

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited May 2023
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    A little preview of winter today with cool temperatures, wind and rain.

    Proms weren't a thing in Canada. I've never been to one.

    Vegetarian meals - I get vegetarian mince for dishes like spaghetti and vegetarian burgers.

    In tacos, haloumi is a nice alternative to tofu.

    I make curries with either chicken mince (not vegetarian) or vegetarian mince or chickpeas. In the case of saag or palak paneer, the paneer is the protein.

    Speaking of paneer, are you having trouble getting it where you are?

    M in Oz

    I have not tried buying paneer. There are a lot of markets nearby that I can check and likely will find it. There is a large Asian market within walking distance that has all kinds of mock meat, but I would prefer avoiding that as an alternative.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Tina in CA

    I also have several Asian and specialty markets here too but they're all saying they can't get a hold of paneer.

    The "mock meats" here are vegetables.

    The veggies burgers I ordered, for example are smoked cauliflower. I think I ordered some sweet potato ones too.

    M in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,359 Member
    Vicki-love the wood flowers!
    Rosemarie-so glad your son made a special day for you. You are right-as they marry and have kids the focus changes-but it is great to watch the transformation.
    Rita-sounds like things may be looking up.
    Allie-you should really get checked out. You seem to have several health issues going on at once.
    Rebecca-gotta love Athena!
    Barbara AHMOD-ambitious project! It is funny how rearranging for one thing leads to a big job!

    Need to get ready to hit the road for the three days of insanity for the conference. This morning is setting up. This afternoon sit in directors' meeting. Social event this pm. Tomorrow everyone arrives and will be very busy. After the morning rush and opening session it should tone down a bit. Social event of some sort Wednesday evening (or maybe I just order room service?). Then finish Thursday and pack everything up. All done with some of my closest work associates.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    A little preview of winter today with cool temperatures, wind and rain.

    Proms weren't a thing in Canada. I've never been to one.

    Vegetarian meals - I get vegetarian mince for dishes like spaghetti and vegetarian burgers.

    In tacos, haloumi is a nice alternative to tofu.

    I make curries with either chicken mince (not vegetarian) or vegetarian mince or chickpeas. In the case of saag or palak paneer, the paneer is the protein.

    Speaking of paneer, are you having trouble getting it where you are?

    M in Oz

    I have not tried buying paneer. There are a lot of markets nearby that I can check and likely will find it. There is a large Asian market within walking distance that has all kinds of mock meat, but I would prefer avoiding that as an alternative.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Tina in CA

    I also have several Asian and specialty markets here too but they're all saying they can't get a hold of paneer.

    The "mock meats" here are vegetables.

    The veggies burgers I ordered, for example are smoked cauliflower. I think I ordered some sweet potato ones too.

    M in Oz

    These are the veggie burgers I got :) ...



    The mince is this ... and, to me, it tastes great! Unfortunately it is a little bit more expensive than chicken mince or I would use it all the time. It's soy protein.


    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,536 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    I have made paneer quite a few times. I have had one 'fail'. Once pressed, you can freeze it. The stuff I have bought in packets bears no resemblance to the homemade product. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    The stuff I buy in packets is pretty much identical to what is served in the Indian restaurants here. :)

    M in Oz

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Vicki those flowers are spectacular! Wow!
    Betsy in NW WA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Katla - sorry to hear the anticipated sale of your OR house isn't going as planned, but as others have said - it will be sold. Sounds like a lovely place in a great area. The housing market is still booming out here (as I'm sure everywhere else!)

    Barbara - glad the POM juice is doing the trick. I've gotten into the habit of having a small half glass POM topped off with Kombucha after supper each night. My original plan was 1/3 POM, 1/3 Kombucha and 1/3 red wine but I've abandoned the red wine idea for now. Just doesn't seem as good. But all of this is healthful and better than a can of Pepsi.

    I've been following your county's dispatcher problems. The theory was it used to take a full year to get someone trained and signed off on law/fire/aid. Out of every 100 applications, only a small percentage go through training and at the end of a year, we'd be lucky to have 2 that stuck it out. And then they'd get hired by other agencies that paid more. :( That was 20 years ago and technology might have helped, although from what I've heard, cellphones aren't always reliable in finding someone's location like a landline was. Plus in your county, like ours, radio and cell coverage might be spotty with hills and trees blocking repeater transmission. Responders dealt with it, like yours are doing.

    Pip - love love love your thick hair! It's beautiful! Was sorry to hear about Kirby's digestive issues, glad he can be prepared for them. As someone mentioned, this seems to happen to nearly all of us now and then as we get older for various reasons.

