
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    Rori - Glad you have an exciting time to look forward to. <3<3<3 DH still gets upset in November, even though his partner died in 2000. I now mark it in my diary, so I remember if he is extra sensitive, or touchy. Last year seemed better. I usually say something so he knows I care.

    Thanks Barbie for the new thread. <3:D I appreciate the sharing each and every one of you bring to the table.

    Quiet day today. Writing,. Hair washing, nails etc for tomorrow. Quick hoover and tidy downstairs.
    The painting I did yesterday was absolutely awful. :p Might just throw it out. DH did a lovely painting of pipes.

    Tracey - Wow, that's some storage shed!!!! Three cheers for Rodger!!! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Thanks Barbie! Feel like I really need a fresh start.
    May summary:
    Move more: Average steps/day 7778 so far, exceeded 7684 target despite intentionally not pushing steps today.
    Fuel better: variety of plants/week continues, need to moderate sugar and wheat flour.
    Live now: Keeping on top of filing, playing with plants as weather permits, started chaos mountain excavation.
    average wt down 1.2 lbs from April, ticker updated and back patted. ;)
    Keep same intentions for June.

    Way too windy to play with plants today, dogs and I made the fastest powerline trip ever. ;} Packed up another two boxes of “stuff” to donate.
    Tracey glad you’re calling for a therapist. Bravely done.
    Heathers yours to Tracey, very well said.
    Terri not sure I could sleep peacefully knowing Joe was doing the grocery shopping on his own. :laugh: He buys his own “stuff” (goodies), while I get the basics like fresh produce, poultry, dairy, paper goods etc.
    Mary what you said about this great group. Amen, sister, amen. Sound counsel to Lanette too. Thanks I never noticed that little camera icon in the Google search bar.
    Margaret “mental health crisis” = medical emergency as in a heart attack. “…they (Tracy) need to call 911.” Thanks for bravely saying that to Allie.
    Lanette fingers Xd the auction house comes through for you. Not having strangers out to the house is our preference too.
    Rebecca like the “stress box/trunk” images. Stick to your pacing guns, who knows maybe you can show your sister another way. Safe travels.
    Michele we have to be careful at ALL grocery stores. Discounts and coupons not being applied. Expired items still on shelves. Corporations taking advantage of people’s inattention. Fooey. Safe travels and hope you get to see PJ :}
    Rita thanks for the June happiness calendar. Count me IN.
    Barbie stunning iris! Wish we had enough sun for pumpkins/melons but we’re unwilling to sacrifice trees to get it… ;)
    Evelyn :love: the Rosalie with pansies pic.
    Pip “vacation from retirement” :laugh: Safe travels!
    Debbie funny, I stumbled on this YouTube of Tina Turner doing Proud Mary in 1982. https://www.youtube.com/embed/EqIpkMDRjYw?list=PL-lxnbdeufTZz71yY1xiAK87bhUh_sl3F Was thinking how good she looked, and if we could all move like that we could all look like that. RIP Tina.
    Rori yours about Destiny and Carmine. :love: the “gone for good” visualization. ((hugs held extra long))
    Allie Keeping prayers fired up for Carmine who is in crisis, and for Tracy, Miles, Kyle and most especially you. Keep safe, be well.
    05/31: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, dogs to powerline, Jeopardy Masters walking. steps:5834
    Fuel: plants running count for week so far: 11+5+2=acv, almonds, apple, artichoke, avocado, beans-chili, grapefruit, kombucha, macadamia nuts, maraschino cherry, peanuts, pecans, pepperoncini, peppers-sweet/yellow, pomegranate juice, romaine, tea-black, wheat-Snap’d crackers/tortilla/sourdough. CI=1513 CO=330
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, 3 hrs struggling with the chaos pile, AF. Wt: 133.2
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. May: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited June 2023
    2023 Goals

    My 2023 goals are a continuation of my 2021 and 2022 goals based on my ToDo list and my 50Things list with reference to a Wellness Wheel.
    Upcoming Appointments - these are at the top of my list. The things I need to deal with in the next few weeks.
    End May Update: Lots of appointments in May ... even more coming up in June!!

