The Skinny on Obesity (or: "Calories are not created equal")



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda

    and where can i find one of these 8ft sugar canes you speak of??? that might last me a whole day!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda

    "Almost 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight"

    "About 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese."

    Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include:

    Having prediabetes, which may be called impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and/or impaired fasting glucose (IFG)
    Being 45 or older
    Having a family history of diabetes
    Being overweight
    Not exercising regularly
    Having high blood pressure
    Having low HDL, also known as "good" cholesterol and/or high levels of triglycerides
    Certain racial and ethnic groups (e.g., Non-Hispanic Blacks, Hispanic/Latino Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and American Indians and Alaska Natives)
    Women who had gestational diabetes, or who have had a baby weighing 9 pounds or more at birth

    The list of risk factors above from the American Diabetes Association does not even mention sugar intake as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Look at the statistics. It seems clear that being overweight and sedentary is a far greater risk factor than sugar intake. I had 3 type two diabetics in my family (two are deceased). All 3 were obese and sedentary but never consumed much sugar. I (along with most other family members) am lean, active and have perfect cholesterol and blood sugar levels. I also consume a lot of sugar.

    For the record, if you eat 8,000 calories a day of berries and apples while sitting on the couch, yes you will eventually become obese and be a a greater risk for diabetes and other diseases. This does not prove that sugar causes diabetes by itself.

    Sugar intake (as it relates to insulin resistance) once someone has already become diabetic is another issue. In the context of prevention there has yet to be any studies proving that high sugar intake alone (while maintaining a healthy weight and consuming sufficient macro and micro nutrients) causes diabetes
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda

    Are you saying people become diabetic from sugar? Really? That's what you're going with?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda
    It might benefit you to take classes in Endocrinology.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda

    Oh come on... You and buddy can do better than that...
  • peterjasper
    peterjasper Posts: 41 Member
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member

    Documentary mini-series on the dangers of sugar, the Industrial Age diet and how it impacts y/our struggle with weight.

    NOTE: While a calorie may be a calorie in terms of energy burn, there are a LOT of other variables like how they burn and their impact on the rest of the body (and its systems) that make some calories a much better choice than others. For those who wonder, here's why.

    I rarely if ever use the dislike button on YouTube. After watching part of this video I felt a strong moral responsibility to do so today.

    I don't trust scientists who cannot perform basic math:

    Watch 9:55 – 10:35 in the video

    He claims that 80% of obese people have (his definition of) metabolic diseases

    He claims that 40% of skinny/normal (he uses both terms) weight people have metabolic diseases

    He then "does the math” (10:25 in the video) and claims this totals 60% of America

    This would only be true if the obese group (>30 BMI by CDC criteria) was the exact same size as the other group (which it is not).

    Since even his most basic math is flawed how can you trust his other data or cause and effect claims?

    Actually, his math is something like this:

    60% of people in America = Obese/Overweight
    80% of 60% of people in America = Obese/Overweight + Metabolic X = 48% of the American Population
    40% of people in America = Skinny/Normal Weight
    40% of 40% of people in America = Skinny/Normal Weight + Metabolic X = 16% of the American Population

    16% + 48% = 64% of American Population with Metabolic X or approximately 60%.

    So even though they did a poor job of the display on the video and I think the editing and splicing of the overall interview seems to have skipped points or information, the numbers do add up to ~60%.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    now we just need the "my buddy" guy to show up ...and we will have the whole "sugar is evil" crew together...

    He made it.
  • ardithann5
    ardithann5 Posts: 26 Member
    Family plays a big part on why you are the way you are.. yep.. who do you look like.. me my Pop and he is like he Mom and her Dad.. so I know what Iam fighting and how to keep on track... it helps .. would love to be more like my Grand on my Moms side but then I would be 4 foot 9 and have had lost my sight to a huge stroke.. sorry no.. so just glad to be 5 foot 6 and 210 pounds at the moment.. at 63 years of age and have had 2 small strokes know what causes them and how to live healthier and maybe a little less stress in life. stop to smell the flowers watch a sun rise never run on your own and if you have to have sound around you let it be the life of the world as your run outside.. Calories give me a steak baked spud and sour cream once in a month and I have to have a cake bit once in a month .. balance balance balance that is life when you over do that is when you have Obesity... so Stand Tall get out there and Try Try Try to not over do and enjoy life and all it has to offer for when you are no more You will not be able to have that hug laughter or cake bite.... hugs Ardith Ann Milwaukee WI....:flowerforyou:
  • ardithann5
    ardithann5 Posts: 26 Member
    dance dance dance and enjoy the world and dance .. hahahaha love the vid....:laugh:
  • ardithann5
    ardithann5 Posts: 26 Member
    hey kiddo not really all just sugar all the carbs in pasta and cheese and over doing and no exercise .. but then the Type 1 have that DNA Gene that will get them one way or the other.. Family Family Family... so we just keep trying to do the right things to have a healthier life and to do what we can with our kids and spouse to have them have a healthier life.. hugs an Old Lady of Time.. Ardy Richter Milwaukee WI
  • ardithann5
    ardithann5 Posts: 26 Member
    most of you are very young but back in the 1960's when the soda TAB came around it was the rage.. wow.. it was not bad and then they did a test on it ... you could get cancer from it. hahahahah ok I was in college and in a school of Teaching for Medical we did our tests and the Math group did the math break it down

    if you drink 14 12 oz bottle a day for a year yes you will get Cancer the Rats provided that information BUT...

    if you are human and drink that much

    1 your body can not process that much fluid in a day..

