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Senior Golden Sneakers - August 2010



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If you have a Kroger-owned store in your area, try their refrigerated deli case. I was at the Kroger-owned Fred Meyer store in my neighborhood last week and saw containers of pine nuts there for $7.99--Good luck!!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    It has been busy! For those that have asked, I actually won my last race. I posted a 22:50 time for the run. It really was fun to win. I will be doing another Triathlon tomorrow! It is in Michigan and I have to go up to it tonight to pick up my packet and sign my waivers. It is another lake swim, road bike race, finishing with a run. I have been training hard for it . I decided to do it on a 2 week notice. Probably not the smartest thing that I have done but it was a challenge! I have also registered for the Detroit Marathon in 2011. Now THAT will be a challenge! Gayla- I think that part of the run is in Canada. I have been swimming in a friend of ours pond/lake. I hope that I will swim better in this one. It will probably be my last Triathlon for a while. I am a little beat up and could use a little rest. The weight is staying down and I am getting stronger. I have had to up my calories some for fuel and I have noticed that since I have a few of the aches and pains have eased up a bit. I am working off about 5,000 calories a day from the training on a good day and fewer on a slower (recovery) day.

    Samantha has been home for a couple of weeks and we have been having fun. It is just great having her here in the house. Amanda is doing great and making wedding plans. Day has been running with me and is doing well. I have to move Sam into her apartment next week and then she will begin her student teaching and finish in December. We have been gathering up and getting her things for her apartment. It has been going smooth but I am not looking forward to moving it all back here again in December!

    I have been interviewing for jobs lately. Some good and progressing and some not so good! LOL Such is life. But all in all it is progressing. Day and I are looking at going on a vacation the end of the month. We are thinking of a cruise the going to see Amanda in Atlanta after that. We are trying to get everything in place with house sitters, cat care, etc.

    It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well and that makes me smile. I will back on line with regularity after Saturday! I will post some new pictures. Same outfit, different race! LOL

    Take care!

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196

    Thanks for the tip on Kroger, we have one in our town, I'll stopping there after works.

    Have a great day.:flowerforyou::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    WOOHOO!!! Way to go Jeffrey!!! You are going to become a celebrity and will you still remember us the "little" people?? (pun intended) Sounds like fun with Day running with you. A couple that runs together stays together. :love: :love: Good luck with the job again, one of these days one will stick and you will have to go back to the daily grind. :noway:

    Gigi, congratulations on meeting your goals. :flowerforyou: The play sounds like fun and yes it does bring back memories. You are so right about seeing my mom in the mirror, what a coincidence. :laugh:

    Barbie, glad you got to dance the way you are used to dancing. Can't keep a "young" girl down. :glasses: Just be sure not to overdo it on that knee, we don't like to see anyone hurt or suffering. :noway:

    Barb, I'm with you, I think you have enough mouths to feed in your organization. I too, have a friend who asked about finding a home for a puppy, black lab and golden retriever mix, and I thought about taking him, but my husband didn't like that idea. I thought it would be great for Daisy to have a friend. :bigsmile:

    We are going to a 50th wedding anniversary party tonight, so I am going to treat myself to a pedicure and a hair style, I feel as though I deserve it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great Friday and weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Weekend is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We didn 't have a storm or no rain but the 2nd house down from us got hit by lighting.right on the power box. It knockout there lights AC AND ALL ELECTRICAL WIRES. iT WAS SUCH A LOUD BOOOOOOOOOOOM kNEW IT HAD TO BE CLOSE TO US. we never did get any rain.out of it.And this storm was east of us at least 10 miles away.I have always heard if your hear thumder get in the house. It hit 105 today Sammy did not like the fire trucks coming down our street.. Time to shut this thing down and go to bed. Good nite. Marie
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone,

    A good star for the weekend, lost a pound HEAH HEAH:smile:

    Last night play was AWESOME, great music and the customs from the 50th so very cute.

