

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS PIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Heather UK I love Cass! She really helped me understand my organizing style. I am 90% ladybug with a little micro thrown in, though that may be more perfectionism rearring it's ugly head. I struggle to file things and put lids on things. DH is a Bee. Very micro but visual. I like things out of sight, he likes to see everything. I need to dump and move on while he likes file drawers. Still trying to blend our styles.

    Watched the hummingbirds play last evening. I was sitting on the back porch near the feeder. Two females. One short beak chatty thing. The other a really long beak. They ate, chased, and buzzed around me for an hour. Once they collided so hard I heard it! They kept resting on my spinners which would then start to spin and off they would go. It was really relaxing! I will miss them while on vacation.

    Been prepping for vacay. We leave today. I left shop as prepared as I can and not stressing over the work not done as I have time while on vacay to do it. Would prefer to not have to do it while gone but 4 deadlines while I am gone and just haven't had time or energy to totally catch up. Still, Sitting on porch in bathrobe with coffee and working or adult beverage in evening not bad working conditions. 👍 Will be walking lots. We eat my way while on vacay. Light breakfast then late lunch/early dinner. It suits me. May not have as many fruits/veggies but try to make good choices.

    I have officially been married longer than first marriage. While it isn't always easy, it is somehow still better than my first. Funny because my first wasn't hard, just not right. Does that even make sense?

    Rebecca Insurance companies do have too much power. I can't get recommended MRI because I haven't been to ER enough for migraines- smh. I use the ER for just emergencies. I may have to look for non insurance options to get it done. Won't be through our local hospital though as cash price starts at over $3000.

    Gotta go water plants, shower, and pack clothes. Miata already loaded on trailer., truck fueled, and non clothes items packed in tubs. I have coloring books, magazines, cross stitch, laptop, work stuffs, tablet, and phone. Good thing is laundry at home caught up and washer/dryer at cabin so don't come home with lots of dirtiest.

    Pip You are inspirational!

    More later! Time for meds and shower.

    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio ready for the mountains!

    Kylia. Cindy. Pensacola.
    So puzzling that you have to go to ER multiple times just to get them to pay for MRI. Did you call insurance directly? Sometimes it takes consistent documentation from your primary physician. They just have to know this is a primary issue being monitored by ur doc on an ongoing basis without improvement. Once they have that they will pay. The insurance company should be able to tell you what notes or documentation they need to get it paid for. Please call and try that if you haven't. Using the ER like a regular doc is a waste of the insurance company money just doesn't make sense.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    Lisa - stunning hummingbird photo. <3 Nice photos of John & Soraya. So glad you and Corey were able to meet her. She and John look very happy together. Good job on the burn piles, impressive! Any pix of the stable? I love old farmsteads and the various little outbuildings they had here and there.

    Kim - Glad the errant cat finally made it back home, even tho he was limping. That's cat life in the night-time fast lane. I don't think I could get away with changing my kitty's litter twice a week. If I don't get after it once a day she uses various places in the shop to make her deposits. :# Do you have anyone else in the neighborhood who could check on Levi for you if you are called away over night?

    When we had the farm, DH and I made a run to Regina, Sask to pick up some sheep and had to stay overnight. General Patton at the wheel, lol. Anyhow we left a list for a neighbor kid on what little chores needed to be done, and actually did a walk-through, checked tasks off the list, etc. Well, when we got home - I can't remember specifically, but we could tell corners were cut or things left undone. All the critters made it fine, but it made me wonder why this was so complicated for a 12 year old who was otherwise bright and doing well in school, lol. After that, it was hard to pry DH away overnight and we made some long day trips to visit friends in Oregon a few times. :o

    Ladies, a reminder - if you want to be included in the accountability post, please let me know the info today or first thing tomorrow.

    It's overcast and chilly this afternoon. I was messing with the tarp over the chicken run a couple hours ago so let the girls run loose. They had their adventure, found some weed and green grass to peck at, then came back for a treat, perfectly happy to go through the gate and settle in for the afternoon. Still at 3 eggs most days, not sure what is holding up hen #4 Almy. As the days shorten, egg laying will fall off unless I light their coop and run and don't intend to. So she better get moving! :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Cindy. Pensacola.
    Lanette, what is an accountability list?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited September 2023
    We had the other half of the pea masala tonight. Love it! With sea bass, and DH new potatoes cooked in the IP and then sautéed.

