

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,394 Member
    Barbara - I love your long posts and always realize I somehow completely skipped over some. :# Your gratitudes just make my day.

    Tracey - there have been several youth suicides in our area in the past decade, more within the past couple years. Do any of you remember that film "My Bodyguard"? If I was in charge of the world and the school, I'd find a well respected, athletic, kind and tall/beefy senior and assign him to be the friend of a boy who was being bullied. And for girls, get the confident, popular, smart, well respected senior gal and have her be the friend of the bullied girl going through problems. I am so glad you were able to work through your depression. As Lisa mentioned, we can tell it's been a wonderful change for you leaving that job.

    Rosemarie - regarding your friend, Beth might have a point regarding her hearing.

    Katiebug - glad your cleaner is working out again. Mine called a couple days ago and needed to be moved from this coming Tuesday, her normal day. We decided that tomorrow (Saturday morning) would work just fine. It's going to take some doing to get my brain wrapped around this, and make sure to get the house picked up and clutter put away before she arrives. And get my regular Saturday chores rearranged. Good exercise in flexibiliy though, and I need it! :)

    Carol - oh my word, you have had quite a time. You are such an honest person. They don't really seem to check receipts and packages anymore at some of these stores, I bet the theft loss is super high.

    Barbie - wow, that app for your car really sounds neat. Peace of mind. I wonder if they've started putting similar on all new cars?

    Betsy - Barbara - as Rita says, the more the merrier at the Flying Saucer party. When I was in town this morning I saw it parked at the local museum. I didn't stop to see if it had an entrance and ramp for the chickens. :p

    Debbie and Lisa - great to hear you have "Blessing boxes" nearby. I haven't had any luck tracking down some in my area, but I did get in another shopping spree yesterday morning and grabbed more items for "Blessing Bags". Once I get done with the deck staining and outdoor stuff (tomato plants and squash plants need to be moved to the compost heap this weekend, hopefully. Plus my big maple is dropping leaves like mad. Maybe they'll blow into Roger's yard! :p ) I'll resume finding a home for some of them.

    I'm sure there is a need for emergency meals, these folks tend to stay under the radar. Domestic violence, pride/shame, medical problems and job loss, transportation issues, etc., hinder their ability to ask for or get help with food. I have a lot of good leads, just need to follow up on them.

    I made a purchase from a Facebook ad last week and think I got hoodwinked. It was for "Forever" stamps at a discounted price. The link on the ad sent me to was a realistic-appearing US Postal Service website, the information said something about good deals on these older stamps. I thought it was a bit odd, but I don't keep up on things and I remembered a long time ago, the price of stamps did actually drop a little. so I went ahead and made a small purchase. I soon as I hit the "pay" button, I got a scam warning from either Google or McAfee. I thought, well, too late now. Thanks for nothing! :#

    I immedately called VISA - I was more afraid of identity theft at that point than I was at being defrauded. They said just monitor the account closely, they could send me a new card but I didn't want to deal with that and set up an alert for any purchase over $200. I called the local post office and told them the situation, and that if I did receive stamps, could they identify counterfeit ones? The postmaster told me the guy who knew how to do it was on vacation for 2 weeks and why don't I try to use one and see if it works? I told them I thought using counterfeit stamps was against the law, the lady said well you can explain yourself if you get caught. :s

    Good gravy.

    So the stamps came a couple days ago. They look real to me. I mailed a letter to myself, let's see if I get it. I was able to read up a little more about it on the US Postal Inspector Fraud website but there was only a tiny blurb about how their equipment sends letters with fake stamps to the dead letter office. I didn't feel like messing with this any further at the time. If I don't get my letter within a few days, I'll contact VISA and let them go after the culprit for selling fake goods.

    It could have been worse, it was a good reminder. I read comments from others that Facebook regularly posts ads from overseas scammers, which is a shame since I've gotten some nice products through FB ads before so had some measure of faith that they only accepted ads from legit companies.

