No Skinny For This Girl



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    No time to read this thread...

    ...but I heard it was interesting... I'm tagging to read later...

    (...assuming it's still here "later".)
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Nope, I have no interest in being skinny, ever. :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I hate this post, that is all.


    I love that you have a realistic outlook. You know what your body is capable of and you are making the best of it. I too have broad shoulders and although I've never been athletic, it's nice to think I could be that.

    Because she could have posted about what she wants without saying she doesn't want to be skinny. Why else mention skinny other than to put it down.

    She didn't put anything down. All she said is that is not her goal. If that's your goal, fine. Nothing against you.

    When people talk about their goal why talk about what's not your goal?

    Maybe she doesn't want to be a ballerina either or a 100 other things, why not put that?

    Because it's popular to pick on skinny.

    Nobody is picking on skinny. She is just saying that her goal is different than what society might dictate or want for her. That doesn't mean it's bad, it's just different.

    No she isn't 'just saying' that at all.

    I never ever want to be fat or obese, I don't create posts like that because it's rude, insulting and unnecessary

    I would like to take a minute to comment on my OWN POST.
    To the person I have quoted, feel free to excuse yourself from my post. You have grossly twisted my words and turned them around maliciously on me. Nowhere in my words did I "bash" skinny people. Nowhere in my post did I say skinny was bad. I simply stated my goals: I don't want to be one of those super skinny women. I want to, as it has been said already, embrace my build, embrace my curves, and work for a muscular body. I am not saying skinny women can't be strong. I am very close to skinny women who are stronger than I am. So, even though I shouldn't have to explain myself to you, stop causing drama and let this site be the uplifting place it should be.

    To everyone else, thank you for the support. Thank you for voicing your opinions and holding up the characteristics that this site was build on. I salute all of you.

    To all of the skinny, strong women, MORE POWER TO YOU! That is fantastic! I am honestly not being sarcastic or anything here. I'm sure your bodies are wonderful, and as long as you are happy that way, you go get it sister!

    All in all, everyone has a body type they want. Mine happens to be what I stated. That doesn't mean I'm "bashing" any other body types. Everyone is different, and everyone will feel beautiful to themselves with a different body type. The main thing is that we all keep working to get to those hot bods! :)

    Peace and blessin's.

    Excuse myself from your post?... is this on your own private forum? Gosh how did I stumble in here?

    Oh no, looks like it's still good old mfp public forum.

    Where's Hildy J to defend the OP and preach the good word of "Why don't you just ignore it if you don't like it?" anyway? Why is she never around when it seems like she's actually be useful?

    Aww you again, you really have taken a liking to me, you were off to lift weights but you couldn't resist in staying a while longer to respond to me again.

    I am flattered!

    I'm glad. I'm here to help boost the self-esteem of even the most paranoid and overly offended.

    And what can I say, I find your responses impossible to resist. You're just doing so much for me this morning; the weight room isn't going anywhere.

    YAY I'm so happy you're staying, tell me more, my self esteem is growing rapidly : )

    What's next, a FR?

    Oh please, please let that be possible

    Sure! I have lots of friends with different goals than myself and I support and appreciate all of them and the varying views they bring to my life. I've made plenty of friends with people I've argued with around here; it's not in my nature to take things to heart or get upset.

    FR incoming. :happy:

    Lol I have accepted, now we can bicker on our timelines instead!
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    Well I did not expect all this. Some of these comments have been wildly entertaining!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    No time to read this thread...

    ...but I heard it was interesting... I'm tagging to read later...

    (...assuming it's still here "later".)

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It boggles my mind at what tiny little thing will send some of y'all into princess foot-stomping fits.

    I guess I should be personally offended - and make a point of telling them so - by every woman who lightens her hair, because I'm a brunette, who gets implants, because I have small boobs, who gets lasik surgery, because I'm not a candidate, who wears glasses, because I prefer contacts, who doesn't own a pet, because I have several, who eats vegetarian, because I don't...

    So someone has a different goal than you? So what? You're being ridiculous and coming off as highly insecure.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Lesson learned - do not post a "personal" goal in the MFP forums. It's too bad arrogance, ignorance, and trollishness doesn't burn calories or a couple people on this thread would have had a couple weeks worth of workouts in.

    Good troll post. 7/10.
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    Wow, is it always like this? I'm new here and a little surprised by some of the snarkiness.

    People on here take **** way too seriously, it's better to just laugh at them.

  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    It boggles my mind at what tiny little thing will send some of y'all into princess foot-stomping fits.

    I guess I should be personally offended - and make a point of telling them so - by every woman who lightens her hair, because I'm a brunette, who gets implants, because I have small boobs, who gets lasik surgery, because I'm not a candidate, who wears glasses, because I prefer contacts, who doesn't own a pet, because I have several, who eats vegetarian, because I don't...

    So someone has a different goal than you? So what? You're being ridiculous and coming off as highly insecure.


    If the OP had said people who wanted to be skinny are stoopid, that would be one thing. She just laid out her personal goal. No need for all the butthurt
  • barbie3000
    barbie3000 Posts: 73 Member
    It boggles my mind at what tiny little thing will send some of y'all into princess foot-stomping fits.

    I guess I should be personally offended - and make a point of telling them so - by every woman who lightens her hair, because I'm a brunette, who gets implants, because I have small boobs, who gets lasik surgery, because I'm not a candidate, who wears glasses, because I prefer contacts, who doesn't own a pet, because I have several, who eats vegetarian, because I don't...

    So someone has a different goal than you? So what? You're being ridiculous and coming off as highly insecure.

    This! But it makes for some fun readin'. :)
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    IN before the lock!
  • daftthoughts
    I don't WANT to be skinny because I don't find skinny women attractive, ergo I don't want to be one. That's a personal preference. I'd like to have some chub on me and just feel awesome, being skinny is not my goal nor my desire.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    cop out? not needed, as usual when friends say 'need some back up' I say no. This is just the internet, it amuses me.
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    I'm not going to bother reading all the negative snarky comments. We're all allowed to have our own goals, people! Go pick on the pro-anas if you feel the need to be rude. ;)

    OP- Good for you for embracing your body type and striving to work on your strengths!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member


    My thoughts exactly.

  • mlb567
    mlb567 Posts: 19 Member
    Lol we all want to be skinny... Don't kid yourself.
    But whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Debating? Here on MFP? Where is something worthy of debate? :laugh:

    * i'm on the Myotatcic and Flexional tonic response right now, would anyone like to discuss muscle?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Lol we all want to be skinny... Don't kid yourself.
    But whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose!

    You assume a lot.

    For me, on a personal level, I think Serena Williams has a body I'd like to strive for. I doubt anyone considers her skinny; strong, muscular, and fit however? Yes. Yes to all of that. Different people have different goals/wants/desires.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Lol we all want to be skinny... Don't kid yourself.
    But whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose!

  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Frack, i love this place!
This discussion has been closed.