    2 in a week your lungs will fill with fluid and you will drowned from the extra water..

    so on the bottom like your body will kill you with water that it can not dump out of you as fast as you can drink it..

    yep you will die but not of Cancer.. and Red M&M's will not do this either hahahahahhaha

    have had my Breast Cancer and WON Why its Family Kids Family do what the Winners of your Family did and live to the
    year 2099....
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Shhhhhh! Stop poking holes in perfectly good diatribe with your mathmatical skepticism! Just because someone doesn't understand arithmetic doesn't mean they don't understand complex metabolic processes involving hundreds of variables.

    Well, actually, it's not beyond the realms of possibility. I can solve Schrodinger's Equation to work out thermochemical properties of various chemicals (e.g. how much energy you can theoretically release from a pound of glucose)... but I *do* have trouble adding up.

    (This wouldn't be a problem if I was a biochemist. But I'm not. I'm an accountant...)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda

    ahhh yes the "fruit sugar is good " argument but "soda sugar" is bad argument...tried and tested as absolute garbage...
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    people didnt get diabetic from eating berries and apples

    It take 8 feet of sugar cane, imagine chewing on that , to get the equivalent amt. of sugar of one can of soda

    ahhh yes the "fruit sugar is good " argument but "soda sugar" is bad argument...tried and tested as absolute garbage...

    I don't think it's that some sugar is "good" while others are "bad". I think it's more of it's a lot harder to eat too much sugar from fruit than it is to eat too much sugar from oreos & snickers bars. Also, it IS a little frustrating that sugar is added to so many foods unnecessarily. For example, look at spaghetti sauces next time you're in the grocery store. You'll have a hard time finding one without sugar added. If you make your own without sugar in it, or find a jar that doesn't have sugar added, you'll find that it tastes just fine without the sugar added. So... WHY do so many food producers add it? Tomatoes have enough sugar in them to make the sauce sweet, it's totally unnecessary. Again, I didn't watch the video (although I've seen parts of it in the past), I'm sure it takes the whole sugar thing to the extreme, but that doesn't discount the fact that sugar consumption is a bit out of control these days and it won't hurt the majority of people to make an effort to cut back on their sugar consumption.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    What I find most amusing about the the sugar threads and the sugar thread addicts is looking at people's diaries. With the exception of the chick who eats candy for breakfast, the vast majority of the people who refute sugar is a problem, aren't actually eating it. Oh, I know there is the occasional small piece of candy, the quarter cup of ice cream, small portion of rice pudding, but on balance, they eat good food. Balanced diets without a lot of junk - even 1200 calorie diets! Now, before I get blasted, I have a life (at least I try). I could only look at so many diaries and a couple days each. Props to the guy who was in for a bowl of ice cream. He actually ate a bowl of ice cream.

    If you feel you are the exception to the above generalization - I am sure you are and preemptively believe you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What I find most amusing about the the sugar threads and the sugar thread addicts is looking at people's diaries. With the exception of the chick who eats candy for breakfast, the vast majority of the people who refute sugar is a problem, aren't actually eating it. Oh, I know there is the occasional small piece of candy, the quarter cup of ice cream, small portion of rice pudding, but on balance, they eat good food. Balanced diets without a lot of junk - even 1200 calorie diets! Now, before I get blasted, I have a life (at least I try). I could only look at so many diaries and a couple days each. Props to the guy who was in for a bowl of ice cream. He actually ate a bowl of ice cream.

    If you feel you are the exception to the above generalization - I am sure you are and preemptively believe you.


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Cut out *added* sugars and the weight dropped off. it's not long term sustainable, but if you get it under control, you can keep the sugar demon at bay. (yes i eat chocolate and drink beer). it's not that one is *worse* then the other.. it's simply the amount consumed per day that makes it unhealthy.

    "1 teaspoon of sugar is 4 grams. Current recommendations are for no more than 6-8 teaspoons of added sugars each day, that is 16-32 grams per day of sweeteners."

    Poster above me: You don't really consume that much sugar, unless every bit of that is added sugars. Assuming you eat fruits and other foods that contain natural sugars you are well withing the low sugar guidelines except for a few days. I eat very little added sugar and I end up between 60-80g per day and that's where you look to be most days.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    ...because I just can't help myself around sugar threads.

    In because I have decided to stalk Jo
    and for the fun ensuing
    and I have to go for lunch
    and needed to mark this for afternoon tomfollery.