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Senior Golden Sneakers - August 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just dropping in.
    I had a nasty fall this morning.
    Yep I fell again and landed on my tail end. It is so sore. I have not been to ER yet. I fell on it years ago and there is not much they can do.But I am going to the bone doctor Monday if I can get in. He has xrays and all thats tuff in his office.So I will not be on much till I get to filling better. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Oh Marie, I am so sorry. It would be better if you went to the ER and if you are really sore tomorrow please do go. I know it seems like Monday is close but if they can help you before Monday wouldn't that be better? I wish I could come and help you but you are just a little too far for me to get there soon. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I did exercise and I am watching my calories. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I am still working on these computers they are winning so far.

    Talk to you soon.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So sorry to hear about your fall. I agree with Sandy. When in doubt, don't wait until Monday. Situations like this is what the ER is for. Better safe than sorry.:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: this was another one of those days with a sit down meeting for hours.......fortunately we brought our own lunch (left over salmon and veggies from last night and sliced tomatoes) so the food calorie count wasn't too high and I was able to stay under my calories (with the help of some exercise bike riding in front of the TV this evening)

    :flowerforyou: marie, I'm so sorry about your fall........I hope you can do a better job of taking it easy and resting than I've done....you'll know in the morning if you need to go to the ER......tonight you can let Jerry wait on you

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, fighting with computers is always a strain, I hope things have gotten better since you wrote.......don't you love it when the new day shows up on MFP after you've gone over on calories the day before.......there's a meditation book called "Each Day a New Beginning" and that's what happens on MFP

    :flowerforyou: It is so hot here that all we feel like doing is sitting and watching TV.....we got home early enough to take the dogs to the dog park but at 89 degrees, I thought all they'd do is lie in the shade so we stayed home and Jake walked them on the hill after they had their supper.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you're right about a high electric bill being better than a hospital bill for some heat related crisis

    stay cool :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Marie, I am so sorry that you fell....I agree with everyone else...go to ER tomorrow!

    I am sorry you all are getting so hot! I also know how it is to sit and do nothing because of it! It makes me mad when I am not burning calories.

    We were wiped out today, still recovering from the altitude. It is so sad because I really love Durango and would love to live there for half of the year! Dream on...

    Do any of you use Truriva sugar sweetener? Please let me know.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I think you probably mean "Truvia"--the sweetener made from Stevia, which is a plant. Yes, I do use it, and really like it. No more artificial sweeteners for me. Good-bye Splenda and all the others. Truvia comes in packets or in bulk.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    I won, the computers are fixed, at least two of the three, the third one that I had to reinstall windows still doesn't play sound but I will fix that today.:tongue: I did have to call my son in Oregon who is a computer troubleshooter for some help, but he knew exactly what to do for this virus and made it easy to correct. Be careful what links you open, if you really don't know who sent it don't open it, most of them are some sort of joke or video. This virus infected three computers from the house network. Be sure to run an spy ware removal and anti virus on your computers. Free and good are malwarebytes and micorosoft security esessentials found at download.com. Program them to run daily to keep your computer protected. :bigsmile:

    I don't use sugar for anything, just creamer in my coffee and I buy sugarless coffee mate.

    Going for dinner as usual to Phil and Cheryl's, a routine that I am tired of . Cheryl did ask me if I could make my stew without salt since Phil has to limit his salt intake, so I am going to cook it bland and hope I don't exceed his salt limit. For those who cook I use beef for stew, carrots, peas, onions, potatoes and jarred gravy, does it sound like it will be low salt? Is the package gravy lower in salt? He also likes it over fat Mrs. Grass noodles so I have to check that package also.

    Will let you know how it all goes and if he ate it, cause if he thinks it has too much salt he won't eat. :grumble:

    Have a good day.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sounds like you had your hands full with those computers. Congrats on getting everything back in operation.

    As for the stew salt question, I would read the label on the jarred gravy. You will probably find that it has more than enough sodium in it. As for the packaged gravy mixes, same problem, maybe even more so. Maybe the thing to do is get some low sodium beef broth, and take a little cornstarch and thicken it up. My mom has a simple way of making sure she doesn't end up with lumps. She takes some of the warm broth, puts it in a small jar with some cornstarch, try a couple of tablespoons to start with, and then puts the lid on and shakes it up good--blends easily, no lumps. Then add this mixture to the broth in your stew. You can add some non-salt seasonings, as you wish. You should end up with a low-salt gravy and some tasty stew. In fact, I have made myself hungry!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Thinking of you. Hope you are not too sore from your fall.

