CrossFit Put To The Test, Comes Out On Top: Study



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I cant speak to all of the cf gyms, however, my issue is that it seems to be a connection around here. CF+paleo+Advocare=you are awesome! But only if you have the proper cf shoes. In my limited experience, cult is appropriate.

    <----Does CrossFit, not Paleo. Have no idea was Advocare is.

    Limited experience, indeed.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I cant speak to all of the cf gyms, however, my issue is that it seems to be a connection around here. CF+paleo+Advocare=you are awesome! But only if you have the proper cf shoes. In my limited experience, cult is appropriate.

    <----Does CrossFit, not Paleo. Have no idea was Advocare is.

    Limited experience, indeed.

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    How many calories a minute does it burn being at the chiropractors office?
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member

    Thank you. All the CF hate here is ridiculous.

    You mean people don't like being preached to? *shocking*
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    Thank you. All the CF hate here is ridiculous.

    You mean people don't like being preached to? *shocking*

    Oooook. Was I preaching?
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Oooook. Was I preaching?

    *rolls eyes* It isn't all about you, special snowflake. Talking about the constant CF preaching that you see everywhere.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    How many calories a minute does it burn being at the chiropractors office?

    I get the impression that you really don't like crossfit. I also get the impression that you either a) have experience/friends in some really crappy crossfit gyms, or b) are buying the hype that crossfit is necessarily dangerous.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Oooook. Was I preaching?

    *rolls eyes* It isn't all about you, special snowflake. Talking about the constant CF preaching that you see everywhere.

    Where? Have any examples? Or are you referring to your facebook wall or some other limited definition of "everywhere"?
  • ken_m
    ken_m Posts: 128
    I've never done Crossfit, but I'm currently looking for a way to turn my regular resistance workouts into a more dangerous routine where I'd be very prone to injuries and giving the appearance that I'm incredibly inexperienced to other gym goers. Any tips?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I get the impression that you really don't like crossfit. I also get the impression that you either a) have experience/friends in some really crappy crossfit gyms, or b) are buying the hype that crossfit is necessarily dangerous.

    working out is dangerous.

    Cross fit includes a great deal of speed... and typically the faster you do something you're odds go up of doing it wrong- especially in a culture driven by HARDER FASTER STRONGER.

    So the perception of injuries seems greater. I'd be interested in hearing hard numbers- but I just don't hear BB's or strong men having the same issues- but it might be because they are different injuries- or they work through them- or those sports are seriously NOT in fashion.

    Either way- it's something to take into consideration.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Oooook. Was I preaching?

    *rolls eyes* It isn't all about you, special snowflake. Talking about the constant CF preaching that you see everywhere.

    Thanks! My Mom thinks I'm pretty special, too.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    My dad thinks I am bright, so he calls me son. :bigsmile:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    My dad thinks I am bright, so he calls me son. :bigsmile:

  • noelieSAURUSrex
    What's with all the haters? As a woman crossfitting has been extremely empowering. The idea that women's bodies can be more than thin or fat, but powerful and strong instead has been revolutionary for me! And I don't mean pilates strong or lifting 25lbs strong- I mean 100 pull ups, lifting 95lbs overhead 50 times in a row. It's really inspiring having women this strong as role models in my life. They're more concerned with their personal goals and eating clean than the length of their hair or the tag in their pants. Don't knock it until you've tried it. When's the last time you were sitting in front of the TV and thought "I need to do burpees like now!" It's a good obsession and the *kitten* it creates are the most amazing I've seen in my life! Forget thin- these people are ROUND in the best way humanly possible. Crossfit love <3
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    What's with all the haters? As a woman crossfitting has been extremely empowering. The idea that women's bodies can be more than thin or fat, but powerful and strong instead has been revolutionary for me! And I don't mean pilates strong or lifting 25lbs strong- I mean 100 pull ups, lifting 95lbs overhead 50 times in a row. It's really inspiring having women this strong as role models in my life. They're more concerned with their personal goals and eating clean than the length of their hair or the tag in their pants. Don't knock it until you've tried it. When's the last time you were sitting in front of the TV and thought "I need to do burpees like now!" It's a good obsession and the *kitten* it creates are the most amazing I've seen in my life! Forget thin- these people are ROUND in the best way humanly possible. Crossfit love <3

    I'm glad CrossFit has helped you realize this.