    Sandy how was you 50th Anniversary Party, hope you had great time and am sure you looked amazing.:drinker:

    Barbie take care of that KNEE don't over do it.:smooched: :heart:

    Marie hope you had a good night sleep after one of your neighbor box had hit by lighting.:flowerforyou:

    Gayla how was your week, hope the heat is not so severe at your home, today is PESTO day, also have new neighbors
    planning to make Banana Bread to welcome them:bigsmile:

    Have a save weekend, keep cool.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Gigi Beautiful morning here.
    No plans for today. But tomrrow Alice will be out and the FFL football games start tomorrow. Happy Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOve those Cowboys
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    The party was excellent, great friends, great food, great time. We didn't stay that long since my husband doesn't drink or dance, but it was still nice to have a "date" night. We are going to my nieces house this afternoon for my brother's birthday, again we won't stay long but we will make an appearance. Tomorrow we are going to my husband's brother's house for a yearly family reunion and depending on how hot it is will determine how long we stay. We will bring Marisa with us since he who shall not be named is still home bound and Cheryl barely goes any where since she waits on him hand and foot. :grumble: :grumble:

    I did over eat last night and hope I don't do the same today and tomorrow. Monday I plan on getting back on track 100%, with my exercise and counting calories. This is becoming a bad habit that I have to nip in the butt. :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day, keep smiling.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have a great time Sandy!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. It is still only 77F but the talk is of it getting hotter. We do have a nice breeze which makes it perfect for drying my clothes. As I was putting Neil's clothes in the washer I was reminded that I will have to label all his clothes. I Mom's clothes all needed labeling when she went into the Special Care Home. It beats me having to bring the laundry home. Dave is thinking that we should leave him over the weekend the first week but I am not sure that is a good idea. I think he is concerned about getting him back for the next week. I say we play it by ear. I am going to ask for a list of the activities so I can remind him of some upcoming events. Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch. Sorry for going on about this so much but it is what is on my mind. Neil had 7 fairly big seizures this morning (in less than 10 minutes) which reinforced that we have made the right decision. I will make an appt. with his neurologist to see if he can play with his meds a bit.
    I need to make my plum freezer jam today before the plums are not good. It won't heat the house up so that is a good thing.

    Marie -- Wow, 105 is very hot!! I know you will be staying inside. So glad you have your computer to keep you busy. I hope your neighbours didn't have too much damage at their house. I am sure it was scary.

    Gigi -- Yeah on losing the pound!! :bigsmile: I should try making some pesto as my basil has really produced this year. How long does it keep? Do you dry your herbs?

    Sandy -- You are a busy girl! Have fun, hope Babe has fun too. Glad the nameless one is still staying home, should be keeping him out of trouble. Are they still talking transplant?

    Jeffrey -- Congratulations on the win!!:bigsmile: Your awesomeness inspires me! Now I just need to put my book down and do some exercise. My knee objects to any exercise I try but I know that is a lame excuse. Back in the saddle with me. I bet Day is having fun helping with wedding plans. Will the wedding be at home?

    Thinking of you all. Enjoy some time outside and keep smiling!! Gayla :heart: :happy:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, just a quicky, got to get my glutes to bed soon, day 20 of 26 straight work days. Cooler weather so nice to sleep at night without the drone of the AC going. All the furry bodies slept quite sound as well.
    I have noticed the sun is a good 30 minutes to 45 minutes longer to light up the skies in the morning, oh hum:ohwell: I guess we are going to have to face it, yes autumn is comming and then the cooler nights of fall.:noway:
    Fell off the water wagon last week, my skin is really dry and itchy, I'm trying to get back to the 3 litres a day again, I enjoyed softer skin.
    Okay time for snooze,:yawn: got to get up for 5am, love to all and to all a good week:drinker:

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am writing this with tired fingers! LOL I won my age group in the triathlon today! I finished 19th overall out of all athletes, about 160-200. I finished higher in the mens division but not sure where. Probably in the top 6. I finally had a good race on all levels. I will post more with pics soon. I am just dead tired! But smiling......

    Again, everyone of you crossed that finish line with me! (But I am keeping the winners medal! LOL)

  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone.

    Gayla see recipe for Pesto Serves 21/2 - 3 Cups
    4 cloves garlic
    4 cups fresh Basil
    1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
    1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
    1 3/4 cup Olive Oil
    In Blender or food processer, combine the herbs, nut, cheese and 1/2 cup olive oil. Puree at low
    speed. When reduced, add remaining oil by pouring in a oteady stream. Blend until proper consistency.
    Take care not to over blend. Keep 6-8 weeks. I always freeze it, in small plastic bags and used it all winter.:happy:
    If frozen - add Parmesan cheese when thawed and ready to use. One recipe makes about 3 meals for me & my husband (Mike)

    Enjoy the recipe everyone.

    Jeffrey Congrats!! top 6, Way to go!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone.

