Women in relationships aren't allowed to have male friends?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A guy once told me men are only as faithful as their options.

    If this is true, I'd rather stay single than have to police an adult's behavior.

    Agreed. That was kind of a scummy, man hating statement to make. I know many women who've been unfaithful and I know plenty of men who are cheaters too. Its a HUMAN BEING issue, not a gender issue.

    Well to be fair, it was a man that told me that.
    A man who was speaking for himself.

    A lot of women say nasty general things about women as an entire gender that are not actually true.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    A guy once told me men are only as faithful as their options.

    If this is true, I'd rather stay single than have to police an adult's behavior.

    Agreed. That was kind of a scummy, man hating statement to make. I know many women who've been unfaithful and I know plenty of men who are cheaters too. Its a HUMAN BEING issue, not a gender issue.

    Well to be fair, it was a man that told me that.
    A man who was speaking for himself.

    A lot of women say nasty general things about women as an entire gender that are not actually true.

    Yeah, he totally generalized the statement to make himself feel better about being a complete sleazeball!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    A guy once told me men are only as faithful as their options.

    If this is true, I'd rather stay single than have to police an adult's behavior.

    Agreed. That was kind of a scummy, man hating statement to make. I know many women who've been unfaithful and I know plenty of men who are cheaters too. Its a HUMAN BEING issue, not a gender issue.

    Well to be fair, it was a man that told me that.

    OK, well allow another man to refute that claim. Or at least modify it.

    *kitten* are only as faithful as their options.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    No one is ****ing around behind anyones backs. Your responses are all very typical and generic. When people like doing grimmy **** they say this.

    Well babe if you trusted me you wouldn't mind me at the bar with my ex
    Well your relationship is just insecure and mine isn't
    Well flirting isn't cheating so its ok
    Well if you weren't so insecure you wouldn't mind all the people I talk to online

    Well honey if you weren't so insecure you wouldn't mind all that tumblr porn I watch.

    ^^ typical MANIPULATION tactics that people use on the weak minded who fall for it.

    Because trust and understanding are signs of the weak minded.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No one is ****ing around behind anyones backs. Your responses are all very typical and generic. When people like doing grimmy **** they say this.

    Well babe if you trusted me you wouldn't mind me at the bar with my ex
    Well your relationship is just insecure and mine isn't
    Well flirting isn't cheating so its ok
    Well if you weren't so insecure you wouldn't mind all the people I talk to online

    Well honey if you weren't so insecure you wouldn't mind all that tumblr porn I watch.

    ^^ typical MANIPULATION tactics that people use on the weak minded who fall for it.
    I feel very sad for you.

    If you're trolling, well, get a life.

    And if you're not, this is a terribly sad view of the world and human beings.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I believe Chris Rock explained it best when he said men don't have women friends they just have women they haven't fuc@ed yet.

    Lol. This is what my husband says. I don't have any male friends (in real life) either....that would not go over well here. And no, not because he's insecure. He says he does not trust that a guy friend would never want/try anything more. FTR, I don't care if he has female friends. But he doesn't anyway.

    Like isn't this topic NAIVE? ARE WE 12? All ANY woman has to do is turn to the guy friend and offer him a happy ending, MARRIED, SINGLE, TAKEN, he is gonna take the bait. He may be a friend, but he would sleep with these women married or not if they let it get to that place, and they are dumb to think otherwise. Sitting at home with a male friend, your man isn't going to be home for 3 hours, and they dont THINK if they offered something he would take it? Are they dumb?

    You mispronounced 'jealousy'

    Jealous of what exactly?

    Relationships where you can trust your spouse not to *kitten* around behind your back at the drop of a hat.
    No one is ****ing around behind anyones backs. Your responses are all very typical and generic. When people like doing grimmy **** they say this.

    Well babe if you trusted me you wouldn't mind me at the bar with my ex
    Well your relationship is just insecure and mine isn't
    Well flirting isn't cheating so its ok
    Well if you weren't so insecure you wouldn't mind all the people I talk to online

    Well honey if you weren't so insecure you wouldn't mind all that tumblr porn I watch.

    ^^ typical MANIPULATION tactics that people use on the weak minded who fall for it.

    Well I'm not ****ing around and
    1. I do trust him, and his ex is bat *kitten* crazy so if he is at the bar, it's picking her drunk but up to make sure she makes it home for her boys.
    2. Never said your relationship is insecure, but neither is mine...last I checked only one judge for me and pretty sure he isn't hanging out on MFP.
    3. I don't flirt...I have a pretty happy go lucky personality, so if you take niceness and the ability to handle a joke as flirtatious that sort of sucks.
    4. I talk to all kinds of people from all walks of life here as part of a SUPPORT community. I don't tolerate inappropriateness towards me and neither does he..so trust isn't an issue there either.
    5. We watch alot of porn on tumblr together...hell it's where we get new ideas..I'm old! (not really but it sounded good, the old part)

    Trust is the key cornerstone of ANY relationship, friendship or otherwise, without it you have nothing. If someone has to tell you to trust them, yes, it's manipulation. However, my husband doesn't have to tell me to trust him he shows I can through actions and transparency, and I do the same. So no need to "limit" the gender of, or screen his friends. IT's about trust and respect, nothing to do with the gender of his friend.
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    I think that friendship should not be restricted by gender. I've been married for 20 years, and I have more close guys friends then girls. It goes both ways. I encourage him to have women friends. When we were dating his ex-girlfriend was a girl that he had grown up with and I told him that when he was home I expected that he would want to call her and spend time with her. He currently has a female friend that he is pretty close with and last year they went to the West Coast Conferance Finals together.