    Going to be getting up at 6.15 tomorrow morning to get to Edie's start by 7.35. I will, be awake before that, I'm sure, and will take my face and clothes upstairs with me to get ready before breakfast. I washed my hair this afternoon.
    May be thunderstorms later tomorrow, so will have to shut the skylight.

    Love Heather UK
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Glad I check my bank account almost every day. Learned that someone had charged almost $400 at Walmart and it's pending tomorrow. Cancelled the card and will contact bank tomorrow (closed today for Labor Day). :'(

    Kylia ~ So glad you had a successful journey to the cabin. Yes, self care is important.

    Barbie ~ Your quote about shutting your mouth hit home. It made me remember a Bible verse that essentially said, "Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the good sense of your words."

    I take lots of different vitamins. My brother who is a retired Pharmacist said that he is taking a huge amount of supplements to ward of Covid attacks. Can't remember the main one he liked though.

    Carol in GA

    Cindy. Pensacola.
    Carol, I have a card that I can turn off when I am not using it. I too in the same year this one a couple months apart had unauthorized charges on my card. Now my card is tap. Not every store has tap at the register. My card has a place under card management where I can turn it off when I am not using it. The only thing I have to remember to turn it back on before I use it. Mine is through Pen Air.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential.
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly.
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time.
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’..
    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed.
    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect.
    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok.
    11. Make time to do something you really enjoy.
    12. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost.
    13. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    14. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    15. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low.
    16. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly.
    17. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    18. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you.
    19. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement.
    20. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories.
    21. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    22. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.
    23. Let go of other people’s expectations of you.
    24. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love.
    25. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing.
    26. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents.
    27. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans.
    28. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn.
    29. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.
    30. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.
    Rebecca – It isn’t five years since you’ve seen the youngest, is it? I remember him graduating and enlisting! Good grief. It would be seriously awesome to see all the boys at once, even if just for a little while.

    Carol – Well done on getting the fraudulent charges removed! The banks have insurance for all that, I’m sure. The change in your account number may well keep it safe for quite some time. Also have much sympathy for the short girl getting in a jeep. I love them, but I have a hard time getting in them.

    Barbie - Bodhi could not have found a more perfect placement than with you and Jake. That is one lucky dog.

    Rosemarie – I’m so sorry you’ve been ill, though it sounds as if you're doing better. In your honor, as well as the rest who either have had covid or known someone with it lately, like Allie, I wore a mask during my time in town today. I don’t mind being the only one, especially if it keeps me from getting covid.

    Betsy - Speaking of covid, Betsy, how is your sister? I hope with all that's going on she didn't end up getting more ill. You've been on my mind of late.

    Back from my tests, and was able to get those done, then made it through Walmart for a new hairdryer, Aldi for fresh ground beef and Harps for a few specialty items and then back home. With my gardening this morning, I'm well over 8,000 steps without even trying.

    I also got a call from my daughter while I was out running around--or I should say, from my 8-year-old granddaughter, who wanted to know (while in the truck with her mother driving her to school) whether the Tooth Fairy was actually real. She caught her mom trying to hide some money under her pillow, and is one smart little girl. Then she asked if Santa Claus was real--and my only answer was "Well, I do know that those who don't believe, don't receive..." which her mama jumped on like a duck on a June-bug. Not sure how my daughter is going to get around that one, but I'll be interested in the outcome! :smiley:

    I genuinely don't remember when I found out that Santa wasn't real, so it couldn't have been too traumatic. I do remember my mother taking our notes to Santa and (after reading them) putting them in the fire to send up to the North Pole in the smoke... but that's it. Do you remember how you found out about Santa? Or what you told your kids?

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Yep pretty much. He had left Nov 2018. It doesn't seem that long ago, but in some respects its been eons.💖
    I showed his letter to each of my boys, when the time seemed right. Its a letter dated Dec 5th, 1969 from Santa to me.💖