    Intellectual/Occupational/Financial or Education/Career: Advancing my career. Moving from adequate to proficient at SQL, learning Python, data analysis software, cost accounting, etc.. Also, I want to have a closer look at our financial situation to see where we can save money and to make sure we're on top of things.
    The goal is to expand my skillset and to improve our financial situation.
    End May Update: LOTS of on-the-job learning! Plus I started a new course from a university in Melbourne.

    Medical: my husband's appointments, which I also need to attend because I'm his ears and cognition and my appointments now that I've been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease.
    I also want to create medical record binders (and on the computer) for both of us, in case something happens.

    The goal is to keep us as healthy as we can be and to ensure we have information at our fingertips.
    End May Update: Kidney situation confirmed. Started working on losing weight to lower BP. Started getting headaches treated.

    Fitness/Sports > Cycling > Audax Tasmania: There are a number of fitness/sport things I'd like to try, with a focus on cycling, and a large part of my cycling endeavours includes my volunteer work with Audax Tasmania ... and maybe even riding some events again myself!
    On my 50Things list I have all sorts of things like riding a horse for the first time, trying archery, learning to dance. Maybe this might be the year to try a bit of that.

    The goal it to improve my fitness level.
    End May Update: I didn't do a lot more exercise in terms of total time, but I exercised every day!

    House > Office > Computer become more specific as they go along. I have a number of things which need to be done in the house (kitchen, dining room, etc.) but most importantly the home office needs a whole lot of work. And along with that I need to organise the drives on my computer into a better filing system.
    The goal is to have an organised and decluttered house and computer system.
    The goal is also to ensure all paperwork is up to date and accessible by both of us.

    End May Update: More gardening than inside work in May. But I have been deleting emails.

    Garden: I have several projects I would like to do this year. One of the main ones is to finally finish my dry stream. :)
    The goal is to have a pleasant, creative, relaxing and functional area outside for reading, exercise and socialising.
    End May Update: Started new garden project. Lots of heavy digging so far plus planted a few bushes.

    Spiritual: Continue to read the Bible every day. And attend church a little bit more often.
    The goal is to learn, relearn, revitalise.
    End May Update: Reading the Bible every day.

    Emotional/Social/Recreation: More creativity, relaxation, connections. I have all sorts of things on my 50Things list like doing more with my photography, playing the piano again, working on my website and more.
    The goal is balance. Doing a variety of things that aren't just work and education.
    End May Update: lots of coloring! Lots of reading - even went to the library!


    Highlights of February
    • I exercised 27 of the 28 days, and in that time, I walked, cycled, climbed stairs, rowed, and gardened
    • I had a follow-up with my new doctor. Brain cyst holding steady, most blood numbers are the same or improved. Kidneys still and issue.
    • In the garden, I have basically finished the dry stream project. Yesterday, I finished the planting around the dry stream. I'll likely keep playing with it a bit ... adding a few more rocks, monitoring the flowers around it, etc. but the work is done enough that I've just started on another area of the garden.
    • We have checked and wintered-down our bees ... well, OK, that was today.
    • At work, I produced a fairly final project plan and presented it to management. I also got each of the 3 goals started, and presented those to management too. Wonderful learning experience!!
    • I also gained experience in dealing with a difficult coworker. Both project management and dealing with difficult coworkers are areas in interviews where I've been a little bit weak. Now I've got strong responses to those questions!
    • We're continuing our relationships and connections within the beekeeping community, cycling community and brain injury community.
    • We had guest in mid-Feb and a house inspection toward the end of Feb so we have cleaned our place! So much tidying inside and out as well as vacuuming, scrubbing, washing etc. etc. Even the outside of the windows got cleaned!
    • Lots of colouring and reading for pleasure.
    • I am off work for 2.5 weeks which is lovely.
    • I've been reading the Bible every day.
    Highlights of March
    • I exercised 26 of the 31 days, and in that time, I walked, cycled, climbed stairs, and gardened. I missed 4 days because of the cat bite, and 1 day because we were travelling.
    • We completed two 50 km rides fairly close together!!
    • Skin cancer removal scars healing on nose and hip. Cat bite on hand healing. Coincidence (??) - while I was taking antibiotics for cat bit, my nose scar area seemed to make a significant improvement! Tests for right index finger - might be a fracture, might be arthritis. Found 2 good doctors I could use as back-up doctors through hand issues. Kidneys still an issue.
    • In the garden, I added a few more rocks to dry stream garden, tidied up the whole garden/yard, and worked a little on new garden project.
    • At work, I started a new job!! I'm back working in health again but with data and accounting!! Lots to learn and really nice to be back with people I've known for almost 10 years and some new ones.
    • We're continuing our relationships and connections within the beekeeping community, cycling community and brain injury community.
    • Got new photos of granddaughter - she's so cute!
    • We took a holiday during the first half of March and travelled to northern Tasmania. Cycling, walking on the beach and in parks.
    • Lots of colouring and reading for pleasure.
    • I've been reading the Bible every day.