    Kelly - those bean tacos sound great. I'll put them on my list. I love all kinds of beans. I made a bean stew a couple weeks ago and added a pint of that chicken bone broth I'd put in the freezer - I let it thaw in the fridge overnight and it had a gelatin consistency after all. ;)

    Vicki - I have never seen wooden flowers - gosh those are nice! Hope your hiring request goes through.

    Allie - Carmine and Seth make such a cute couple. How nice he wrote a song for her. Neat prom outfits. <3 I remember I had a super crush on a guy who I really wanted to ask me to the junior prom. I got tired of waiting and asked a gay friend if he'd be my date and he said sure. Of course, right after that, my crush asked me! But I didn't want to let my friend down so I went with him.

    I'm not surprised Tracy is having some trouble finding day care, but she's only just begun to look. She and Kyle always needed emergency back-up anyhow since you were involved in other things like trips and surgeries/medical appointments.

    Ginny - 20 years ago I used to love 3 day conferences. It was fun seeing folks I hadn't seen in a while, attending some training, maybe sneaking out with a friend to hit some shops. Have a good time and don't get worn out. :)

    Heather - that purple cast is great. ;) Glad it should be off before you depart on your cruise.

    My ankle is doing pretty good unless I overdo it. If I take the time to put on my sturdy Keen leather shoes before I go outside, I'm OK. I'm trying not to take a lot of ibuprofen - seems to upset my stomach. Yesterday afternoon, however, it hurt like the dickens and I wondered if I had a stress fracture! 20 minutes of icing, elevation and an ibu helped a lot. It's OK so far this morning, still no swelling.

    I have a nice batch of fermented chicken feed ready to go. :p It looks a little like cream of wheat and smells like sour mash, lol. Will take some out to the chickies when the sun comes up here shortly. Their pen will likely be a little sloppy and muddy but that gets me working on how to make improvements over time.

    We had some rain, thunder and lightning last night so it's cooler this morning. After I went to bed last night, Rosie came in and wanted to sleep with me like she used to do when she was a puppy so I got some snuggling in.

    I am hooked on Virgin River!! Seems like every book just keeps getting better. I'm up to book 5 or 6 and the Walt/Muriel romance is under way. <3:p

    OK better get moving. Make it a fabulous day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Stayed up way to late last night & feel headachy this morning. I need to visit the eye doctor for different glasses. It is next on my agenda. 😎
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Katla - sorry to hear the anticipated sale of your OR house isn't going as planned, but as others have said - it will be sold. Sounds like a lovely place in a great area. The housing market is still booming out here (as I'm sure everywhere else!)

    Barbara - glad the POM juice is doing the trick. I've gotten into the habit of having a small half glass POM topped off with Kombucha after supper each night. My original plan was 1/3 POM, 1/3 Kombucha and 1/3 red wine but I've abandoned the red wine idea for now. Just doesn't seem as good. But all of this is healthful and better than a can of Pepsi.

    I've been following your county's dispatcher problems. The theory was it used to take a full year to get someone trained and signed off on law/fire/aid. Out of every 100 applications, only a small percentage go through training and at the end of a year, we'd be lucky to have 2 that stuck it out. And then they'd get hired by other agencies that paid more. :( That was 20 years ago and technology might have helped, although from what I've heard, cellphones aren't always reliable in finding someone's location like a landline was. Plus in your county, like ours, radio and cell coverage might be spotty with hills and trees blocking repeater transmission. Responders dealt with it, like yours are doing.

    Pip - love love love your thick hair! It's beautiful! Was sorry to hear about Kirby's digestive issues, glad he can be prepared for them. As someone mentioned, this seems to happen to nearly all of us now and then as we get older for various reasons.

    Kelly - those bean tacos sound great. I'll put them on my list. I love all kinds of beans. I made a bean stew a couple weeks ago and added a pint of that chicken bone broth I'd put in the freezer - I let it thaw in the fridge overnight and it had a gelatin consistency after all. ;)

    Vicki - I have never seen wooden flowers - gosh those are nice! Hope your hiring request goes through.

    Allie - Carmine and Seth make such a cute couple. How nice he wrote a song for her. Neat prom outfits. <3 I remember I had a super crush on a guy who I really wanted to ask me to the junior prom. I got tired of waiting and asked a gay friend if he'd be my date and he said sure. Of course, right after that, my crush asked me! But I didn't want to let my friend down so I went with him.

    I'm not surprised Tracy is having some trouble finding day care, but she's only just begun to look. She and Kyle always needed emergency back-up anyhow since you were involved in other things like trips and surgeries/medical appointments.

    Ginny - 20 years ago I used to love 3 day conferences. It was fun seeing folks I hadn't seen in a while, attending some training, maybe sneaking out with a friend to hit some shops. Have a good time and don't get worn out. :)

    Heather - that purple cast is great. ;) Glad it should be off before you depart on your cruise.

