
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Was able to do Jackie Xtreme Timesaver DVD before we left for Denise’s. The remote fart machine was a big hit with PJ. I swear his finger was glued to the remote….lol His graduation was nice. Met their new dog. Boy, is he going to be BIG. You should see his paws! Of course, he’s a puppy and does things like goes in the house. Dinner Thursday was an ice cream (that we paid for). When we go up there, we’re on our own. I was surprised to see that for the entire time we were there, the sink was piled with dishes. I couldn’t even help her out and do them because the dish drainer was piled. Pete must be on his meds for this not to bother him. The kitchen table was piled with stuff as was the island in the kitchen. Well, not my house, I don’t think I could live that way.

    Started stringing popcorn for the trees. Yes, it’s that time again! Like last year, I didn’t realize how hot the sun was and forgot to put on my sunscreen. Now the tops of my legs are red. Well, it’ll go away.

    Lisa – I swear, the weathermen would have better accuracy if they’d just look out the window. The main reason we have a Sam’s membership card is for the gas. I very seldom buy food there. You have to get such large quantities. I do have to say, tho, that they do have good meats. I may buy from them if I’m having a party or something like that

    Annie – when I walk around the neighborhood, by the time I get back to our house, I’m running for the bathroom. That’s one good thing about walking to Food Lion, I can go to the bathroom, buy what I’d like, then walk home and I don’t get home and run into the bathroom.

    On the way up to Denise’s we stopped at Arby’s and got one of their orange shakes. I almost fell over – $4 for a shake that really wasn’t all that good. On the way home we stopped at Wendy’s. Got a salad and for $3 an orange frosty which was pretty good

    Rebecca – I like the flooring, I just don’t know if I like it with the cabinets

    Jess called this morning while I was on my walk. Seems Shadow is in the ER with kidney problems. I hate to say it, but I’m thinking this is the beginning of the end. After all, she’s 18. You know, if I’m right, I do hope Shadow passes quickly because I can see Jess wanting to try everything and anything. At some point you just have to question quality of life.

    Did I tell you that we’re getting 2 orange kittens from the place where Jess volunteers (to spay and neuter) and 2 from the vet. We had told the vet we’d take 4 but then Jess got these 2 orange kittens. Well, we did tell her a while ago to keep on the lookout for 2 male orange cats, We’ve decided to call them Barney and Fred and the other two will be Chewy and Yoda. Jess is going to neuter them and we pick them up the 9th. Vince is so happy. I’m happy, but I’m not counting down the days until we get them.

    My throat is feeling scratchy. The good news is that I don’t feel like eating.

    Annie – good job walking. Pretty soon you’ll be at the 4 mile mark

    Jackie – welcome! Good loss

    Unfortunately, the gym at the hotel by Denise was being renovated. All the equipment had been moved. So every day I just took an hour walk around the neighborhood. Hopefully, the next time we go up there it’ll be open, as well as the pool. I’d like to go back up in august before he starts kindergarten.

    Last time we were up there Pete mentioned that Denise is getting shots in her knees. This time he told us it was bone on bone. Really, she’s not that old (37) and is pretty thin.

    Flea – wonderful report!!!

    Rori – so very sorry about your friend. Glad you had a great visit with your friend and will look forward to future news

    I’m finding thrift stores to be expensive, too. Bought this yarn in FL and it was priced higher than the price when it was new. But I really wanted that yarn so I paid the higher price. Not that it was terrible.

    M – nice floor

    That callous on the bottom of my foot seems to have come back. Tomorrow or Tues I’ll call the MD office and see just what kind of MD I should see. I’m guessing it really needs to be cut out, if that can be done

    No bowling tomorrow but we do have ceramics.

    Barbie – sorry you’re distraught over the dentist. At the end of the day, it doesn’t sound all that bad. I only have two of my wisdom teeth

    g2renew – welcome! Cottage cheese is high in protein. Many times I have a protein bar, too. One crunch isn’t real bad in calories. Neither is Gourmet Genius (I think that’s the name, you can get both on Amazon)

    Did you know that the US is the only place on the planet that has tornadoes?

    I’m getting a sty again. Will just go makeup free for a few days and put warm compresses on it

    pip – happy birthday to the youngster! I found this “glow in the dark” succulent for Jess. I think they just painted glow pain on it, tho

    Donna – welcome! Fantastic that you’ve been smoke free

    Just work tomorrow.

