

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,470 Member
    Rebecca: Awwww… he’s so cute! Congrats 🥳

    Meeting DED this morning to visit a sculpture exhibit and then have lunch.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,250 Member
    Machka - an Australian possum (including baby in pouch) caught by Caitlin Henderson, Wildlife Photographer of the Year. I find it interesting how things we've discussed come up over and over again afterward... or maybe they just stay in my consciousness.

    Later, dear hearts,

    Cute! :)

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,383 Member
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,250 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Here is the monthly list I use for you to copy if you’d like. Thank you Machka for posting the calendar. I always forget to post it in a format that works on here.

    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential.
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small.

    I'm spending quite a bit of time relaxing this weekend. Self-care.
    And what do I do well? I don't know ... the usual household things like the laundry I've done this weekend, working on my drystream, cycling, colouring.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly.
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it.
    I'm not usually overly critical of myself but I will question myself, like "What are you doing?"
    And today, I went for a long-ish walk at lunch then did some colouring at home after work.

    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.
    And most of the time, mistakes can be fixed. :)

    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time.
    All good except for the "go to bed on time" thing.

    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’..
    Getting better at that. I'm working my way through emails and unsubscribing!

    10. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed.
    11. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect.
    12. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok.
    13. Make time to do something you really enjoy.
    14. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost.
    15. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    16. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    17. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low.
    18. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly.
    19. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    20. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you.
    21. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement.
    22. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories.
    23. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    24. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.
    25. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    26. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    27. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    28. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    29. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    30. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    31. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    32. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    Machka in Oz
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
    Barbie Congratulations on the new addition! Newborns are something special!

    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate my morning oatmeal.
    Meditation: daily. 4/30 0(82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%, 93%,100%,100%)

    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 5/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) 0/8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min 1/20

    Stop B12
    Switch DHEA to every other day on sept 6
    Add folic acid, once a day
    Add magnesium to 3x a day
    Up Berberine to 3x a day

    Foods to avoid:

    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5784, (7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 1/2 —(800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 184/208—(733%) should be 172 by October 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)72/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4 (500%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 4/23 (681%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 34/12 (100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 8/12—(900%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (900%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,(500%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential. Making time!
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small. I will. Talking to campers, meeting dogs, electronics.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly. I will try!
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it. Did this already! Went for a long walk this morning.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. This will be hard because I tend to blame myself for everything.
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time. Will Do! [
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’.. I’m doing this more often now.
    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed.
    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect.
    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok.
    11. Make time to do something you really enjoy.
    12. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost.
    13. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    14. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    15. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low.
    16. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly.
    17. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    18. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you.
    19. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement.
    20. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories.
    21. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    22. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.
    23. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    24. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    25. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    26. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    27. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    28. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    29. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    30. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    RVRita in Roswell, NM
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,444 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good morning ladies,

    Got my morning walk in and then spent a lot of time down a rabbit hole watching an interview with James Nestor, author of "Breath", which some of us have read.

    We've been discussing "The Blue Zones" and longevity. Nestor maintains one of the biggest keys to longevity is lung capacity, and just focusing on diet alone doesn't do it.

    Which makes me wonder - Blue Zone's researcher Dan Buettner stresses diet, for sure, but also activity, like the sustained activity doing things outside, like walking long distances or doing physical labor like gardening, for example, which folks in the Blue Zones are doing. Activity our ancestors did for centuries. Is the secret to more activity and the positive effect on longevity actually due the increased lung functon it creates which benefits not only our circulatory systems, but other health and brain benefits we didn't realize were also positively impacted by proper nasal breathing?

    If I'm sitting hunched over a laptop or in front of the TV for hours on end, then walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes or do a 20 minute walking video, does that spurt of exercise make up for my restricted breathing caused by sitting with bad posture for most of the rest of the day?

    Or is it really better to be active more, all day long, (at least 10 minutes of standing movement for every hour of sitting or whatever the recommendation is) and use our lungs more?

    The interview also goes into nasal breathing (our noses amp up nitric oxide which is a virus and bacteria killer, humming multiplies the effect) and stopping mouth breathing at night which contributes to sleep apnea, reduced sleep quality according to the research Nestor presents.

    Anyhow, he covers LOTS more. :) Here's a link to the video:

    And a link to Nestor's website - I focused on the bibliography page which cites research findings and more videos.


    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member

    Katla in Illinois
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,821 Member
    Rebecca--Great news on your new grandson. Beautiful little one.
    Rita--Great on your updated stats.
    Not a lot to say, hip and back are giving me a lot of pain. Went to Chiropractor and it helps, but still hurting. Taking it one day at a time.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,383 Member
    edited September 2023
    While I lay on the bed upstairs, with the fan blowing, DH and Max shared videos of funny piano performances. The British amongst us will know Morecambe and Wise's Andrew Previn video very well, :p And Victoria Wood's, 'Let's Do It'. They also had fun with Victor Borgia. All on YouTube.
    He was reluctant to go home, so I guess he had a good time! :p

    DH told us about lots of amazing pranks he played when he was younger. :o One he hasn't told Max yet, but I hope he will, was inventing a fictitious pupil at his school where he was teaching, and sending the report form round for the teachers to fill in. They all did!

    Max has his first day back at school tomorrow. It's just them and the first years. Instead of their school uniforms, because of the heatwave, they have been told they can wear their gym kit. How wonderfully sensible! :D

    My favourite decluttering programme tonight. 'Sort Your Life Out'. Then 'Ambulance', another favourite of mine. Neither of those are DH'S pick, so I will watch them in the bedroom.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,567 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good afternoon from Arkansas...

    Beth - I'm sorry the insomnia is wreaking havoc with your food choices. The struggle is real, my dear. I've just been tracking my food again since Sunday, not trying to restrict, just observe, and yesterday was the only day I haven't stayed within my calories. Also the only day where I only slept three hours the night prior. Something in my brain says that food will make me feel better when I'm muzzy from lack of sleep, and it never works.

    Have finally cooled down from a few hours of working in the yard, hauled two big loads of cut brush to the burn pit. Got my plants repotted, talked to my best friend, talked to Corey and got dinner settled (leftovers tonight, ham/cauliflower au gratin tomorrow), then I talked to my daughter and ate a little bit of lunch. Now a quick nap and then the next thing, whatever that may be. Probably try out my new vacuum, which finally arrived, and is charging up as we speak...

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR