Why all the negativity???Where is the Motivation?



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    arguing others into submission is normal primate behaviour. Humans do this verbally, while other primates beat their chests, make a lot of noise and stamp on things. Humans are inclined to do that too, if the argument escalates sufficiently.

    Bonobos actually do this by having sex with each other.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    Amen sister. I agree, lately there is a lot of sarcasm, and general snottiness. Just because someone asks for tips on eating, because they are new, or struggling to fix an issue, or disagree with a tactic, it doesn't give the replying person the right to be condescending in their answer. If your sick of newbie questions or repetitive ones, or even common sense ones, don't answer it or let the next "expert" handle it hopefully with some diplomacy. I think the "fun" boards and the cavalier attitude there tends to bleed into the other boards where people are seriously looking for help, not a snappy, "well Duh", sort of reply. I never ask a question on the main boards anymore and rely on my friends on my list, or a group I've joined, or the search engine on here for those very reasons.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So when someone disagrees with you, they are being negative? :huh:

    Ok :laugh:

    ETA: Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Wow! Talk about rude!!! And so negative!!!


    Why don't you just kick a puppy next time!?!? It would be less rude than this venom you're spewing all over this otherwise positive, motivating, and uplifting thread.


    WHOA! Calm down JeffCBT. Your negativity is really insulting me when I read it, and I feel bullied just reading this. Your words are like daggers in my vertebrae. Not between them but literally piercing the bone through. That's what your words are like to me, and they're hurtful.
    LEAVE JEFF ALOOOONNNEEEEEE!!!!!! It's people like you who come in our nice-rice threads and *kitten* all over the rainbow, turning it brown and raining acid diarrhoea upon our happy heads! UUGGHH!!!




    ...I think.

    (Honestly, I'm just agreeing mostly out of fear.)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I want the "bullies" to stick around. This place is far more entertaining because of it.

    unfortunately thats really all the forum is good for, entertainment.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Just in case you weren't aware of this feature, when you go to the message boards section, there is a button called search and you can type in a keyword/phrase (ex: rude/mean/butthurt) and you can see the threads that have already been created on the topic. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
















  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I've got a serious question. if you are thinking that an internet forum is not for you, then why post that you are thinking of staying away from the boards? Seems a bit dramatic and unnecessary, in my opinion.

    Also, I recommend that if these forums are too much for you to handle that 1) it may be you needing to not focus so much on the supposed tone of said disagreement/post and 2) don't go on other forums, like for gaming. They make MFP look so tame.

    And finally...disagreeing =/= negativity.

    For anyone wondering why this particular 'mean person thread' was created:


    It's not the disagreeing... I'm all for constructive criticism. There are nice ways of doing it... I'm talking about the ones that want to just say how stupid you or your idea or your opinion is. The ones that want to post a negative mean comment on everything that is put out there. There are comments that are meant to be helpful in disagreement but there are also people just set on making people feel stupid... I was ready for negative comments on this as well. Like " well if you don't like it then get off MFP" things along that nature. I'm just not a negative person and I was just raised to be nice to others and not to ever be rude or disrespectful. Everyone was not raised that way sadly.

    There are people like this everywhere (and I mean actual jerks, not just people who disagree with you on a message board).

    You will not change them.

    Learn to ignore them and let it go.

    Well I got some positive on page one then all the sarcasm from then on :ohwell: ...... can't blame a girl for trying... I knew I was fighting a losing battle and you can't argue with arrogance. I'm out.

    Calling a fad diet stupid is bad, but calling people having a differing opinion arrogant is ok?

    Can someone please tell me where the rule book is so I can read up on the rules?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't think she means people disagreeing with her ideas. I really enjoy coming on the board and I like to comment on them too, and I have had another A hole torn in many times. Just a few days ago I agreed with someone because he answered a direct question. He came back at me with "so what's your point". Hey dude, I agree with you! So really, there are some people who really just don't know how to talk to folks. I've been on MFP since 2010 (new account here) so I have seen it all. I agreed with one OP and about 6 people jumped on me for agreeing. So there are those who cannot accept people with different ideas from them. But the good outweighs the bad, there is boo-koo good information on here from people, and you have to just scroll on down till you find it. If you quit the forum nobody will even know or miss you. Enjoy them the best way you can.

