

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Pip - many congratulations on your great effort. Really good going. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Questions for those of you who use Kindle.

    I have the Kindle App (I think).
    And I think I've used it to read one free book.

    The app I'm using has this icon below. Is that the Kindle app?
    Are there free books?
    Do I have to buy books?
    Can I "take books out" like a library or from a library?



    I have always preferred to read books on paper. But occasionally it might be more convenient not to carry a paper book.

    Machka in Oz

    I use the Kindle app and I have a Kindle. I’m reading different books on all, (phone, iPad, Laptop, and Kindle!) LOL. There are some free books on it. To answer the first questions. You can buy books through Amazon, and Kindle itself. Since Kindle is owned by Amazon, if you have Amazon prime, you can join the First Reads program and choose a free Kindle book once a month. Through Amazon there is another program that lets you ‘borrow’ books like at a library. I personally buy them and get the monthly free one. They are kept on the ‘Kindle cloud’ and you can sync between all your devices, or do like me and read different books on different devices. I hope that helps. I don’t know if it will apply to Oz as well.

    Rita, in NM
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Hugs for you Rita! What a heart wrenching situation!

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    edited September 2023
    kymarai wrote: »
    Just letting y'all know that Julie (bananasandoranges) says HI! She is hoping life will slow down some in 2024.

    Thanks for sharing the update- I have been wondering about her- miss her posts. Hope she comes back to chat here once in a while

    Rita- prayers said and will continue to pray for your son and for you as well.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Firm’s Hips Thighs and Abs DVD then a yoga DVD. Senior bowling starts tomorrow.

    Rebecca – when I called my cousin, her daughter warned me that she’s forgetful,etc. Yet, when I spoke to her you would never have known it. I suspect some of it has to do with when you speak to them. If they are the slightest bit tired, they get forgetful.

    Lolita and mitch and tracer - welcome

    M – compared to Aldi brand bread or WalMart brand, Wonder is high end. I only have the honey from the neighbors. It’s isn’t pasteurized or anything. Yes, it’s like $10 a bottle, but to me, it’s worth it. That’s one thing I will spend money on. It’s actually healthier for you, too. I use a mop sprayer much like yours after I wash the floor on my hands and knees. Yup, I know, overkill. I can’t remember the last time I read a paper book. I find ebooks so much more convenient.

    Went to this craft show yesterday. I’ve been looking for some sort of “thing” to hang on the door of the room that Steve stays in mostly that says something like “Steve’s Room”. I don’t want a sign to make it permanent, just something I can put on the doorknob for when he’s here. I did find someone who can probably make something like that for me. They have this group with Newcomers called “Chatty Crafters”. Some of the ladies who are in Newcomers were selling things at the craft fair. Guess the Chatty Crafters are selling things now….lol

    Started to take my walk yesterday and did it ever start to rain! Made it home, wet as a drenched rat

    Made sugar cookies for Vince. I got this package mix for something like 50 cents so figured I’d better use it. Made a chocolate “cake” to take to bowling tomorrow. The gal who runs it said that she was going to be providing all the food so I decided I’d take something

    Walked to Food Lion today to get some shrimp that were on sale. I think the guy gave them to me for free because I don’t remember putting my cc in.

    pip – I guess you never took the virtual bike ride so that’s why I didn’t hear about it until Covid hit. Good ride

    Lisa – when Vince was on jury duty, he had to give the company his pay from jury duty and they gave him his regular pay. Here you call a number the night before and they tell you if you are needed. The last time Vince was called to jury duty (he was retired), he called the number and was told that they didn’t need him.

    Heather – great painting. Sorry about your thigh

    Stopped to see Lynette yesterday before the soup kitchen. She asked me if I would hem these shift type dresses she wears around the house. Ken offered to do it. I really don’t have a problem, but it seems like he really doesn’t do a whole lot. I suggested that this might give him something else to do with his time.

    Finished the jigsaw puzzle I was working on. As soon as Vince sees it, I’ll probably start on another one

    Yea Edie!!!!!!!

    katla – hope you feel better soon

    Denise called to be sure we can come up next May, PJ will be “graduating” day care. Ahhh...it starts.

    Cindy – we were going to put down landscape fabric before putting the blocks down. I just don’t want to take ANY chances of those weeds growing back. I think landscape fabric takes longer to decompose than cardboard. Thanks for the suggestion

    Debbie – great job on the rotisserie buy

    Lanette – I read where they found honey in the pyramids! That’s one thing about honey, it never expires

    Barbara – if you put the crystalized honey in a pot of boiling water (don’t use the microwave), it’ll “revitalize” the honey

    We leave Tuesday to go see Denise, Pete and PJ. Denise said that Pete will come home Wed. afternoon. We’ll leave Thurs. So we’ll get to see him for the second day this year

    Rita – prayers for you and your son. It’s so horrible not to be there for your child, I know. But sometimes it just can’t be helped

    Thanks for the update about Julie. Tell her we’re all missing her and thinking about her

    Well, sun is out so I guess it’s pool time!

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    edited September 2023
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Questions for those of you who use Kindle.

    I have the Kindle App (I think).
    And I think I've used it to read one free book.

    The app I'm using has this icon below. Is that the Kindle app?
    Are there free books?
    Do I have to buy books?
    Can I "take books out" like a library or from a library?



    I have always preferred to read books on paper. But occasionally it might be more convenient not to carry a paper book.

    Machka in Oz

    My library uses the Kindle app. My fire tablet uses it too. I just look for free books. I never pay. I go thru looking at my library bookmark, so first it takes me to the library, then Amazon where it says pick up book, then it downloads it in the kindle app. I then see the book listed in my area of checked out books on my library one. I love it because it gives me 21 days of reading with each item. I will get an email when a book is ready to expire. Sometimes I can check it out again, and sometimes I have to put the book on hold. Its a great thing.👍🏼💖
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Healing thoughts for your son, Rita🙏😥. I know the feeling of feeling helpless especially if going there isn't financially in the cards.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Rita- im sorry about your son..will keep him in my prayers..
    Raining today so just watching t.v.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Rita - have you thought of 'Go Fund Me'? I would contribute. <3
    When I was doing my theatre project, in 1991, I asked for 'Angels' to donate from my friends and family. I was amazed at the positive response. Why not try it?
    Sending hugs for your very difficult situation. <3

    Life returning to peace.
    Edie has been agitating her brain about what she wants for her birthday very soon. Today I found a leopard print faux fur jacket. :D I sent a pic to DDIL and Edie loves it. Ordered this afternoon! :D
    She has been agitating for a ridiculously expensive bicycle helmet, but her mother is resisting. After today, she may relent. :o

    Still hot, but expecting cooler weather next week.

    Today Amazon brought me a new pink accent dustpan and brush. <3 Plus stick on hooks for the under sink cupboard. I'm hanging rubber gloves on them. Hapoy!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Wow, Carol, 13? :o Congratulations!

    Nice quiet evening. Still hot. I am naked and have the fan on.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
    edited September 2023
    Rita: 🙏 🙏 🙏 for your son. 🤗 🤗 🤗 for you.

    Heather: 🥰 the determination of your grands.

    Night night!

    ☘️ Terri