Your dog



  • 360hope360
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member

    Well, you can post about it, or protect yourself. Complaining here won't keep your neighbors' dogs inside.

    I don't want to hurt your pet because you failed to care enough to train your dog properly.
    so you're threatening people's dogs what a lovely person you are

    If you think I deserve to get bit by your wild animal simply because I had the audacity to run down a city street in front of your house, you are not a lovely person. Grow up and take responsibility for your pet, if your dog will attack me, it will attack a child running down the street, which could be tragic.

    People do need to take responsibility for their pets! My mom and her pomeranian were attacked by a rotty on one of their walks a few months ago. Luckily some of the neighbors ran out to assist in pulling the dog away. Both of them were injured pretty badly but they are ok now. The rotty was put to sleep. This attack happened near an elementary school, I am just glad the dog didn't attack a child.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Fenced yard is good, its not the dogs fault, its the owners. Should always keep your dog fenced but on hot days keep him inside.

    Considering the fact that I don't have A/C in my house the outside/inside temp is probably the same. Besides my dog LOVES being outside and has a kiddie pool to splash around in during the summer.

    Our dog has about an acre of fenced in land (and it will probably be expanded) but as someone pointed out sometimes the door gets unlatched or they just find a way to sneak out. But you're right. They should be fenced in -- be it invisible or otherwise.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I don't want to hurt your pet because you failed to care enough to train your dog properly.
    so you're threatening people's dogs what a lovely person you are

    See, it's owners like you who give dogs a bad name. Seriously.

    We found out rather quickly that our dog does NOT get along with others (we had no clue since we obtained him when someone dumped him at the end of our road). We walk our dog off leash because we live in an area where you can do that. It's all woods. No one is ever around but once in a while someone is out walking their dog and let me tell you the first time our dog went tearing off after someone elses was the scariest time ever. Thankfully our neighbor is wicked cool and said they were "just getting to know each other. No blood was spilled. It's all good". We now try to socialize him every chance we get. Our dog sitter brings her dog over whenever she can and they have play dates. We brought him to Christmas with us so he could be around my brother-in-laws dogs and if we meet a strange dog we explain to the owners our dogs problem (which where we live seems to be the norm) and ask if it's ok to introduce him to their dogs and we do so in a controlled environment.

    When it comes to people however it's another story. He LOVES people. There are several people who I'm friends with (family too) who come over and were afraid of dogs like him (German Shepherd) and now aren't because he's such a sweetie. And again, introductions are made in a completely controlled environment with me there at all times. However, that in no way means that I am stupid enough to believe that he wouldn't harm a fly because I just don't know. I've haven't had to worry but it doesn't mean that I automatically assume he loves everyone and will be nice.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    resurrecting, but i have to vent.

    i was run down by a loose dog while out running the other day.

    if you have one and can't keep it under control, keep it leashed or in a fenced in yard.

    or, your dog will meet my foot.
    I'm just glad I wasn't my 85# APBT who's fearful of *everything* or the 150# Choc Lab that was my next appointment who's *also* easily startled. That train I wouldn't have been able to stop. :drinker:

    and, if you had lost control of those dogs and they came at me, as a runner, instinct would kick in as well as adrenaline and i would have not hesitated to kick them. if you can't control them, perhaps you shouldn't be walking them.

    Seriously...if you don't have control over the animal, you should not be subjecting the public to them. That's incredibly irresponsible. The fact that you don't see that as a problem is distressing.

    While I thank you for your concern, I don't share it :drinker:

    Let me make sure I have this are a dog walker who sees no problem walking a dog that you have no control over? I suspect the people who actually own that dog might find it a concern? And if they don't, I guess they also won't care if that dog gets put down because it bites someone on your watch?
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Not all dogs are out to 'get' people/runners/etc. yanno :flowerforyou:
    But, if I'm not familiar with that dog, the time they are running at me is scary because I have no idea what kind of temperament they have. That right there is enough of a reason to keep them away from me. I have the right not to be scared by an off-leash dog. I know most dogs are perfectly friendly...but some aren't...and I shouldn't have to even worry about it.

