
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Belated welcome @Tracergirl. If the scale is stuck are your measurements improving?
    Machka :love: the intorvertdoodles self care meme.
    Heather :love: the painting. The layers and layers and depth, I feel as if I were standing in your home looking out through the dining room being drawn into the garden. Lovely.
    Lisa hooray for favorable blood work results. Glad to hear of VIt C instead of yet more prescription drugs. Tumble is like Egg with her routines. She far prefers to go out with Joe, but I will do in a pinch.
    Kylia those warming bears sound so cozy. How big are they?
    Annie, haven’t used my knee brace since getting PT and doing the exercises daily-ish… but I know where it is… ;}
    Cindy thanks for the reminder about honey on skin cuts.
    KJ 5 openings would make me anxious too. Hope your cold eases and you can wholly recuperate during your vacation time.
    Rita that is a cool portable scale!
    Pip con VERY gratulations on the MS ride. You rocked it!
    Lanette local raw honey here is up to $18 a pint, and crystallizes if it lasts more than a couple of months, happens more often now that I’m not adding it to my tea ;)
    Tracey “My brother bought a generator . . .it’s his insurance. . . He hasn’t needed it, but figures if he sells it he’ll need it.” That is exactly my insurance superstition. Sound practice for stuff like car/home/health insurance and generators, not so much for my collections of stuff I might need… ;{
    Don’t remember when I figured out Santa, but do remember as a pre-schooler when Santa came to the house one Christmas eve to hand me my tiny tears doll. I made mama hide Easter Eggs for as long as she’d do it. ;)

    Today’s (9/9) gratitude, YouTube, Joe’s progress on the garage and firewood, new heart for L.
    09/09: Move: 2 sets PT wx&a, dog group, Jeopardy walking. Steps:5549
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=0 CI<CO net=223
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, ptT. ptS, filing, fellowship prep. Wt:128.5
    09/08: Move: 2 sets PT w/D , dogs to powerline, Jeopardy walking. Steps:7924
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=5 CI<CO net=174
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, ptT, ptS, visit DS, Post Office, Freddie’s, Grocery Outlet, recycling. Wt:129.4

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Barbara AHMOD-the spacers are a stretching part alone-not other exercise while wearing them. Keep them on for 15 mins twice a day. I do heel drops and toe lifts. Also so some stretches using half roller.

    Spent most all of Saturday just resting. Got flu vaccine and TDAP-just felt achy and tired so decided not to fight it for the day. Took SIL to Verizon store-her phone screen went black and wouldn't come back. She took it to the store in her smaller town and they couldn't do anything for it. Since account in my name I have to deal with it. Walked in to the store by my house, young man first tried a different reset sequence (usually just use volume up button on one side and then button on right). He hit volume up, volume down the the right button quickly in sequence and it rebooted. Still have plenty of time on warranty to monitor.

    Need to catch up on weekend stuff today so need to get started. Will do check book and bills first-then move on to walk, house stuff and a couple of work items.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    Wow! Edie was AMAZING at the triathlon. She came in 2nd girl!

    Well done Edie ... if she keeps that up, she could be in the Female Tour de France! :)

    I found the long, hot walk home too much. It took me well over an hour and my aductor muscle sized up for the last 200 yards. I called in at the shop for milk and a sweet young man gave me a chair and some water. I had to call DH to come and get the shopping.
    I had told him to walk on ahead of me as I was having to sit down every 200 yards. He annoys me because he gets so frustrated, so I'd rather totter along on my own.
    Back home now, relaxing, but my thigh is horrible 😫.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    How is your hydration?
    How is your electrolyte intake?
    Have you seen a doctor recently?

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    Questions for those of you who use Kindle.

    I have the Kindle App (I think).
    And I think I've used it to read one free book.

    The app I'm using has this icon below. Is that the Kindle app?
    Are there free books?
    Do I have to buy books?
    Can I "take books out" like a library or from a library?



    I have always preferred to read books on paper. But occasionally it might be more convenient not to carry a paper book.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies
    Miles was supposed to get baptized today,but my Ex his grandpa and godfather was in contact with someone with Covid sooo now we have to postpone.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    Machka - In reverse order,

    Can I "take books out" like a library or from a library? Yes, you can take Kindle books out from the library if you have the Kindle app, but only if your library offers them. You can talk to any librarian and they can make sure you have what you need. Here, I just need my library card number. They may offer them for another app, which they should be able to give you access to, and can guide you to their search function. It is so limited here in Arkansas that it just hasn't been useful for me, but I know a number of folks on here download free from their libraries quite often. They just put a date on them of returning, and will disable your access to the book at that point unless you renew it prior.

    Are there free books? Do I have to buy books? Yes and no. You can find a lot of books on Amazon for free by simply typing "free Kindle books" in the search and downloading those that interest you. These are seldom ones I'm interested in, but my husband reads five or six of them each week. I pay $10 monthly for Kindle Unlimited, which gives me a number of books for free (they're labeled Kindle Unlimited) - and if I reach my limit, I just have to return some of those I've downloaded. These are often titles that do interest me, like older best sellers, and a lot of non-fiction.

