My filters are those from an abused childhood, so I know that I'm hyper-aware, and even possibly overreacting to abuse in others' lives. You will make the best decisions you can make as Tracy's mom and the kids' grandma, and that's all any of us can do. You're in my heart, Allie.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Allie Worried for all of you. Tracy may need to have a safe exit strategy if she decides to leave him. There are resources out there to help her when she is ready. You may also have to be part of the plan too so that you are safe too. You are right the children and their safety come first.

    Tracy's DH appears to be oblivious to the abuse he is causing. He has the right to be upset but needs to find healthier ways to deal with his anger. It is not healthy for any of you including him.