    Gayla see recipe for Pesto Serves 21/2 - 3 Cups
    4 cloves garlic
    4 cups fresh Basil
    1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
    1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
    1 3/4 cup Olive Oil
    In Blender or food processer, combine the herbs, nut, cheese and 1/2 cup olive oil. Puree at low
    speed. When reduced, add remaining oil by pouring in a oteady stream. Blend until proper consistency.
    Take care not to over blend. Keep 6-8 weeks. I always freeze it, in small plastic bags and used it all winter.:happy:
    If frozen - add Parmesan cheese when thawed and ready to use. One recipe makes about 3 meals for me & my husband (Mike)

    Enjoy the recipe everyone.

    Jeffrey Congrats!! top 6, Way to go!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning everyone.

    Gayla see recipe for Pesto Serves 21/2 - 3 Cups
    4 cloves garlic
    4 cups fresh Basil
    1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
    1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
    1 3/4 cup Olive Oil
    In Blender or food processer, combine the herbs, nut, cheese and 1/2 cup olive oil. Puree at low
    speed. When reduced, add remaining oil by pouring in a oteady stream. Blend until proper consistency.
    Take care not to over blend. Keep 6-8 weeks. I always freeze it, in small plastic bags and used it all winter.:happy:
    If frozen - add Parmesan cheese when thawed and ready to use. One recipe makes about 3 meals for me & my husband (Mike)

    Enjoy the recipe everyone.

    Jeffrey Congrats!! top 6, Way to go!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Well I did something and the message went, :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Maybe is too early.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday, keep cool if you can.

    Gigi:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Gigi -- Thanks for the recipe. I will have to try making a small portion to see how it goes over. It sounds yummy to me. Don't worry about the repeats, seems to happen here sometimes.

    Hope you are all having a great day. It is 82F here and it feels very warm in our non- A/C house. I am thinking of taking Neil to a movie to find some cool air.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    GAYLA, WE WOULD GLADLY TAKE THAT 82 I could get my sweatshirts out.
    Alice and I went out for italian it was really good but so hot getting out. I don't know how many days we have been over a 100+ and they are saying we have all of next week of being over 100.

    Say a movie sounds real nice. Haven't been to one in ages. The last one I remember was E T we took all the grandkids

    I am waiting for the Dallas Cowboys. game tonight. I think I had better take a nap so I can stay awake. tonight. I brought half of my meal home so I have my dinner all cooked. Jerry is having a TV dinner.

    Sandy Daisy is so cute playing with his friend. Gosh her paws aare getting so big. Still as cute as ever.

    Gigi, enjoy reading your post everday. I didn't mess with any herbs this year.
    Jerry talk to our neihbor this morning and the lighting did not do any damage inside of the house. Just the electrical box which they will have to replace. So still no electricty. But it could haVE BEEN WORST.

    GO COWBOYS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello Marie & Gayla,

    You're correct GO COWBOYS GO!!! Hope you get to see the game, Love Football. Like the Cowboys & Bears What a combination?

    Gayla made the Pesto turn out Great, its already in the freezer. Hope you got to the movie with Neil.

    The herbs this year are the best ever, chives, basil, rosemary and other are all growing like crazy, must be the rain and the heat.:bigsmile:

    My husband try a new tomato that our daughter told him to get are the biggest tomato I have ever seen,:wink::wink: I get to the garden to see if he saved the name, no luck on that. I'll tell you what they look like, they are Big and the top is green about 1/3 and the rest is red, they don't turn all red.:huh: :huh: they are delicious. We are having some for dinner tonight.:drinker:

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Gigi:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Sounds like life has been moving right along for all of you!

    Gail, the group home sounds great, will keep Neal in my prayers.

    Irene, I think of you often, hope you are feeling better!

    Jeffrey, Congrats on your race! Job well done!

    Marie, feel sorry for you with your street problems...soon it will be better! GO cowboys!

    Barbie, take care of that knee...but I can understand you wanting to get back to the dancing!

    I have had 2 telephone calls and I have totally lost my mind and my train of thought...I guess the train left without me! ha

    Have not gotten back into the swing of things but am working on it. I don't think I can give up sugar and sugar sweetener both at the same time.

    ..put the ab rocket together today and no , it is not a gooo, except for a GO back to Brookstone. It is 8:00pm here and it is 98 degrees. We will not be under 100 until sometime in October! But 98 in the fall is really nice!

    Here is wishing all of you a great week!