    MARCHING - I saw a little reminder several days ago - maybe Bob & Brad? - that said when you first get up (or maybe after that first morning coffee) march in place for a minute. No jogging, Just standing and alternately raising legs up to waist level or as high as comfortable at an easy pace. It's just to help with circulation and flexibility. No harm in me doing that after a long session of sitting at this laptop either. I put a reminder sticky on the bathroom mirror.

    It's nearly noon and the fog is finally starting to lift, not sure it will get dry enough to resume staining today. On my trip to town this morning and picked up another gallon so I'm ready. Maybe I jinxed it.

    I see many more posts from you wonderful ladies but I need to get this posted, I started it early this morning.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    Lanette ~ I think scams and fraud are increasing more and more. I hope your stamped letter comes back to you.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 4min 22sec, 44elev, 2.97ap, 80ahr, 95mhr, 6.13mi= 590c
    Strava app= 752c
    Walk to estate sale and back- 50.04min, 22elev, 94ahr, 115mhr, 2.76mi= 320c
    Strava app= 339c

    No gym or spin today. Total cal 910, not bad for just walking. 8.89 total miles
  • kristisadler68
    kristisadler68 Posts: 2 Member
    Well yup im still awake from 3 am. The heating pad did help my tummy thank goodness.. Im hungry but not hungry my tummy has been growling for a few hours.
    Maybe a cup of tea is in order..

    A cup of tea is always in order. I know that "hungry but not" feeling well. I always grab a drink before a snack just to be certain food is what I need, and not just want..
  • vibrantreader
    vibrantreader Posts: 30 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Hi There.. A little late Happy October! My favorite time of year.

    I agree with your quote @barbiecat. We just have to keep on moving, for our health and happiness!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    Aching all over. :# I know it won't last long, and I'm glad today is not expecting too much of me. I did all my exercises and got my copying and pasting done. Other than that, just listening to inspiring podcasts. :D One was about being a carer, both professional and familial, and the other was about the importance of confronting family secrets.

    Homemade pizza tonight, half a thin one each. Green salad. Right now I don't feel like anything, but that will pass.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Isn't it better to let family secrets lie where they are and move on? Leave the past in the past and look forward!

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Lisa, Michelle-Thank you. The pictures really don't do the scenery justice.
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Today I attended the funeral of a 94 year old woman from our church. Married for 72 years, her 94 year old husband was beyond heartbroken. My floodgates opened ... :'(


    That would do me in too. :'(

    Heather-Glad I can help with your bucket list. :smiley: Congrats on completing the book.

    Machka and Tracey-We did drive up the Icefield Parkway, but stopped at Bow Lake. When we were there, a man told us we should visit Jasper. However, we just didn't have the time left in the trip by that point. I originally wanted to get all the way up to where you can take the vehicles out onto the glaciers, but we were limited to 2.5 days in the park and had to make some choices. We will go back, however, and stay in Jasper. It'll be in the summer, probably. I hate that it'll be much more crowded, but if we plan, we should be able to do what we want. We didn't plan much for this trip and we weren't able to get to Moraine Lake, which we were told was beautiful too. They no longer let personal vehicles on the road to it until after the first week of October and the buses were booked. However, there are so many beautiful lakes, I don't really feel the need to sit on a bus with a bunch of people to see that one.

    I really did enjoy Calgary too. If I were to move from here (which I do hope to do someday), I would consider it. I still cannot believe how quiet it is there.

    Kim-What a nice gesture to Sue.

    I agree that we should have friends for different purposes. I have friends to have dinner and conversation with, but others that I go to sporting events and concerts with. I travel with some friends, but I cannot imagine traveling with others.

    Lisa-You are so much better at the pottery thing than I was when I tried it. I could not get the pots larger than a mini size. Throwing the clay was so hard for me. I had to have a lot of instructor assistance.

    We have a digital frame and I keep seeing pictures of me and I don't like the recent ones. I hope it will motivate me to keep up with my resistance work. I used to have nice, toned arms. Now, not so much.

    Of course, I don't like the greys that won't color anymore either. Ugh. I am not one that will accept my greys. I plan to color my hair forever. Thankfully, there are products making it easier to keep it up now.

    Enjoy the day!

    Tina in CA where it is really stupid hot.

