

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Veggies ... my husband and I both enjoy Veggies. 😀

    Dinner tonight was mostly a large lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad. Yummy!

    But we did go to a chocolate factory for brunch and had Belgian waffles topped with chocolate. Mmmmmmmm!!

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just finished breakfast, and it tasted wonderful. Unfortunately, the food was to rich for my system. Lesson learned. 😳
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did a Body by Bethany DVD (yoga) and then walked to the store to take recyclable plastic bags. Again, I should have learned my lesson last week and left earlier. Oh well… The plan for tomorrow is to do an HIIT DVD.

    Carol – “husbands who wouldn’t mind never seeing a green vegetable”, are you sure you aren’t a fly on my wall???? Glad your dh is feeling better

    I think I’ll go in the pool for a little bit just to cool off from the walk

    Michele in sunny/cloudy FL
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,369 Member
    Machka ~ I like vegetable a lot but my DH only puts a dab on his plate every evening. He will eat salads!

    Katla49 ~ So glad to see you and Schooner! Pip is an amazing help!

    Carol in GA
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Welcome newbies and returnees! (((hugs))) to those who need them.

    Thanks for the mom update, Kim. Hope rehab goes well.

    I agree it's not a contest, Rebecca, but you deserve support too. Perhaps you could have worded your response a little better, but it's still the same response. You haven't heard from your sailor in three years. Some of them just don't stay in touch and as military "moms" we have to get used to that or we'll lose our minds (and hearts). Sorry they don't get that. I guess I'm one of the tough-love kinda MoMs. But I always preface with that too.

    I'm really happy for you Flea, but be careful too. We thought we were set with the money Freddy's parents left us until the economy tanked in the last two years and everything we'd saved and they'd saved got cut in half even with everything we've done to diversify! Very scary for us.

    I know Beth... I'm so tired of it!

    HAHAHA! Lisa, I love using Corey napping as your excuse not to vacuum. Fortunately, I have a bad back and actually have a valid, doctor's excuse. I have used the vacuum... let's see, maybe five times in the last oh, ten years. I have a cleaning lady (my bestie) and Freddy vacuums if we need it in between. hehehe... My ortho told me, and wrote it down, that vacuuming was one of the worst things you could do if you had back issues. So, I don't unless absolutely necessary.

    Heather, I can just see you now as Mrs Bond! Shaken, not stirred. We need pictures of that!

    Prayers for Destiny

    I love that attitude, Barbie! And the quote... I'm keeping that around.

    Hey Michele, 2 laps is 2 more than 0 and it is a miracle! Good for you and good for him and maybe tomorrow it will be 3.

    YAY nanerkay! That must feel so wonderful.

    I know that darned CV is not going to end, Machka. Just wishful thinking. It's never going to end now that it's here.

    5. Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them... easier done than said, my mom, kids, grands, sending cards out today for this week's birthdays
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Heather your painting is lovely!

    I eat my spinach daily in my smoothie, because I'm not a big fan of veggies. My diet would be better if I swapped the chocolate for broccoli but I wouldn't be happier.

    I started moving things in the basement. I have an old computer that has the bulk of my photos on it. I ought to do something with that. At the moment it is a spider village.

    There is also something black and crumbly that falls from the unfinished ceiling. I suppose it's not hurting anything though.

    I've been up and down the stairs a couple of times, so now I'm resting my knee. Trying not to get hurt in this adventure.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Went down to the pool to cool off. I could have sworn Vince said we needed to leave about 12-12:30. Now I find out that we really don’t need to leave until 12:30-12:45. Oh well….that’ll give me some time to work on Jess’ xstitch

    michele off and running – again
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Thank you Barbie and Lanette. I think my main takeaway from SWSY is to get a set of ankle weights. I have been using two pound wrist weights on my ankles for leg lifts. When my knee is stronger and my front straight leg lifts are ready, I will advance to more ankle weight.

    So my stationary bike should arrive Tuesday. I'm excited for that! I'm thinking I will start by using it for short warmups every day.

    Thinking about Rita and Rebecca. Hope you can find your inner sunshine. I second what somebody (Barbie?) said about not giving up if the first therapist isn't a match.

    Annie in Delaware where pollen season is coming early!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Morning ladies
    Gee I have the melatonin gummies and went from 5 to 10 mg and still toss and turn..when I see the dr next im going to speak with her I think I might have psoriatic arthritis.. the more I read up on it the more it tends to look that was with constant hip and thigh pain when im trying to sleep amd my left hand the thumb gives me a whole bunch of trouble..
    Doing Laundry for my son today.and he will take out my trash.

    My doctor told me melatonin supplements stops your own body from producing its own melatonin. That you end up having to adjust the dosage because your body is reliant on it and will adapt to it so you need to take more. Well that's what she said anyways...🙄😁🤗💖