    All your smileys and flowers just make you seem extremely condescending. Oh....that's don't actually care about other people. nvm.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Not all dogs are out to 'get' people/runners/etc. yanno :flowerforyou:

    No, they're not but not every dog out there is the sweetest little creature in the entire universe. Maybe to you your beloved Snookums is the most sweetest, nicest dog that you've ever laid eyes on but to me, seeing your Snookums racing at me from either across your yard or down the road would scare the crap out of me because I don't know your Snookums. That's awesome that YOU think your dog is the nicest animal in the world who won't hurt a fly but I don't. No, he might not be "out to get me" but he might well tear my face off because I moved in some way that he presumed to be threatening, or I looked at him wrong, or I was simply on a run and I passed by your house.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have pretty much solved any potential problem with loose dogs while I am out running. A stun gun. Snookum wookums will get a reaaallly nice ZAP if they get too close. :bigsmile:
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Well, meself at least, can tell the difference between an aggressive dog, a friendly dog, and a skeered dog.

    Really? Because I guarantee that if you ever saw my dog barking at you you'd stop and wonder whether or not he's friendly or aggressive because he has a seriously frightening bark. When we first obtained him (some asshat dumped him off at the end of our road and we took him in) a friend of mine who has a rottie -- who is huge and pretty scary himself --came to the door and the dog started barking up a storm. Said friend was afraid to come in the house based on how the dog was acting. He did come in and got licked to death but my point is that you can't tell how a dog is going to react based on how they're acting.

    It's true that you can never really tell if a dog is going to bite.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have pretty much solved any potential problem with loose dogs while I am out running. A stun gun. Snookum wookums will get a reaaallly nice ZAP if they get too close. :bigsmile:
    Be careful...I spray water at dogs that approach me (harmless and it deters them) and had two women, on two separate occasions threaten me with physical harm for being mean to their little babies. One woman actually swung her walking stick back like a baseball bat and was ready to strike me until I said "go ahead, I could really use the money". She walked off screaming profanities at me. Because I sprayed water at her dog who was nipping at my heels. Edit: lol never mind, if you have the zapper no ones gonna mess with you
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I have pretty much solved any potential problem with loose dogs while I am out running. A stun gun. Snookum wookums will get a reaaallly nice ZAP if they get too close. :bigsmile:
    Be careful...I spray water at dogs that approach me (harmless and it deters them) and had two women, on two separate occasions threaten me with physical harm for being mean to their little babies. One woman actually swung her walking stick back like a baseball bat and was ready to strike me until I said "go ahead, I could really use the money". She walked off screaming profanities at me. Because I sprayed water at her dog who was nipping at my heels. Edit: lol never mind, if you have the pepper spray no ones gonna mess with you

    But. . . . . but . . . . her widdle snookumpookumsqueeziepuff would NEVER hurt anyone!
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I have pretty much solved any potential problem with loose dogs while I am out running. A stun gun. Snookum wookums will get a reaaallly nice ZAP if they get too close. :bigsmile:
    Be careful...I spray water at dogs that approach me (harmless and it deters them) and had two women, on two separate occasions threaten me with physical harm for being mean to their little babies. One woman actually swung her walking stick back like a baseball bat and was ready to strike me until I said "go ahead, I could really use the money". She walked off screaming profanities at me. Because I sprayed water at her dog who was nipping at my heels. Edit: lol never mind, if you have the zapper no ones gonna mess with you

    Things that go zap for 4 legged predators, things that go bang for 2 legged predators.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Another run, another stupid f*cking owner letting his wild-*kitten* dog run up to me like he was going to attack me. If your dog tends to run out of the yard and chase people, here's an idea - keep it on a f*cking leash or chain, or in a fenced in yard.

    and heres another one, run faster and carry treats, also fog horn(if fido scares you). i have this happen now and again when we run.. we being my dog(dogs if im at my mums) but you know what it dosent bother me... i carry treats and a bigg *** dog(we live in "town")..... also if your dumb enough to run out in timbuktu like where my mum lives your lucky if its only the dog chasing you and not the owner with a shot gun, or and god forbid an actual wild animal
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    exlax meatballs will teach them to stay away and teach the owners to take better care of their animals!! LOL:noway:
  • In the country if your dog is running loose on someone's property they can be shot.
    They should institutionalize that in cities.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    We've had some pretty interesting dogs in our neighborhood. Our old neighbors' dogs would bark incessantly day and night at us, and well everything else, so our neighbors gave us treats to win them over. It was a nice gesture, but I'm not sure how well it would have worked considering the dogs' penchant for destroying everything; it also ticked off my husband because why should we have to try to win over your untrained dogs to walk into our house without being barked at? We had recently adopted our second cat and were considering letting them outside until I came home and saw the dogs shredding a couch cushion in the backyard. Would they have done that to me or my cats? I'd like to think not but I had lost my first cat to pitbulls wandering our street. The pitbulls ended up both being put down and I felt bad for them then and still do because while it isn't technically their fault, they do get the punishment for violent and destructive behavior. So, to the people saying that it isn't the dogs' fault and it is the irresponsible owners, yes, you are correct but that doesn't magically excuse the dog who is charging at you; it was a learned behavior from the bad owners but it doesn't negate the fact that it is happening and sometimes you just have to defend yourself. Yes, it is the owners who taught the dog poorly, but the dog is the immediate threat.

