30 day shred october 21th !!! Anyone!!!



  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    I just finished day 8 (I think - lol). I missed 3 days in a row because of the weekend and guests. But I'm back on it. It's amazing how much better I am from day 1. I was able to do 6 push ups today (the real ones as my son calls them). The first couple of days I could only do the women's. Obviously 6 is nothing to write home about, but it's progress. I am getting a little bored though, so I'm looking forward to level 2 in 3 days.

    I have been weighing myself and I'm up about half a pound since I started. My clothes are feeling a little looser so that's good. Late last week I measured myself and didn't appear to lose any inches, but it was only a week, so I'm not expecting miracles.
  • kahays
    kahays Posts: 17 Member
    I just finished day 7 of Level 1 today (three days on, one day off). I plan on doing level 1 for 12 days and then moving on. It is definitely no cake walk, but there is a HUGE difference from day 1!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    Just wanted to update as I'm getting lazy about replying to this thread but it's going to be the thing that keeps me honest when it gets tough on level 2!!

    7 days in, 7 days of level 1 completed so I'm happy as I've always let real life get in the way by now when I've tried it before...

    I'm feeling good, the only days I've struggled during the workout were day 2 and day 7. Not sure what the factors were on those days but generally I've found it easier day by day. Day 8 today, hoping the next 3 days will set me up for level 2 - scared!!

    Thinking of going onto ripped in 30 after this and then body revolution after Christmas. Has anyone done these? I've seen lots of good reviews, just wondering how they compare to 30DS.

    Week 2 peeps, hope everyone's still going strong!

    I'm glad you posted this! I was just coming here to ask you gals if you wanted to do Ripped in 30 next! I like having a group to update and this group is so awesome everyone seems to really be sticking with it!!! I should be done with 30ds by nov. 23rd (maybe earlier) and will start Ripped in 30 the next day! I love having challenges...

    i'm on day 3 level 2. level 2 isn't that hard to tell you the truth. I found level 1 harder. i'm up for ripped in 30 and yes body revolution is amazing. the results are in my pics you can look. i'm thinking of doing round two of that after christmas
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    10/28/13 Monday-Day 1 Level 2 completed. I'm late posting. My 20 month old baby Kaleb did the full work out with me. As a matter of fact, he woke me up at 6am to do it. I was like, come on! Wait until it's light outside. He went back to sleep and woke me up at 11 am slapping me in the face to work out as he pointed out the window showing me the bright sunshine. I couldn't belive it! He actually understood what I was talking about lol.

    The workout was very challenging, but not hard. I had to stop several times because of the burn lol. See you tomorrow.

    BTW-I also want to start Ripped in 30 after the 30 Day Shred.
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    Just wanted to update as I'm getting lazy about replying to this thread but it's going to be the thing that keeps me honest when it gets tough on level 2!!

    7 days in, 7 days of level 1 completed so I'm happy as I've always let real life get in the way by now when I've tried it before...

    I'm feeling good, the only days I've struggled during the workout were day 2 and day 7. Not sure what the factors were on those days but generally I've found it easier day by day. Day 8 today, hoping the next 3 days will set me up for level 2 - scared!!

    Thinking of going onto ripped in 30 after this and then body revolution after Christmas. Has anyone done these? I've seen lots of good reviews, just wondering how they compare to 30DS.

    Week 2 peeps, hope everyone's still going strong!

    I'm glad you posted this! I was just coming here to ask you gals if you wanted to do Ripped in 30 next! I like having a group to update and this group is so awesome everyone seems to really be sticking with it!!! I should be done with 30ds by nov. 23rd (maybe earlier) and will start Ripped in 30 the next day! I love having challenges...

    i'm on day 3 level 2. level 2 isn't that hard to tell you the truth. I found level 1 harder. i'm up for ripped in 30 and yes body revolution is amazing. the results are in my pics you can look. i'm thinking of doing round two of that after christmas

    good to hear that level 2 isn't too bad! also great that people are up for moving on to ripped in 30 next - having this thread to check in to really keeps me honest so it will be good to go on to the next one together. maybe we should create a group?
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    Checking in! Day 8 complete last night and i weighed myself this morning and have lost 1/2 a lb. I upped my calorie allowance from 1,200 to 1,410 since mid last week so I'm pleased to see a loss at all :)
  • apriljn312
    apriljn312 Posts: 13 Member
    Level 1 day 5 done, I'm a few days behind but really excited about finishing this time :-) I do feel stronger each time I do it.
  • somereptile
    Days 6 & 7 done! Forgot to check in yesterday. Honestly can't believe I have stuck with it. I am usually good for 2 or 3 days, then I wander off to something else (something easier). Only 3 more days until level 2!!! I even lost a pound this week. Woot!