    I had an interesting conversation this weekend with my bestie's girlfriend. She said that she believes that God put me in his life to replace the sister that he lost in when he was in high school. And how good it is for him to have me in his life. I feel so lucky that he has a girlfriend that gets it. Some of my guy friends have had girlfriends that have issues with me, but they usually don't last too long.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    Like isn't this topic NAIVE? ARE WE 12? All ANY woman has to do is turn to the guy friend and offer him a happy ending, MARRIED, SINGLE, TAKEN, he is gonna take the bait. He may be a friend, but he would sleep with these women married or not if they let it get to that place, and they are dumb to think otherwise. Sitting at home with a male friend, your man isn't going to be home for 3 hours, and they dont THINK if they offered something he would take it? Are they dumb?


    So, I've been cheated on by an absolute dirt bag who couldn't keep it in his pants (the type you are referring to in your post).

    And even after that horrible experience, I still can't jump on your bandwagon. I'm 99.9999% sure that the guy I'm dating now would never take that bait. Like ever.

    I tend to like hanging out with guys more than girls, so I also have had my fair share of guy friends who have always been respectful to me and have never tried anything, whether I was in a relationship or single.

    I'm sorry you live in a world where all the people you know are hedonistic, self-absorbed miscreants.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Trust is the key cornerstone of ANY relationship, friendship or otherwise, without it you have nothing. If someone has to tell you to trust them, yes, it's manipulation. However, my husband doesn't have to tell me to trust him he shows I can through actions and transparency, and I do the same.

    This. Exactly.

    The words, "If you trusted, me ..." have never crossed either of our lips. We just live our lives and neither so far has any issues with the other's behavior. (At least not on this subject.)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am sorry you live in a fantasy land with unicorns and fairies where men actually want to be your friend, that isn't there real intentions.

    So ... the men you know don't respect you. Got it.

    The men in my life (SO and friends alike) respect me.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    He's cheating on you! That's why he's jealous! He's projecting his guilt onto you!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Trust is the key cornerstone of ANY relationship, friendship or otherwise, without it you have nothing. If someone has to tell you to trust them, yes, it's manipulation. However, my husband doesn't have to tell me to trust him he shows I can through actions and transparency, and I do the same.

    This. Exactly.

    The words, "If you trusted, me ..." have never crossed either of our lips. We just live our lives and neither so far has any issues with the other's behavior. (At least not on this subject.)

    Exactly..never had to say "if you trusted me"
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    I don't accept that. My best friend is male, but my friendship with him isn't separate from my Love. Maybe that's the difference? My fella had a problem with me going to a personal trainer's class without him- this guy being a mutual acquaintance... but he has no problem with my guy friends. Conversely, I ALWAYS keep it appropriate with my guy friends and I don't hide anything from my Love...

    Don't accept it. It's my policy that if we support and love each other, and communicate well and act appropriately, there is no reason to limit our partner. Limitations tend to back me off.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am sorry you live in a fantasy land with unicorns and fairies where men actually want to be your friend, that isn't there real intentions.

    So ... the men you know don't respect you. Got it.

    The men in my life (SO and friends alike) respect me.

    Daww so cute, she thinks they actually respect her. Nice card.
    They certainly behave as though they do. And when it's all said and done, isn't that all that matters? If they treat you with respect?

    Apparently, you don't have that kind of life. I'm very sorry about that. It's a sad way to live.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This was like when I was in my early 20s and my naive best friend thought those guys at the bar were buying her patron shots for her "intelligent conversation and great company"....Come on ladies, grow up.
    Who's talking about the men in the bar buying me shots? I barely drink, anyway.

    I'm talking about my SO and my friends. People I actually know -- former coworkers, guys I went to school with. Not some random Joe in a bar trying to get laid.

    You do realize the difference, right?
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    This was like when I was in my early 20s and my naive best friend thought those guys at the bar were buying her patron shots for her "intelligent conversation and great company"....Come on ladies, grow up.

    Your only in your mid 20's now?? Makes me wonder what has happened to make you so bitter at such a young age..I get it..I dated some real *kitten* and there are alot of men out there exactly as you are describing, but not all of them. One will come along that was raised right, treats you great, and would hang the moon for you. It took me until my 30's to find him and I dated alot of broken ones along the way...but to say all men would cheat given the opportunity is bitterness and a generalization...I hope one comes along and shows you the difference.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This was like when I was in my early 20s and my naive best friend thought those guys at the bar were buying her patron shots for her "intelligent conversation and great company"....Come on ladies, grow up.

    Your only in your mid 20's now?? Makes me wonder what has happened to make you so bitter at such a young age..I get it..I dated some real *kitten* and there are alot of men out there exactly as you are describing, but not all of them. One will come along that was raised right, treats you great, and would hang the moon for you. It took me until my 30's to find him and I dated alot of broken ones along the way...but to say all men would cheat given the opportunity is bitterness and a generalization...I hope one comes along and shows you the difference.
    Her profile says she's 29 and she's claimed in the thread that she's married.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!

    Now if you are average looking he probably can look at you in a platonic way!