

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Work,DH, and SIL gripe....read if you want, just needed to get it out..;
    Why? Just WHY? I have not been at the shop all day due to class and like a good employee I go to work to finish the day since there was an hour left. Of course my SIL leaves the minute I pull in. They had 3 customers today. Her and my DH company policy is no credit card sales for under $5. So the only credit card sale for today was for $4.38. REALLY? And to make matters worse that was the wrong price!!! Was suppose to be $7.99. Then DH gets snippy with me because SIL saved me boxes and packing paper for returns and I couldn't tell him just how many I needed. I will just say that I am now pissy, weepy, and ready for bed. At work for an hour and get yelled at 4 times. I finally looked at DH and told him this wasn't my first rodeo in parts returns, spring orders, invoices, or company policies. Let's just say that she would have been better off to just hand the guy the part after what we will pay in fees on such a small amount.

    I think driving in all the rain, wind, and traffic plus sitting in class plus going back to work, just sent me over the deep end. I have a long list of things to do, but think bed really is calling my name. Start fresh tomorrow.

    Debbie Yes, to tv and lights, but then he will wake up and turn things off. I can fall asleep anytime, anyplace. Oh, and we have an 80" TV in the living room that he wanted, but maybe only watches in there twice a year. There are tvs in all three bedrooms, the game room, the kitchen, and the man cave.

    Michele You could put the TV on a mount in the hole, then just cover the hole with the TV on the outside of the stone. Our one in the living room covers up a fireplace that is boarded up. The fireplace is 60" wide and not functioning. Just an idea...

    Welcomes to the new ladies!
    Encouragement to those needing a little!
    Lots of love,
    Kylia in Ohio dry inside from the rain that it seems everyone is getting in the US right now.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Rebecca, that's so cool! Kolten has a leopard gecko that looks a lot like that. They're kinda cool.

    You should start again, Tracey! We could share ideas!

    I used to love the art classes in middle school when I was a para, Heather. Got to unleash my creative side and do things I would never dream of doing and be taught by real teachers and not judged.

    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023?... our daughter's wedding! They just decided on a date! October 8, 2023. YES... a Sunday, but it's in Vegas, so I guess that's okay.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN

    a wedding in Vegas in Oct. is A LOT better than one there in July!!! We were there ONCE in the summer- told dh if he wants to go again in the summer, I would stay home and take care of the cats and continue working- I actually did that the last time he went with his friend and son(and friend's daughter). Only thing I missed was the huge pool there. Glad I missed the heat
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    P.S. What is it with husbands and TVs how many is enough? Also do they need to take up a wall? 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • kmcintosh1988
    kmcintosh1988 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Sue. Sounds like we have a bit in common. ♥️ That cake sounds amazing and your dinner too. I used to love cooking. As I e gotten older I like it less. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Cooking sometimes is a real drag. I guess the trying to come up with different recipes and menu ifs the difficult part.

    Ooohhh wanted to share my hubby and I both got covid last July. We went out to San Diego to see our kids. We were fine there except the last two days started getting sick. We had to fly home miserable. We never dreamed it was covid. Next day went to Urgent Care and we both had it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ We have had every shot offered to man for covid. But now I realize we can still get it. Ive been absolutely exhausted ever since. No energy. I’ve got some back now. But nothing like I had before covid. I tire very easily. Now some may be due to my RA. But I honestly think it was covid. Horrible. Have you any other side effects. I hear about folks having some for months after.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    I used to love cooking. As I e gotten older I like it less. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Cooking sometimes is a real drag. I guess the trying to come up with different recipes and menu ifs the difficult part.

    :) For years I loved creative cooking and baking and made it a hobby. When I decided at age 62 to put weight loss, health, and fitness at the top of my list, I gave up cooking as recreation and gave up eating as entertainment. Now I have a few "go to meals" that get repeated over and over for our big meal and the rest of the day is "find it and fix it" I eat exactly the same breakfast and evening meal every day and most of the same snacks. My husband is responsible for his breakfast and evening meal and his snacks. This plan results in easier shopping, less time in the kitchen, less thought about food, more time for exercise and the fun things I want to do, healthier eating that's easier to log on the food log, and almost no "decision fatigue". Sometimes I hear about an interesting food on TV or a podcast or a book and then ask myself if I want to deal with shopping and planning and preparing and the answer is always no. It has worked for me for years.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Hi Sue. Sounds like we have a bit in common. ♥️ That cake sounds amazing and your dinner too. I used to love cooking. As I e gotten older I like it less. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Cooking sometimes is a real drag. I guess the trying to come up with different recipes and menu ifs the difficult part.