    There are many other programs that can do the same thing. I lift heavy and have that same sense of empowerment. And yes, many of us start with lifting 25 lbs but we can most definitely build up from there. CrossFit is one way, but it is not the only way.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What's with all the haters? As a woman crossfitting has been extremely empowering. The idea that women's bodies can be more than thin or fat, but powerful and strong instead has been revolutionary for me! And I don't mean pilates strong or lifting 25lbs strong- I mean 100 pull ups, lifting 95lbs overhead 50 times in a row. It's really inspiring having women this strong as role models in my life. They're more concerned with their personal goals and eating clean than the length of their hair or the tag in their pants. Don't knock it until you've tried it. When's the last time you were sitting in front of the TV and thought "I need to do burpees like now!" It's a good obsession and the *kitten* it creates are the most amazing I've seen in my life! Forget thin- these people are ROUND in the best way humanly possible. Crossfit love <3

    Is Crossfit Kool-Aid paleo approved?
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    Also, did I miss something in the OP? Where does the title come from? What did Crossfit "come out on top" of..?

    The title was from HP. Not mine. Study only did 2 workouts which is bogus. I posted another study which you saw that has problems also.

    Personally, my injuries from crossfit have been:
    Shin Splints basically from my first full workout from a mile sandwich - 1 mile run followed by a workout and then another mile run
    - My shoes were cheap and I paid for it. I got some good ones now and put Dr Sholls Sports inserts inside.
    - Nothing significant since.
    - One Note: I have always had problems with my back. I do have to roll out a kink or 2 at times after a workout using a roller. I have always had the problem since injuring it playing football when I was 17 years old.
    - Overhead squats are a problem with me and my back. Just doing the bar sucks in it's self. I will not do more then a bar for a long time.

    - CF may not be for everyone. You have to monitor yourself when doing these workouts just like any routine. You can't just blindly accept the workout. I have reduced weights when needed. Modification is the key to being safe.
    - I do see an experience factor involved. I have been working out with weights since I was 14 years old.
    - The posters that are concerned about injuries are not wrong.
    - My wife does CF also but her lifting experience is low.
    - I do get concerned with her workouts at times but she does do lower than Rx weight. I would not like to see her do Rx weight until she gets more experienced.
    - People that are getting off the coach after years of doing nothing or that do not have experience with weights should take their time to get up to speed if they are starting CF. I was working out doing on my own HIIT 2-3 times a week and ice hockey once a week prior to beginning CF. I thought HIIT was hard and I did hurt myself on 2 occasions. Pinched my Sciatic nerve and hurt my shoulder doing dumb bell shoulder presses. CF is harder than what I was doing prior.

    I did do a workout at another CF gym once when I first started. I think the trainer made it up. There was an exercise that was done that was not a crossfit exercise nor an exercise that I seen anywhere else. . I am going to look for it again and post what it was but I was not thrilled about doing it due to my back.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Crossfit is a dangerous cult.

    Don't be bitter just cause you're a bottom...

    It was only a matter of time before the CF haters showed up
    Suprised it took this long . . . Normally they are much faster to spew their hate ;-)

    **I also ride a bike and run on roads & trails - Both are more dangerous than CrossFit. I've never been forced off the road, almost hit or had trash thrown at me while CrossFitting ;-)
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    I cant speak to all of the cf gyms, however, my issue is that it seems to be a connection around here. CF+paleo+Advocare=you are awesome! But only if you have the proper cf shoes. In my limited experience, cult is appropriate.

    <----Does CrossFit, not Paleo. Have no idea was Advocare is.

    Limited experience, indeed.

    I did have a discussion with our main trainer on Bacon Double Chocolate Cake she highly recommended it along with bacon spicy tater tots at a local restaurant ... does this count for Paleo? :smile: