
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Hope everyone had a pleasant day today. It was nice to be warmer here. Didn't do anything special but got some work stuff and house stuff caught up after being buried under a couple of projects.

    I have been reading along this week but haven't felt a lot like comments-I notice we go through spells like that.

    Allie-I am glad Carmine is happy at the moment (being a teenager that can change at any minute!). Since Carmine is a gender neutral name, is it possible he just didn't like Talliah?

    Katla-it is so good to hear you are settling in and making some friends.

    Been up since 4 am-heading off to bed.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,445 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    As I have been going through menopause, I have become quite sensitive to tags, constrictive clothing, my hair on my neck, etc...and it just gets worse at night. ...ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    None of my shirts have any tags unless they are the ones printed on them.
    I HATE tags, always have. I ruined so many shirts as a kid taking them out but cutting the shirt too.
    I am very sensitive when it comes to clothes.
    Most sweaters I wear a cotton shirt under.
    I had a robe that had monofiliment stitching in the seams as a kid- I wore it inside out.
    No lace touching me that is even remotely rough.
    I have a few sports bras that have a little piling on them on the inside so wear them inside out.
    Shirts and sports bras that have the printed tag, when it starts to wear a little and I can feel it, I iron it back down. Can't stand to feel any tags.
    I wear leggings but only the super soft type. I can't order clothes online because I have to feel them first.
    I feel first, then look to see the price and the style. Don't care if it is free, if it isn't soft, it will not be coming home with me.

    Napa Valley,Ca

    I am also extremely sensitive to clothing etc.

    Thankfully, most of the clothes I buy have their tags at the hip (dresses, skirts) or printed onto the collar (exercise wear and most T-shirts).

    I like smooth, stretchy jersey knit ... that material is good. For work, I've got jersey knit dresses, skirts and tops.

    Bamboo is good. Cotton T-shirts are all right too.

    Rayon isn't bad, but it can be constrictive. So I have a rayon sarong I use as a "blanket" in my favourite chair. Fuzzy blankets, like fleece, are irritating and too hot.

    I don't wear lace or sweaters anymore.

    Like you ... "I feel first, then look to see the price and the style. Don't care if it is free, if it isn't soft, it will not be coming home with me."

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,445 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Mary—I’m very impressed by your bone broth. The difference is remarkable. Do you make it yourself or buy it? I’d like to give it a try.

    Katla in Illinois
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited April 2023
    myvt9v4crh wrote: »
    Mary—I’m very impressed by your bone broth. The difference is remarkable. Do you make it yourself or buy it? I’d like to give it a try.

    Katla in Illinois

    I make it myself. I would speculate that the ones that they sell at the store liquid and especially the powder are diluted and have other additives.

    I noticed on one of the sites where they had information, it said that you only need to simmer your chicken bone broth for 24 hours. However, when I did it for that length of time, it was not as thick. I do mine for 48- 72 hours and it turns out very gelatin in form. I buy a five dollar chicken from Costco. That way I get 3 pounds of very tasty chicken and 8 to 10 cups of bone broth. I mentioned before that I use the skin connective tissue and all the bones. I filled with water to about 1 inch above the bones add approximately 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, be careful when simmering overnight not to have anything that could accidentally blow onto your stove top. The articles have to tell you not to do it overnight so that they are not liable for fires!

    💕 Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,445 Member
    1. Commit to being more active this month starting today. Yes!
    2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors today. Yes!
    3. Listen to your body and be grateful for what it can do. Yes! I can garden, which requires all sorts of body motion, and cycle.
    4. Eat healthy and natural food today and drinks lots of water. Yes! Ate my usual food and drank lots of water up till about 8 pm. We won't talk about what happened after that.
    5. Turn a regular activity into a playful game today. Hmmm ... Walking around the shops? Climbing stairs?
    6. Do a body-scan meditation and really notice how your body feels. Achy.
    7. Get natural light early in the day. Dim the lights in the evening.
    There isn't much light early in the day here. Plus I was sleeping then. Plus it was cloudy, drizzly and rainy all day.
    But I do dim the lights in the evening. It's one of many steps I take to wind down in the evenings to prepare myself for the night.

    8. give your body a boost by laughing or making someone laugh

    I rarely laugh. Most things don't strike me funny.
    Lots of things amuse me, but not enough for laughter.

    9. Turn your housework or chores into a fun form of exercise

    I often do, but as today's work involved sitting at 2 computers, I walked on the treadmill during a break instead.

    10. Have a day with less screen time and more movement

    Unfortunately, today was another day sitting at 2 computers.
    But I did go downstairs to row and lift weights.

    Hoping the rain will let up soon!!! It's been 4 days already!

    11. Set yourself an exercise goal or sign up to an activity challenge
    12. Move as much as possible, even if you’re stuck inside
    19. Make sleep a priority and go to bed in good time
    20. Relax your body & mind with yoga, tai chi or meditation.
    21. Get active by singing today (even if you think you can’t sing)
    22. Go exploring around your local area and notice new things
    23. Be active outside. Dig up weeds or plant some seeds
    24. Try a new online exercise, activity or dance class.
    25. Spend less time sitting today. Get up and move more often.
    26. Focus on eating ‘a rainbow of multi-colored vegetables today.
    27. Regularly pause to stretch and breathe during the day.
    28. Enjoy moving to your favorite music. Really go for it.
    29. Go out and do an errand for a loved one or neighbor.
    30. Get active in nature. Feed the birds or go wild-life spotting.
    31. Have a ‘no screens’ night and take time to recharge yourself.
    32. Take an extra break in your day and walk outside for 15 minutes
    33. Find a fun exercise to do while waiting for the kettle to boil (or pan of water.)
    34. Meet a friend outside for a walk and a chat.
    35. Become an activist for a cause you really believe in
    36. Make time to run, swim, dance, cycle or stretch today

    Machka in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,519 Member
    Pip ~ Love Chispah's Easter dress!

    Mary ~ I'm convinced! Looks like the bone broth is doing great things for you.

    Had a very quiet Sunday and feel at peace!

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I found a picture to show you how crepey my skin was prior to drinking bone broth. This picture is from last year and you can see how crepey my skin on my chest is. If you look at the post above you can see how soft and smooth it is now. My skin was even worse than in this picture 3 weeks ago!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

    On the pic with your hubby, your hands are stretched in front of you taking the pic so your chest area is more squeezed together making your chest more wrinkly. In the other pic, your shoulders are back and you’re not taking the pic
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited April 2023
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I found a picture to show you how crepey my skin was prior to drinking bone broth. This picture is from last year and you can see how crepey my skin on my chest is. If you look at the post above you can see how soft and smooth it is now. My skin was even worse than in this picture 3 weeks ago!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

    On the pic with your hubby, your hands are stretched in front of you taking the pic so your chest area is more squeezed together making your chest more wrinkly. In the other pic, your shoulders are back and you’re not taking the pic

    Not true. My son took the picture or my daughter in law.


    I am really sad that you called me a liar!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    My last day of spring break and it's gorgeous outside. Think I'll take a walk! Enjoy your Monday!

    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Here with Miles who is still sleeping has been sleeping since 8 am
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I found a picture to show you how crepey my skin was prior to drinking bone broth. This picture is from last year and you can see how crepey my skin on my chest is. If you look at the post above you can see how soft and smooth it is now. My skin was even worse than in this picture 3 weeks ago!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

    On the pic with your hubby, your hands are stretched in front of you taking the pic so your chest area is more squeezed together making your chest more wrinkly. In the other pic, your shoulders are back and you’re not taking the pic

    Not true. My son took the picture or my daughter in law.


    I am really sad that you called me a liar!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I found a picture to show you how crepey my skin was prior to drinking bone broth. This picture is from last year and you can see how crepey my skin on my chest is. If you look at the post above you can see how soft and smooth it is now. My skin was even worse than in this picture 3 weeks ago!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

    On the pic with your hubby, your hands are stretched in front of you taking the pic so your chest area is more squeezed together making your chest more wrinkly. In the other pic, your shoulders are back and you’re not taking the pic

    Not true. My son took the picture or my daughter in law.


    I am really sad that you called me a liar!

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota

    Sorry if you took it that way, I wasn’t calling you a liar. That’s what the pic looked like to me, that’s just what it looked like. I’m the type of person that would straight up start my sentence by saying, “you’re lying” if that was the case. Sorry again.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    In the UK it's a bank holiday today, so I didn't do any writing. This morning I had a long phone chat with G, which I enjoyed, and this afternoon DH and I had a painting session. First I painted a figure, hoping to emulate Karen's brother, but it went pear-shaped! So, while DH was finishing his, I did a quick flower picture. I'm quite pleased with it, and I am thinking it would make a good greetings card. :D

    DH has been peeling the butternut squash to have with chilli from the freezer. I will do a big salad/salsa with it. I'm also roasting a red pepper and an onion, to make a soup with any squash we don't eat. The stock I made with the chicken was heavenly. I might add a tin of beans.

    Now to do 25 mins rowing.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited April 2023

    Just to show the skeptics, I went back to our room and I am squeezing my breasts together as tight as possible and my shoulders are rounded. You can see that there is a little bit of skin scrunch but, You can also see how amazing the bone broth worked! Also take a look at my arms and hands closely! I started on March 16. I would say my crepey skin is 90% gone!! If you don’t believe me that’s your loss.

    💕Mary from Arizona/Minnesota