Give people REALLY bad advice!!!



  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    When you're about to kiss a girl good night, let loose a good fart. They'll like it.

    Dutch oven ftw
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    If you can't get to sleep at night, boot up the computer and read this thread, it will put you to sleep instantly.

    If you are having money problems you should sign up with Amway, you'll be making the big bucks in no time.

    If you can't afford to buy a new car, lease a new car, it's basically the same, costs less and hey NEW CAR!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Don't read the title of the thread and write down all this very good advice!!

    A m w a y..........
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Education is overrated.

    Facebook friends will always have your back.

    Saying LOL IRL will make you look smart and saying OMG IRL will make U look genius.

    Pay for everything with a check and wait until you get the total before writing out the check.

    There is no point to trying to lose weight after you are older than 30.

    Exercise doesn't help much in losing weight.

    Don't eat after 6 pm it will make you fat.

    Don't do cardio that will make you even fatter.

    If someone calls you at home and says they have noticed a problem with your computer give them your access codes they are totally going to fix your computer.

    Invite Jehovah's witnesses in and convert or better yet become a Scientologist, they have scientist in their name so they must know what they are talking about.

    Leave major purchases in the back seat of your car and leave it unlocked, people don't steal anymore.

    Stay with your partner for the sake of the children, even if you don't have any children.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Add whiskey to your recovery drinks for muscle growth. :noway:
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    Keep at the forums they really grow your forearms, right next to *kitten*
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    anyone on MFP whose username starts with "Coach" is both knowledgeable and helpful and is definitely not trying to sell you some over-priced crappy meal replacement shake.
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    Browse MFP forums all day, surely your house is going to clean itself anyway.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Make sure you always lick knives clean.
    Test how hot coffee is with your tongue.
    Get married.

  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    Always eat with your best, funniest friends. That way no matter what you will lose weight. Two reasons: 1. You are too busy talking to overeat, your mouth is already busy. 2. Any calories consumed are negative calories because you are already laughing off more than you are taking in.
    Never, ever eat alone or with boring people.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    The worst she can say is no.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Eat as much salt as you want because all you have to do is drink a cup of water and it will flush it all out!
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Make sure you always lick knives clean.
    Test how hot coffee is with your tongue.
    Get married.

    That about sums up the worst advice possible!!!!!!! AHAHA
    You know that means something different when you begin with the "A" instead of the "H", right?:wink:
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    You should care what strangers think about you.
  • l0sing_it
    Cross fit is the quickest way to lose weight.

    Watch your water intake. If you drink too much water, your body will become toxic and you can die from 'water poisoning'. Don't forget to substitute with plenty of gatorade and red bulls to keep your energy high between meals.

    If you are eating right and exercising you should be losing 5-10lbs a week. If you are not, then your digestive system is clogged. You need to buy a detox kit to flush out the extra 'mass'.

    Stretching is highly overrated. It just adds more time to your workout and makes your metabolism slower.

    Diet foods are the best foods to consume. They give you more energy and have just as much nutrients as fresh veggies anyways.

    Always eat something within 5 min of a workout. Your body will go into 'starvation mode' if you wait too long after eating and you will only burn the muscle you gained during the workout.

    Results typically take 1-3 days. If you do not notice anything after a week, you are doing something wrong and you need to reassess your eating and workout routines.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    here's a whole bunch of bad advice I keep on reading on here.....

    - do a juice fast to kick start your diet
    - do a cleanse to kick start your diet
    - do some other kind of semi-starvation fad diet to kick start your diet
    - avoid doing squats and lunges because they make your legs bulky
    - don't do 30 day shred while eating at a deficit because it makes you bulky
    - pilates makes your muscles longer
    - don't go running it gives you bulky legs
    - take Alli, because avoiding explosive, uncontrollable oily diarrhoea is a really good incentive to stick to the diet that would produce the same result without the threat of explosive, uncontrollable oily diarrhoea if you didn't take alli
    - raspberry ketones
    - eat like a caveman - from people who have never studied palaeoanthropology and have no clue what palaeolithic people actually ate and if they did they wouldn't want to eat it
    - don't eat wheat because it's not paleo, eat bananas instead :noway: (see the above point) oh and the fact that palaeolithic protein powder even exists. Not technically bad advice but :noway:
    - lose weight by injecting yourself with extract of pregnant women's urine and eating an 800 cals/day diet
    - if you eat 1199 calories a day you will go into starvation mode and start gaining fat even if you're eating at a deficit. But if you eat 1200 calories a day you'll be totally fine and dandy.
    - it's totally healthy for an active 20 year old woman whose size is within the normal range for our species to eat only 1200 calories a day and anyone who says otherwise is an "eat more bully"
    - there's no point in exercising if you eat back exercise calories
    - if you do men's push-ups or lift dumbbells that are heavier than 5lb, your uterus will fall out
    - don't move around, you might get bulky
    - raspberry ketones
    - ignore all the haters who say this won't work, they're just meanies, just because it didn't work for them doesn't mean it won't work for you, we're all different. There's a gadzillion to one chance that you're the first animal in 650 million years of animal evolution whose body works the way it would have to work for what you're trying to do to actually result in you getting the physique you want, so don't let anyone tell you that it won't work!!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    It's OK to spit into the wind.

    You can tug on Superman's cape.

    Go ahead and pull the mask off the Lone Ranger.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    It's OK to spit into the wind.

    You can tug on Superman's cape.

    Go ahead and pull the mask off the Lone Ranger.
    Don't forget to mess around with Jim.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    It's OK to spit into the wind.

    You can tug on Superman's cape.

    Go ahead and pull the mask off the Lone Ranger.
    Don't forget to mess around with Jim.

    You beat me to it! :tongue:
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Walking at a nice, leisurely pace is a good calorie burner. So is cleaning your house and putting away groceries.

    (Caveat: Unless you are very overweight and/or out of shape, but only if it doesn't make you breathe heavy and get all sweaty and tired, and even then it's probably the best exercise anyway :tongue:)