

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    From Destiny's aunt:
    Destiny passed peacefully today at 2pm. She was surrounded by parents, siblings, aunts and uncles. Thank you for your prayers of healing and peace. We cling to Isaiah 57:1. She has been taken from this world to be saved from the troubles to come. She is healed. ❤️ Continued prayer for peace for the family is appreciated. John 14:27 Please give the family space to heal at this time.

    So sorry. She was a strong girl. I hope I am as strong as her when I feel the end is coming. It was good that family was there for her at the end to let her go peacefully.

    RVRita in NM
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    edited July 2023
    I bought powdered peanut butter once then I noticed it had added sugar. I decided I like my peanut butter with nothing but peanuts and a little salt added. I buy a refrigerated version of peanut butter. Here the brand is Old Home. A brand owned by women.

    Unfortunately I am not much for Cool Whip. If I am going to have a whipped topping I want real whipped cream.

    I was at a party and a couple brought a dessert and whipped topping in a separate bowl. I took some and quickly realized it was cool whip. I didn't say anything. I just only ate a few bites of it. It would have tasted so much better with real whipped cream in my opinion. Cool Whip is high in sugar, too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    I didn't sleep much last night because of the fireworks. Bessie is upset by them but she relaxes if I play music so she moved close to my side of the bed and slept soundly while I was awake listening to music from 9 PM to 12:30 AM. Fortunately I don't have a job that requires my full attention so it doesn't matter that I'm a bit sleepy today.

    <3 Barbie
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    The comments about cool whip whipped up some memories of whipped toppings...

    Anyone else remember Dream Whip? It was a dry product that you added to milk to make "whipped cream" my mom would do it with non-fat milk... the most unlike real whipped cream I have ever had.

    Going to thanksgiving dinner many years ago and finding that Cool Whip had come out with a chocolate flavored whipped topping - AND that was spread over the pumpkin pie and the pecan pie prior to cutting. The quality of the chocolate was POOR and it did not belong on either pie in my opinion. That went on for a couple of years and finally cool whip stopped making it.

    I am a huge fan of heavy cream whipped with vanilla extract and a bit of sugar!

    Kim in N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,831 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Well Tracy got home and world war 3 started but ,Tracy did not raise her voice it was all Carmine, screaming and swearing..had the door locked..
    So I am taking her to get her hair cut,but no McDonald's and when Kyle gets home..the door gets taken off ..oh well ya snooze ya lose.your gone from friday till Wednesday morning, and have summer school virtually to start.and you give attitude as soon as your mom gets home from work..
    She better not start mouthing off to grandma..
    Im so sad to hear about Destiny..but glad she is no more pain.. sending love and light to her friends and family.
    Lisa- is that story really true about your cousin and grandpa? That is a hoot right there..
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning ladies! <3

    For those of you who were up wwaayyy too late because of the booms:


    I saw some comments in the original FB post suggesting using early morning air horns to greet the rising sun, lol. I think the racket ceased before 11 last night - I was tired and conked out from the racket the 2 previous nights. Rosie was upset so I had a bed partner again. :p She needs a bath, so washing sheets is high on the priority list this week.

    Heather - welcome back to dry land and glad your bout with the crud is getting better.

    Ginny - I'm anxious to hear what your DDIL thinks of the retirement place you are interested in. I really like the idea of Barbie's neighborhood, sounds like a great place for walking and not much traffic, but finding a place with duplexes or apartments more like Karen's with lots of activities seems pretty attractive too. Something to think about when I get old. :D I went for a great solitary 5:15 am walk, some of it on the main road and work day traffic had started. But, weekends are great.

    After reading about Omega 3's, resistance training and offsetting sarcopenia yesterday, I dug out my exercise bands and did some upper body exercises, and slapped on the ankle weights and did several sets of SWSY leg exercises. There's no reason I can't get in half an hour per day of various dedicated strengthening and balance exercises after a 10 or 15 minute wake-up walk.