    I'm curious as to what happened to your original MFP account...

    1. Ragequit?
    2. Flounce?
    3. Nondescript deactivation?
    4. Other?
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    Amen sister. I agree, lately there is a lot of sarcasm, and general snottiness. Just because someone asks for tips on eating, because they are new, or struggling to fix an issue, or disagree with a tactic, it doesn't give the replying person the right to be condescending in their answer. If your sick of newbie questions or repetitive ones, or even common sense ones, don't answer it or let the next "expert" handle it hopefully with some diplomacy. I think the "fun" boards and the cavalier attitude there tends to bleed into the other boards where people are seriously looking for help, not a snappy, "well Duh", sort of reply. I never ask a question on the main boards anymore and rely on my friends on my list, or a group I've joined, or the search engine on here for those very reasons.

  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    KMMRN Posts: 104 Member
    I absolutely agree with you. There are ways of expressing negative opinions that are tactful. Many of the MFP participants know how to do this. Not all of them practice it.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member

    If you sugarcoat it ill just get fat!:tongue:

    Edit ok how do I bold things?

    [ b ] [ /b ] (no spaces) it's like how you post an image or quote things...just with a lower case b.
  • midnight_storm
    midnight_storm Posts: 33 Member
    I've only read the first page of this topic, but all I know is this(well, it's not all I know :P):

    There are ways to treat people, and there are ways not to treat people.

    Sarcasm, even though everyone 'speaks' it(a ton of friends on Facebook have 'Sarcasm' as a language), is literally used to try to make a person feel stupid and then makes the person using sarcasm feel all giddy on the inside. Basically, the person using sarcasm is getting pleasure from someone else's pain. I don't know about you, but that sounds like sadism, to me. Of course, sadism without physical pain and -sexual- pleasure. But to me, it's very sadistic-like.

    I'm Pagan, and the thing I've learned in life, and the thing that most of the books I've read say:

    If it doesn't help you or someone else positively, don't waste the energy.

    If someone posts a fad diet, instead of saying things like 'Oh yeah that'll work! Good luck' (sarcasm) or just saying 'fad diets are dumb', you could instead be telling them points as to why this wouldn't work, in a kind manner that actually makes it look like you care about this person's health, even if you could care less. Why use your energy to type up a message that is unkind and sarcastic, when you could fill it with actual information and tips?

    If you're going to use energy to reply to a post, don't waste it with negativity or sarcasm.

    Be kind!
  • reedandmalloy
    If you would like, add me for a friend. Negativity of any sort is one thing I don't do. Life is too short to argue or dwell on something. If I can't lift someone up by saying something nice, I just move on. :)
  • michellechawner
    Just in case you weren't aware of this feature, when you go to the message boards section, there is a button called search and you can type in a keyword/phrase (ex: rude/mean/butthurt) and you can see the threads that have already been created on the topic. Good luck! :flowerforyou:















    ^BINGO! - honestly OP, you try and explaining to every new poster the same thing OVER AND OVER... there is a search button. So if anyone has a questions, you can type it into search, and find answers instead of creating a NEW thread, for the same thing.

    Find your few supportive friends, and leave the rest behind. It's what we all do here.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    People seem to think that as long as what they are saying is generally accurate, then they can say it anyway they want, and there comments should be considered 'helpful'.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I've only read the first page of this topic, but all I know is this(well, it's not all I know :P):

    There are ways to treat people, and there are ways not to treat people.

    Sarcasm, even though everyone 'speaks' it(a ton of friends on Facebook have 'Sarcasm' as a language), is literally used to try to make a person feel stupid and then makes the person using sarcasm feel all giddy on the inside. Basically, the person using sarcasm is getting pleasure from someone else's pain. I don't know about you, but that sounds like sadism, to me. Of course, sadism without physical pain and -sexual- pleasure. But to me, it's very sadistic-like.