    My ankle is doing pretty good unless I overdo it. If I take the time to put on my sturdy Keen leather shoes before I go outside, I'm OK. I'm trying not to take a lot of ibuprofen - seems to upset my stomach. Yesterday afternoon, however, it hurt like the dickens and I wondered if I had a stress fracture! 20 minutes of icing, elevation and an ibu helped a lot. It's OK so far this morning, still no swelling.

    I have a nice batch of fermented chicken feed ready to go. :p It looks a little like cream of wheat and smells like sour mash, lol. Will take some out to the chickies when the sun comes up here shortly. Their pen will likely be a little sloppy and muddy but that gets me working on how to make improvements over time.

    We had some rain, thunder and lightning last night so it's cooler this morning. After I went to bed last night, Rosie came in and wanted to sleep with me like she used to do when she was a puppy so I got some snuggling in.

    I am hooked on Virgin River!! Seems like every book just keeps getting better. I'm up to book 5 or 6 and the Walt/Muriel romance is under way. <3:p

    OK better get moving. Make it a fabulous day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Unfortunately, his issue isn’t because of age, it’s because of his getting hit by a car:0(/
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning ladies
    Ugh yesterday and last night was tough we are on a high fire warning and the pollen is super super high.. hello know wonder im feeling all stuffed up and sneezing...
    Diverticulitis all gone ..fluids worked well..
    Poor Miles uber cranky he has more teeth coming in,but right now he is sleeping..
    I found out i had a free flight from Delta so I canceled my flight down to Florida for the cruise on Southwest and only had to pay 42.00 for a comfort + one way on Delta.. im happy..
    Going to see my hairdresser today.. Carmine has to stay after so she can get extra help..or Summer school it is.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies!

    Pip - love love love your thick hair! It's beautiful! Was sorry to hear about Kirby's digestive issues, glad he can be prepared for them. As someone mentioned, this seems to happen to nearly all of us now and then as we get older for various reasons.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Unfortunately, his issue isn’t because of age, it’s because of his getting hit by a car:0(/

    Ya, I caught that. I should have said for one reason or another. He's sure had some struggles after getting hit by that car. But overall it's great he can remain active, go camping, do so many things you both like to do.

    My walking partner discovered, in her late 60's, that she has a gluten sensitivity. Can't trust what she eats and has to stay close to facilities.


  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,368 Member
    B) Carol in GA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Funeral for friend's son is Sunday...For a memorial it is an organization called Plant a Tree. I would like that for a memorial for me when the time comes...
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Hi, ladies. Been trying to catch up and reading from page 18 now. So much happening with everyone. My trip to Ireland was wonderful. Such a beautiful country and we were treated so well everywhere we went. I think Ireland values the tourist industry. The couple I travelled with were amazing. It was the first time I travelled with anyone for years as I normally go solo so I was a bit nervous. They were both so nice and I enjoyed their company. Never complained about anything and were so enthusiastic about all we saw. I think we got a good overview of Ireland and saw many amazing sites from castles to cathedrals. We went to the area of Cork which was where my grandfather would have immigrated from and went through a replica of a famine ship. Was surprised to hear that the original ship was built from lumber that came from Quebec. Meals and accommodation were very good. We were even treated to an evening of entertainment by the Celtic Steps which was fabulous.

    The one downside was a couple on the tour were coughing when we first met up for the meet/greet. As the tour progressed I saw more people getting sick. The bus was pretty full with about 40 people. I think the tour director could have lessened the risk of germs spreading if he had set up a sanitizing station for people to use every time they entered the bus. A simple bottle of hand sanitizer for everyone to use before entering and touching the handrails which everyone used would have helped. I got sick the day I returned. It was not an ordinary head cold but one that was fever, hacking cough and extreme tiredness. Ended up in bed for 6 days. The couple I travelled with came down with it the day they left for Belfast so their extended trip was ruined and then they had to fly back to Canada with this head cold. Not a pleasant situation for them.

    I love travelling but not sure I will do the escorted bus tours again or at least stay away from the bigger bus tours.

    Now back to reality. Trying to get my garden planted. Just have a few more things to put in this morning. It has cooled off a bit as it has been very hot here. Now we are dealing with smoke from all the fires going on around us. I feel for all the people being evacuated. Looks like we are going to have a couple of days of cooler weather, then back up to hot again with maybe some reprieve in site next week with hopefully some much needed rain.

    DH has just started working on the field and will be seeding by the end of the week. Just seeding one quarter of barley this year. Due to all this hot, dry weather have decided to take two quarters out of production and just summerfallow them this year.