    I agree! I would usually push it off after a few days also. Can't believe I did day 8 this morning!

    Great job! :-)
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Have had to take a few days break from level 1 due to a cold. Back on it today. Am dreading the press ups already..
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Somehow I forgot just how hard this work out is after a few days off. Just finished it for only the third time but I already feel fitter and can do more of the dreaded press ups.

    How soon did people feel fitter with this workout?

    Also, does anyone have a link for level 2 or 3 on youtube? I can't seem to find it.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Level 1 day 7 is in the bag. Booyah!

  • ShellyChen
    On August, I was 177lb

    Before I started JM 30 day shred, I do 5 mile power walks every other day for a month, then switched to jogging 5 miles every other day and 40 min power walk twice a week for another month. My average walk pace was 17min 36 sec per mile. I only lost 16 lb and 2 inches in my waist from those 2 months of working out.. I started using JM's dvd at level 1 on October 20 to replace power walk for a week.

    Today is my 8th day using the DVD and although I only lost 2lb in those 8 days (standard weightloss with my previous regime of jogging and power walking), I lost another 2 inches in my waist! So I lost 2 inches in my waist in 8 days compared to losing 2 inches in 2 months! That is amazing! I also felt big muscles in my legs and arms.

    Then something else amazing happened. This morning I decided to do my 40 min powerwalk to the bus stop. After walking a block, I felt I'm going unusually faster. I was like "whoa what is up with my legs! They are moving fast!". I checked my pace tracker when I reached the bus and my average walk pace was 15min 46seconds! I was so blown away for improved by almost 2 minutes in only 8 days! I was 10 minutes earlier at the bus stop! I thought this was impossible but it did happened and I felt great. This truly motivates me to stick with the 30 plan to the very end to see my final results.

    I am 5'1, age 29, and am now 159lb

    My goal is to be 125lb or fit in size 8.
  • echoesmyron
    echoesmyron Posts: 28 Member
    A little behind after an unwarranted 3 day break. Finished level 1 day 6 today though.

    Glad you guys are all sticking with it - great motivation!

    I'd be interested in doing Ripped in 30 after this too - helps to have a group to 'check-in' to.
  • Wanderer1224
    Wanderer1224 Posts: 57 Member
    Day 7 and 8 done!!! Wohooooooooo!

    I am so Happy of how strong this group is doing!!!!!!! So proud of u guys!!!!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!! Love u guys!!!!!!!:smile::smile: Stay positive and keep pushing play!!!!!!!!
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    OK so I lied and didn't start LEVEL 2 yesterday, I started it today! I had no time yesterday.

    Don't be afraid guys it's not that bad!!! We are so strong!

    AND i'm 3 lbs down!!! After a 19 day stall... so excited.

    I'm glad others are down for Ripped in 30.. this group is awesome.
  • thin412
    Day 2 level 2 done! It was alot easier today. Great job everyone!!! Happy shredding :-)
  • apriljn312
    apriljn312 Posts: 13 Member
    Day 6 of level 1 done. To be honest I really did not want to workout this morning. But I kept telling myself just do it!!! I'm so glad I did. The feeling afterward is amazing!!

    So for anyone out there that is thinking about skipping today, think about how energized you feel afterward and let that feeling be your motivation!
  • somereptile
    Day 9 down! One more day. Nervous of Level 2 but excited but see my new measurements! :-D
  • persea
    persea Posts: 13
    so very true! the exercises are challenging but I always feel so great after doing them!
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member

    Level 1 Day 8 plus 30 minutes jumping rope...DONE!

    Edited to add: You can get this t-shirt here: http://skreened.com/rainbowcircus/kick-butt-dark I'm not affiliated...just grabbed the photo off the internet, but wanted to give credit where credit is due.