    Thank you for all the letters you have sent to me in the past. I do appreciate them. Now that you are 7 yrs old, I thought it was time that I wrote back to you. I know that kids your age are growing up, asking questions and gaining information about the world very fast. I know that all this activity going on all at once can be confusing. You have questions you cannot answer, doubts you cannot run away from, and so on. One of these questions that I know you have is one that all children your age have. You want to know if I, Santa Claus, really exist?
    I know you have asked your parents and I know that they have jyst looked at each other and did not know what to say. I know that you have spoken to other kids who say I am not real and you have spoken to others who say I am. So, then what is the truth?
    The truth is I do exist. Probably not in the way you think I do, but I do exist. A long time ago, I started out as an all-seeing character in a legend that people would tell their children in order to make them act like good people when they were not with them (remember the "naughty and nice" song)? To reward their good children, they would give them presents on Christmas Day and say that the gifts were from me. The parents did these things out of love for their children, and this is how I exist today. I am a creation of love that your patents have handed down to you from their parents to make you a better person, and since I know you so well, I know that it is working. Your parents love can do many, many good things for you. Making me real to you is just one of these things.
    One thing I am not is a wishing well. You can't just write a letter to me and get what you want. In stories and fairy tales this works just fine, but in real life you have to work for what you get, just as your parents work very hard for what they get, and what they get you. You are a smart, hardworking person, and I know that you will understand this.
    So, do I really exist? Yes I do. Would you like to see me now? Well this is very easy to do. Just go sit on your mom or dad's lap and look into their eyes. The love you see in there is me, Santa, and I will be there for you always.
    Love Santa

    So my eldest read that at 7 yrs old and looked at me and said, "there's a Santa in all of us", in a whisper. I replied, bingo.💖

    Awe. I ❤️ the letter. Well said. His response, "There's a Santa in all of us." I'm that just melted your heart. Precious are our little ones.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    “The dangers of sitting: why sitting is the new smoking

    Sitting or lying down for too long increases your risk of chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
    Too much sitting can also be bad for your mental health.
    Being active is not as hard as you think. There are lots of simple ways to include some physical activity in your day.”

    Here is the link to this article: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/the-dangers-of-sitting

    I bought this scale for weighing meats, etc. to make sure of the service size from Amazon for $10. It is about the size of my cell phone. My DH loved it, and I do to. It is small and folds closed so you can bring it with you when you eat away from home too. Thought maybe someone on here would be interested. I used my 8 oz coffee cup to show you the size.


    RVRita in Roswell, NM

    Cindy Pensacola
    I really like that scale for traveling. I use my scales all the time for my food. Usually I guesstimate the amount. So small would fit in a pocket or purse.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,546 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Yikes! Skip a day and it turns into 4 days and 10+ pages!!!
    Belated welcome sspell1958 , @lolitahuggins and @mitchandsamsmom !
    Machka “scorpions and jackjumpers” had to google jack jumpers and scroll through a lot of basketball sites to get to the jack jumper ants you have there. Yah no barefoot there for me!
    Barbie love your attitude about lessons in patience ;)
    Kylia what are warming bears and warming horses for your cars? Looking down through that tower’s glass floor through your feet made me go “Urk” :sick: Lovely pic of you both, handsome couple.
    Ginny what stretches do you do with those toe spacers?
    Rebecca lovely letter, “…in each of us” wonderful response. Welcome Eli! Sounds like those were healthful happy tears. What a relief after so many sad ones…
    Margaret thanks for the Organized Enough and Stuff Your Face or … recommendations
    Heather I wouldn’t be stressed, after going near postal I’d be catatonic.
    Con VERY gratulations pip and Kirby! Very well done!
    Tracey fingers Xd for the EI.
    Vicki “Lanette--Love you too. You are an important part of my life, all you ladies are.” Amen, sister, amen!
    Joy ((hugs))
    Rita Yay you indeed!
    Beth the estimate to replace some siding on the front of our house is $500 materials and $1800 labor.
    Lanette thanks for yours on blue zones, mouth breathing etc. especially your reflections on activity. Been thinking too, about Machka’s info on how fat leaves the body through the lungs and not the colon. That what I really want is less fat around the middle, not a smaller number on the scale.

    Only through pg 18 but time to sleep.
    9/8 estimate received for replacing siding/window trim on the front of the house.
    9/7 Shelter worker saved voicemail from Gino’s new mom, “best dog ever.”
    9/6 Joe’s new Dr. told him the recent bloodwork showed he’s not diabetic. Thanks be!
    9/5 massage.
    9/4 gratitude: misty, moisty, foggy morning gave way to blue skies and gentle breezes.
    09/07: Move: ZERO sets PT, stroll with Joe and the dogs at Cape San Sebastian, Jeopardy walking. Steps:8034
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=6 CI<CO net=369
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, one load laundry. Wt: 128.5 !
    09/06: Move: 3 sets PT w/2*x&a, line dance class, dogs to powerline, . Steps:
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-14 CI<CO net=651
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, box and bag of books to shelter thrift shop, library, Post Office. Grocery Outlet, bottle drop. Wt: 130.3
    09/05: Move: 1 set PT w/d, dogs to powerline, line dancing. Steps:9236
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=20 CI<CO net=879
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT. ptS, massage, library, post office, BiMart, Grocery Outlet, recycling. Wt:130.7