    I'm Pagan, and the thing I've learned in life, and the thing that most of the books I've read say:

    If it doesn't help you or someone else positively, don't waste the energy.

    If someone posts a fad diet, instead of saying things like 'Oh yeah that'll work! Good luck' (sarcasm) or just saying 'fad diets are dumb', you could instead be telling them points as to why this wouldn't work, in a kind manner that actually makes it look like you care about this person's health, even if you could care less. Why use your energy to type up a message that is unkind and sarcastic, when you could fill it with actual information and tips?

    If you're going to use energy to reply to a post, don't waste it with negativity or sarcasm.

    Be kind!

    Yeah, that sounds like sadism, because it is sadism. If someone is doing that, they are a sadist. If someone is sarcastic and it hurt your feelings because a.) it hit home that you did something ignorant, foolish, etc. or b.) you're just sensitive, neither means someone is getting pleasure from your hurt feelings.

    This sounds more like you're speaking from personal experience if using sarcastic language makes you giddy; perhaps you need to take another look at the words you're using.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    Thinking that "real life" is all support and roses is being naive. Negativity happens on the boards, it happens at the office, it happens at family gatherings (behind one's back), it happens with friends.
    Problem is lots of people on the boards take it personally when someone disagrees with them. So I ask: how does this disagreement affect your life, your income, your family, the weather, etc.? It doesn't........................unless that person let's it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally, I would never presume to tell other people how I think they should phrase their answers or what tone they should or shouldn't take.

    *That* is real arrogance.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    If someone posts a fad diet, instead of saying things like 'Oh yeah that'll work! Good luck' (sarcasm) or just saying 'fad diets are dumb', you could instead be telling them points as to why this wouldn't work, in a kind manner that actually makes it look like you care about this person's health, even if you could care less. Why use your energy to type up a message that is unkind and sarcastic, when you could fill it with actual information and tips?

    I'm gonna say 95% of the time the poster HAS posted helpful tips and the other person is calling them mean, they don't want to hear it, make constant excuses, or just keep posting things to argue back or prove their point. There are a LOT of people who post in the forums that are just looking for justification and don't want to hear honest opinions or tips that would be more beneficial. So yeah, I'm sorry but if I've posted tips and the person is constantly coming back at me with all of the above, eventually I might post "oh yeah that'll work. good luck!" They didn't want any tips in the first place so why they posted int he first place is beyond me...
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm seriously considering staying out of the message board. I read to see how other's may be dealing with certain situations or for some helpful hints with things but I have decided that people are just mean!!! Talk about cyber bullying. Making people feel completely stupid with the stuff they post is form of bullying~:" "indirect bullying", at least in some instances, such as name calling, the silent treatment, arguing others into submission, manipulation, gossip/false gossip, lies, rumors/false rumors, staring, giggling, laughing at the victim, saying certain words that trigger a reaction from a past event, and mocking.". Most of the people on here probably have or have had problems with self esteem and are looking for support and encouragement. They don't need people with their negative arrogant thoughts knocking them in the dirt with every little post. They get enough of that with the society as a whole. I am completely sick at the way people treat other people, especially on a site that is suppose to be for motivational purposes.... Sorry for the total rant... i'm climbing down off my soapbox now and bracing myself for the expected negativity this may draw.:yawn:

    Sadly, Gabbygirl if you look back through the replies on this thread and many similar threads, you will find that the people that you perceive as the bully's are the ones that post on here a lot.

    Maybe, it can be because they see the same questions time after time, which certainly is no excuse at all.

    I hope you do not stay off the message boards or other people that are new do not feel they are being intimidated in any way.

    You will find, in general, if you have a weight/food/exercise issue that those same people can give you lots of good advice.

    You will also find that you can make some helpful and motivational friends, should you choose.

    The internet sadly (or not) can be a place where people can type things to strangers without worry or consequence.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far x
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