

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,837 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Slept some more..feel a bit better not 100% ,but better
    I did get the laundry finished and that was it
    Back to watching little boy tomorrow.
    KJ- he hasn't started .. next monday...he will start...im happy for him,but I'll miss the little guy.. but the next 2 weeks are full of drs appts for me,mammogram, rheumatologist, stress test,eye exam ive been getting floaters..tomorrow Carmine starts online summer school and them tomorrow afternoon we get our hair done.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,383 Member
    Katie - I would be very annoyed too. :#

    We had a lovely evening. Great people to chat with at dinner and a great reprise by the Irish foursome. My sparkly bag fell apart just after I'd taken the photo. I'll have to stick it back together !

    Normal regime tomorrow, but no singing scheduled. Boo!

    Love Heather xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
    Happy cracker day
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,471 Member
    ☘️ Terri
  • renewtoday
    renewtoday Posts: 16 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Jolene yes mostly just thinking at this stage. I am so NOT creative/artistic/crafty ;} But the word clouds are so appealing…

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.

    Fortunately, you don't have to be creative to create one of the word clouds. :) Just type words and select choices you like.


    M in Oz

    @Machka9 I agree!

    @auntiebk I think I am hooked. You can just select a topic of interest and go for it . 🙂
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Happy 4th of July! The sun is still shining & I hope to see fireworks when the sun sets this evening. 💥🤞🏻

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,250 Member
    I have been utterly sulf-indulgent today, streaming Father Brown Mysteries all of this holiday morning. I enjoy them, and I get so wrapped up in the characters and stories. Lovely, peaceful day.

    What's funny is I've seldom gotten addicted to any form of television, and that's because I've been a reader all my life, drowning myself in books at every opportunity... I looked at TV as a lesser thing.

    I don't necessarily think TV has completely improved that much, but lately, these stories make me feel the same way as books once did... entirely absorbed, episode by episode. It's an interesting development at this stage of my life, finding how much my own thought process has changed.

    I've watched so many (starting on Season 7 now...) that it's possible that I'm developing a faint British accent... :wink: Ah well... there are worse things.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    If/when I can visit Canada again, I wonder if family will hear a difference in my accent.

    It's been 6 years since I left Australia. 6 years since I've seen my family.

    People here still detect my accent -- many think I'm Irish. Apparently I have a lilt.

    But I don't often hear the Australian accent anymore. It just sounds normal to me.

    Whereas I notice the Canadian accent now.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,047 Member
    I am a social drinker. As that if my sister has a glass of wine, I usually did too. But when I am home here, I don't drink. I do in the holidays when I might treat me to a bottle of tawny port. Then I try to make it last a month. If I go out for dinner, I sometimes order a nice white wine like pinot grigio. Its rare that I finish it though. I just get such a wiped out feeling the next day, its just not worth it. I can get a buzz from non alcoholic beer so I'm quite a lightweight. I'm not a cheap date, I'm just economical. 😂🙃

    Last night I video chatted with my eldest sister. I happened to be sitting kind of in the dark, watching the fireworks around the neighborhood go off. So it looked like I was about to tell her a scary story.😳😂
    We agreed that our sister seems to have a lot of unresolved issues. (An understatement of the year). Its amazing what a person holds onto when they don't process trauma. Both from the passing of each of our parents there are things my middle sister resents and is bitter about. Let it go. I realize every person processes differently, and I respect that. But when you hear things brought up from years ago, its just a saved grief. A bit of mental gristle you cough up and try to process. That's a crazy mental.picture eh?

    The other day I made graham cracker cookies for husband and I. Its just sugar free chocolate frosting and graham crackers. The secret is putting the filled crackers in a plastic bag that's opened and not sealed. Husband likes the crackers soft and the frosting a little hard. I whipped up the frosting with the beaters and it makes like twice the amount than you get in the tub. Like I need more frosting...😒😳😂. I have been sneaking spoonfuls like a weirdo these past days.

    Tonight is some steak and broccoli, with a salad. 💖

    Have you tried using Cool Whip(or store brand) on graham crackers then freezing them. Taste so much like an ice cream sandwich. Not usually a big fan of graham crackers but this was is really good. I like to mix a little peanut butter powder in the cool whip or a little choc. Quick. to it(or both for peanut butter/chocolate ice cream bar)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :) We have beautiful weather here today which means there will probably be more fireworks this evening. Bessie is easily upset by them so she and I will probably spend hours awake and listening to music until things quiet down. I am grateful every day for the country I call home. I don't need a day a special day for it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,047 Member
    I love watching the fireworks and we used to drive over to the park and watch them but over the years dh has not wanted to go- not his thing. He would just sit and watch a movie on his phone while son and I watched, then as son got older, he didn't want to hang out with us so now we just stay home.
    I love to watch the fireworks but NOT when the idiot neighbors are setting them off right over the trees in their back yard that also hang over our back fence. Two neighbors behind us. One has a line of Juniper and the other has a Eucalyptus- both super flammable so I will be laying awake in bed watching but more importantly, listening for any sparks to start crackling. I will have a hose ready.
    They are all illegal here but that doesn't slow them down at all. They set them off all around us. They started over a week ago. Poor cats hate them.