    The other dog that I've come in contact with in my neighborhood is from a newer neighbor. I was walking back home from my run when this probably 5lb. dog came up to the open gate and started barking at me. No big at first and I didn't feel threatened because the poor thing was wearing a ridiculous sweater and it's just not cold enough to do that to a dog here. However, the dog came out of the gate, while the owner was watching but too busy talking on his cell phone to actually come get his dog, and danced all around my feet barking and getting progressively more aggressive, even after I was out of the dog's "territory." Said dog actually followed and barked at me all the way up to my front door three houses down before the owner bothered to come get the dog. I actually started thinking about what I would do if the dog bit me because it was looking like that was a full possibility. The part that makes it worse is that the neighbors have a really nice fence and possibly automatic gate that would easily have stopped all of this. Turns out that this dog has done this to my husband now as well.

    TL;DR: Yup, it is definitely the owners doing a disservice to their dogs and community but when the dogs are the immediate threat, the dogs are likely going to suffer the immediate consequences, whether it is "their fault" or not, and hopefully the owner does too at some point.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    ^ Outside cats should be leashed as well. (Or ideally, kept indoors) Cats on my property get trapped and taken to the SPCA.
  • gsdz4me
    gsdz4me Posts: 66 Member
    If your dog races to the fence and the person on the other perceives it as aggressive, they can report it to the local council and the dog can have a classification of menacing put on it which means that it can not have access to be aggressive on the fence along with other stringent rules that must be adhered to. Same with any dogs coming out of properties or running loose.
    I am not a runner but a walker and I walk with my dog/s on leads and under control if allowed in a leash free area and I absolutely detest exactly what you people running say in regards to dogs able to be aggressive, get off properties and if off lead with an owner who has no control. My dog on a lead if a dog races up will become aggressive in defence because on a lead he has nowhere to go or get away. Some owners are just so arrogant and ignorant. I don't take my dogs out walking to mix with every dog we come across, we are out there to walk, exercise and spent quality time together not on dog play dates.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have pretty much solved any potential problem with loose dogs while I am out running. A stun gun. Snookum wookums will get a reaaallly nice ZAP if they get too close. :bigsmile:
    Be careful...I spray water at dogs that approach me (harmless and it deters them) and had two women, on two separate occasions threaten me with physical harm for being mean to their little babies. One woman actually swung her walking stick back like a baseball bat and was ready to strike me until I said "go ahead, I could really use the money". She walked off screaming profanities at me. Because I sprayed water at her dog who was nipping at my heels. Edit: lol never mind, if you have the zapper no ones gonna mess with you

    I don't care if owners scream at me. And they can't press charges or anything, because they were in the wrong to have their dogs off leash to begin with. And the stun gun won't physically harm their dogs. And yeah, I can always zap the owners if they get too agro. lol
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have pretty much solved any potential problem with loose dogs while I am out running. A stun gun. Snookum wookums will get a reaaallly nice ZAP if they get too close. :bigsmile:
    Be careful...I spray water at dogs that approach me (harmless and it deters them) and had two women, on two separate occasions threaten me with physical harm for being mean to their little babies. One woman actually swung her walking stick back like a baseball bat and was ready to strike me until I said "go ahead, I could really use the money". She walked off screaming profanities at me. Because I sprayed water at her dog who was nipping at my heels. Edit: lol never mind, if you have the zapper no ones gonna mess with you

    Things that go zap for 4 legged predators, things that go bang for 2 legged predators.

    Not legal here to carry the things that go bang. The zapper works on 2 leggeds. That is what it is really designed for.
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