    Michele NC
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Was able to do Jackie Xtreme Timesaver DVD before we left for Denise’s. The remote fart machine was a big hit with PJ. I swear his finger was glued to the remote….lol His graduation was nice. Met their new dog. Boy, is he going to be BIG. You should see his paws! Of course, he’s a puppy and does things like goes in the house. Dinner Thursday was an ice cream (that we paid for). When we go up there, we’re on our own. I was surprised to see that for the entire time we were there, the sink was piled with dishes. I couldn’t even help her out and do them because the dish drainer was piled. Pete must be on his meds for this not to bother him. The kitchen table was piled with stuff as was the island in the kitchen. Well, not my house, I don’t think I could live that way.

    Started stringing popcorn for the trees. Yes, it’s that time again! Like last year, I didn’t realize how hot the sun was and forgot to put on my sunscreen. Now the tops of my legs are red. Well, it’ll go away.

    Lisa – I swear, the weathermen would have better accuracy if they’d just look out the window. The main reason we have a Sam’s membership card is for the gas. I very seldom buy food there. You have to get such large quantities. I do have to say, tho, that they do have good meats. I may buy from them if I’m having a party or something like that

    Annie – when I walk around the neighborhood, by the time I get back to our house, I’m running for the bathroom. That’s one good thing about walking to Food Lion, I can go to the bathroom, buy what I’d like, then walk home and I don’t get home and run into the bathroom.

    On the way up to Denise’s we stopped at Arby’s and got one of their orange shakes. I almost fell over – $4 for a shake that really wasn’t all that good. On the way home we stopped at Wendy’s. Got a salad and for $3 an orange frosty which was pretty good

    Rebecca – I like the flooring, I just don’t know if I like it with the cabinets

    Jess called this morning while I was on my walk. Seems Shadow is in the ER with kidney problems. I hate to say it, but I’m thinking this is the beginning of the end. After all, she’s 18. You know, if I’m right, I do hope Shadow passes quickly because I can see Jess wanting to try everything and anything. At some point you just have to question quality of life.

    Did I tell you that we’re getting 2 orange kittens from the place where Jess volunteers (to spay and neuter) and 2 from the vet. We had told the vet we’d take 4 but then Jess got these 2 orange kittens. Well, we did tell her a while ago to keep on the lookout for 2 male orange cats, We’ve decided to call them Barney and Fred and the other two will be Chewy and Yoda. Jess is going to neuter them and we pick them up the 9th. Vince is so happy. I’m happy, but I’m not counting down the days until we get them.

    My throat is feeling scratchy. The good news is that I don’t feel like eating.

    Annie – good job walking. Pretty soon you’ll be at the 4 mile mark

    Jackie – welcome! Good loss

    Unfortunately, the gym at the hotel by Denise was being renovated. All the equipment had been moved. So every day I just took an hour walk around the neighborhood. Hopefully, the next time we go up there it’ll be open, as well as the pool. I’d like to go back up in august before he starts kindergarten.

    Last time we were up there Pete mentioned that Denise is getting shots in her knees. This time he told us it was bone on bone. Really, she’s not that old (37) and is pretty thin.

    Flea – wonderful report!!!

    Rori – so very sorry about your friend. Glad you had a great visit with your friend and will look forward to future news

    I’m finding thrift stores to be expensive, too. Bought this yarn in FL and it was priced higher than the price when it was new. But I really wanted that yarn so I paid the higher price. Not that it was terrible.

    M – nice floor

    That callous on the bottom of my foot seems to have come back. Tomorrow or Tues I’ll call the MD office and see just what kind of MD I should see. I’m guessing it really needs to be cut out, if that can be done

    No bowling tomorrow but we do have ceramics.

    Barbie – sorry you’re distraught over the dentist. At the end of the day, it doesn’t sound all that bad. I only have two of my wisdom teeth

    g2renew – welcome! Cottage cheese is high in protein. Many times I have a protein bar, too. One crunch isn’t real bad in calories. Neither is Gourmet Genius (I think that’s the name, you can get both on Amazon)

    Did you know that the US is the only place on the planet that has tornadoes?

    I’m getting a sty again. Will just go makeup free for a few days and put warm compresses on it

    pip – happy birthday to the youngster! I found this “glow in the dark” succulent for Jess. I think they just painted glow pain on it, tho

    Donna – welcome! Fantastic that you’ve been smoke free

    Just work tomorrow.

