Why all the negativity???Where is the Motivation?



  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
    Yay! This again :huh:

    I knew you looked familiar.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Every time I don't respond to a thread I'm giving them the silent treatment.
    Everyone feels sufficiently uncomfortable now because I no speaky speaky to them.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I think there needs to be more people who are honest to the point and who tell it like it is. Have you seen the BS spread around here? I find it funny that most of the time the "mean" people are the one correcting wrong and sometimes dangerous advice given on here. I don't see this negativity you speak of and I read that other thread... DISAGREEING WITH SOMEONE DOES NOT EQUAL NEGATIVITY.

    I have learned a lot from members who have been called mean, rude, negative, unsupportive ect. :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So when someone disagrees with you, they are being negative? :huh:

    Ok :laugh:

    ETA: Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Wow! Talk about rude!!! And so negative!!!


    Why don't you just kick a puppy next time!?!? It would be less rude than this venom you're spewing all over this otherwise positive, motivating, and uplifting thread.

  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    So when someone disagrees with you, they are being negative? :huh:

    Ok :laugh:

    ETA: Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Wow! Talk about rude!!! And so negative!!!


    Why don't you just kick a puppy next time!?!? It would be less rude than this venom you're spewing all over this otherwise positive, motivating, and uplifting thread.


    WHOA! Calm down JeffCBT. Your negativity is really insulting me when I read it, and I feel bullied just reading this. Your words are like daggers in my vertebrae. Not between them but literally piercing the bone through. That's what your words are like to me, and they're hurtful.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Most of the so-called bullies are actually the ones who know what they are talking about (there are some exceptions) so put on your armor, a hard hat, thicker skin, big girl/boy panties, whatever and pay attention.
  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
    Found it.

  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Most of the so-called bullies are actually the ones who know what they are talking about (there are some exceptions) so put on your armor, a hard hat, thicker skin, big girl/boy panties, whatever and pay attention.

    why are you saying my panties are big?!?! that is not very supportive!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    Hildy_J is late.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I've got a serious question. if you are thinking that an internet forum is not for you, then why post that you are thinking of staying away from the boards? Seems a bit dramatic and unnecessary, in my opinion.

    Also, I recommend that if these forums are too much for you to handle that 1) it may be you needing to not focus so much on the supposed tone of said disagreement/post and 2) don't go on other forums, like for gaming. They make MFP look so tame.

    And finally...disagreeing =/= negativity.

    For anyone wondering why this particular 'mean person thread' was created:


    It's not the disagreeing... I'm all for constructive criticism. There are nice ways of doing it... I'm talking about the ones that want to just say how stupid you or your idea or your opinion is. The ones that want to post a negative mean comment on everything that is put out there. There are comments that are meant to be helpful in disagreement but there are also people just set on making people feel stupid... I was ready for negative comments on this as well. Like " well if you don't like it then get off MFP" things along that nature. I'm just not a negative person and I was just raised to be nice to others and not to ever be rude or disrespectful. Everyone was not raised that way sadly.

    There are people like this everywhere (and I mean actual jerks, not just people who disagree with you on a message board).

    You will not change them.

    Learn to ignore them and let it go.

    Well I got some positive on page one then all the sarcasm from then on :ohwell: ...... can't blame a girl for trying... I knew I was fighting a losing battle and you can't argue with arrogance. I'm out.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    So when someone disagrees with you, they are being negative? :huh:

    Ok :laugh:

    ETA: Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Wow! Talk about rude!!! And so negative!!!


    Why don't you just kick a puppy next time!?!? It would be less rude than this venom you're spewing all over this otherwise positive, motivating, and uplifting thread.


    WHOA! Calm down JeffCBT. Your negativity is really insulting me when I read it, and I feel bullied just reading this. Your words are like daggers in my vertebrae. Not between them but literally piercing the bone through. That's what your words are like to me, and they're hurtful.
    LEAVE JEFF ALOOOONNNEEEEEE!!!!!! It's people like you who come in our nice-rice threads and *kitten* all over the rainbow, turning it brown and raining acid diarrhoea upon our happy heads! UUGGHH!!!

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    Hildy_J is late.

    Bwahahaha. +1
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    I'm just not a negative person and I was just raised to be nice to others and not to ever be rude or disrespectful. Everyone was not raised that way sadly.

    Disagreement != disrespect/rudeness.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    So when someone disagrees with you, they are being negative? :huh:

    Ok :laugh:

    ETA: Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    well ain't that ironic.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    Hildy_J is late.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Honestly? People get called "bullies" for calling bogus diet trends bogus diet trends. It gets freaking old. "Oh no, how dare you say Fat Flush Water/Detox #112/My 21 Day Water Fast is a load of crap? BULLY!"

    I do not know what prompted your particular rant, and I honestly don't care enough to browse through your posting history or try and read your mind. I've just quit taking these "everyone's sooo mean" threads seriously because as a whole they are posted when someone cannot tell the difference between calling an idea stupid and calling a person stupid.

    First whether it be the person on simply the idea... it should never be called stupid. That is what I am talking about. Why must it be "stupid " because you don't agree with it?

    Because many things aren't opinion...much of this is actual science...you can't disagree with something factual soundly based in science and not be stupid. If you believed that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth...you would indeed be stupid...not because you disagree with me...but because you disagree with something that is scientifically fundamental.
  • RuleFive
    RuleFive Posts: 880 Member
    Well I got some positive on page one then all the HONESTY from then on :ohwell: ...... can't blame a girl for trying... I knew I was fighting a losing battle and you can't argue with arrogance. I'm out.

    Time to deactaviation... 3....2.....
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    Hildy_J is late.


    Well, child support is a pain. Just say'n.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I lurked for the first 2 weeks on this site and you know what I saw?

    1) people wanting validation no matter how dangerous their idea was.
    2) people saying do whatever you want if you think it's a good idea
    3) people calmly explaining why said corse of action is unsafe, ineffective, or just plain silly
    4) people who have been here forever putting concise information in blunt terms to convey their knowledge in the most impact full way possible.
    5) people who complain that they can't do it because they are somehow special and defy natural law.

    I chose to friend those in category 3&4 because they had the best gif's!
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