Your dog



  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Yeah, I don't let my dogs go up to people, because not everyone wants to see the dog, lol.

    And I have one strange neighbor who thinks he's Cesar Milan, and he likes to kind of smack dogs on the head several times when he meets them. He thinks they'll know who's dominant. My big chow/heeler mix will know who's breakfast if you smack him when he comes up to say Hi ;) Nope, they stay by me.
  • marniesworld
    marniesworld Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks, Wienerdogcrazy!!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Y'all all make great points, and I'm not disagreeing. However (lol)... one of the 'problems' with dogs is that the adrenaline you get if you are afraid of them is like a signal to them that there is a crisis. If at all possible, y'all, stay calm and try to assume you're fine. You'll literally be fine more often if you can project that confidence, because it tells the dog that everything is fine and you are no threat.

    And if you are running or biking and there is a real problem dog, you might want to stop and walk slowly and confidently unless you are really fast. That running away thing can get dogs going, because some get in predator mode.

    Hopefully there aren't really that many problem dogs, but who knows? I could believe that a lot of owners don't care to train their animals. You don't see it much where I am, but untrained animals here don't stand a chance between the fast drivers and the predator wildlife out here.

    Running away will put some dogs in predator mode.... Sorry, but I'm out for a RUN!!!!

    So I should change the way I move, the way I stand, the way I breathe, my pace, my attitude, order to ensure that someone else's dog doesn't approach me? Why is this on me? I have done all those things...I shouldn't freakin have to.
    No you should use some common sense. These things happen. Sometimes people make mistakes occasionally dogs get out by accident. So how about using some common sense act like a civilised person and except that the world is not perfect and you don't always get it your own way.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Y'all all make great points, and I'm not disagreeing. However (lol)... one of the 'problems' with dogs is that the adrenaline you get if you are afraid of them is like a signal to them that there is a crisis. If at all possible, y'all, stay calm and try to assume you're fine. You'll literally be fine more often if you can project that confidence, because it tells the dog that everything is fine and you are no threat.

    And if you are running or biking and there is a real problem dog, you might want to stop and walk slowly and confidently unless you are really fast. That running away thing can get dogs going, because some get in predator mode.

    Hopefully there aren't really that many problem dogs, but who knows? I could believe that a lot of owners don't care to train their animals. You don't see it much where I am, but untrained animals here don't stand a chance between the fast drivers and the predator wildlife out here.

    Running away will put some dogs in predator mode.... Sorry, but I'm out for a RUN!!!!

    So I should change the way I move, the way I stand, the way I breathe, my pace, my attitude, order to ensure that someone else's dog doesn't approach me? Why is this on me? I have done all those things...I shouldn't freakin have to.
    No you should use some common sense. These things happen. Sometimes people make mistakes occasionally dogs get out by accident. So how about using some common sense act like a civilised person and except that the world is not perfect and you don't always get it your own way.

    Give me a little bit of credit here. I'm not talking about mistakes, or dogs accidentally getting out. I'm talking about people who plain don't give a damn even when I say "I'd prefer you dog didn't approach me" and they let their dogs run and jump right up on me anyway. People who think the sign at the trailhead that says "all dogs must be kept on a leash" doesn't pertain to their precious pooch. So how about YOU use some common sense, k?
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    note to self, must keep my Greater Swiss Mountain Dog on leash...

    Damn right you should - that's not a dog, it's a frikking HORSE
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    some of you people have an awful lot of issues with dogs..was someone not puppy kissed enough as a child? ya'll need a nap and some cookies!

    No, what I need is for dog owners to keep their dog on a leash.

    I FREAK OUT if a dog approaches me. FREAK THE EFF OUT.

    I have good reason - stitches on my face, from not 1 but 2 attacks, from SMALL EFFING DOGS.

    Lazy arrogant owners who think their little monster is adorable to everyone. Newsflash - they aren't.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I love dogs. I love to run. I am always prepared to protect myself when I run. I am not scared of dogs. However, if a dog approaches me in a threatening way, I will eliminate the threat. If someone lets their dog run free, that's on them.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    If my English Bulldog catches you it's not good. First, it means you are running way too slow. Second, he really likes to hump.

  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    Well, you can post about it, or protect yourself. Complaining here won't keep your neighbors' dogs inside.

    Not those specific dog owners, but hopefully any dog owner who reads this or similar posts will wake up. I don't want to hurt your pet because you failed to care enough to train your dog properly.

    That sucks. I run a small pet sitting business and I do daily walks for neighborhood pet owners. I have a couple of little dogs who love to try to run up to runners :blushing: It's because to dogs, runners are acting like prey, moving all fast and squealing and all...wait, that's kids...but it's the same difference to the doggies I walk :laugh:

    Anyhow, I agree, it's not at all nice :ohwell: When I see runners, I about-face immediately. They make my doggies bananas and if the bulldog I walk sees you, a skateboard, a bicycle, motorcycle, a squirrel, a flying leaf, whatever, she'll try to fly me like a kite :laugh:

    This explains why my pockets are always crummy with doggie treats & I smell like bacon :blushing:
  • Another run, another stupid f*cking owner letting his wild-*kitten* dog run up to me like he was going to attack me. If your dog tends to run out of the yard and chase people, here's an idea - keep it on a f*cking leash or chain, or in a fenced in yard.

