30 Day Shred starting August 1, 2010



  • Anyone else not really sore the next day, just more 'weak'? My legs aren't screaming in pain, they just feel really weak. Same for the rest of my body, my back doesn't hurt- just feels like I should lay in a heap all day from being tired.
  • Hey everyone..! So, I wasn't really sore this morning... my calves were a little stiff from the jump ropes.. but yeah.. So I decided to add another workout to the 30 day shred, and I did that first... WOW.. I need to do Jillians first.. after I started in on the shred I was so winded and tired.. It was so hard for me.. especially the cardio... but I finished it!! Yay another day behind me... Tomorrow I will try it the other way around to see if I feel a little bit better.. but I can tell you I KNOW I am going to be hurting tomorrow..but I gotta keep strong!!
  • Got my 2 days of shred in today and yesterday. now if I hadn't ate whatever I felt like, how do you NOT eat poorly at a fair?! Head back in the game tomorrow, sticking with the Shred for the 3rd day. I did cardio with it yesterday and it wasn't too bad but today I did the Kim Kardashian work out from the Shape magazine a a couple months ago...that was rough. Tomorrow it's back to cardio. Good luck everyone!!!
  • What's the hardest for you? I'm on Level 1 for another 7 days at least and those side lines kill me...well, not the actual lunges but the biceps lift or whatever Jillian calls them that go with those lunges. Yowser!!
  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    Well I started mine on Sunday, 8/1. I'm ashamed:embarassed: to say that I could not complete all the exercises because I got so winded and my muscles were burning soooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!

    8/2 - I skipped it because I could barely walk (talk about not being in shape). :sad:

    Today, 8/3 - Well I did it again today. I was able to do more of the exercises and not be so winded. Some of the exercises I could not complete, but I stayed active. The arm exercises are not a problem, but the rope jump and the kick butt I had major problems with. I kinda think it might be the fact that I am doing it on carpet (I don't have hard flooring).

    Tomorrow will be a better day and I WILL complete all of the exercises (or die trying :sad: ).

    Good luck to all and please keep inspiring me!:flowerforyou:
  • SJD- You did great! Even if you couldn't do them exactly as they were, you still tried and you kept moving. I know when I have a hard time doing osmething (like the butt kicks), I just do what I can and 'jog' if I can't do it anymore. I'm still moving, so I'm still burning. We'll get there!

    I didn't do the Shred today, I did EA Active and burned 250 cals. I'm going to alternate between the 2, and hopefully throw in some walking when it cools off a bit. Tomorrow is a "walking" day since I'm going to the GYN and I have a whole 2 hours with no kids..haha.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    sjd2010 your honesty is inspiring! I really appreciate it! :drinker:
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    D3L1... Day 3 check! I feel like I am getting stronger... I REALLY didn't want to do the video today... but the day's you REALLY don't want to do it are the days that count!

    Happy Shreding!:drinker:
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    not a good day for me yesterday, worked late, ate out, didn't work out... ugh!!!! :angry: oh well, it's a new day and I will do D2L1 this evening.
  • I usually get up in the AM and get my 'Shred' out of the way first thing but we went to the fair last night and stayed at my parents' so I have to do it tonight. Got to stay motivated to get in Day 3 tonight!! I'm not a big night time gym person but it's my only time for it. So JUST DO IT!! lol
  • You guys are so awesome!! I am seriously dying.. I asked my husband to wake me up this morning before he left so I could do my shred and another workout on top of that and still have enough time to take a shower and get ready to take my daughter to swimming lessons.. he woke me up and I was so sore and was like I hurt.. and he said well maybe you should just let your body rest.. I was like okay.. then when he left I was like no way! I need to get my butt out of bed and go work out..!! I did it! I just have to say I am so glad I didn't take a day off.. cause I feel GREAT!! Lets just keep going at it even when its hard.. it pays off I believe its coming for me.. Yay!
  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    Day 4 - I'm still in a lot of pain, but I have found there is one part of the workout that I like and fortunately it is at the end so I have to exercise to get to it. It is the punches. I'm very good at it. I just pretend that Jillian's face is right in front of me and I can really get it going :laugh: Seriously, my arms and stomach and thighs and butt will be smaller in 26 days or I will die trying:wink:

    I have to take a road trip Friday and will not be able to do the exercises. I plan to walk for exercise when I can, but will I lose what little I have gained these past couple of days or will I be "starting over?" Regardless, I WILL be smaller in 26 days.:bigsmile:
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Day 4 Level 1... ugh today was hard.. I'm sore and was dragging *kitten* tonight. WOOF. Looking forward to having more energy tomorrow.:indifferent:

    Today was a CHALLENGING day to say the least food wise:

    Lunch: Ted's Montana Grill (grilled salmon salad)
    Dinner: Moes (Salad no shell.. no dressing... no meat)
    Movies: apple I packed in my purse..boo.. a few handfuls of butter free popcorn
    Ice Cream for the kids: none for me... WOOF!

    Ready for tomorrow and not eating out... it's so hard to be disciplined... argh!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Waking up on day 5 and I am SORE! anyone else hurting... argh:grumble: I guess it's a good feeling... just a new feeling lately!
  • sheyna1983
    sheyna1983 Posts: 137
    Today will be day 3 for me - I am having the hardest time with push-ups. You guys too?
  • Darn those pushes and those arms raises (I can hear Jillian 'all the way up to your eyes!'...ugh) Got it in this morning at 5. Some of it is getting easier like the cardio and ab stuff. But even the shoulder presses are still making me pant!!! lol.
  • Push ups are absolutely evil. I hate them, I've never been able to do them. Then, I see my husband who is in the military, doing x amount of them and I want to scream. I do the modified and I'm shaking all over the place on the way down.

    Well, yesterday was another day of no Shred. We went to the amusement park, and I did the walking around there, and behaved food-wise. White Pizza with broccoli is all I could find that wasn't fried. Today, I'm doing the Shred as soon as DH wakes up from working til 3am. Then, we're going to the ice cream festival tonight- but I'm going to walk the track afterwards to make up for yesterday.

    I'll be in better shape by the end of the month I swear- or I'll fall over trying!
  • sheyna1983
    sheyna1983 Posts: 137
    Darn those pushes and those arms raises (I can hear Jillian 'all the way up to your eyes!'...ugh) Got it in this morning at 5. Some of it is getting easier like the cardio and ab stuff. But even the shoulder presses are still making me pant!!! lol.

    hahaha....there's one point where she says "couple more" but actually does 5 more of something and I feel like throwing something at my TV

    OMG I'm sorry to say but it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who hates push ups. I feel like a wimpy weakling on my knees and barely able to go down to the floor :sad:
  • I need to get some weights. I'm still using cans of food.

    I think I may start off with 3lbs, and work my way up. I tend to get tendonitis in my elbows if I do to much to fast.
  • SUERAE99
    SUERAE99 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been doing 30DS for a while now and i can totally tell a difference! I will join you all and dedicate myself to do it everyday (with the exception of sunday - my off day). Let's get shredding!
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