    Ooohhh wanted to share my hubby and I both got covid last July. We went out to San Diego to see our kids. We were fine there except the last two days started getting sick. We had to fly home miserable. We never dreamed it was covid. Next day went to Urgent Care and we both had it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ We have had every shot offered to man for covid. But now I realize we can still get it. Ive been absolutely exhausted ever since. No energy. I’ve got some back now. But nothing like I had before covid. I tire very easily. Now some may be due to my RA. But I honestly think it was covid. Horrible. Have you any other side effects. I hear about folks having some for months after.

    My son and I (and his girlfriend) all got Covid from my parents(didn't know they had it until a few hours after my dad passed away and his results came back positive). This was two years ago 12/30.
    Son still can't smell some things and the one odd side effect I had was I lost half my hair. It is very long and curly so wasn't noticeable except when I was washing it or had it in a braid. Used Amazon brand on Rogain . needed six months worth to really see a good result. My hair grows super slow so doubt it will ever catch up to the length of the rest of my hair
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited January 2023
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Debbie, We didn't have a tv until I was 10 years old and even then it did not get turned on until after dinner. My mom is "tone deaf" so we rarely had music, so I grew up used to the quiet, and continue that in my own home.... Although I would have a bit more music during the work day if the sound of the embroidery machines wasn't so loud I spend my days with ear plugs in.

    smiles kim in N. california with no rain today.

    We didn't have a TV in my family until I was about 15 and my father got one to go with our very first computer, as a monitor. It was a small black and white and the plan was that we were going to use it ONLY as a monitor.

    But then he started watching hockey games on it, so it was for the computer and sports!

    And then ... :)

    When I turned 17, I bought my own B&W and had it for years. I didn't own a colour TV until I married at 20.

    But even now, we rarely watch TV before 6 pm and it goes off about 10:30 pm.

    However, we always had music, and I like music on most of the time. But not loud.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    when I was a kid, we had a tv but only got like three channels. 2, 4 and sometimes 5. I don't remember the name for 2 except KTVU or something like that, 4 was NBC and 5 was CBS.We did not have a tv for a year or so when we moved to where mom is now(fifth grade). I used to love babysitting at different places that actually got channel 7 (ABC) because it had all the good shows like Love Boat and Fantasy Island..

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    11 Send a card/note to someone today. I sent 4 sympathy cards from work yesterday to families.

    12 What are you looking forward to in 2023? I don’t know exactly what I’m looking forward to yet. I have a couple of things I’m praying for that will give me the something to look forward to.

    Barbie - I think the rule about not judging people’s food choices is an excellent idea! I wish I would have thought about that and had it in my life. I am an incredibly fussy eater, there is always someone judging me for it.

    Vicki - my record player has a radio and I can connect to my Bluetooth too. I haven’t figured that part out yet.
    When we changed cable providers a few years ago we received a 55” tv as a free gift, I thought the same as you, but now I really like it.

    Kim - I too have been the “I won’t tell the parents either”. I had that in two women growing up and I cherished it. They knew some of the choices I was making were not the wisest but encouraged me to at least be safe if I was doing it. I would never have been able to talk to my parents or even Grandmother about it. I think teens need so much to be heard. My girls friends still talk to me, they are married adults now. If I had my life to live over I would become a therapist specializing in teens.

    Debbie - my DH turns the tv on all the time too. I have really enjoyed having times at home without it on.

    Michele - I love your snowman. I called Rodger’s Mom this morning. She was waiting for the ambulance to come get his Dad. They have admitted him (Finally) and running tests.

    Heather - I love how you keep trying new things. My grandmother at age 70 bought herself an electric organ and took lessons for quite a few years.
    People need to do these things for themselves.

    I grew up with a 13” B&W TV. Only 3 stations. Sometimes on a clear night Dad would take it upstairs and we could get a snowy American station.

    Very late.
    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka — I am sure you are right about the stores in Tasmania. I was thinking of the name similarities of retail stores in the 1950s, not of the current stores in your area. 💖
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited January 2023
    Tracey - My DSIL started training to be a counsellor in her late 50s, while she was still working full time, and is now doing it after early retirement as a nurse. She will be 70 next year. She loves it and it is a useful extra income.
    It is not too late! :D<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx