Women in relationships aren't allowed to have male friends?



  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I think it depends on the couple and where they are in their lives.
    if you are 20 something and newly married, and both parties have friends of the opposite sex- then its ok.
    30 something - a little less OK but maybe tolerable ONLY if both people have friends of the opposite sex.
    By 40 if you are married you probably don't need to hang out with other peoples husbands or single guys. I know I get uncomfortable around my friends husbands - probably because when I was younger I had friends whose husbands came onto me.
    Now if you are not married- then forget it - see who you want. If the other person wants you stop- they you better put a ring on it!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member

    You call it being a tool, I call it staying honest with myself!

    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    That guy you thought was such a nice guy and just wanted to be your friend will ruin your thoughts of him in an instant!


    Meh. Not true. One of my best friends is a dude. I've known him since college. He's never tried a thing, nor have I.
    You must not be hot.

    I mean HOT!

    Yep. Children burst into tears when I walk down the street.
    Come sit on the forever alone couch with me and we can cry all night.

    Wait Wait Wait...there's a forever alone COUCH??? WTF...do you have cookies?? I'm in if there are cookies...
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    Quote Ke$ha.

    What about Nicki Minaj? Gotta listen to the Minaj!

    He had the Rolls in his Royce, the tone in his voice
    Don’t want a good girl, now hoes is his choice
    D-D-**** on H, ***** on W
    Mouth on open, *kitten* on smother you
    *kitten* on the cover too, Elle Magazine
    Vroom, vroom, vroom, get gasoline
    Could I be your wife? Naw we could bang though...

    I'll accept it.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Lets clear up some of the idiotic assumptions here.

    First off, no one can tell you who to be friends with, my husband doesn't tell me who to be friends with and vice versa. When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual. Do I think going out to dinner with an ex or going to a party with an ex while your S/O is sitting at home alone is appropriate? NO. Every single female I have ever been close friends with, who surrounded themselves with nothing but guys, who texted other guys all the time, who had the "male best friend" they told everything to, were underhanded doing inappropriate things. Like if he texts and your heart skips a beat or you get excited thats NOT a friendship. Most of my female friends shamelessly flirt with their "male friends" in text and act like its nothing. Most 50 year old married people I know generally hang out with each other, they aren't "BESTIES" with their exs or hanging out with the opposite sex daily. They are living their adult lives.

    This just speaks to the quality of person you choose to be friends with . . .

    The quality of person I choose to be friends with have friends of the opposite sex but don't spend all evening sitting around texting and flirting with them. The quality of person I choose to be friends with generally the texts go more like this:

    Person A: Hey, I'm going to be in your neck of the woods tomorrow, wanna grab lunch?
    Person B: Yeah, just send me a message tomorrow and let me know what time!


    Person A: I'm bored and want to go out on the boat today!
    Person B: Cool, I'm setting sail at x:xx

    ^This. Glad my friends are respectful grown ups who don't "do dirt."
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Secondly, I don't subject myself to situations where self control can become an issue like hanging out with hot female friends.

    I find it most important to Keeps issues at bay before allowing them to rear their heads!

    If you have to avoid being alone with women who aren't your wife in order to remain faithful, I'm glad I'm not your wife.

    Awww! I'm glad your not my wife too!

    Finally we agree!
    I think you are smart by the way to avoid temptation. Any woman who doesn't feel like their man COULD be tempted to cheat is an idiot or he is in desperate need of Viagra.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    You call it being a tool, I call it staying honest with myself!

    But seriously, IF YOU ARE HOT! Try running the experiment!

    That guy you thought was such a nice guy and just wanted to be your friend will ruin your thoughts of him in an instant!


    Meh. Not true. One of my best friends is a dude. I've known him since college. He's never tried a thing, nor have I.
    You must not be hot.

    I mean HOT!

    Yep. Children burst into tears when I walk down the street.
    Come sit on the forever alone couch with me and we can cry all night.

    Wait Wait Wait...there's a forever alone COUCH??? WTF...do you have cookies?? I'm in if there are cookies...
    I'll start baking!
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    Secondly, I don't subject myself to situations where self control can become an issue like hanging out with hot female friends.

    I find it most important to Keeps issues at bay before allowing them to rear their heads!

    If you have to avoid being alone with women who aren't your wife in order to remain faithful, I'm glad I'm not your wife.

    Awww! I'm glad your not my wife too!

    Finally we agree!
    A man with so little control over his mini me is probably a great disappointment, anyway.

    You would never know either way!
    Oh, sweetie, you wouldn't know what to do with me.

    And on that note I'm Outta here!

    C Ya!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I have a strange desire to yell "I'm rubber, you're glue...whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" at the top of my lungs....I'm hoping it will pass...
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So I have been in a relationship now for 5 years, and in this time I have started to see some double standards in my own relationship along with friends relationships. Why is it that it is completely acceptable for a man in a relationship to be friends with women (and by relationship I mean texting each other, gong to events on occasion, getting lunch, etc.), but when a woman in a relationship is friends with another man (same type of relationship as I described above) it is completely taboo? I mean my boyfriend would never tell me I "couldn't" be friends with another man. But he already gets a little defensive if I tell him I grabbed coffee with a male coworker while on a break.

