Your dog



  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    also, people saying 'its not the dogs fault its the owners"

    we all know that, even the op said owners need to keep the dog on the leash.

    however, punching the owner in the face while a dog eats my calf muscle isnt going to to much to help me. so unfortunately the dog is going to cop it first. then the owner.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Anyone would ever touch my dog to hurt I would defend her with my life. These people are just trolls trying to spew there hate IGNORE
    if your dog comes running after me while i'm out running, and proceeds to jump on me, i will not hesitate to swat/kick/push her to get her the **** off me. keep control of your damn dog and you won't run into this issue. no one's trolling, just speaking the truth.

    what? Jazzy my 110lb baby girl akita just wanted to say hi.
    and how the hell do i know that's all she wants to do? i don't know you or your dog, if your "precious darling" chases me down she better be prepared to meet some physical force. as i stated above, keep control of your animal and don't let her jump on everyone she passes in the road. or, be prepared to deal with the consequences.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Hello, bw_conway.

    Are you aware that there is a blog feature here?

    Just go to and let all your thoughts go


    Lol this is perfect.
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    I have 2 little white bichipoo's

    My smallest one got out the front door once and started hopping around some old guy that was walking by the door.
    My dog tugged on the guys pant leg
    The guy went hysterical, fell on the ground and started screaming that he was being eaten alive and howling like crazy.
    My dog was scared and ran back in the house
    I told the guy if he didnt get up and leave Id give him something to howl about.
    The guy shut up and left.

    Lesson learned though and I put my boys on leash for just such psychopathic behavior.... stupid humans
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You are running on private property, it's your fault. Although chasing you is one thing, biting is another. That is the owner's responsibility. If you are running on public property, you should have every expectation not to be chased by an unleashed dog. To really be effective, you need to do 50/50 water and vinegar.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have 2 little white bichipoo's

    My smallest one got out the front door once and started hopping around some old guy that was walking by the door.
    My dog tugged on the guys pant leg
    The guy went hysterical, fell on the ground and started screaming that he was being eaten alive and howling like crazy.
    My dog was scared and ran back in the house
    I told the guy if he didnt get up and leave Id give him something to howl about.
    The guy shut up and left.

    Lesson learned though and I put my boys on leash for just such psychopathic behavior.... stupid humans

    Wait, so, you are blaming an old man for getting hysterical because your dog got out and scared him by approaching him and using teeth to tug his pant leg? Yes, you are right...stupid humans. :noway:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    what? Jazzy my 110lb baby girl akita just wanted to say hi.
    and how the hell do i know that's all she wants to do? i don't know you or your dog, if your "precious darling" chases me down she better be prepared to meet some physical force. as i stated above, keep control of your animal and don't let her jump on everyone she passes in the road. or, be prepared to deal with the consequences.

    wow really uncalled for since my comment was directed to the OP not you. FYI you do not know me nor my dogs (i happen to have two) so don't comment as if my dogs are uncontrollable and running around loose which they are not nor have they ever been. i am a firm believer in ALWAYS having my dogs leashed and when they are outside they are on 100' tie outs in the backyard and they are unable to reach the front yard. I have had fellow runners in my neighborhood stop and tell me how well behaved my dogs are when they pass by and they have also stopped to say they do not feel nervous or scared going by my house when my dogs are outside. so do not ever lump me into the category of irresponsible dog owner. i take great PRIDE in being a RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNER! Neither one of my dogs has EVER JUMPED ON SOMEONE (other than myself or my husband) EVEN IN PLAY! jumping on someone is not and will never be an accepted behavior for my two dogs.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I was attacked in someone's living room by her 2 pitbulls when she left the room to get a soda in the kitchen. I don't blame the dogs. She was clearly NOT a good dog owner and didn't put any effort into raising those dogs with obediance or discipline.

    Glad no one got hurt on your run, op.

    Good Lord, you are lucky to be alive.

    OP, carry a 2 inch wide leather strap doubled up. If a dog goes for a body part, a hard crack across the bridge of the nose will give it something else to think about.

    I have owned many large dogs (Great Danes and Rottweilers), but have always kept other people SAFE from them. Safe from even being frightened by them. Dog ownership is a privilege and they count on us to keep them safe. Letting your dog run loose in a leash only area is a great way to put our dog ownership rights in jeopardy. Stupid stupid. \rant
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    what? Jazzy my 110lb baby girl akita just wanted to say hi.
    and how the hell do i know that's all she wants to do? i don't know you or your dog, if your "precious darling" chases me down she better be prepared to meet some physical force. as i stated above, keep control of your animal and don't let her jump on everyone she passes in the road. or, be prepared to deal with the consequences.

    wow really uncalled for since my comment was directed to the OP not you. FYI you do not know me nor my dogs (i happen to have two) so don't comment as if my dogs are uncontrollable and running around loose which they are not nor have they ever been. i am a firm believer in ALWAYS having my dogs leashed and when they are outside they are on 100' tie outs in the backyard and they are unable to reach the front yard. I have had fellow runners in my neighborhood stop and tell me how well behaved my dogs are when they pass by and they have also stopped to say they do not feel nervous or scared going by my house when my dogs are outside. so do not ever lump me into the category of irresponsible dog owner. i take great PRIDE in being a RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNER! Neither one of my dogs has EVER JUMPED ON SOMEONE (other than myself or my husband) EVEN IN PLAY! jumping on someone is not and will never be an accepted behavior for my two dogs.

    If so, then why did you feel the need to post your dog's picture here?? This is not about your 'sweet baby' Jazzy. I'm glad you are a responsible dog owner. OP was clearly upset about irresponsible dog owners. Posting your dog's photo is akin to saying neener neener in this thread.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member

    Well, you can post about it, or protect yourself. Complaining here won't keep your neighbors' dogs inside.

    Not those specific dog owners, but hopefully any dog owner who reads this or similar posts will wake up. I don't want to hurt your pet because you failed to care enough to train your dog properly.

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Another run, another stupid f*cking owner letting his wild-*kitten* dog run up to me like he was going to attack me. If your dog tends to run out of the yard and chase people, here's an idea - keep it on a f*cking leash or chain, or in a fenced in yard.

    Every post i read on MFP makes me like my dog more...

    dude man up its not going to attack you, the dog just wants to say Hi
    Dont get your pink compression shorts in a twist

    Get ready to lose that dog one day.
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Run faster or my dog might eat you.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    I own a 115 pound solid black German Shepherd that doesn't like strangers. You bet your sweet *kitten* he is under control and on a leash at all times. He is for personal protection and the last thing I need is him running off half cocked and getting me a ticket. Irresponsible dog owners suck, so do dog owners that think "everyone likes dogs" If I were you and it happened often, I'd carry mace. Nothing like a vet bill to give you a reality check.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have 2 little white bichipoo's

    My smallest one got out the front door once and started hopping around some old guy that was walking by the door.
    My dog tugged on the guys pant leg
    The guy went hysterical, fell on the ground and started screaming that he was being eaten alive and howling like crazy.
    My dog was scared and ran back in the house
    I told the guy if he didnt get up and leave Id give him something to howl about.
    The guy shut up and left.

    Lesson learned though and I put my boys on leash for just such psychopathic behavior.... stupid humans

    You sir, are trolling.
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    Sometimes dogs get out. I know my little Zipperonie puppy is just too fast for us sometimes. Especially when new people come from Hospice for my Grandmother who don't know that he is a slippery one. But he's extra friendly and scared of cats. In fact the most he'll do is play with you and lick you!
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I have a 200lbs Great Dane. I let him loose after runners once in a while just to make sure they get a good workout
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I own a 115 pound solid black German Shepherd that doesn't like strangers. You bet your sweet *kitten* he is under control and on a leash at all times. He is for personal protection and the last thing I need is him running off half cocked and getting me a ticket. Irresponsible dog owners suck, so do dog owners that think "everyone likes dogs" If I were you and it happened often, I'd carry mace. Nothing like a vet bill to give you a reality check.
    Same here, my GSD is better behaved/controlled than near about any "friendly" dog we come across.

    animal services here will just not do a thing unless someone gets bloodied. (in which case, the dog is usually euthanized, a fact all dog owners should be aware of).
    i've picked up the same dog several times, run away from the same daycare (heck, the animal control officer knows the dog by name, he's picked him up so often) and they still won't issue a ticket for irresponsible dog ownership....
    during a couple of weeks in spring, they ticket everyone for being off leash (well, almost everyone, they frequently ignore the small dogs, "grumble"), but that's about it. i guess their budget runs out, and they figure they've reminded everyone...
  • upscalelifedownscalebutt
    The dog is probably thinking the same thing about you. "Damn those f*cking humans always running at my yard and my people."