    I also dug out my vibration plate. Not sure if I mentioned it, I bought myself a stripped down Life-Pro for Christmas last year, and used it several times a week until the weather got better and I could walk more and do tasks outside this spring. A vibration plate has also been found to help with bone density, and that was a selling point for me.

    At the time, it seemed to bother my knee a little. When I saw my doc recently about the knee arthritis and she said "exercise and build up those leg muscles," I forgot to ask her about using the vibration plate. I found a PubMed article about using vibration plates for osteoarthritis, and most studies were favorable. So I got in a 15 minute low intensity program this morning, and will build back up over time.

    If anyone is interested: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35174868/

    Annie - don't blame you for cancelling the gym membership. It's included with my Medicare supplemental insurance, but I sure don't use it enough to pay out of pocket for it. Some of the Silver Sneakers type group classes sound neat but they don't start until 10 am or after. Maybe in the winter I'll change my mind. I'm still in the "shop early, avoid the crowd and get home early" mode.

    Tracey - sounds like you have a good mechanic taking care of your wheel bearing in short order. Hope it works out that you get a new job you really like (and that appreciates you) so your plan of giving a car to your daughter works out.

    Kim - I remember Dream Whip! and I agree, there's nothing like real whipped cream :p

    Make it a fabulous day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Hello Ladies. I cannot recall the last time I commented here. I've been reading and trying to keep up, but I've also been trying to spend less time on the computer.

    I have a few comments, but I don't necessarily remember who initiated the conversations about them.

    Destiny-I have no words. Her story is heartbreaking.

    Alpha lipoic acid-I take it with sublingual vitamin B12 which is supposedly to help with my sore feet. I was told to do it twice a day, but I just started once. I think it helped a bit. I need to do it twice, but was also told the Alpha Lipoic Acid isn't necessary and to just take a B complex vitamin to do the same thing. I haven't noticed any side effects except for the hit to my wallet. It is expensive.

    Welcome to the new ladies.

    I'll be pretty busy until November now. Lots of travel and lots of houseguests. I think I'll just put several sets of sheets on the guest bed and peel them off as new guests arrive. I'll also have to threaten the mister to keep the house clean rather than treat it like a bachelor pad.

    Katie-I'd fire them. That's a lot of your time they wasted and you have to clean the house yourself too.

    Heather-Thanks for sharing your cruise. It looked lovely.

    I have tried yet another strategy for weight loss and it had a pleasant side effect. Someone on another site mentioned losing over 100 pounds by going vegan. I have no desire to do that, but since nothing else was working for me to lose the stubborn pounds, I thought I'd give vegetarian a try to mix it up a bit. I need to eat less meat anyway for my health and for the mister's. I did immediately lose 3 pounds, but it was water. However, the nice side effect was no heat events. I wasn't having hot flashes, but I would just be hot-cold-hot-cold all day and was tired of it. I looked it up and meat can cause that. I haven't had one since I stopped the meat. However, it also means I struggle to get protein in.

    I also limit alcohol for many reasons. We were drinking far too much. So many empty calories and I certainly was not sleeping better when drinking. Plus, it's expensive.

    Today, that is likely out the window as we are going to a baseball game and I intend to eat baseball-y food. I'll be sitting facing the sun anyway, so I'll sweat regardless.

    I'm loving the word art.

    Tina in CA

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Allie and Beth -- Happy Birthday :D playing catch up ;)

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :) I started listening to podcasts about minimalism years ago and learned that it is more than just resisting consumerism and getting rid of stuff. It's about intentional living and making clear choices about all of one's life. Thanks for sharing this.
    <3 Barbie

    I also watch videos of "The Minimalists". Ryan and Josh have helped me tackle the idea. I like the mindset " that its not about things you don't have, but more of letting the things you do have shine". I try to keep that in mind when I am organizing. I know we as a culture have an urge to go buy various color coordinating bins to organize our stuff. But just doing that and not paring down, well that's just called "organized hoarding".
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,560 Member
    Happy birthday wishes, Beth! Glad you were able to celebrate with your mother...

    Welcome to those who are new to this thread, we're so pleased you're here!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member