    I have to smile that you think of Calgary as quiet.

    I have lived in and near Calgary a lot of years and it's too big and too busy for me.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Night # 4 of insomnia- I went to sleep after not too long of being in bed- got a whole 7 min. of deep sleep then awake for 2 1/2 hrs- got out of bed a few times, took a warm massaging shower and two melatonin and finally got to sleep. Really wanted and needed to sleep in but dh had his alarm set or maybe just got up to use the bathroom at 7:45 then laid in bed talking to the cats then watching vidoes on his phone. Was going to try and go back to sleep when he went into the bathroom- he is in there a good half hour or more- nope, he came right back out and said the recycling was a little too close to son's car(he called in sick this morning) and if it is too close, they won't pick it up, so, got pants on and moved it. While out there, of course the stray cats wanted food, then the inside cats all wanted to eat- no going back to sleep after that.

    Going to be hot again today 93 with 32% humidity(we don't usually get much of that). I will walk a short path around the wetlands while waiting for Ezie - will remember to take both the cooling towel and a bottle of ice water(not really to drink but to pour on the towel when it starts to warm up. ) and have a water bottle in the car for when I am done. I don't drink while walking- there are no bathrooms, just bushes around the whole wetlands.

    Walking with my friend tonight beings the Sip and Paint we were going to go to was sold out before she signed us up. Should be cool and perfect breeze by 6:30 to walk an hour.
    Hopefully I will sleep better tonight.
    I want more than a total of 11 min. of deep sleep tonight. (had 7 min one time and 4 the other)

    Baking tomorrow for potluck at church. Round up Sunday- Western theme- Need to figure out what I will wear. I was hoping to wear the Gunne Sax dress I made and then later altered but not going to happen. It will go back in my closet.

    Napa Valley, CA

    Can you sleep in a separate bedroom?

    I would be livid if someone disturbed my sleep the way your husband does. Loudly livid! Livid to the point where I would be giving him 2 choices: he can stay if he's silent or if he can't be silent, he'll need to find alternate accommodation for the night.

    I don't react well to having my sleep disturbed.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited October 2023
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Lisa--Beautiful dishes.
    Tracey--Sounds like a very interesting and informative class. Seems to be more and younger people affected by things and turn to self har or suicide.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3<3

    Some of the highest suicide rates are among seniors.

    And older people can be more subtle about it.

    For example, choosing an unhealthy lifestyle.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited October 2023
    Barbara - I love your long posts and always realize I somehow completely skipped over some. :# Your gratitudes just make my day.

    Tracey - there have been several youth suicides in our area in the past decade, more within the past couple years. Do any of you remember that film "My Bodyguard"? If I was in charge of the world and the school, I'd find a well respected, athletic, kind and tall/beefy senior and assign him to be the friend of a boy who was being bullied. And for girls, get the confident, popular, smart, well respected senior gal and have her be the friend of the bullied girl going through problems. I am so glad you were able to work through your depression. As Lisa mentioned, we can tell it's been a wonderful change for you leaving that job.

    Rosemarie - regarding your friend, Beth might have a point regarding her hearing.

    Katiebug - glad your cleaner is working out again. Mine called a couple days ago and needed to be moved from this coming Tuesday, her normal day. We decided that tomorrow (Saturday morning) would work just fine. It's going to take some doing to get my brain wrapped around this, and make sure to get the house picked up and clutter put away before she arrives. And get my regular Saturday chores rearranged. Good exercise in flexibiliy though, and I need it! :)

    Carol - oh my word, you have had quite a time. You are such an honest person. They don't really seem to check receipts and packages anymore at some of these stores, I bet the theft loss is super high.

    Barbie - wow, that app for your car really sounds neat. Peace of mind. I wonder if they've started putting similar on all new cars?