    Highlights of April
    • I exercised 29 of the 30 days, and in that time, I walked, cycled, climbed stairs, and gardened.
    • We completed one 50 km ride right near the end of the month.
    • Vaccinations done.
    • In the garden, I started the next project with the goal of having a row of a variety of low maintenance bushes which will hopefully appeal to the bees and
    • At work, I am getting into my new job! So much to learn and really nice to be back with people I've known for almost 10 years and some new ones.
    • We're continuing our relationships and connections within the beekeeping community, cycling community and brain injury community. I've been busy with cycling club advertising in the last few days.
    • We've been able to visit our son, daughter-in-law and grand daughter twice recently. :heart:
    • Lots of colouring and reading for pleasure.
    • I've been reading the Bible every day.
    April was kind of an odd month.
    Most Aprils with Easter at the beginning and ANZAC Day would have included lots of time off and some travel around the state.
    This April, we didn't go anywhere and instead, I spent a lot of time working on legal stuff.
    But that also meant I was able to spend a bit more time in the garden too.

    Highlights of May
    • I exercised every day in May!! In that time, I walked, cycled, rowed, climbed stairs, lifted weights and gardened. Especially, climbed a lot of stairs!
    • We completed one 50 km ride in the middle of the month.
    • I lost about 3 kg!
    • Kidney's officially diagnosed - Chronic Kidney Disease. So I started losing weight to try to lower my BP.
    • After a mid-month migraine, started taking steps to reduce headaches.
    • In the garden, I worked on the next project with the goal of having a row of a variety of low maintenance bushes which will hopefully appeal to the bees. I only had weekends this month, so I got a lot of digging done and planted all but one of the bushes.
    • At work, I am doing a lot of on-the-job learning and practice!
    • Started a new course at a university in Melbourne (online).
    • We're continuing our relationships and connections within the beekeeping community, cycling community and brain injury community.
    • Lots of colouring and reading for pleasure - even went to the library!
    • I've been reading the Bible every day.

    June ... looks like it is going to be very busy.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    Debbie - How long do you have to wait for results from tomorrow’s scan. That would be so hard for me.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    The scan is actually a hands on look at every inch of my body by my doctor. When I went for the first one, I thought it was a machine. Boy was I shocked to find out that my guy doctor would be doing it.

    I've been thinking that it's about time I should get my 6-month check too.

    And that's why I chose a female doctor! :) She's a skin specialist, one of several at that clinic.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Thursday 1 June

    Very, very windy today. I was exploring the local shops at lunch, and as I made my way outside then into the next shop, a gust at 100 km/h blew through the city and into the shop. Stuff went flying off the shelves!

    I had wanted to go for a decent walk, but today was definitely not the day for it.

    And it was cold - the wind put the windchill factor down about 0C.

    So I climbed 25 flights of stairs.

