If you want results, you need to eat CLEAN, like so...



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the only thing i don't like about not 'eating clean' or however you want to say it: all the fake stuff in store bought food. trying to do my best to make a lot of my own goodies.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    ^ Mud's breakfast...


    Yes to team fortress 2
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    This morning

    And you got yourself a little cup of milk. :bigsmile:
  • cfischer69
    cfischer69 Posts: 9 Member
    Can I just say this post is like a Chinese Water Torture?
  • Timothy1962
    I know we all have different goals here on MFP as some want to add muscle, others lose their fat, then some maintain where they are... and I want to eventually do all three .. LOL ... I just have to ask when it comes to fitness and then "health" .. and by that meaning for the years ahead... do you not consider the chemicals and GMOs that are in processed foods and what they can do to the human body? I am focused with my diet mainly, getting away from processed foods as much as I can... just so much information is out there about the health risk over "years" of consuming processed and chemically altered foods ... just as you look at Americans and the obesity rate that keeps going up..up .. up... don't you know that has to do with our diet? The putting on weight is just the OUTWARD sign that something in our food is terribly wrong! ...it may seem like now and maybe even some years that ignoring these facts aren't having any effect on your body.. but just like the body doesn't gain 100 lbs overnight it will in time.. the same with the buildup of chemicals in your body with over processed and genetically enhanced foods.. it may not show up today.. but in time it just may be what kills you in the end....
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Wow. I don't think I like donuts enough to do that.
    I like donuts enough to try!

    Only if they are *real* doughnuts and not that greasy, sugary crap that KK tries to pass off as "donuts."

    I prefer cake doughnuts... unglazed. And I'll dip them in my coffee. I'm 70 years old at heart, I guess.
    I typically don't like doughnuts (blasphemy, I know) but when I want one that's how I prefer it. What I really prefer is beignets and cafe au lait.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I know we all have different goals here on MFP as some want to add muscle, others lose their fat, then some maintain where they are... and I want to eventually do all three .. LOL ... I just have to ask when it comes to fitness and then "health" .. and by that meaning for the years ahead... do you not consider the chemicals and GMOs that are in processed foods and what they can do to the human body? I am focused with my diet mainly, getting away from processed foods as much as I can... just so much information is out there about the health risk over "years" of consuming processed and chemically altered foods ... just as you look at Americans and the obesity rate that keeps going up..up .. up... don't you know that has to do with our diet? The putting on weight is just the OUTWARD sign that something in our food is terribly wrong! ...it may seem like now and maybe even some years that ignoring these facts aren't having any effect on your body.. but just like the body doesn't gain 100 lbs overnight it will in time.. the same with the buildup of chemicals in your body with over processed and genetically enhanced foods.. it may not show up today.. but in time it just may be what kills you in the end....

    What are these chemicals that build up in your body? "processed foods", "GMO's" dont just automatically make something poisonous or unhealthy.

    People are getting fat because they eat too many calories not because there is someone boogey man "chemical" in all the foods. These are calories dense foods that sometimes dont have much in the way of nutrients but there is no long term build up of anything.

    IMO people are just looking for something to blame so that it is not their fault that they are fat.
  • Timothy1962
    Try reading the ingredient list and explain them without a doctorate degree for me if you think there aren't "chemicals" and stuff "unnaturally" added to processed foods.... I got fat because I didn't care for many years of what I ate, how much or what was really in it.. no excuses other than being uneducated on ALL accounts!

    IMO it is foolish to just think nothing you eat matters when it comes to your "long term" health...
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    OMG your videos are awesome and you are so dang funny!!!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Try reading the ingredient list and explain them without a doctorate degree for me if you think there aren't "chemicals" and stuff "unnaturally" added to processed foods....

    I see.

    So if we called it "musa paradisiaca" instead of "banana", it would be unclean.

    Got it, thanks. That isoamyl acetate must be nasty stuff.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Don't like donuts at all. That's an awful lot of donuts in one day.
  • wjimenez10869
    I haven't had my favorite donut in about a year , after seen this I'm not waiting much longer !!!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Try reading the ingredient list and explain them without a doctorate degree for me if you think there aren't "chemicals" and stuff "unnaturally" added to processed foods.... I got fat because I didn't care for many years of what I ate, how much or what was really in it.. no excuses other than being uneducated on ALL accounts!

    IMO it is foolish to just think nothing you eat matters when it comes to your "long term" health...

    Please tell me your argument isn't "I don't know what these ingredients are so I'm scared and you should be too! Poison!"

    I know there's something I may have missed to which I'll give you the chance to clarify what specifically is going to kill all of us right now. Brb eating a processed donut
  • mud7urtle
    mud7urtle Posts: 500
    OMG your videos are awesome and you are so dang funny!!!

    Thank you

    and anyone else who subbed and is supporting my donut escapades.

    and to the "clean" vs "dirty" discussion that seems to be going on here...

    all I will say, is that once upon a time.. food that was considered "unhealthy" was classified as such because it was thought to make you fat.

    Now that the calories in and calories out has had so much light shed on it.. people are still trying to define "dirty" foods with either the fact that they lack nutrition or somehow magically toxify your body because of them being processed and the ingredients in them. Yet these same people have no idea what those ingredients actually are.

    Just some food for thought.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    But i want to know...did you ACTUALLY eat that? I think it's fab if you did. Eating "clean" is overrated!

    Starting this diet on monday for a week.. and documenting it via youtube.

    Dead serious.

    I want a link to your channel.
  • christinekerib6582
    I cant eat lke that but U can eat healthy without it being all "clean"
  • mud7urtle
    mud7urtle Posts: 500
    Don't like donuts at all. That's an awful lot of donuts in one day.

  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    . just as you look at Americans and the obesity rate that keeps going up..up .. up... don't you know that has to do with our diet? The putting on weight is just the OUTWARD sign that something in our food is terribly wrong! ..

    I don't know that I would confuse the two.....

    Overweight/obesity is one thing...
    For internal issues, you need to have blood work done.....

    Now in a lot of cases, yes if the person is overweight and obese, then health markers may be bad.....
    But I know plenty of people who are well with in their BMI stats (so not overweight, in fact pretty skinny), but their internal markers are crap

    So you also have to look at genetics regarding people.

    I for one, am the poster child for what a doctor would say regarding blood pressure.
    - eat right
    - get exercise
    - sleep
    - don't drink
    - don't smoke

    But my BP is 133/72
    So my doctor told me to keep an eye on that, because when it gets to 140, then he will be looking to put me on medication.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I guess i'm too dumb to understand all of this
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Must be nice. I'm allotted half of what you ate. :/