    You sound mighty salty...

    Shovel? You know... for all that sand in your vagina...

    For the record... my dogs are safe and sound from erratic runners, wielding an arsenal. Oh yeah, and vice-versa. ;)
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Most dog owners, I have come to learn, do not give a rat's *kitten* whether or not you want their dog up in your business. In fact, they will get upset at you for suggesting that their dog should somehow be restrained from going anywhere they want, running after whoever they want, and sniffing wherever they want.

    Twice I sprayed water on dogs that approached me...both times the female owners lost their ****, yelled and screamed at me, and physically threatened me. One held her walking stick up as if to hit me, and I stood there looking right at her and said "go for it. I could really use the money" so she did the smart thing and walked away, while yelling at me about what a terrible person I am. The other screamed "if you ever do that again I will take you down!!!" I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit.

    I'm a dog owner - and if one of mine was lose (and normally they wouldn't be) I would be GRATEFUL you used water instead of something that would hurt them. I, in fact, carry pepper spray - because of a young german shepherd that has followed me (with my dogs in tow) for several front yards behaving aggressively. I would totally pepper spray him before me or my pups got hurt. They are on leashes as required by law here - he isn't. Then one night we figured out he's afraid of flashlights - so we "light him up" and he runs home. LOL. Case closed. I didn't want to spray him - but I would have.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Most dog owners, I have come to learn, do not give a rat's *kitten* whether or not you want their dog up in your business. In fact, they will get upset at you for suggesting that their dog should somehow be restrained from going anywhere they want, running after whoever they want, and sniffing wherever they want.

    Twice I sprayed water on dogs that approached me...both times the female owners lost their ****, yelled and screamed at me, and physically threatened me. One held her walking stick up as if to hit me, and I stood there looking right at her and said "go for it. I could really use the money" so she did the smart thing and walked away, while yelling at me about what a terrible person I am. The other screamed "if you ever do that again I will take you down!!!" I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit.

    I'm a dog owner - and if one of mine was lose (and normally they wouldn't be) I would be GRATEFUL you used water instead of something that would hurt them. I, in fact, carry pepper spray - because of a young german shepherd that has followed me (with my dogs in tow) for several front yards behaving aggressively. I would totally pepper spray him before me or my pups got hurt. They are on leashes as required by law here - he isn't. Then one night we figured out he's afraid of flashlights - so we "light him up" and he runs home. LOL. Case closed. I didn't want to spray him - but I would have.

    See, right, I thought I was being GOOD using water! It's harmless, but it turns them away. I don't know why the owners got their panties in a bunch over it. I do have bear spray, but id rather keep that for bears :laugh:
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    if it were my dog, he'd actually attack you. nothing against you, he just doesn't like anyone. but i know that, and that's why i don't give him a chance to do so....

    i just get sick of the people yelling after their dogs "don't worry he's friendly" - as if it would help them when mine gets his teeth into their throats (ok, he isn't quite THAT bad anymore....)

    anyhow. i fully support the notion that dogs have to be controlled. BUT i also believe that runners who run past dogs (they don't know) are stupid.

    i see both sides, i don't put up with crap from dog owners, but i also understand that dogs are animals, and the strangest things can trigger even stranger behaviour. chances are, if you are moving, you'll catch their interest. deal with it, you're not the only person in the world...
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    anyhow. i fully support the notion that dogs have to be controlled. BUT i also believe that runners who run past dogs (they don't know) are stupid.

    I don't run past dogs. I tend to freeze when I see them. But they can tell I'm scared, and they still want to approach me.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I tend to walk my dog along a cyclist/jogging route near my house. However, I totally appreciate although it's a public right of way for anyone to use its foremost for cyclist & joggers! I keep the dog near me as soon as we spot someone in the distance the dog goes back on the lead, & we move to give them right of way. I always get a nod, wave, thanks or a thumbs up. I've never got a hacky look or a one fingered salute. If you respect other folk they'll generally respect you back. My dog is my responsibility.
  • Sobeone
    Sobeone Posts: 72
    Anyone would ever touch my dog to hurt I would defend her with my life. These people are just trolls trying to spew there hate IGNORE
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Anyone would ever touch my dog to hurt I would defend her with my life. These people are just trolls trying to spew there hate IGNORE

    Well, keep your dog away from people you don't know, and there won't be anything to worry about. Easy.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    It's illegal to have your dog off leash on the trail by my house but that doesn't stop irresponsible owners from doing it. I am not normally afraid of dogs but when they're running at you and barking you just never know. I walk my kids on that trail, and I've had to rip my 4.5lb shih tzu up by his collar to avoid being attacked by a bulldog. people are idiots, I feel sorry for their dogs because they're the ones that will pay the price for their owner's stupidity.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    BTW, in Florida if a dog bites someone it gets put down. One and done.
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