    Betsy - Barbara - as Rita says, the more the merrier at the Flying Saucer party. When I was in town this morning I saw it parked at the local museum. I didn't stop to see if it had an entrance and ramp for the chickens. :p

    Debbie and Lisa - great to hear you have "Blessing boxes" nearby. I haven't had any luck tracking down some in my area, but I did get in another shopping spree yesterday morning and grabbed more items for "Blessing Bags". Once I get done with the deck staining and outdoor stuff (tomato plants and squash plants need to be moved to the compost heap this weekend, hopefully. Plus my big maple is dropping leaves like mad. Maybe they'll blow into Roger's yard! :p ) I'll resume finding a home for some of them.

    I'm sure there is a need for emergency meals, these folks tend to stay under the radar. Domestic violence, pride/shame, medical problems and job loss, transportation issues, etc., hinder their ability to ask for or get help with food. I have a lot of good leads, just need to follow up on them.

    I made a purchase from a Facebook ad last week and think I got hoodwinked. It was for "Forever" stamps at a discounted price. The link on the ad sent me to was a realistic-appearing US Postal Service website, the information said something about good deals on these older stamps. I thought it was a bit odd, but I don't keep up on things and I remembered a long time ago, the price of stamps did actually drop a little. so I went ahead and made a small purchase. I soon as I hit the "pay" button, I got a scam warning from either Google or McAfee. I thought, well, too late now. Thanks for nothing! :#

    I immedately called VISA - I was more afraid of identity theft at that point than I was at being defrauded. They said just monitor the account closely, they could send me a new card but I didn't want to deal with that and set up an alert for any purchase over $200. I called the local post office and told them the situation, and that if I did receive stamps, could they identify counterfeit ones? The postmaster told me the guy who knew how to do it was on vacation for 2 weeks and why don't I try to use one and see if it works? I told them I thought using counterfeit stamps was against the law, the lady said well you can explain yourself if you get caught. :s

    Good gravy.

    So the stamps came a couple days ago. They look real to me. I mailed a letter to myself, let's see if I get it. I was able to read up a little more about it on the US Postal Inspector Fraud website but there was only a tiny blurb about how their equipment sends letters with fake stamps to the dead letter office. I didn't feel like messing with this any further at the time. If I don't get my letter within a few days, I'll contact VISA and let them go after the culprit for selling fake goods.

    It could have been worse, it was a good reminder. I read comments from others that Facebook regularly posts ads from overseas scammers, which is a shame since I've gotten some nice products through FB ads before so had some measure of faith that they only accepted ads from legit companies.

    MARCHING - I saw a little reminder several days ago - maybe Bob & Brad? - that said when you first get up (or maybe after that first morning coffee) march in place for a minute. No jogging, Just standing and alternately raising legs up to waist level or as high as comfortable at an easy pace. It's just to help with circulation and flexibility. No harm in me doing that after a long session of sitting at this laptop either. I put a reminder sticky on the bathroom mirror.

    It's nearly noon and the fog is finally starting to lift, not sure it will get dry enough to resume staining today. On my trip to town this morning and picked up another gallon so I'm ready. Maybe I jinxed it.

    I see many more posts from you wonderful ladies but I need to get this posted, I started it early this morning.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I look at ALL FB ads as scams. A lot of them do come from overseas ... the USA. And I won't buy anything from a random business there!!!

    I slowly "march" in place and stretch when I shift my sit-stand desk to standing.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,474 Member
    edited October 2023
    Ah, Allie, I'm so glad you got the walking in - and hang in there tomorrow, because your body is probably going to hurt from that much! I'm sorry Carmine was awful. Growing out of these behaviors will happen over time, but it doesn't mean it's easy now...

    Machka - Kinda disagree on the family secrets thing. One of the best things I've done was about 20-odd years ago, I sent letters and or emails to the whole set of my siblings with all the family secrets that people had told me about each other, truths all the way around. It was one of the best thing I've done with my family. Took a massive weight off of me, and didn't seem to matter to them. The only person who got upset was one brother, because I wrote that I'd rather put an ice pick through my ear than ever be in a room with his wife again. Believe me when I say some of the other secrets would curl your hair... but that was what upset him. People are weird. But two big things came out of it - I've never been entrusted with any of their secrets about each other again. And I've never been trapped in a room with that sister-in-law again, either. Both make me happy.

