We trashed the sodas, chips, cookies



  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    So you basically turned it into a house of deprivation. I will think of you as I enjoy my Ben & Jerry's tonight.
    How that was rude.

    Was it? I need to do some deep reflecting into the errors of my ways.

    After ice cream though.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    OP - Kuddos to you if this is truly what you want. I just hope this deprivation will not make you start a thread "Restarting ......" down the road. If you succeed awesome. Just hope you know how to handle yourself in the real world - a world of ice cream, pop, chips etc etc....so easily available at our fingertips.
  • amyg007
    amyg007 Posts: 52 Member
    I see a lot of responses here putting you down. Don't listen to them! You do what works best for you. I also cannot have these types of items in my home. I would eat it all. If you really want a treat, you have to be conscious of it. You have to actually go out and take the time to get it. Sometimes it is not worth the hassle. I agree that you shouldn't deprive yourself of everything, but there are other tasty recipes for treats that aren't so full of chemicals and processed foods. Keep up the good work doing what is right for you! :)
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I get what the OP is saying. I think it was more of the act of throwing the food out and the mental symbolism of throwing it out that worked for them. I'm like many of you -- I haven't given up the treats because for us, it's all a part of the journey. We try to eat well most of the time, but there are days when you just want a pizza or an ice cream cone. So, we have it. And I've lost right at 50lbs. I never threw anything away. But that works for me -- I'm not a binger or a junkie. And I would never equate smoking with eating because smoking isn't a necessity for life -- eating is. But that is beside the point. Back to the issue... we all deal and get into the mode of weightloss or healthier living in different ways. For me, I went to the store and bought a TON of fresh fruit and veg (some of which went bad) just because that was my mental cue that I would and COULD eat better. I just made the decision then that I could have the treats as long as it was balanced with a lot more healthy stuff and I went to it. BUT, I have friends who have to do the physical junk food purging. Some do come back later and say, "Restarting..." but a few have gone on and lost the weight and have slowly incorporated a few of their old faves back in but in very small doses. One is a prominent blogger who is soon to be featured in a magazine for losing weight the right way. Slowly but surely with diet and exercise. I say, do what works for you and go on. If you change your mind later and want to add them back (small treats here and there) you can do that. But if you feel you want to just eat whole food for the rest of your life with nothing processed, then more power to you. I think a lot of the other posters have just seen people jump into BIG changes like this and then seen the failures from not making what is typically considered realistic changes. Good luck to you!
  • marniesworld
    marniesworld Posts: 74 Member
    OP - Good for you for doing what you feel will suit you best. We all have to do what's right for us, no matter who disagrees. I, like, you, find it difficult to have lots of "treats" in the house. Of course, as one poster suggested, I'm not in my house 24/7, and I will see these things when I'm out, but I find that not having the temptation around ALL the time helps immensely. Maybe you're not the type who CAN eat in moderation, so it's best to do away with it for the time being. There is nothing wrong with that, and it by no means says that you are creating an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Maybe you could have donated, but you didn't and you can't change that now, so you know for the future, should something like that ever happen again.

    Also, good on you for not saying "It's a holiday weekend - we'll start on Tuesday" which would be so easy to do. I know I lived like that for a long time!

    As for everyone saying that you are vilifying food, I have no doubt that if you posted that you caved and ate loads of crap because you had it around, just as many people would be telling you that you're an idiot for keeping it in the house, so sometimes you just can't win here. You're right to be excited about making these changes and doing what works for you. Don't let anyone burst your bubble, and good luck!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    muches cookies and drinks diet coke while reading this thread....(I had calories leftover and felt like a cookie)

    Should have sent that stuff to my house I have a 19 year old and a 30 yearl old and it would have been like Christmas....:flowerforyou:

    That being said if you don't have the self control to stop eating it then by means get rid of it..but the reason's are well.....up for debate.

    Take me for example I love love chocolate and my husband brought home 3 king sized bars today on top of the bag of 70 minitures I bought with groceries...I haven't touched it...self control....oh the cookie was a molasses crunch only 150 calories....
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    Be proud. That's a great accomplishment.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    That's really unfortunate that you felt that what was needed. Good luck on your goals.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I get very sad when I see people deciding to completely deprive themselves of food they love.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I get very sad when I see people deciding to completely deprive themselves of food they love.

    nice ticker :)
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Responding to title... Noooooooooooooo!

    Well, maybe for starters, but once you learn that you can still enjoy your favorite foods, I'm sure they'll be back :wink:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Responding to title... Noooooooooooooo!

    Well, maybe for starters, but once you learn that you can still enjoy your favorite foods, I'm sure they'll be back :wink:

    They'll come back one way or another: either because the OP can just no longer take the total deprivation and gorges herself on an entire tub of ice cream and cookies, or she'll learn how to eat them responsibly.
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I have my sweets all the time, they fit into all my calories and I'm losing weight if you look at my diary you will see ice cream, or chips in there even cookies. Soda I did give up, but occasionally drink a coke zero, but that's only some days. They only reason I would see you have to clean everything is you can't control yourself.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    Responding to title... Noooooooooooooo!

