
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Another start at 5am. Kirby rode, tomorrow, I ride.

    Walk w/kids- 1hr 23min 57sec, 20elev, 2.90ap, 80ahr, 98mhr, 4.11mi= 407c
    Strava app = 504c
    Walk w/yogi and Chispa- 41.07min, 30elev, 2.95ap, 79ahr, 89mhr, 2.02mi= 175c
    Strava app= 248c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 10min 3sec, 863elev, 116aw, 16.3amph, 101ahr, 134mhr, 19.07mi= 474c
    Strava app = 464c
    Zwift stats- 1hr 10min 5sec, 864elev, 115aw, 53arpm, 16.35amph, 19.1mi= 464c

    Total cal 1056
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Thanks Barbie for getting us started on the new month.
    Rosemarie--Good for you getting out and they having a good time.
    Heather--Thank you for sharing the pictures. Beautiful country.
    Kylia--Glad you both are feeling better, how scary.
    Debbie--Prayers for Destiny and her family.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening all,

    Karen - Different to so many of his, just love your brother's work. Have you thought of trying your hand at it yourself?

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I will try painting again at a later date.

    The instructor here was less than enthusiastic about what I produced so I took a hiatus.

    I’m putting my creative energies into wood carving (whittling) and pottery-making right now.


    Karen in Virginia

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    The pink flowers are called soapwart because you can make soap from its roots. They do smell amazing. When I bought them from a catalog years ago they were called pinks so that is what I called them. I just learned their true name. They do spread and are a bit messy looking because they tend to flop over. Smell makes up for it with me
  • renewtoday
    renewtoday Posts: 16 Member
    Heather - I hope Johnny recovers quickly, but not quick enough to allow you a quieter day. 😉 What a beautiful area of the world you are travelling.

    Annie - I had a chuckle over the visual you created of being trapped in Lycra.

    Machka - I need to do a day of cleaning as well. It is cool today, for the first time in a few weeks, so I may make some banana bread and clean.
    Our furnace came on this morning.
    I do a lot of puttering when commercials come on too.
    I need to be more active and watch more shows with commercials.

    Lisa - thank you for the picture of the mulberry tree. Those berries are pretty.

    Barbie - I admire how you and Jake eat and handle your groceries. I bet you have saved money in the long run shopping this way.

    Joy - thank you for your encouragement. My Grandson and I may go buy some seeds today.
    I would be up in the cable car too, DH would be waiting on the ground for me.

    Kylia - I hope things get back in shape soon. What a terrible thing to have to deal with.

    Debbie - I hope your Mom allows you and your sister to get that roommate out. You might need to be there for a bit to help her do it. I would worry about how she might be abusing her.

    Allie - rain on a tin roof. Oh the memories!

    Rebecca - I hate being in the middle of family squabbles. I hope they can sort it out and you are left unscathed.

    Lanette - I grew up beside my maternal grandparents. As a grandmother I try to do for my Grands what she did for me. I loved her for her kindness, her generosity, her love. They always made sure we had fun things to do and helped my parents with clothing, back to school stuff and such. I try to emulate her. My DH told me one time that she was looking down being proud of me. It was one of the best compliments he could ever have given me.

    I hope you’re able to get the next repair done on your car quickly and efficiently.

    I too am enjoying all of the word art. I need to get onto the computer and do mine.

    Jolene - I didn’t notice your house wasn’t level, but mine would be crooked in real life so it’s all good.

    Flea - I would be beat too.

    Kim - If anyone deserves a nice holiday with a friend it’s you. I’m so happy for you that you had that break.
    I hope that your mom listens and makes the move she would be taken care of there I bet.

    Jonah has decided to spend a few nights, he was planning on staying Monday and Tuesday anyway so he just stayed from last night. His parents are dropping clothes off for him on the way to taking Michaela to camp tomorrow. (She is having no ill effects from her incident last night. She even got up to go to Sunday School and church today with Daddy).

    Tonight he was having an online chat with one of his school friends. They started singing “Staying Alive”, decided it would be a terrible funeral song. Then kept up with their theme. They went into “Another One Bites the Dust” ending with “Highway to He🏒🏒”.
    They are 11, so of course thought they were hilarious.