    I'm struggling with my jacket situation. If I wear a decent winter jacket, I'll be comfortable outside, but will melt into a painful, nauseated, prickly puddle when I'm on the bus. They turn the heat so high on buses here, plus I generally feel hot, plus I have hot flashes when I feel at all tense or uncomfortable.

    So instead, I've been wearing light summer cardigans. I'm quite cool (sometimes almost cold) when I am outside and of course, hot on the bus but it's almost tolerable.

    I'm toying with various ideas ... vests, capes ...

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,070 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,609 Member
    edited June 2023
    DH does the fresh fruit and veg shopping on Thursdays. He prepares the breakfast fruit and berries that we have with his homemade muesli. He also cooks the stewed fruit we have with homemade yoghurt or crême fraiche. Sometimes I find his choices of veg limited, but I top up from the deli if anything takes my fancy. Today he bought arugula and baby sweet peppers on top of his usual. :D
    Tonight's dinner is salmon, roasted cauliflower and a rustic sauce vierge. Sprinkled with arugula.

    Good writing morning. :)

    I will do a quick cycle this afternoon, nap, and then wash my hair. I've clear varnished my nails.

    DH is mowing the grass after 'No-Mow May' :p We had a wonderful crop of daisies! I expect he didn't want his friend to see our 'meadow'.

    He was talking about tidying the drive as well. Shamed into it! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    DH does the fresh fruit and veg shopping on Thursdays. He prepares the breakfast fruit and berries that we have with his homemade muesli. He also cooks the stewed fruit we have with homemade yoghurt or crême fraiche. Sometimes I find his choices of veg limited, but I top up from the deli if anything takes my fancy. Today he bought arugula and baby sweet peppers on top of his usual. :D
    Tonight's dinner is salmon, roasted cauliflower and a rustic sauce vierge. Sprinkled with arugula.

    Good writing morning. :)

    I will do a quick cycle this afternoon, nap, and then wash my hair. I've clear varnished my nails.

    DH is mowing the grass after 'No-Mow May' :p We had a wonderful crop of daisies! I expect he didn't want his friend to see our 'meadow'.

    He was talking about tidying the drive as well. Shamed into it! :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    That kind of yard would be a no-no here.


    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,999 Member
    So Miles is snoozing
    Did get an email back from the social services director with contacts for Tracy.
    2 of them the school and Therapist are already looking into. Also they are looking to get Carmine on State insurance on her own that way she would be set for covered services.
    Last day of school here is the 16 I think and therapist wants her once a week and Tracy has to watch her take her meds and makes sure she swallows it.
    Miles woke up at 4 am and was awake and raring to go...

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Machka - we don't have poisonous snakes here. There are adders on heathland, but very few people ever get bitten, and no-one has died in decades. I told DH to wear a long sleeved top, because I was worried about insects flying up as he mowed. He has been stung in the past.
    In Britain, with so little wild country left, we are encouraged to turn our gardens into insect and bird friendly places and to at least have part of the garden as a meadow. Tidy gardens are not the fashion now, as was shown at the Chelsea Flower Show this year. Wild is all the rage. However, it does suit us to just let stuff grow. I don't garden any more and DH is not keen, apart from cutting the grass. Our drive and front is full of weeds. The council doesn't spray herbicides any more, so the streets look like an old ghost town. I've got to quite like it, though I hated it at first. I just think of all the happy insects.
    Our bushes host every kind of local birds nest, including collared doves. I love watching the wild life from my breakfast table. We have many foxes and squirrels, and we are encouraged to make holes in fences for hedgehogs. I think because so much of our wild places are gone, and so many species are declining, we are encouraged to 'go wild'. :p
    I am passionate about insects!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    We are, of course, encouraged to plant and grow plants that attract insects (especially our bees) and birds. And our lawns aren't cut like golf greens. 😀 We let them go a bit shaggy. They're also full of clover, dandelions and other flowers (weeds) which the bees like. But the council strongly encourages everyone to keep the lawns low-ish.

    Tassie has 3 poisonous snakes, at least one of which is quite common around here ... the Tiger Snake.

    It's winter now so both the bees and the snakes are tucked away and resting. :)

    M in Oz