    Well, maybe for starters, but once you learn that you can still enjoy your favorite foods, I'm sure they'll be back :wink:

    She said she won't cause there are chemicals in that food :frown:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I can't believe how harsh you guys are being on the OP. I did the exact same thing when I started my new lifestyle three YEARS ago.

    I do eat that stuff every now and then at parties and such, but I do not keep it in the house. What used to be soda is now bottled water, and what used to be chips are now fresh grapes and apples. I don't drink real sugar soda period, and I don't miss it.

    Obviously I've kept the weight off, and I don't regret this decision one bit.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    my best buddy and I detoxed our cupboards. We did a cleanse,. We have been lurking around the message board for a couple of months but just joined.

    We want to thank all those who posted with how important it is to look at what we were putting in our bodies.

    We have a certified nutritionist for our meals, worth the money and a fitness trainer. We also see the doctor regularly. The three of them advised it would be good for us to rid ourselves of the junk foo and sodas.
    We do have our own diet plan that we write down daily.

    My buddy is down 12 pounds in two months , I am reduced by 14 .

    We are going strong.

    Good for you! You did the right thing :)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I can't believe how harsh you guys are being on the OP. I did the exact same thing when I started my new lifestyle three YEARS ago.

    I do eat that stuff every now and then at parties and such, but I do not keep it in the house. What used to be soda is now bottled water, and what used to be chips are now fresh grapes and apples. I don't drink real sugar soda period, and I don't miss it.

    Obviously I've kept the weight off, and I don't regret this decision one bit.

    My fridge has six different kinds of ice cream, and my pantry has three different kinds of Pop-Tarts. I'm happy you've been successful though.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I can understand where the OP is coming from. It would be nice if we could all have our "treats" in moderation, but it takes some people longer to get there. He needed a symbolic purge to take a new direction in his life. I understand that. I've had a totally f*cked up relationship with food for 30 years. Until a couple of years ago I couldn't even get through a trip to the grocery store without buying donuts or muffins and scarfing them down in the car before I got home and then hiding the "evidence" so my husband and kids wouldn't know. Pathetic. It took a lot of introspection and working with a nutritionist and a shrink who specializes in eating disorders to get my **** together, and I still slip up sometimes. (See my earlier Skinny Cow thread.) Like the OP said about quitting smoking, sometimes you just have to go cold turkey. Obviously you can't completely quit FOOD, but you can survive just fine quitting stuff like soda and junk food cold turkey. Maybe someday he'll be able to enjoy a soda on occasion. Maybe not. Just let the guy do it his way and figure out what works for him.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    So you basically turned it into a house of deprivation. I will think of you as I enjoy my Ben & Jerry's tonight.

    No, giving up various foods is not deprivation.. its called making a choice to eat more nutritious food. Its all attitude.. if a person wants to feel deprived they will think that way.

    I dont eat that and i do not feel deprived. I feel liberated from food that was not as good for me as other choices. I have a budget of nutrients to eat, and I shall eat the best food possible for the calories and nutrients allotted for me.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I can't believe how harsh you guys are being on the OP. I did the exact same thing when I started my new lifestyle three YEARS ago.

    I do eat that stuff every now and then at parties and such, but I do not keep it in the house. What used to be soda is now bottled water, and what used to be chips are now fresh grapes and apples. I don't drink real sugar soda period, and I don't miss it.

    Obviously I've kept the weight off, and I don't regret this decision one bit.

    I think it comes from the 'we threw away the food because it's full of chemicals and we didn't want anyone else to eat chemicals either' thing. There are people in need who would be brought to tears by the sight of ANY food being thrown away because the OP thought it wasn't good enough. Don't want it in your house? That's fine, but edible food shouldn't be wasted because of your diet choices. There is someone always in need of a helping hand and I'm pretty sure a packet of chips would make their day.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I can't believe how harsh you guys are being on the OP. I did the exact same thing when I started my new lifestyle three YEARS ago.

    I do eat that stuff every now and then at parties and such, but I do not keep it in the house. What used to be soda is now bottled water, and what used to be chips are now fresh grapes and apples. I don't drink real sugar soda period, and I don't miss it.

    Obviously I've kept the weight off, and I don't regret this decision one bit.

    My fridge has six different kinds of ice cream, and my pantry has three different kinds of Pop-Tarts. I'm happy you've been successful though.

    I like to eat less during the week and more on the weekends, as this fits with my lifestyle. It's easier for me if that kind of stuff isn't kept in the house. This way I can allow myself to relax a little more at social gatherings and I don't feel so deprived. If it's not in front of me, I'm not thinking about it.