If you want results, you need to eat CLEAN, like so...



  • mud7urtle
    mud7urtle Posts: 500
    I guess i'm too dumb to understand all of this

    Cliff notes:

    -Krispy Kreme donuts are delicious.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I guess i'm too dumb to understand all of this

    Cliff notes:

    -Krispy Kreme donuts are delicious.

    I know that, but I don't understand how eating donuts helps you lose weight
  • mud7urtle
    mud7urtle Posts: 500
    I know that, but I don't understand how eating donuts helps you lose weight

    Please quote anyone in this thread who suggested that.

    Not to mention I'm eating at a slight surplus which will obviously result in zero weight loss.

    You're thinking about this too hard man.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    This is an interesting/good read....

    If any care too.

  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I guess i'm too dumb to understand all of this

    I'll join you...lol.
    I always wonder if the people who scream " look how dirty I eat my 5000 calories a day and I am proud of it " know how truly ignorant they really are. Most of the time they are young males ( often under 35) who spend almost all their free time in the gym , eating crap literally as if there were no tomorrow.
    During my 37 years in the field of nutrition I have seen too many people have accidents, or get ill to be unable to exercise, or just stop because they actually get a life and are still eating 5000 calories and are proud of it., Or their genes no longer perform the youthfull job in their 50 and 60's as they did earlier and all of a sudden they have to deal with high BP, diabetes and other illnesses that are directly related to a poor diet and too many calories and turn out to be overweight......often a lot.
    We all know a lot of overweight people who were " star athletes " in their youth, or women who were a very petite size when they got married ( a bench mark for many women ) and know weight 3-4 times as much. I always wonder when people claim that this kind of not-very-intelligent way of eating ( and I am in no way saying people need to eat all " clean " ) does not affect them,. If they would spend any thoughts on their more mature years they would realize that they are not that kind of special snow flake, were the food they eat now won't have any bearing on how fit and healthy they are in 20 years from now.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I know that, but I don't understand how eating donuts helps you lose weight

    Please quote anyone in this thread who suggested that.

    Not to mention I'm eating at a slight surplus which will obviously result in zero weight loss.

    You're thinking about this too hard man.

    I guess I am, but what results are you referring to?
  • mud7urtle
    mud7urtle Posts: 500
    I know that, but I don't understand how eating donuts helps you lose weight

    Please quote anyone in this thread who suggested that.

    Not to mention I'm eating at a slight surplus which will obviously result in zero weight loss.

    You're thinking about this too hard man.

    I guess I am, but what results are you referring to?

    No offense man, but if you had half the sense of humor as most of the awesome people in this thread.. you might understand all of this a little better.


    ..and no brag here, but you can always check my pics if you want to see "results" I've made eating donuts and other "dirty" foods.
  • lisakay0x
    lisakay0x Posts: 46 Member
    This isn't even faiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I know that, but I don't understand how eating donuts helps you lose weight

    Please quote anyone in this thread who suggested that.

    Not to mention I'm eating at a slight surplus which will obviously result in zero weight loss.

    You're thinking about this too hard man.

    I guess I am, but what results are you referring to?

    No offense man, but if you had half the sense of humor as most of the awesome people in this thread.. you might understand all of this a little better.


    ..and no brag here, but you can always check my pics if you want to see "results" I've made eating donuts and other "dirty" foods.

    i'm sorry i'm not awesome. I guess i'll leave the thread since I don't understand
  • mud7urtle
    mud7urtle Posts: 500
    i'm sorry i'm not awesome. I guess i'll leave the thread since I don't understand

    You should be. Shame on you for sharing different personality traits and views on the world as me!

  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member

    This morning

    Next time, try the cinnamon roll stack. They're mmmmmmmmmmmMM too!

    I love this thread.
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    I'll throw in my .2 cents here but I already know most of you MFP keyboard warriors will probably tear into me...... but.........Im gonna say it anyway......

    packing on a ridiculous amount of protein & calories does NOT pack on muscle. Your training is what makes you muscular....eating clean will make you leaner however building muscle is not a function of eating. Building muscle is an adaptation of an outside stress.
    you want to reduce your calories to lose body fat... not indulge in a calorie orgy. Again, I dont care what or how much protein you eat, its not the protein that makes you muscular, training is what makes you muscular.

    We get plenty of protein thru a crappy diet, and vegetarians also get plenty of protein thru legumes, beans & lentils, whole grains & quinoa, 1 cup cooked quinoa has 18gr. protein. Tofu & soy products, nuts, seeds, nut butters, eggs, milk, cheese its all there.... so we are getting more than enough of our daily protein in our everyday diet than your body knows what to do with.. the trick is to get your body to utilize that protein to build muscle, and you do that only thru training.

    The USDA claims that we need at least 60gr protein a day, thats more than half of what we need a day. The fitness magazines & websites wont say it because they're mostly sponsored by protein manufacturers. A cleaner diet will help lose any additional body fat which will make you look toned & lean.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    If you are doing aerobic activity, than 60 gr of protein a day is prolly fine....

    But if you are weight lifting, then most studies point to 0.8 - 1.0 gr / pound of body weight.....
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    I'll throw in my .2 cents here but I already know most of you MFP keyboard warriors will probably tear into me...... but.........Im gonna say it anyway......

    packing on a ridiculous amount of protein & calories does NOT pack on muscle. Your training is what makes you muscular....eating clean will make you leaner however building muscle is not a function of eating. Building muscle is an adaptation of an outside stress.
    you want to reduce your calories to lose body fat... not indulge in a calorie orgy. Again, I dont care what or how much protein you eat, its not the protein that makes you muscular, training is what makes you muscular.

    We get plenty of protein thru a crappy diet, and vegetarians also get plenty of protein thru legumes, beans & lentils, whole grains & quinoa, 1 cup cooked quinoa has 18gr. protein. Tofu & soy products, nuts, seeds, nut butters, eggs, milk, cheese its all there.... so we are getting more than enough of our daily protein in our everyday diet than your body knows what to do with.. the trick is to get your body to utilize that protein to build muscle, and you do that only thru training.

    The USDA claims that we need at least 60gr protein a day, thats more than half of what we need a day. The fitness magazines & websites wont say it because they're mostly sponsored by protein manufacturers. A cleaner diet will help lose any additional body fat which will make you look toned & lean.

    What's your point? You're taking yourself way to serious and preaching to many people who have had no problem figuring out what works for them.

    Please exit stage left and go run a marathon. We will eat donuts and pop tart while we lift.

    Enjoy your donut, I'll be running circles around you all day bro
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    OMG! How can you survive on that little food?!? I love donuts, but I would have to eat 30 of them a day to fill slightly full!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    unfortunately my bench press went in the ****er when my bf was way down. kinda of topic but i just want to be part of the conversation *Snif*
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    You can build 10% to 20% more muscle making balloon animals and learning to walk on carnival balls.