30 Day Shred starting August 1, 2010



  • 25daniow
    25daniow Posts: 121 Member
    I am totally up for this!!! I will start today. It's always great to have support from others and I know it definitely motivates me. So how often will we post stats and check in??? Can't wait to see the results....Jillian's videos always kick my butt!!!!!
  • courtneysmith3212
    Ugh!! I am still hurting!!!!!!!!! My calves!!!!! Hurt EVERYDAY!!! I want to punch Jillian in the face sometimes.. and I can only imagine what her level 2 is like!! I HATE the jump rope!!! Ugh!! I just had to let it out.. Day 4 for me is done and gone.. and only have day 5 left for the week!! I am so proud of myself that I have stuck with this so far.. I feel great after I workout..but man it is hard!! We are all doing so well together.. lets keep doing it together.. we can get through this week and be ready for next...! Is anyone moving on to level 2 next week?? I sure am staying on level 1 for all of next week.. see if I can feel better about it.. anyone else's calves hurt so dang bad?? I think all in all my legs hurt the most... Oh and I was going to say you can post your measurements at anytime.. I am thinking I might wait 30 days.. but I think I also might post my weight every week... what do you guys think??
  • reesegirl521
    I think I'm holding off on measurements but going to do like you said and put my weight on. 30 days will fly by!! Well except during the time we spend with Jillian!! LoL.
  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    I'm so glad I'm not the only whimp in this post. It is encouraging that we are all staying the course, even when we want to quit. I will not be moving on to Level 2 any time soon. I can barely walk as it is. As for the push ups, yes they are terrible. I don't even get close to the floor because I cannot pick myself back up. :sad:

    When do we report our weight loss? (Yes, we will have lost 1,000 lbs :bigsmile: ).
  • courtneysmith3212
    You guys I love it! I love you guys!! I love reading your posts and just laughing you know, cause I know exactly how you all feel! I mean seriously this is so hard! and I am just laughing to myself thinking of me when I am trying to do the push-ups or just get through the darn workout! I am so glad I started this thread so we can enjoy each other and vent and get through this all together!! Thanks for sharing this experience with me!! I can't wait to hear more after this first week how everyone else is doing!
  • pbradshaw
    Count me in! I have been doing the video for about a week and it is tough! Love to here about everyone's progress.

    Patty from Texas
  • triciamarie
    triciamarie Posts: 70 Member
    Today was my first "off" day, have been going strong since last friday but there was just something keeping me in bed this am. will be back to it tomo am! I am enjoying it even though i curse at Jillian too lol. I think i will start level 2 on Monday, that wil lbe 10 days of level 1 for me. Good job ladies KEEP IT UP!!!!!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Great Job everyone! I'M SO PROUD OF ALL OF US :wink: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: :smile:
  • reesegirl521
    I tried level 2 today just because I was getting tired of 1. I think I'll stick with 1 for now!! lol It wasn't so bad except the plank exercises but those KICKED MY BUTT!!!
  • Kristinplus2
    I started the Shred on Monday. I didnt know this thread was going! But ill def keep up! The first couple of days kicked my butt. My legs hurt so bad! Now on day 5. I am tired and worn out and dont want to start the workout. But by then end am glad I did. I really hope to see results from this workout, I have been really trying and getting frustrated with no results.
    I'm going to jump on this 6 days late. I hope that is ok :)

    My starting weight 214.5

    Waist 39.0 on 08/06/10
    Hips 49.0 on 08/06/10
    right upper arm 14.0 on 08/06/10
    left upper arm 14.5 on 08/06/10
    left thigh 27.5 on 08/06/10
    right thigh 28.0 on 08/06/10
    Bust 44.0 on 08/06/10
  • Tandksmommy10
    I'm so aggrevated with myself. Yesterday as I was trying to do the Shred, my kids started whining, crying and carrying on. I had to stop on Circuit 2/Cardio (butt kicks ironically..haha. I hate them!). So I only did half the 20 minute video. :(
    I understand kids getting underfoot when you try to work out at home. That's why I have gym membership but this month DH is working mad crazy hours so the gym is few and far between. Maybe try to do it before the kidos wake up, or after they go to bed.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I'm feeling "good sore" today if there is such a thing...lol .. on to day 6 tonight when I get home from work.
  • courtneysmith3212
    Did my day 5 shred, and my tae bo on top of that... I am so exhausted from working out... I feel just burned out totally... Ugh.. I feel like I am losing my motivation?? LOL maybe its becasue I just finished my workout and my arms still hurt.. and I am hungry.. LOL I will get some lunch and then possibly take a snooze.. hopefully a two days rest from working out will get me motivated enough to return to a rigourous workout next week.. any advice??
  • Tandksmommy10
    I understand kids getting underfoot when you try to work out at home. That's why I have gym membership but this month DH is working mad crazy hours so the gym is few and far between. Maybe try to do it before the kidos wake up, or after they go to bed.

    Before the kids get up would probably kill me. I don't function well that early..haha. And defintely not to do something as intense as the Shred. I did do it twice before bed, but I was hoping to get to do it while DH was home so I didn't need to shower twice a day (we haven't had rain in forever and we have a well).
    I understand kids getting underfoot when you try to work out at home. That's why I have gym membership but this month DH is working mad crazy hours so the gym is few and far between. Maybe try to do it before the kidos wake up, or after they go to bed.

    Before the kids get up would probably kill me. I don't function well that early..haha. And defintely not to do something as intense as the Shred. I did do it twice before bed, but I was hoping to get to do it while DH was home so I didn't need to shower twice a day (we haven't had rain in forever and we have a well).

    haha yeah me either! I first started my weightloss journey getting up at 5 am and going to the gym with a friend. That DID NOT work for me at all! I'm a night owl and early mornings kill me. I tried for weeks but I was barely working it. Nights are so much better for me.
  • Tandksmommy10
    After alot of thinking about it, I think I need to wait to do the Shred until I've got some essentials: a sports bra and a set of weights. Cans aren't cutting it, and I'm just to big chested to be doing it without a sports bra on. :(

    I am going to keep doing some of the moves that Jillian does, in order to stay in shape for it- but won't be an official "Shredder" til I can give my all.
  • courtneysmith3212
    I hear ya on the sports bra.. I could invest in a few more.. I have to wear my sports bra and then my workout tank over in order to keep them pretty steady... I am taking the weekend off for working out... I deserve a few days since this last week was a burn out.... Oh and weights at walmart are pretty cheap to take a look
    I have to wear a sports bra a few sizes smaller and then my regular bra underneath. I hate my boobs! I would like to get a reduction after I loose 70bls. With each child they just kept getting bigger and bigger blah! I am considering using duck tape to tie them down!

    Does anyone else have bad knees that's try this shred? I just did it today and man all that jumping kills my knees my left knee has already started to swell. I also can't do the regular push up and because of my knees I can't do the girly push up either. So I just did the plank the whole time.

    One more question I promise! I'm using the exercise on Demand for it. But I keep hearing people talk about levels. Are they talking about some of the moves being modified or are there 3 different levels and I am just seeing the first level on demand?