    I didn’t do much today I was pretty tired after yesterday, I did get the house tidied though.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    @Snowflake1968 As long as it’s yours, that’s all that counts.

  • renewtoday
    renewtoday Posts: 16 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: Tumble squeaking me out of the chair.
    Tracey exploding glitter sticks? :astonished: Glad everything came out ok. Horrific number of wildfires on that map. It seems most unusual to me, is it?
    Machka, dragon’s tongue mustard grown last year has self-seeded so looks like I’ll have a good supply this summer. Arugula mysteriously overwintered the past two years. The leaves are getting smaller but are still tasty. I love watercress, wonder if it would grow along our stream? Dandelion greens, hmm, we have an abundance but since the dogs “fertilize” them. . . :laugh: I’d add “overwhelmed by things out of my control” to the list of kinds of tired.
    Heather I’m with you on taking a pass from the cable car up the mountain :sick:
    Lisa thanks for the two bras idea! I love mulberries, not just for the berries but for the fact that the birds will chose them over any cherries growing nearby :naughty: Hope you’re right about finding strength when tested. I fear any future where Joe needs care. Thankful for Rori’s, Lanette’s, Rosemarie’s, Barbie’s, Margaret’s, Beth’s, Kim’s, et al’s good examples but doubt my capabilities. Is that a hedgehog? ;)
    Joy what you said about the taste of fresh homegrown lettuce. True of carrots too. ;)
    Kylia ((hug)) Sorry about the MD trip but glad your doctor is helping you. Yellow jackets, along with poison oak and mosquitos, whatever was the Creator thinking? Thinkng of word art I’m shifting focus from what my roles and activities are, to what I love. Helped me come up with more…
    Annie yup that was me :naughty: I haven’t gotten past 10 steps yet tho’ … congrats on your progress.
    Debbie so glad you are taking steps to minimize your mom’s roommate-induced isolation. Grr. And prayers intensifying for Destiny and her family.
    Allie hope Jean is telling you good, uplifting stories… but…
    Rita :love: your word cloud!
    Rebecca after seeing Rita’s art, and reading “Klondike fluffy power waffle” I thought that was going to be the name of your new kitty ;) Sorry your sisters are putting you in the middle of their fight. Hope the book surfaces and tensions ease.
    Lanette our dogs barked for hours last night at the neihbors’ cannonades. I dread Tuesday night when I’ll be trying to sleep early so I can leave for Medfort at 03:00. :{
    Terri, Jolene, Barbie, love your word clouds too. So many good ideas, so well presented!
    Kim you beat me to the paws I was going to use ;) Glad your mom is starting to see reason about trying to keep up that big house and yard. Praying your brother won’t fight the sale of the house to finance her senior living situation.
    07/02: Move: ZERO sets PT. Steps: 2537
    Fuel: sugar under mfp= -15
    CI=1850 CO=152
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, church, fellowship. Wt:132.3
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD (ageing hippie, mother-of-dogs) x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. July: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW

    @auntiebk Are your working on a word cloud?

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Worked then stopped at CVS to get a prescription then to Hamrick’s and got a pair of white shorts. The ones I have are too big (I got them at a thrift store). I should probably have gotten a larger size, but this was the only pair they had. And for $1 I’ll live until I can find a pair at a decent price. Afterwards, I’m thinking I’ll take a walk and then work on stringing the popcorn

    Rebecca – how I want to squeeze Athena’s cheeks!

    Kim – wow, your friend’s house sounds wonderful. Does she rent out the cabins or are they just for guests?

    Krkatie – if you walk one time 500 steps then are in a meeting, does your Fitbit count that as 2 hours?


    Michele NC
    who took the walk (it’s 2 miles, I didn’t think it was that far) and strung popcorn
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Today I ate way too many calories. My aunt came over and brought banana bread. I didn't even like it much, but I wanted to eat it anyway. I need to think some more about exactly why. To be included? Because I love sweets and carbs? Was it an uncontrolled impulse or an adult decision? I don't know.

    So tomorrow I'm going out to lunch, and I had planned on splurging a bit. This week's weigh-in is going to be sad. The sister challenge is hitting a big wall. But it's not over yet.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member