    Should have taken a nap(but I don't nap) after insomnia had me up until 2:30AM then was up at 8:30 to feed the cats who think they are starving and want food as soon as I start to move in the morning.
    Will be awake until at least midnight or later I am sure. Need more sleep so I can keep up at class tomorrow night. Hard to follow all the steps in Zumba when you are to tired to think straight.

    Dh was supposed to be going away for the weekend to help a friend at a comic-con in Stockton this weekend. Guy is thinking about canceling it-car broke down and doesn't really have the money to drive down/hotel/table fee to sell at the con. I was really looking forward to the weekend to myself. Oh well. There will be another one in a few months I think

    Napa Valley,CA
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,363 Member
    Got necessary items done today-groceries, laundry, food prep, ironing, trash out. Ready for work tomorrow.

    DDIL going to go visit facility I am seriously interested in in a couple of weeks when they have a dinner and tour. Would like to know what someone else thinks about it.

    Hoping jet lag won't be too bad tomorrow. I have stayed very active today so should sleep well.No fireworks for me tonight!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,562 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I am a social drinker. As that if my sister has a glass of wine, I usually did too. But when I am home here, I don't drink. I do in the holidays when I might treat me to a bottle of tawny port. Then I try to make it last a month. If I go out for dinner, I sometimes order a nice white wine like pinot grigio. Its rare that I finish it though. I just get such a wiped out feeling the next day, its just not worth it. I can get a buzz from non alcoholic beer so I'm quite a lightweight. I'm not a cheap date, I'm just economical. 😂🙃

    Last night I video chatted with my eldest sister. I happened to be sitting kind of in the dark, watching the fireworks around the neighborhood go off. So it looked like I was about to tell her a scary story.😳😂
    We agreed that our sister seems to have a lot of unresolved issues. (An understatement of the year). Its amazing what a person holds onto when they don't process trauma. Both from the passing of each of our parents there are things my middle sister resents and is bitter about. Let it go. I realize every person processes differently, and I respect that. But when you hear things brought up from years ago, its just a saved grief. A bit of mental gristle you cough up and try to process. That's a crazy mental.picture eh?

    The other day I made graham cracker cookies for husband and I. Its just sugar free chocolate frosting and graham crackers. The secret is putting the filled crackers in a plastic bag that's opened and not sealed. Husband likes the crackers soft and the frosting a little hard. I whipped up the frosting with the beaters and it makes like twice the amount than you get in the tub. Like I need more frosting...😒😳😂. I have been sneaking spoonfuls like a weirdo these past days.

    Tonight is some steak and broccoli, with a salad. 💖

    Have you tried using Cool Whip(or store brand) on graham crackers then freezing them. Taste so much like an ice cream sandwich. Not usually a big fan of graham crackers but this was is really good. I like to mix a little peanut butter powder in the cool whip or a little choc. Quick. to it(or both for peanut butter/chocolate ice cream bar)

    Oh yes! Those are good! I like buying the stacys cinnamon chips with fat free cool whip. I have to watch portion control though.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,444 Member
    Earlier today I mentioned a video I was watching - Dr. Rhonda Patrick & Dr. Chris McGlory, both PhD's, discussing Omega 3 supplementation combined with higher protein intake to prevent or rebuild muscle loss.

    I managed to get through most of it. Here's a link to Dr. Patrick's website "Found my Fitness" and the interview including show notes:
    They discussed various trials and research findings about Omega 3's positive effects regarding muscle wasting from hospitalization, for example, and also cancer. Studies have shown that high doses of Omega 3's help the side effects from chemo.

    A lot of the terms were geared more toward people with medical backgrounds, but still, it does look like Omega 3's and higher protein, plus resistance training, help older gals with muscle wasting (sarcopenia). We can hang on to our muscles and build strength, and a good reason to eat fatty fish. Several of the studies used very high doses of Omega 3's, and research is ongoing about optimal dosage for folks not having to rebuild muscle after loss from incapacitation, etc.

    They interview and show notes cite research papers. I tried looking a few of them up - they were either over my heard or behind paywalls, lol.

    Dr. Patrick has several interview regarding the benefits of Omega 3's in other areas.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where it's 89f degrees right now, and I hear booms. Our area is under a "red flag warning" so home fireworks are discouraged to say the least. :#
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,562 Member
    Tonight is some steak, steamed brocolli, tossed with husbands potato.skin, and fresh sliced tomatoes.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Strung popcorn. Got the second bag done. Now to work on the third and that's going to be it for this year.

    Michele NC