    I feel like a woman gets the title of being uncaring or insensitive if she ignores the norm and is friends with a man. I have even heard my female friends say a girl is bring "slutty" if she is friends with men while in a relationship.

    It would be great to get some insight and understanding into why this double standard is acceptable. I guess I take part of the blame because I have allowed it to happen, but I would like to hear other insights as well :)

    According to MY male friend, society tends to have problems understanding that men and women can have a platonic relationship. My husband is one of those who has trouble understanding it, even though HE has had several platonic female friends over the 19 years we have been together.

    Several months ago my husband found out that my friend, who he has never met, had stopped by the house and had coffee with me. he told me he wasn't thrilled with it. I told him that with all due respect, I understand that he is worried about my safety around "strange" men, but that my friend is NOT a strange man. My friend is VERY respectful, and would not poach another man's wife...heck, he wouldn't even call me or text me until I did it first. I feel 100% sure that I would not come to any harm alone with my friend, and he has never gone further than to hug me.

    Why wouldn't you let your husband know the DAY the guy stopped by? Isn't that something you mention when it happens?

    actually, I DID tell him that evening. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Justin had just moved back to the state and hadn't had a chance to come and see my chickens. SO he texted me and asked if he could stop by, see the chickens ( and ME) and get some eggs. I didn't think anything of it.

    Not only would Justin not make a move on me, but he was PISSED when he found out that someone he knows did. I didnt expect a reaction like that from anyone other than my husband.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have a strange desire to yell "I'm rubber, you're glue...whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" at the top of my lungs....I'm hoping it will pass...
    Don't do that if you're at work.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    actually, I DID tell him that evening. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Justin had just moved back to the state and hadn't had a chance to come and see my chickens. SO he texted me and asked if he could stop by, see the chickens ( and ME) and get some eggs. I didn't think anything of it.

    Not only would Justin not make a move on me, but he was PISSED when he found out that someone he knows did. I didnt expect a reaction like that from anyone other than my husband.

    Chickens, is that what we're calling them now?

    Some eggs, that too?

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Secondly, I don't subject myself to situations where self control can become an issue like hanging out with hot female friends.

    I find it most important to Keeps issues at bay before allowing them to rear their heads!

    If you have to avoid being alone with women who aren't your wife in order to remain faithful, I'm glad I'm not your wife.

    Awww! I'm glad your not my wife too!

    Finally we agree!
    I think you are smart by the way to avoid temptation. Any woman who doesn't feel like their man COULD be tempted to cheat is an idiot or he is in desperate need of Viagra.

    No, my husband just isn't walking genitals. Again, he knows how to choose respectful friends. The issue isn't that there isn't a time or place that any of us COULD be tempted by another person, the issue is that not every situation where men and women are friends ends up in sexual encounters because friendships between men and women do not have to by their innate nature have to be sexually charged and can be fully respectful.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member

    Quote Ke$ha.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i used to think i had issues but the more and more i read from people on here i realize im actually normal
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    i used to think i had issues but the more and more i read from people on here i realize im actually normal

    you can't keep it in your pants either?
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    My last boyfriend was like that and it ended up with us splitting. He had this lady friend and she ended up moving in with him too... instead of asking me to move in which he admitted to wanting to talk to me about before he moved her in instead.

    I kept asking him how he'd feel if the situation were reversed and think about how upset he'd be if I'd done that, and he just kept responding with "it's not the same, you're a girl." - little bit of a different story but with the same "guys can know girls who're just friends but girls can't know guys who're just friends" thing.

    No idea.

    Double standards are stupid.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Do these friends fit your macros though?
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Do these friends fit your macros though?

  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Since I was young, preschool, I always played with the boys. My mother told me I use to tell her that girls were mean. As I grew up I always had male friends and very few female friends, less drama having male friends. To this day, I am still friends with those Males friends that I had over the years. Yes, it was difficult for my husband when we first started dating but as he got to know who I was and interacted with my male friends it didn't bother him anymore. It's called trust... without it you don't truly have a relationship.

    Food for though on both ends... if you have a friend of the opposite sex that you text/email and you could care less if your partner saw the contents of the conversations then you are truly just friends. If you have to delete your text immediately, then you are not JUST friends. I would never be with someone who couldn't trust me 100%, nor would I want to be with someone I couldn't trust 100%. It's only a double standard if you allow it to be a double standard....
  • Yodifer
    A guy once told me men are only as faithful as their options.

    If this is true, I'd rather stay single than have to police an adult's behavior.

    Agreed. That was kind of a scummy, man hating statement to make. I know many women who've been unfaithful and I know plenty of men who are cheaters too. Its a HUMAN BEING issue, not a gender issue.

    Well to be fair, it was a man that told me that.
    A man who was speaking for himself.

    A lot of women say nasty general things about women as an entire gender that are not actually true.

    Maybe so - just in my experience it has been pretty much every guy, every age group. I know 3 men that have been faithful (as far as I know) to their girlfriends/wives. I know 2 women that have not...so my perspective is skewed but it is my perspective none the less.