    And yes, that is the Kindle app icon.

    Lisa in AR

    Thanks Lisa! I think I've successfully downloaded 3 books. We'll see how I go with them.

    And I discovered that my library has an app that apparently talks to Kindle. But I'm going to have to go in and see someone about it.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,469 Member
    Sunday -- we went to a beekeeping meeting today. These monthly meetings are on again now that spring is here.

    Then did a bit of shopping and put away my laundry. At some point, I will have to go through my closet and drawers again to do a clear-out.

    I was planning to spend the afternoon in the garden, but it was rainy and cold ... so we all ended up napping. My husband, my cat and me. I was out for 2 hours!! I just felt so tired.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,087 Member
    Wow! Edie was AMAZING at the triathlon. She came in 2nd girl!
    2nd girl out of the swim.
    1st girl out of the biking.
    2nd girl overall. Finished with a stitch and feeling sick, but kept going. So determined!
    And yes, I did cry. To think she's not yet 10!
    I found the long, hot walk home too much. It took me well over an hour and my aductor muscle sized up for the last 200 yards. I called in at the shop for milk and a sweet young man gave me a chair and some water. I had to call DH to come and get the shopping.
    I had told him to walk on ahead of me as I was having to sit down every 200 yards. He annoys me because he gets so frustrated, so I'd rather totter along on my own.
    Back home now, relaxing, but my thigh is horrible 😫.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Sorry to hear about your pains. I would have cried too . That’s very impressive.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    edited September 2023
    Heather - I'm so sorry your thigh muscle is seizing up on you again. It sounds horribly painful. Love the pictures of the girls; they are so full of light and intensity, both of them, and well done to both. I totally get not wanting to walk with the DH. Corey gets frustrated with me, as my knees slow me down a bit, so I just ignore him and let him keep walking. I walk at the pace that I do for a reason, and some days are better than others. The heat really takes my breath away because of the AFib, as well, slowing me down even more. I get there eventually, I just won't necessarily get there at his pace!

    Tracey - The spin mop is an O-Cedar.

    Kylia - Thanks for the gorgeous pictures... kinda lovin' the bears. :blush:

    Pip - Congratulations!

    KJ -
    I hope you find the solution to getting ill the moment you go on vacation. So frustrating!

    Just gorgeously cool this morning, with a heavy dew outside, so every joint is aching--and I just don't care... it's so nice to not be sweating the second I set foot outside my bedroom! The house is holding nicely at 72 degrees, and I probably won't have to close windows to stay cool until early afternoon... Unfortunately, I forgot and left the laundry on the line yesterday, so it got soaked with the dew, but it will dry again by this afternoon.

    Oh, and the electricity bill came through for August, the hottest month of the year, and our bill continued to drop sharply. We've saved nearly $800 over last year's bills so far! The window air conditioners have literally paid for themselves already, and will add to the overall savings each year. That's not even counting the fact that we didn't have to spend $10,000 to put in a new whole-house system. We will pull the window units down and store them once the temperature stays below 75 degrees outside, and hopefully extend their usable life for a number of years.

    Later, y'all...
    Lisa in cool, green Arkansas

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Cindy- the weekly Accountability post was created a couple months ago for anyone who wanted to post their weight loss or challenges or anything, lol. I figure if I have to post somewhere whether I'm making progress or not, that might keep me accountable. I had gained 8 or 9 pounds since my DH passed last year, clothing was longer fitting and it had to stop. :(

    The format is real open, some of us post actual pounds gained or lost or just progress toward goals, whatever those might be. Totally voluntary. If you want to be added to the weekly post, friend me here on MFP then you can message me your info by the end of the day Sunday or early Monday. I try to get it posted by noon my time - Pacific Time.

    I'm thinking of changing it from Accountability to "Weekly Check-in".

    Barbara - I see you are down into the 120's! I admire your tenacity in working toward your goals.

    Ginny - did an MD or PT advise you to use those toe spacers or did you come up with that yourself? Think I might have to go that route with the toes on my right foot that I managed to bash last year. I massage and manually stretch those toes which helps some.

    If I was able to make one part of my body like it was 50 years ago, it would be my feet! The saggy and jiggly parts don't bother me that much. :p

    Kylia - love the photos and I sure remember the chilly rains coming through Indiana on hot days. Do you know what the trees are in the foreground in your mountain pictures? The compound leaves - almost look like some type of Ash? Beautiful. Sorry to hear about the eggs possibly giving your tummy fits. Sometimes avoiding them for a while will fix things right up and you'll be able to eat them again.

    Heather - so sorry to hear about your thigh. Edie had a spectacular performance. Love hearing about your grands.

    Machka - I get all my Kindle books free through the local library. They have an arrangement with Amazon - when I click to download one, I'm taken to the Amazon website. For the longest time I thought I'd miss having a hard copy in my hands, but now I prefer the Kindle since it's so portable.

    Yesterday was "get ready for winter" day. I always make sure I have plenty of "flush water" on hand in case we have a power outage, and I bought 6 gallons of fresh bottled water. I have loads of old jugs but wanted to lay in fresh. Need to grab more gas for the generator.

    Make it a great day, ladies!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State