

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in for October 16, 2023

    Kylia in Ohio – what a roller coaster ride scale wise this past week! I was 128.5 last Sunday. On Monday I was 127.5. On Wednesday, that dang scale read 130.3!!!! It was a job to get my mind to accept that that number was not true. It just wasn't possible. I have however only seen that number once since falling out of the 130s in 2017. More water. More logging. I am happy to say I weighed in at 128.2. So a loss of .3 lbs

    Rita in Roswell NM - Well only down 2/10 a pound from last week, and still about 1 pound over the end of last month. Junk food needs to go away!

    Debbie in Napa Valley CA - Will report next week.

    Lanette SW WA State – weight staying steady. Goal is clothing fitting better, and making progress overall. Health, at this stage, is priority over what the scale says. Incorporating drinking more water, getting more activity right after meals and pushing carbs to the end of the meal, starting with protein and high fiber foods.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Went to church yesterday then came home and changed. DD and I then cleaned the gutters on the back of the house. We finished just as it started to rain.

    We changed the horses places as we are now feeding the old mare timothy hay pellets. They are soaked so she does not have to chew them. Hopefully this will keep her going through the winter.

    Kim - hope you are able to carve out some me time.

    Carol - I am with the others. See if you can find something just for you while he is sleeping.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Carol, does your new car have Car Play? My cousin’s 2019 CRV had it, but my 2016 had built-in. If so, your phones map app will work through car play and it is actually better than built-in navigation. You can even ask Siri for directions while driving. I couldn’t do that with my built-in navigation. I had to be stopped in Park.

    Re b]bathroom rugs[/b]: our housecleaner comes every other Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday morning we wash all the bathroom and kitchen mats so they are nice and clean and ready to put down after she does the floors. We also do the sheets every two weeks. We do a load of regular laundry every day. Towels get done with the Monday and Friday loads, because those are Dave’s clothes and he doesn’t care. I sort mine and do darks one day, lights the next so that each gets done once a week.

    I don’t have a set schedule for the places the housecleaner doesn’t do, but just do them when they start to bother me. For example, I did the oven Saturday. It probably hadn’t been done in 6 months or longer.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,455 Member
    edited October 2023
    Kim - so pleased that it was merely that "thorn in your side..." and not cancer. I think it's become such a kneejerk reaction on the part of the doctors, it's a little scary. I have not had a doctor actually touch me in years, other than them clutching their stethoscope outside my shirt and pressing it to my chest, then telling me to take a deep breath. Techs, sure... mammograms, cardiograms, echocardiograms... but the docs just look at the test results and talk to me.

    Sue - how are your sarcoidosis symptoms doing? Better, I hope. I think of you often. I'm so pleased that you're making sure to give your old mare the best chance to make it through the winter.

    Heather - Many happy birthday wishes for Johnnie, and hope your birthday lunch out is absolutely wonderful. The delicacies for picnics in your room sound lovely and wonderful. Glad the holiday row is completed already... such a relief to have that over with! :smiley:

    Rebecca - Such an amazing change in Lee, just absolutely wonderful. You had to be so scared all the time at that point. So pleased the transplant was so successful.

    Lanette - I'm so pleased I've inspired you to make homemade pizza. The best thing I've learned here with all these lovely women is that I do best if I eat whatever I choose and control my serving sizes. It's simply much more effective for me than leaving out any type of food, like fats or carbs or whatever the latest style is... I do try to leave my early meal as late as I can handle it, but eating smaller amounts and less often has been the most effective thing for me for weight maintenance and control.

    Time to go pull the focaccia out of the oven, the house smells wonderful.

    Hope it's a lovely start to the week for everyone.

    Lisa in AR

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Any help with posting pictures from Samsung? I can post from laptop, just not phone or tablet. Just a wee bit frustrating.

    Not being able to post photos is a special feature that the Samsung & MFP app offers!!

    Try opening the internet version of MFP rather than the app, and posting photos there.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    CarolGaGal wrote: »
    Feeling sorry for myself. What do you do when your husband wants to sleep most of the day and then is up most of the night? I am beginning to feel like a widow. Can't plan to do anything together after lunch because he has to have his nap and it usually last 3 to 6 hrs.

    Carol in GA

    Clean the house
    Go for a long walk
    Work in the garden
    Join a ladies group that meets in the afternoon
    Go to the library for an afternoon event
    Volunteer somewhere
    Get an afternoon job

    It's freedom to do what you'd like!!

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    I got triggered on the subject because I ran across some clickbait yesterday on the dirtiest thing in your house. Turned out it was bathroom rugs. Between people's hair, pet hair, dampness which creates a great atmosphere for bacteria, mold, mildew etc., skin cells, the usual dust mites, and dander, and then add the fact that most people only wash the rugs about every second or third month, they get pretty yucky.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

    I have one little rag mat in front of the sink and the type of mat that is like a thick towel (like you find in hotels) in front of the shower.

    They both get tossed into the wash each time I do towels.

    I've read that people's phones are the worst ... so I clean mine every couple days.

    Germy Things You Touch Every Day

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    Benadryl knocked me right out last night!! But between it, the stronger cream, and time, the rash finally seems to be settling a little. Thank goodness!!

    But now I know that I need to be really cautious around essential oils ... and extra cautious around home made soaps and things!!

    Sometimes subsequent exposures can result in even worse reactions.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    edited October 2023
    Keep moving forward!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Machka- Expectations vs Reality! So true!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Kim-I have never gotten a rose thorn that embedded, but just getting stuck really bothers me. It is amazing they did touch it to try to determine something-good thinking on your part!

    Kylia-I think you handle your role in family business how you chose. It would be difficult marrying in to such a thing after other roles are already established.

    Rebecca-Lee looks pretty spiffy with his suspenders. I think it's great he is taking an interest in himself.

    Heather-sounds like you had a lovely visit with DIL. Her housekeeping may not meet your standards, but just focus on the visit.

    Tracey-cousin's son sounds really banged up-glad others are ok. I had to look up what a side by side is! Good luck in dealing with the vertigo.

    Machka-glad rash shows some improvements.

    Felt much better today from shot. Took some ibuprofen in morning. After lunch got a bit achy, took some more. Think it faded away around completely at about the 48 hour mark. Just passing on my experience for any of you who may get shot. Of course, we all respond differently.

    Off to get ready for bed.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Yes, its kinda fun to see.💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Keep moving forward!



    I kinda like the meandering journey better than the unrealistic straight one. For one its more exciting, more to see, and each different modes of travel unique.👍🏼