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    Yes, I am happy to be swimming in happy tears. Sleeping so much better! And this is without any sleep aides. Last night had some swirling vertigo episodes though, so not happy about those. I think a sinus cold is coming on, or its just the cooling temps. My neck, and ears are sore abit. Might take some cold meds tonight.
    Today I was treated to my favorite fish food truck for lunch. Our island Optimist Club had a free shredding day so we made a donation and gave them a it bag of documents to be shredded. Then husband wanted McDonald's, so went there, and then he took me to where the food truck parks. I tried their cod sandwich. It was hefty with 2 pieces of cod plus lettuce, onions and pickles. We took it all home and watched Navy football. We won, I can't recall who we played, but I am not much of a follower of football anyways.
    Before our outing, we watched "Woody Woodpecker show" and husband colored in his new coloring book. We are an odd couple huh?😂
    Husband doesn't remember the cartoon being so silly. He admitted that cartoons weren't intently followed as a boy, mostly background noise eating cereal. I recall it being a time when it was the one day we could get up, without our parents and eat whatever, and watch whatever! We could not except for emergencies, wake our parents up.
    Enjoy the day all!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,546 Member
    From Barbara:
    9/7 Shelter worker saved voicemail from Gino’s new mom, “best dog ever.”
    9/6 Joe’s new Dr. told him the recent bloodwork showed he’s not diabetic. Thanks be!
    9/4 gratitude: misty, moisty, foggy morning gave way to blue skies and gentle breezes.
    Barbara - So pleased that Gino was placed well, I know that taking him back just broke your hearts... and so very happy that Joe's not diabetic! It's 60 degrees outside right now, at 5 a.m.-ish, and so wonderful to feel that assurance that the weather is changing here, too. The ten-day forecast shows no 90-degree or higher days for the first time in months and months!

    Rebecca - That's pretty much my routine as well... I had my doubts about that bit of plastic at the top of the mop head myself, but I figure if I wash my tennis shoes occasionally, which I do, the washer will survive the mop head. Plus that was one of the main selling points for me--not having to touch the mophead. (It's possible I'm a domestic princess, as well as a domestic goddess... :smiley: )

    I want to know immediately if things are going to make it through, so I pitch them into the washer on their first use. Much like my mother, who pretty much put everything through the dishwasher. She said if something wouldn't make it through the dishwasher, she didn't want it in her kitchen... :smile: If they didn't have cloth or plush fur as part of them, she would even put the grandkids' toys through the dishwasher, and anything she bought at a garage sale or yard sale.

    Anyway, off to get Corey a cup of coffee, he's up early this morning. He and I had an interesting debate last night on what drove the feminist movement of the 1960s - grew out of my recent attention to domestic matters. Love talking to him.

    And y'all!

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Our washer and dryer are a bit on the sketchy side, being they were used before son bought them. Then transporting them upstairs was a miracle in itself! The outside bit is independent from the inside drum, so it can "walk" if you put heavy things in it. Son and husband opened the thing up when it wasn't draining properly, and noticed a sensor button wasn't being pressed properly. They fixed it with a well placed ziptie, so lord knows how long that thingy is gonna last. I have dreams of water cascading down the carpeted stairs....🙄😁😂. Knocking on wood at that thought.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,546 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Morning, in a half an hr, I’m off on the road, all dark, but I’ll be lit up

    Like a very energetic Christmas tree! Congrats!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,217 Member
    cyntdooley wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Hi, I’m still here. Just been busy. Vince volunteered at the fair, he will again Sun and Mon. Just texted Denise that we will be there 9/12, 13, and leave 14. Finished the jigsaw puzzle. We went to the fair last night (Vince was just a spectator). Lectored at the church tonight (Sat). Worked at the soup kitchen yesterday. Tues was the last day this month for me to count the donations at the church. Worked Wed. because the store mgr was on vacation and the asst. mgr. Needed help. I think she does some prep on Wed. They got new shelves for the refrig at BK and I think right now I’ve got it figured out how we can do the prep. Going to run it by the store mgr. Monday. Been in the pool. Jess said she’ll probably come here next weekend (I’m guessing to use the pool)