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Barb, yes that is what I meant...just using creative spelling! ha

    Sandy, I'm getting hungry too! Glad you got your computers in line...I feel like it controls me,...hmmm
    Your picture is so cute. I want to have a cute picture too...not that Peanut is not cute! ha

    I am going to only use the Truvia also and limit my soft drinks.

    We are now feeling like we are back to normal, guess I'll think twice the next time I go up that high. I know they have some tea and medicine for altitude sickness.

    Marie, hoping you went to the ER and are doing all right!

    Have a good one
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone! :smile: Again just a drop in. Been very quiet and sluggish these two days, off from work. Had the world go up side down over the past two weeks. My mom is in a long term care unit in Belleville, the nurses issued a 4 hour to 4day or week warning mom would pass on. Well that sent two sisters in upset mode, I am not a strong person to see death or watch a person go to that stage, I will enjoy the memory of my mom happy and her conversation to me, and most important her I love you and my return love you too mom.
    My eldest sister comes up for a visit, 6:30am I get a call at work from my other sister in another city (long distance), telling me my eldest is in need for 911. I'm shaking my head??? Any way I get home quickly and yes I sent her to the hospital. Turns out she did not have my work number and had to phone long distance to get my other sister to call me.
    The next week I end up getting some awful pains in my abdomon and passing out in the bathroom. I was okay but sporting a shinner and a softball sized bruse on my arm. Since I have been maxed in fatigue.

    Back to drinking water , 2 litres in today and through all that above I have managed at least a litre a day. I hope everyone is making good pace with the diets and exercises. I am on a plateau at the moment but that is okay too. I have not binged or fell off the deeper end and ate a bad item to excess. My gym is missing me, and I wish for the strength to return to it. I'm hoping when all this clears out I will find it again.

    Severe weather here and to the North and South of me, storms last night fell power lines and some people have not been connected at this time. Good 12 hours have passed since the storm. The sky here is thick with clouds and winds are up and down. Scarry for the best thought.

    Well it is past time for me to get to the kitchen and prepare my lunch for tomorrow, back to work. I also have to take Tobi to the vet for his check up. Last week Twink, Henry and Sierra, had theirs, 600. later and a invoice from the city for taxes 600 plus, I walked through my door 1200. on my shoulders. :sad:

    Sadly I remember buying my home and having only 800. a year for taxes, now it is 3,000+ a year.

    Oh well,:wink: I am doing okay and I am stomping the dust from my feet.:smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sorry that everything is hitting you at once. Sounds like when it rains it pours at your house. Let us hope for better days, and I wish you the strength you need to get through this rough time with your mom. :flowerforyou:

    You may spell as creatively as you wish. I will just figure out what you mean and go from there.:wink:

    If you are reading, let us now how you are today, if you can.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: busy day today with friends, food, and conversation and a chance to rest......hugs to all, especially Marie....I join the rest of you in hoping that she's doing well today.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just popping on for a minute before I go to bed but wanted to send healing wishes to you, Marie. I hope the pain goes away soon and that nothing is broken. Please take care.

    Also thinking of you, Irene and hoping all is well.

    To everyone else who is struggling with personal issues, I hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. As usual way past bedtime on the prairies!! Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks for all of you concrned. I have a 100 PM Docctor appt today. Will give you all a update then.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: hot again today so I took the dogs to the dog park early.....so did a lot of other people.....at 8:30 AM there were a dozen dogs there......Brandy and Sasha don't care, they primarily play with each other

    :flowerforyou: there are tomatoes on both of Jake's topsy turvy tomato plants and a tiny pumpkin starting to form on one of my pumpkin plants

    :flowerforyou: we finally finished rewriting our wills, did the final proofread today and the lawyer will be at our house on Wednesday afternoon so we can sign them......one of our great neighbors will come over with her DIL to be the witnesses

    :flowerforyou: I'm looking forward to hearing what Marie's doctor has to say about her fall

    :flowerforyou: Marlouise, best wishes to you during this time of many trials.......keep those kitties nearby for comfort and stress relief
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!

