Women in relationships aren't allowed to have male friends?



  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:

    Opens door and hugs pot!



    I LOVE IT even more when a man can admit he's a tool! Good on ya! :smile:

    You call it being a tool, I call it staying honest with myself!

    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    That guy you thought was such a nice guy and just wanted to be your friend will ruin your thoughts of him in an instant!

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    pathetic betas and psychotic swf's abound.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:

    Opens door and hugs pot!



    I LOVE IT even more when a man can admit he's a tool! Good on ya! :smile:

    You call it being a tool, I call it staying honest with myself!

    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    That guy you thought was such a nice guy and just wanted to be your friend will ruin your thoughts of him in an instant!


    I have to disagree...but initializing said experiment would be disrespectful to my husband. I still think you are making a sweeping generalization..it's like saying if you gave every woman on here $100 we would all buy shoes..it's a stereotype..there for a reason, but not always true.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    You must be right. I'm totally a virgin because I can't even get a male escort to touch me. I'm so ugly.

    Forever alone. :ohwell:
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    You must be right. I'm totally a virgin because I can't even get a male escort to touch me. I'm so ugly.

    Forever alone. :ohwell:

    I almost spit water all over my monitor reading this...LOL :drinker:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    You must be right. I'm totally a virgin because I can't even get a male escort to touch me. I'm so ugly.

    Forever alone. :ohwell:

    I almost spit water all over my monitor reading this...LOL :drinker:
    You laugh at my misery?

    Just call me Quasimodo.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Lets clear up some of the idiotic assumptions here.

    First off, no one can tell you who to be friends with, my husband doesn't tell me who to be friends with and vice versa. When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual. Do I think going out to dinner with an ex or going to a party with an ex while your S/O is sitting at home alone is appropriate? NO. Every single female I have ever been close friends with, who surrounded themselves with nothing but guys, who texted other guys all the time, who had the "male best friend" they told everything to, were underhanded doing inappropriate things. Like if he texts and your heart skips a beat or you get excited thats NOT a friendship. Most of my female friends shamelessly flirt with their "male friends" in text and act like its nothing. Most 50 year old married people I know generally hang out with each other, they aren't "BESTIES" with their exs or hanging out with the opposite sex daily. They are living their adult lives.

    This just speaks to the quality of person you choose to be friends with . . .

    The quality of person I choose to be friends with have friends of the opposite sex but don't spend all evening sitting around texting and flirting with them. The quality of person I choose to be friends with generally the texts go more like this:

    Person A: Hey, I'm going to be in your neck of the woods tomorrow, wanna grab lunch?
    Person B: Yeah, just send me a message tomorrow and let me know what time!


    Person A: I'm bored and want to go out on the boat today!
    Person B: Cool, I'm setting sail at x:xx
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:

    Opens door and hugs pot!



    I LOVE IT even more when a man can admit he's a tool! Good on ya! :smile:

    You call it being a tool, I call it staying honest with myself!

    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    That guy you thought was such a nice guy and just wanted to be your friend will ruin your thoughts of him in an instant!


    I have to disagree...but initializing said experiment would be disrespectful to my husband. I still think you are making a sweeping generalization..it's like saying if you gave every woman on here $100 we would all buy shoes..it's a stereotype..there for a reason, but not always true.

    Never said anything about women just be clear!

    But just look at nature in general! What is the primordial instinct of every male in each species. To procreate his bloodline! Period!

    Again to think that the human male has evolved past this is naive. That's why men think of sex every seven seconds. Proven fact.

    It's engrained into us! It's a genetic predisposition!

    Just to prove it. I want you to observe a man when an attractive woman passes by him! His eyes will uncontrollably roam over her body! It wouldn't matter if he was performing brain surgery!

    It's just the way it is!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    You must be right. I'm totally a virgin because I can't even get a male escort to touch me. I'm so ugly.

    Forever alone. :ohwell:

    I almost spit water all over my monitor reading this...LOL :drinker:

    You laugh at my misery?

    Just call me Quasimodo.
    More laughing at the level of sarcasm I can appreciate
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    That why men think of sex every seven seconds. Proven fact.

    A. This assumes women don't.

    B. This assumes men do not have the ability to control themselves and will jump on and rape every available female in their area of sight. Or, per you, only the hot ones.

    C. I'd put your mental age at about 16, so much of what you're saying is probably true for you.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:

    Opens door and hugs pot!



    I LOVE IT even more when a man can admit he's a tool! Good on ya! :smile:

    You call it being a tool, I call it staying honest with myself!

    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    That guy you thought was such a nice guy and just wanted to be your friend will ruin your thoughts of him in an instant!


    I have to disagree...but initializing said experiment would be disrespectful to my husband. I still think you are making a sweeping generalization..it's like saying if you gave every woman on here $100 we would all buy shoes..it's a stereotype..there for a reason, but not always true.

    Never said anything about women just be clear!

    But just look at nature in general! What is the primordial instinct of every male in each species. To procreate his bloodline! Period!

    Again to think that the human male has evolved past this is naive. That's why men think of sex every seven seconds. Proven fact.

    It's engrained into us! It's a genetic predisposition!

    Just to prove it. I want you to observe a man when an attractive woman passes by him! His eyes will uncontrollably roam over her body! It wouldn't matter if he was performing brain surgery!

    It's just the way it is!

    Hell I can appreciate a good looking woman! My man is taken, not dead. There is a difference. If you are incapable of appreciating a member of the opposite sex without trying to jump their bones then it's a self control issue...not a procreation issue..LOL
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    This was like when I was in my early 20s and my naive best friend thought those guys at the bar were buying her patron shots for her "intelligent conversation and great company"....Come on ladies, grow up.

    That's funny, your responses remind me of when I was in my early 20s and too insecure to have a healthy relationship.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    When this is the quality of your argument, all the words you type become invalid.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    That why men think of sex every seven seconds. Proven fact.

    A. This assumes women don't.

    B. This assumes men do not have the ability to control themselves and will jump on and rape every available female in their area of sight. Or, per you, only the hot ones.

    C. I'd put your mental age at about 16, so much of what you're saying is probably true for you.

    Oh please! I know nothing regarding what women think of and don't assume to!

    Secondly, no one said anything about rape, keep you fantasies to yourself.

    Thirdly, What I am referring to is strictly science FACT! Do some research!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    That why men think of sex every seven seconds. Proven fact.

    A. This assumes women don't.

    B. This assumes men do not have the ability to control themselves and will jump on and rape every available female in their area of sight. Or, per you, only the hot ones.

    C. I'd put your mental age at about 16, so much of what you're saying is probably true for you.

    Oh please! I know nothing regarding what women think of and don't assume to!

    Secondly, no one said anything about rape, keep you fantasies to yourself.

    Thirdly, What I am referring to is strictly science FACT! Do some research!

    I didn't say men don't think about sex every 7 seconds. I can buy that.

    That does not mean they are incapable of having platonic friendships with women or that they have no morals. Some don't, it's true. But many do.

    Just because a man thinks about sex a lot doesn't mean he will jump the bones of any willing woman just because she's willing, especially if she's married or he's married.

    I think your wife might want to keep tabs on you, though. Clearly, you lack self-control and believe every man does so that makes it OK.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    roflmao...depends on how secure the male is in his relationship with you. if I have a problem with the relationship I will discuss it with significant other...she is smart and knows her heart and if I can't hold her heart in mine then the relationship is not strong. But then I tend to be confident...in this area.

    BTW some of my best friends are women whom I have no interest in sexually.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Poor OP...this thread took on a life of it's own....
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Back in for science and proven facts. Law of gravity and law of men only having primordial, lower level reproductive cognition for 3.43 hours out of the day.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Sounds like a trust thing. I had a male friend tell me that he didn't trust other men around his wife it wasn't her he doubted.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    "She's got a lot of pretty pretty boys she calls friends"