

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Joy - sorry your fur baby ran out of lives. You have other kitties? Crossing fingers the weather cooperates and your DH can get the harvest done. It's always a relief when the equipment is put away for the season. Frost already.... I wonder if we'll have any by the end of September, seems like the apples and other berries were real early this year. I saw 2 praying mantis on the house last week, they are normally later too as I recall.

    Machka - you are doing a great job keeping active. :)

    Heather - love that painting - I recognized that scene from photos you have shared. I bet you amaze yourself sometimes. That's the beauty of art, isn't it? <3

    - I like your mom's recipe :p I wonder if peppermint schnapps would do the same thing?

    I scanned through the link you posted re Afib and IBS. I noticed some good news ;) : Advancing age is a well-known risk factor for AF[31]. Surprisingly, however, in our study, the association between IBD to the development of AF gradually weakened with increasing age. Amazing how our systems can be interconnected. Good luck with the Echo next week. <3

    My next project will be elderberry syrup. I have berries ripening but I'm going to take the easy way out right now and buy some organic dried berries. There are lots of recipes online. When I had the Crud last September, my doc said take elderberry. Luckily I had some tablets on hand. Might throw some berries in a ziploc and put them in the freezer to thaw and cook down later. Hate to miss an opportunity here.

    A beautiful day here. Sunny, but chilly enough to need a sweater. My favorite time of year. Keeping the girls in for another hour to see if Fairy is going to give me a brown egg. Would hate to have her deposit it out in the back yard somewhere while she's on her walkabout. :D

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,377 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Yes, Lisa, I was surprised he had to take holiday for jury duty. :o;)

    I'm in two minds about my painting. It's not what I had in my mind when I started, so I might try another one in a freeer style. I love inside/outside paintings. So cozy and homely and somehow hopeful. I would like to try it without drawing first and attempt something more post-impressionist.
    It is growing on me though!

    Had a quick chat with L. She is going on a driving tour of Ireland next week with her sister and hasn't thought about insurance and rescue for her car. She was trying to find information and someone to talk to.

    We had the rest of the Goulash tonight. Better than ever! Fresh peas. DH had macaroni. Crême Fraiche.

    A tiny bit cooler today, thank goodness. Should be over by Monday.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,560 Member
    edited September 2023
    Heather - Your friend might talk to her credit card company if that's what she's using for the rental car. Here, most CC's support the insurance and some provide roadside assistance.

    Unfortunately, by federal law, if you miss work due to jury duty, companies are not required to provide your regular pay. The small, family-owned company he works for does not. Also here, the county pays $50 per day that you're required to be available for a jury, so he opted to receive that at the end of the term, which is December. It will be a nice addition to the budget at that point.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    The picture of our dining room was very hard to paint, but I finished it. :o Sometimes it looks better the next day! :p
    Now to varnish the coaster I painted for L's birthday.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    I love it!!!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Santa –
    I was 9 years old, and it was a weekend late afternoon in December – our next door neighbors (a nice older couple – who knows how old they really were ! I was 9!!) drove a metallic gold El Camino I saw it drive into the court and was going to wave at Mr. T but SANTA was driving !!! I remember just standing there wondering how that happened when I realized that if Santa was driving a car then the reindeer must be in the T’s back yard! I went dashing over to see the reindeer – we had a gate in the fence - no reindeer on the grass, not on the roof, checked both side yards…… Then got to thinking, the other kids had told me our parents were santa, and I was a logical literal kid and how santa got to everyones house in a few short hours had not made much sense… . I marched into the house and told her that Mr. T must have been pretending to be Santa – That meant all santa’s were pretend. And she was our santa – Right??? She did a talk similar to the letter that Rebecca shared, I was not thrilled. I went to my room – mom says a bit later I came out and said, I bet you are the toothfairy and the easter bunny too.
    I kept the secret from my younger siblings and helped wrap santa gifts after that.

    Jury duty – in California is different than Lisa in Arkansas - we get “called” for a trial not for a time period, so depending on the trial you could need to serve a day or two or more weeks. When you get the notice in the mail there is a time to call and on the notice you are given a juror number. You call at the time they tell you and then the recording says if your number is between these two numbers you must report to the courthouse at such and such time. If not you have to call back at x time. They either have you call after 5pm or at noon- ish or both. Usually you don’t have to call for more than a few days. The first day you appear in the courthouse is unpaid and then it’s $15/day and $0.34 per mile round trip from your home for each day you appear.

    Employers who do pay you, have the option of taking the $15/day off your pay check and mine always have.

    Heather - I really like the dining room painting

    Kim in N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 59min 22sec, 87elev, 3.11ap, 81ahr, 106mhr, 6.20mi= 588c
    Strava app = 759c
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    edited September 2023
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    My BFF has loads of elderberry, but climates are different and hers are ready to be picked in the heat of August, so she always cleans and freezes the berries and then we drag the bags out before the holidays (so she has freezer room) and make elderberry syrup, jam and sometimes cordial. I love the sweet/tart/berry flavor.


    Kim - that's inspiring! Thank you. I did manage to pick 2 cups this morning, got them cleaned and picked over. I think I can get at least 2 more cups, if not more. Into the freezer they went. I'm seeing a lot of recipes using honey. Do you recall using honey in any of your BFF's recipes?


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member

    Hematologist nurse may call at 9:30 to discuss tests from early in the week. It's possible that the call is next Tuesday--I've got it on my calendar for both days, but the VA system says it's today. Took a look at the blood test results, and a few things are low or high, but just by very small amounts. Will wait and see what they have to say about it all. Need to remember to ask them to renew the iron I'm taking if they want me to stay on it (just reminding myself. If I write stuff down, I tend to remember better).

    My husband has jury duty on Monday at 9 a.m., and the courthouse is only ten minutes away, so he will get to sleep in for three days in a row, if not more. He's usually up at 4:45 for work, and out the door at 5:15. He's got ten days' vacation left for the year and will take those as necessary, so it won't be too bad a hit to his pay. He may need those days - he's part of the jury pool until December, so this may not be the only time he's called in.

    Egg is not too happy about the rain, but she will be able to go outside soon. She's napping on my end table until Corey gets up, and he'll let her out. She is a cat with very specific routines. :wink:

    Later, y'all, hope it's a good day for all...

    Hope you get the answers you need from the nurse.

    Here, once you are called for jury duty and either actually go in or are released, you are done for the year. You can only get called at most, once a year.
    Last one I got called in to I got out of because it was going to be a hardship, financially , for me- they expected it to go at least 6 weeks. I am sure I would have not been picked for the jury anyways. Don't think they want someone who has either taught preschool or been daycare provider for over 40 yrs, on a case against a child molester.

    Napa Valley,CA

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    edited September 2023
    Went and walked MIL's dog this morning. Stopped at FoodMaxx and found they had rotesseri (sp?) chickens with $4 off coupons on them. Made them just $2!! Got 4- boned them out. Some will go into enchilladas tonight and the rest dh wants to give to the outside cats- one is so spoiled that now he doesn't want just plain chicken so dh adds shredded cheese to it. We will split the bones/skin/trimmings around to where all the outside stray cats eat and then one pan full in the catio for our inside cats.
    Stopped at a garage sale on our way back from shopping for MIL.
    Found a pair of brand new Ugg] boots, my size, for $10! These are the ones but mine are black . They sell for $220!

    edit- after walking with my friend last night- hit over 20,000 steps and then ended up with insomnia! Finally got to sleep after 2AM then up at 8:15.
    Dragging now- just made some coffee- Usually only drink tea and decaf by this time of the day but need to keep going. Stuff to get done.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member