    Not playing cards today, the other lady has plans with her great grand daughter. I made a doctor's appointment instead, with my gynie. :blushing: :blushing: They called this morning from the Orthopedic office to schedule my knee replacement. I was taken by surprise and told her October, no wait September, no wait October. Then after talking to my husband we decided September would be better since it could still be warm out and I could sit outside. So I called back and left a message. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Took Daisy to the dog park yesterday since we had a nice day and she was so happy. She played so hard and got so dirty. :tongue: but it was worth it. She gets groomed tomorrow so she will be fine.

    Cheryl, my son and myself are going with the kids to Medieval Times tonight. The five year old told Cheryl she really wants to go so of course Cheryl never says no to her. We will be eating with our hands and cheering our knight on to win the tournament. It is fun there and the kids love it. :heart: :heart:

    Marie, I hope all is well with you and you are not in the hospital. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Have a great day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello everybody. I did go to the doctor yesterday and he took exays and he saw no cracks. But he wants an Mri this Friday to check on a pinch nerves. I am still sore as can be He has me on pain pills. My conputer chair is not to confortable so I don't come im here very often. Their xray tables was so hard and cold. He also xray my left hips that i fell on a couple weeks ago and it is just bruised. I go tomorrow and talk to my primary doctor about a power chair. and she will filled out the paper work. Talk to you later Marie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    ........I heard that resentments are the way we punish ourselves for other people's shortcomings..........also that resentments are like taking poison and waiting for the other person to get sick

    Barbie...you have the greatest quotes. I have one of them on my microwave!

    Greeting to everyone!!!:smooched: I have been so so busy and so so struggling! :noway: :angry: I had a very busy weekend with about 30 people coming over my house on Sunday :noway: .........with ALL THE ITALIAN GOODIES!!!! :tongue: I got up and exercised but was not as disciplined as I hoped to be.:frown: Yesterday, I drank lots of water,:flowerforyou: exercised :flowerforyou: and kept the food very clean. :flowerforyou: I DID send all the goodies home with everybody as little treats for them to enjoy when they got home!!:wink::laugh: Today has also been a good day. Tomorrow I get weighed.:embarassed: ...and after having such a challenging week:ohwell: ...I can't say I'm looking forward to it.:frown: But it IS part of my discipline to face the scale NOW rather than 6 mos.....and 20 pounds from now!!!:noway:
    I'll let you know how I did tomorrow.:wink:

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hi everyone, I'm feeling better, for how long I'm not going to attempt a guess. I've been scolding myself with no results, not eating very much but not what I need to eat. Yesterday I ate a fat supper and today again a fat supper, I wish I could take my head off and give it a shake:noway: . I can feel the rolls coming back and a new set of "you know it is your fault" guilt thoughts. :sad: I think I really need a break away from home and territory, some place I would not know what to do with my self:laugh:

    All has turned out okay around home here, mom is still hanging on. We have had a visitor here with his cat "Ginger", she is a larger version of Tobi, and with the "spinster" way of life she lives, it has taken a bit to get herself comfortable around other cats.

    My sister's dog Sam had me choking from laughing yesterday, he really wanted the sausages on my plate, I told him if a piece falls he could have it. Well to my short commings I plucked a fare piece in my mouth and found it rather hot, I took in a bit of air, and Sam's eyes widened in great expectations that piece was comming his way!:laugh:

    :ohwell: I will some how get a grip on me and get moving, meanwhile I will be trying to put a bit of glue on the pieces that are falling apart from me:wink:

    Hope everyone is doing well and I will soon start getting more time to read and comment to contribute to a great thing with great people:heart: Luv to all,

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Just a quick drive-by!

    Marie, glad you are all right!

    Sandy, I chuckled when I read about your knee surgery being scheduled...I do that same thing more than I would like to admit.

    Marilyn, hang in there..taking my head off and shaking it, is something that I have not tried! Just might work! ha

    BirdieM. you did a good job sending everything home!

    Barbie, I'll bet you will be happy when fall arrives. It is my favorite time of year. We are having a dust storm right now and the temps are still topping out at 108!

    Have a great week!