    Michele NC

    I can agree with you there. The dark cabinets are very outdated to begin with. But nothing is out of our pocket so there's that.😁
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 3hrs 33min 22sec, dust, vacuum, make/refill hummingbird food, laundry fold/put away wash/clean lightbulb covers in master bathroom, etc= 1005c
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    First time posting in the community so I don’t know if I’m doing it right. Would love to have a newsfeed so we know who is comments on who’s post like Twitter or Threads but….im starting yet another time to lose weight. I’ll be 56 next month and not happy with what I see in the mirror

    :) Welcome. You're doing this right by posting. Our conversations are for all of us and if anyone wants to specifically address a comment to one person, all you have to do is put her name at the beginning of the comment. We support each other in a very friendly way. Keep coming back and you'll get the feel of how this goes. This is a great place to get ideas, support and encouragement.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    First time posting in the community so I don’t know if I’m doing it right. Would love to have a newsfeed so we know who is comments on who’s post like Twitter or Threads but….im starting yet another time to lose weight. I’ll be 56 next month and not happy with what I see in the mirror

    Welcome here. I'm a year older than you.

    The community is set up in a traditional forum style and this thread (Women Ages 50+ For May), is like a group of ladies getting together for coffee to discuss various aspects of wellbeing. It's fast moving and conversations go all over the place. :)

    Don't feel like you need to read or reply to everything. Just jump in where you like.

    If you want to address a particular person, you can do one of the following:
    - click Quote at the bottom of a person's post, like I just did with yours.
    - call you by name, like LisaS - I see your post!
    - use the at symbol to send you a notification as such @LisaSkuraton

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited May 27
    exermom wrote: »
    Did you know that the US is the only place on the planet that has tornadoes?

    Michele NC

    I'm not sure where you found that, but it's not true.

    Canada gets lots of tornadoes! And some quite destructive ones too. Living in Manitoba, I saw several.

    Australia gets tornadoes.
    "Australia experiences 30–80 tornadoes each year, according to the Allen Research Group. It's likely more, as tornadoes in remote regions may not be reported."

    Looks like November is our big month for tornadoes, but the most recent one may have occurred on 10 May 2024 ... although there may have been more since.

    "Tornadoes have been recorded on all continents except Antarctica. They are most common in the middle latitudes where conditions are often favorable for convective storm development. The United States has the most tornadoes of any country, as well as the strongest and most violent tornadoes. A large portion of these tornadoes form in an area of the central United States popularly known as Tornado Alley. Canada experiences the second most tornadoes. Ontario and the prairie provinces see the highest frequency. Other areas of the world that have frequent tornadoes include significant portions of Europe, South Africa, Philippines, Bangladesh, parts of Argentina, Uruguay, and southern and southeastern Brazil, northern Mexico, eastern and western Australia, New Zealand, and far eastern Asia."

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    @auntiebk ... sleepers are railway ties. We bought 8 of them from the local hardware store and brought them to our new home for the shed.


    M in Oz

    Ha! Thanks for clarifying, I was totally visualizing you and your husband trying to put a sleeper sofa on the top of your car.

    Willamette Valley Oregon

    We have a sofa bed ... but will probably be getting rid of it. That would be some feat trying to put it on the roof of our car!!

    These 8 sleepers were over 25 kg (55 lbs) each because they'd been out in the rain. They weren't that heavy to carry normally but lifting them was an effort!

    It's how I lift weights these days. :)

    M in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    edited May 27
    Allie - Sounds like a nice, peaceful Sunday gathering.

    Flea - Love the waterfall! Thanks for that. One of the things I loved about Oregon was short hikes to beautiful places.

    @LisaSkuraton - Welcome! Come back and join us often, from another Lisa. If you let us know about where you are (like I'm Lisa in AR) it will help us get to know you. Chime in where you're comfortable, but don't feel you have to respond to everyone.

    Welcome to everyone who's new, we gab a lot, but truly one of the most supportive and welcoming places I've ever found on the Internet. We are all simply trying to get or stay healthy and this has been a lifeline and a safe place for many of us for years. Barbie will post a link to a new thread for June, as she does each month, and it's a lovely way to get a clean, fresh start surrounded by loving, chattering friends talking to you and to each other every month.

    My usually busy Monday is stretching out in front of me - chores like setting up my meds for the week, laundry, and mowing the yard. It's supposed to be hot enough and dry enough to put some of the laundry out on the line, but I don't want to do that until I'm done mowing, don't want to blow grass clippings all over my clean towels.

    Want to get at least one quilt panel finished, which will leave only three left to get done. Once those are done, I can start binding them together. Put a deadline for myself of my niece's birthday, August 17, to finish it. Didn't tell anyone else, though, in case I blow that completely--and would REALLY like to be done with it before the end of June, so I can stop thinking about it...

    Since it won't be light for a couple hours, I want to make some progress on another watercolor piece I'm working on. I'm getting around the "no painting until I'm done with the quilt," self-directive by using watercolor pencils! 👀🎨🖼️🖌️🙄😄.

    And... Corey's finishing up his ablutions and about to head out for the day, so I can start making noise with laundry and such things. Hope it's a good day for everyone.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member