Calories are NOT equal



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There should be no arguments; only support!! Our bodies were meant to eat real food. Period. We all know what real food is; sometimes we don't want to admit it.

    a calorie of one food is not the same as a calorie of another... Here is a link.. a very good one

    "There should be no arguments, everyone should just agree with me!" :laugh:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And "voila" the partisans present themselves.... No contrary info at all and just getting the knives out anway :flowerforyou:

    Ah - I recall my youth when I also shot from the hip without any forethought., bless.....

    We have been here all along....and please cite sources (as you made the claim, it's up to you by the way...that's the way it works...surely you recall that from your youth)....thanks darling!

    And lol at the snide youth reference.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    There should be no arguments; only support!! Our bodies were meant to eat real food. Period. We all know what real food is; sometimes we don't want to admit it.

    a calorie of one food is not the same as a calorie of another... Here is a link.. a very good one
    Define "real food"
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And "voila" the partisans present themselves.... No contrary info at all and just getting the knives out anway :flowerforyou:

    Ah - I recall my youth when I also shot from the hip without any forethought., bless.....

    Hey, you want to convince people that carb timing somehow matters, you'll have to present more evidence than "Jason Statham."

    Study after study shows nutrient timing makes no difference.

    If you want to claim it does, the onus is on you to back it up. Post some studies.

    Dude is ripped and hot...what more do you want? Seems legit to me!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There should be no arguments; only support!! Our bodies were meant to eat real food. Period. We all know what real food is; sometimes we don't want to admit it.

    a calorie of one food is not the same as a calorie of another... Here is a link.. a very good one

    What is it then? Enlighten us.

    And no, that is not a very good link.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Ah - I recall my youth when I also shot from the hip without any forethought., bless.....

    is that different from calling a very commonly debunked myth an "elephant in the room" with only a celebrity's physique as evidence?
  • suprzonic
    suprzonic Posts: 68 Member
    I think you are 100% correct - but it might take 20 years for this way of thinking to be commercially acceptable on a large scale.

    Lots of people who lose weight with the "a calorie is a calorie" mentality (including me until recently!) put the weight back on - plus some.

    It's a no brainer that multi-billion dollar industries are feeding off our addictions to the poisons they're pumping into us (being forms of sugars and preservatives in pre-packaged food - not just fast food) to deliberately keep us fat - and them rich. They want us to stay fat. They need us to stay fat. Look at the industries that a fat population perpetuates ... that's a whole separate fleet of multi billion dollar industries. from medical to fitness and others in between. I don't think the world could handle it if we were non-obese and healthy - the *ss would drop out of the global economy ... where's Michael Moore?? ;) I'm getting carried away now aren't I .... *oops* ....

    if you're interested in how we'll all be eating in 20 years time, visit

    But I'm not going to wait 20 years - I'm getting on the eating healthy band wagon now thanks
  • wibblefps
    You have great humor - lol

    I want to see Jonnythan's "study after study" references. Can't ask for references and then not offer any.

    Plus if pictures of Statham and Craig aren't sufficient then I doubt another thesis will be compelling

    Google 'Carb Timing'. 2,360,000 hits. I'm sure they're all wrong and your right though (Now THATS snide ;) (but not malicious)
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    There should be no arguments; only support!! Our bodies were meant to eat real food. Period. We all know what real food is; sometimes we don't want to admit it.

    a calorie of one food is not the same as a calorie of another... Here is a link.. a very good one
    What is it then? Enlighten us.

    And no, that is not a very good link.

    but it's from harvard. you know, the birthplace of the facebook. seems legit.

    eta: ****ing tablet
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    And "voila" the partisans present themselves.... No contrary info at all and just getting the knives out anway :flowerforyou:

    Ah - I recall my youth when I also shot from the hip without any forethought., bless.....

    We have been here all along....and please cite sources (as you made the claim, it's up to you by the way...that's the way it works...surely you recall that from your youth)....thanks darling!

    And lol at the snide youth reference.

    You should just add "PS: I'm probably older than you" to all of your comments to nip that kinda thing in the bud.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You have great humor - lol

    I want to see Jonnythan's "study after study" references. Can't ask for references and then not offer any.

    Plus if pictures of Statham and Craig aren't sufficient then I doubt another thesis will be compelling

    Google 'Carb Timing'. 2,360,000 hits. I'm sure they're all wrong and your right though (Now THATS snide ;) (but not malicious)

    You really do not get how this works. Let me repeat - you make the claims, it's up to you to back them up, and no, telling someone to google it and wade through the dross does not cut it.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    You have great humor - lol

    I want to see Jonnythan's "study after study" references. Can't ask for references and then not offer any.

    Plus if pictures of Statham and Craig aren't sufficient then I doubt another thesis will be compelling

    Google 'Carb Timing'. 2,360,000 hits. I'm sure they're all wrong and your right though (Now THATS snide ;) (but not malicious)
    my spidey sense is tingling....troll!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And "voila" the partisans present themselves.... No contrary info at all and just getting the knives out anway :flowerforyou:

    Ah - I recall my youth when I also shot from the hip without any forethought., bless.....

    We have been here all along....and please cite sources (as you made the claim, it's up to you by the way...that's the way it works...surely you recall that from your youth)....thanks darling!

    And lol at the snide youth reference.

    You should just add "PS: I'm probably older than you" to all of your comments to nip that kinda thing in the bud.

    In this case, there is no probably about it =)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You have great humor - lol

    I want to see Jonnythan's "study after study" references. Can't ask for references and then not offer any.

    Plus if pictures of Statham and Craig aren't sufficient then I doubt another thesis will be compelling

    Google 'Carb Timing'. 2,360,000 hits. I'm sure they're all wrong and your right though (Now THATS snide ;) (but not malicious)

    Well your first problem is searching Google for peer-reviewed science. Let me help you:

    Good luck!

    PS: Your second mistake is seeing a hot guy with big muscles and thinking that counts as science.
  • wibblefps

    Well your first problem is searching Google for peer-reviewed science. Let me help you:

    Good luck!

    PS: Your second mistake is seeing a hot guy with big muscles and thinking that counts as science.

    Ahem still no specific references
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Well your first problem is searching Google for peer-reviewed science. Let me help you:

    Good luck!

    PS: Your second mistake is seeing a hot guy with big muscles and thinking that counts as science.

    Ahem still no specific references

    Ahem...not their job.
  • wibblefps
    Fine then not mine either
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Fine then not mine either

    Actually when you make a claim it is kinda your job to back it up.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Well your first problem is searching Google for peer-reviewed science. Let me help you:

    Good luck!

    PS: Your second mistake is seeing a hot guy with big muscles and thinking that counts as science.

    Ahem still no specific references

    References for what, exactly? You want me to provide scientific peer-reviewed references proving that your claim has no evidence?

    Please. You want to make the claim that something affects health/weight gain/whatever, YOU provide the evidence for it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Fine then not mine either

    Actually, and for the third time, yes it is. Otherwise we just assume you have absolutely nothing to support your assertion.

    I also find it odd that a guy who things that people who lift weights do not looked 'toned' is using Jason Statham for credentials of nutrition.