  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    Most dog owners, I have come to learn, do not give a rat's *kitten* whether or not you want their dog up in your business. In fact, they will get upset at you for suggesting that their dog should somehow be restrained from going anywhere they want, running after whoever they want, and sniffing wherever they want.

    Twice I sprayed water on dogs that approached me...both times the female owners lost their ****, yelled and screamed at me, and physically threatened me. One held her walking stick up as if to hit me, and I stood there looking right at her and said "go for it. I could really use the money" so she did the smart thing and walked away, while yelling at me about what a terrible person I am. The other screamed "if you ever do that again I will take you down!!!" I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit.

    Let me get this straight: you're a terrible person for water bathing her precious little poochie, but she's getting ready to hit with a STICK??? What the **** is this world coming to?

    To the OP, also a huge peeve of mine. I was out riding my horse the other day and a pit bull charged out off a porch and came within inches of taking a chunk out of my poor horse. I normally carry pepper spray when I bike or walk, and I have had to use it. One time I used it right in front of the owner. He didn't say anything, but the mutt quit bothering me.

    It's like, people will just let their dogs play in traffic, don't even care enough to restrain them so they don't get hit or stolen or lost. Yet you make any threat and they'll beat the **** out of you.

    I love my dog. My dog is trained to stay at my side when we're out, and to approach no one without an invitation. And he is confined to his lot when I'm not home and can't take him with me. I don't even let him walk on people's lawns when we're walking. He's the best dog ever, because he knows his boundaries, and we have a blast.

    Get a clue, irresponsible dog owners!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    what? Jazzy my 110lb baby girl akita just wanted to say hi.
    and how the hell do i know that's all she wants to do? i don't know you or your dog, if your "precious darling" chases me down she better be prepared to meet some physical force. as i stated above, keep control of your animal and don't let her jump on everyone she passes in the road. or, be prepared to deal with the consequences.

    wow really uncalled for since my comment was directed to the OP not you. FYI you do not know me nor my dogs (i happen to have two) so don't comment as if my dogs are uncontrollable and running around loose which they are not nor have they ever been. i am a firm believer in ALWAYS having my dogs leashed and when they are outside they are on 100' tie outs in the backyard and they are unable to reach the front yard. I have had fellow runners in my neighborhood stop and tell me how well behaved my dogs are when they pass by and they have also stopped to say they do not feel nervous or scared going by my house when my dogs are outside. so do not ever lump me into the category of irresponsible dog owner. i take great PRIDE in being a RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNER! Neither one of my dogs has EVER JUMPED ON SOMEONE (other than myself or my husband) EVEN IN PLAY! jumping on someone is not and will never be an accepted behavior for my two dogs.

    If so, then why did you feel the need to post your dog's picture here?? This is not about your 'sweet baby' Jazzy. I'm glad you are a responsible dog owner. OP was clearly upset about irresponsible dog owners. Posting your dog's photo is akin to saying neener neener in this thread.

    don't get all wound up over my posting a pic of my dog. does it suck that the OP had a dog come after him yes. Not saying the OP did or did not do this but here's a suggestion that in most cases will work - you stop running when a dog comes out of their yard which is precisely what i do and you walk past them. then afterwards you go back to said dog's house and inform the owner their dog came out into the street after them. if the owner gives you lip you let them know you will be placing a call with animal control. i have had little dogs, big dogs come out at me and heck i've encountered wild animals on my runs. i always stop and then after a second or two walk past. i never ever run past.

    i have had to do this when a neighbor's dog came after myself while walking my 13 year old dog. the neighbor's dog charged my very old very defenseless dog. i walked my dog home, walked back to the neighbor's house and informed them if they did not put their dog on a restraint i would contact animal control. end of story.
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