    Allie – I, too, missed that you ran over your foot. What happened? I’m so glad you had a great cruise. We have a southpaw, huh” This cruise may be at an end, but the memories never end

    Been pulling weeds around the pool. See, we’re going to put down these blocks (yea, makes it easier for me to mow) but first I have to get rid of the weeds that are around the pool. If I do a little each night for a few nights, I’ll get it done. Took some plastic gloves from BK. Not that that’s a real expensive item, and not like I took a whole lot

    Walking around the neighborhood. The other day took a walk to Food Lion and the dollar store. Needed to return an item at the dollar store so I got Halloween cards for everyone.

    Lisa – congrats to you and your daughter. You certainly raised one really great gal. So sorry to hear her ex is giving problems.

    REALLY not liking this getting dark so early stuff. M – you are so so lucky that you are starting summertime

    Tracey – congrats on the certification. I knew you could do it!

    Rita – Vince took his area 51 train to the fair one night and he said it was the hit of the night with the kids. When we went this one person had a spaceship and a cow would go up into it. I thought that was cool

    Welcome everyone new!

    Debbie – I love to marinate meat before grilling.

    Barbie – I’m so glad to hear that you are going to adopt Bodhi. He’s one lucky pup, that’s for sure

    Katie – I prefer the “hands and knees” to clean my floor. One time I was using Mop and Glo and Vince commented “it’s called MOP and Glow for a reason” because I was on my hands and knees

    katla – how is your hubby? How often do you get to see him?

    Pip – when will Bette be sold?

    Since I don’t work tomorrow, the plan is to do a Kettleworx Cardio DVD. Speaking of Kettle Bells, anyone know where Mary is?

    Hot flash coming on so time for frozen grapes!

    Cindy – congrats on the loss. Awesome!

    Rosa – glad the eye isn’t hurting you. It’ll get better

    Carol – we used to have a little stool for my father to use to get up into our Ram Charger back in the day

    Better get to bed.

    Michele NC

    Michele. This is Cindy, Pensacola.
    Weeds can also be killed by taking cardboard dampen with water not soaked cut to size lay over area and it will kill the weeds. You can lay the blocks right over it. Food for thought.

    That's what we do. :) But we don't dampen the cardboard.

    The last couple weekends, I've been laying a rock boarder. I've pulled up a lot of the weeds and grass, then put cardboard down and the loaf-of-bread sized rocks on top.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Heather - I wish I was able to lay on the couch all day and eat Candy. I get too restless when I don’t do much.
    Great painting!

    Lisa - I think it was in 2016 the are where our family is in NB lost power for in some places up to 12 days. My brother and mother lost it for 9. They were fortunate that they had wood stoves and barbecues, and oil lanterns. My brother bought a generator shortly after this, and he claims it’s his insurance policy. He hasn’t needed it, but figures if he sells it he’ll need it.
    What brand of spin mop did you buy?

    Annie - I live my life in bare feet. I only put shoes on if it’s a mandatory occurrence. I will wear my flip flops well into Winter. They usually get put away only when the snow is up to my toes.

    Pip - good luck tomorrow.

    I was curious about jury duty here, I knew that legally your employer had to give you leave but no pay. I wasn’t sure if people were paid or not, but looked and the pay is $50/day.

    Rosemarie - I had coworkers that were down and out for 2 weeks with Covid. I myself suffered with fatigue more than anything.

    Heather - we were never able to let our girls join a lot of activities. I worked shift work for a while, we didn’t have a car for a while, we didn’t have the money. We also felt if they were over scheduled they didn’t have time to be bored and learn what their interests were. They both were in Sea Cadets for many years though. It was one program that they actually were paid to do.

    Kelly - I am always so impressed with what you do with the kiddos.
    I’m sorry you are sick on vacation again. It’s almost like your body knows when you’ll have a chance to relax.

    Cindy - does that cardboard thing work if I just put it around plants I want to keep? Should I do it in the Spring?

    I managed to get my name changed on my SIN yesterday. She told me most people don’t get this changed until they’re looking for their pension. I’m just a tad early. 😉

    I worked on a birthday present for my grandson today. It needs an adjustment and then I’ll take a picture.

    Kaitlyn is coming tomorrow and we are working on the other pieces I started. The instruction video for putting it together is almost 2 hours!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member