    Corey has absconded off to his favorite weekend evening space, the bathtub, with eucalyptus Epsom salts. I love how happy it makes him, and it gives me one last chance to talk to y'all.

    For dinner, I made baby sweet potato fries tossed in a very tiny amount of olive oil and cajun spices, and cooked in the air fryer for about 20 minutes until they caramelized. They were my dinner, and we had plenty, so I shared some with Corey who made himself a pork steak. The sweet potatoes were from his garden and had cured for a couple weeks to get as sweet as they could. It was my first real try at those, and they turned out really well; Corey said he would eat them again.

    I love sweet potatoes, but he's seldom been thrilled about them by themselves, so that was a win! We've got another eight full-sized sweet potatoes waiting that we'll eat over the weeks to come. They'll only get sweeter over time. Love it when dinner is happily yummy and nutritionally superb, so I'm a happy camper, too...

    Hope your Friday was good, and your weekend is even better.
    Love from AR,
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,474 Member
    edited October 2023
    https://www.amazon.com/Under-Henfluence-Inside-Backyard-Chickens/dp/1572843217 - Lanette, ran across this tonight. Part of the description: "Danovich’s reporting reveals the hidden cleverness, quiet sweetness, and irresistible personalities of these birds, as well as the complex human-chicken relationship that has evolved over centuries."
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,515 Member
    Was a little under the weather today, usually my flu shot treats me fine.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Well im home
    4 and a half hours on my feet in bumpy mucky fairgrounds
    Im glad I brought my cane..
    But every muscle and bone in my body aches.. took my nightine meds and some tylenol and hopefully will be able to sleep..
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »

    I really did enjoy Calgary too. If I were to move from here (which I do hope to do someday), I would consider it. I still cannot believe how quiet it is there.


    Tina in CA where it is really stupid hot.

    I have to smile that you think of Calgary as quiet.

    I have lived in and near Calgary a lot of years and it's too big and too busy for me.

    M in Oz

    Ha! It’s all perspective. Where I live, it’s constantly noisy to the point we have to make more noise to block out the noise (fountains, white noise machines, fans, etc.). In Calgary, we stayed in a condo less than a block from a rail station and we didn’t even know it. We never heard the rail. No sirens, no screaming people on the street below, no honking at all.

    Tina in CA
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Allie-Hang in there. Hope you feel better soon.

    Rebecca-ditto to you.

    I also consider all FB and other ads as scams. But, it’s my job to be suspicious.

    Currently, I’m enjoying a hotel room that is cold. The Mister is at a concert and I didn’t want him driving 2 hours home alone afterward, late, especially on a Friday. So I used points and got a hotel. I’m hanging here enjoying the quiet and cold until he is done. If I wasn’t willing to drive with him, he would drive home. The hotel offers a shuttle to/from the venue so I may not even have to pick him up there. Yay! We will drive back tomorrow and stop at a German market on the way. There is exactly one in our county and it’s an hour from our house. When we drive north, we sometimes stop on the way home. The Mister wants sauerbraten and they have a marinated roast there.

    Tina in CA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »

    I really did enjoy Calgary too. If I were to move from here (which I do hope to do someday), I would consider it. I still cannot believe how quiet it is there.


    Tina in CA where it is really stupid hot.

    I have to smile that you think of Calgary as quiet.

    I have lived in and near Calgary a lot of years and it's too big and too busy for me.

    M in Oz

    Ha! It’s all perspective. Where I live, it’s constantly noisy to the point we have to make more noise to block out the noise (fountains, white noise machines, fans, etc.). In Calgary, we stayed in a condo less than a block from a rail station and we didn’t even know it. We never heard the rail. No sirens, no screaming people on the street below, no honking at all.

    Tina in CA

    Part of that has to do with double and triple paned windows to block the cold air. They also work well to block noise.

    I couldn't live in a place with as much noise as you describe. Where we live in Tasmania, it gets a little bit noisy for about 30 minutes twice a day during school drop off and pick up. And there's that dog next door. But otherwise it's pretty quiet.

    Nevertheless, I do miss the silence offered by Canadian double and triple paned windows.

    M in Oz