Women in relationships aren't allowed to have male friends?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!

    Now if you are average looking he probably can look at you in a platonic way!

    This whole topic is full of foolishness. Like "oh we just hang out and watch movies for 3 hours before my husband gets home from work"...Like huh?
    Um, no one said that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Do I think its appropriate to talk about your sex life regarding your husband with an EX. HELL NO.

    No one said anything about talking to an ex (or any other guy) about our sex lives.

    Like I said, part of the problem in this thread is you simply don't know how to read.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Is it possible he has some issues with control and security? BTW this has nothing to do with you it's all about what's going on in his brain.

    LOL well some of these comments on here are laugh worthy. I'd find it insulting if someone told me my gender had no control over urges, but I guess it's perfectly acceptable to classify men like that? Awesome, my stereotypical jokes prove appropriate!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Lets clear up some of the idiotic assumptions here.

    First off, no one can tell you who to be friends with, my husband doesn't tell me who to be friends with and vice versa. When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual. Do I think going out to dinner with an ex or going to a party with an ex while your S/O is sitting at home alone is appropriate? NO. Every single female I have ever been close friends with, who surrounded themselves with nothing but guys, who texted other guys all the time, who had the "male best friend" they told everything to, were underhanded doing inappropriate things. Like if he texts and your heart skips a beat or you get excited thats NOT a friendship. Most of my female friends shamelessly flirt with their "male friends" in text and act like its nothing. Most 50 year old married people I know generally hang out with each other, they aren't "BESTIES" with their exs or hanging out with the opposite sex daily. They are living their adult lives.

    You are assigning very narrow roles to the friendship. Based on your other posts I'm shocked, really, that you have such a very narrow view and don't consider other options.
    There can be more to a friendship than what you are describing.

    If I want to vent about something or talk about dumb reality shows or video games I can go to my female friends. There is nothing that a male friend can offer me that I cant easily get from a female friend. Not that I don't know tons of males, my husband and I have mutual friends, I just have no desire to wake up like "DANNY IS MY BFF TIME TO TEXT HIM". That isn't really a priority of mine to keep up past male relationships. Do I think its appropriate to talk about your sex life regarding your husband with an EX. HELL NO. Somethings are just common sense. That being said, I am from a town with like 150k people but the town next to it was small like 3k people, my family all lived there so I went there alot and made friends, most of the people I knew over the 15 year time period ALL enter-dated. I had friends date from like 7th grade for like 9 years, broke up, he knocked up another girl, and now 7 years later, the ex from 7th grade is the god mother to their kids and is besties with his girlfriend....Like this crap happens, but its kinda podunk and weird

    No one ever said any of that stuff is appropriate...but most of my female friends aren't gamers, so if I want to talk about the latest installment of Assassin's Creed, or my most recent playthrough of Dragon Age I'm probably gonna talk to my husband or one of my male gamer buddies..who are all now friends with my husband..your earlier posts basically slammed any of us for having male friends..everyone's relationships are different...not your place to judge...
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Um no. The majority of my friends are guys. The guy I just started dating has been my friend for quite a long time. If any guy I was dating really had a problem with it, then my response would be you knew this before we started dating. Bros before hoes dude.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I don't tolerate stuff like that. My best friend of 16 years is a guy & there has never been anything remotely romantic between us. Relationships need trust, without that, what's the point?
  • Rawfoodsho
    When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual.

    I work 7-3:30 Monday through Friday. My SO's current schedule is 10-8:30 or 10-9:30 Friday through Sunday, then 5-2:30 on Monday. His days off are not the same as mine.

    He is also in the Reserves and one weekend every month is 200 miles away. We also often, by necessity, go out of town separately (such as when my best friend threw a birthday party for her sister, whom I've known since she was born, out of town and my SO couldn't get out of work to go with me).

    Am I supposed to not see friends or leave the house because he can't chaperone me and make sure I don't get into any trouble? Or vice versa? Some of the women he drills with are married and they are friends and they hang out on drill wekeends when I'm not their and the women's hubands aren't there. Should they just stay in their rooms all night and twiddle their thumbs because they lack chaperones?

    So you work completely different schedules and never see each other? Sounds great......Lets see you are home at 3 and he is home at 8, how about, work out, clean and cook dinner? Why do you have to hang out with people? So he comes home from work at 9pm and you are randomly gone? lol oh ok. No one needs a chaperone, but in a relationship you dont go out and party while they are working until 9pm, you clean and cook some dinner. Why make him come home from work at 8-9 at night to an empty house because you are out partying with male friends?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!


    You know someone's argument is worhtless when he resorts to "you're ugly" as a comeback.

    Rawfoods is insisting people typed things they never typed. That leads me to believe she cannot read, as it's all right there in black and white and so there seems to be no other explanation.
  • 3_AND_OUT
    Lets clear up some of the idiotic assumptions here.

    First off, no one can tell you who to be friends with, my husband doesn't tell me who to be friends with and vice versa. When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual. Do I think going out to dinner with an ex or going to a party with an ex while your S/O is sitting at home alone is appropriate? NO. Every single female I have ever been close friends with, who surrounded themselves with nothing but guys, who texted other guys all the time, who had the "male best friend" they told everything to, were underhanded doing inappropriate things. Like if he texts and your heart skips a beat or you get excited thats NOT a friendship. Most of my female friends shamelessly flirt with their "male friends" in text and act like its nothing. Most 50 year old married people I know generally hang out with each other, they aren't "BESTIES" with their exs or hanging out with the opposite sex daily. They are living their adult lives.

    You nailed it on the head for my situation especially the this part:

    Do I think going out to dinner with an ex or going to a party with an ex while your S/O is sitting at home alone is appropriate? NO. Every single female I have ever been close friends with, who surrounded themselves with nothing but guys, who texted other guys all the time, who had the "male best friend" they told everything to, were underhanded doing inappropriate things. Like if he texts and your heart skips a beat or you get excited thats NOT a friendship. Most of my female friends shamelessly flirt with their "male friends" in text and act like its nothing.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual.

    I work 7-3:30 Monday through Friday. My SO's current schedule is 10-8:30 or 10-9:30 Friday through Sunday, then 5-2:30 on Monday. His days off are not the same as mine.

    He is also in the Reserves and one weekend every month is 200 miles away. We also often, by necessity, go out of town separately (such as when my best friend threw a birthday party for her sister, whom I've known since she was born, out of town and my SO couldn't get out of work to go with me).

    Am I supposed to not see friends or leave the house because he can't chaperone me and make sure I don't get into any trouble? Or vice versa? Some of the women he drills with are married and they are friends and they hang out on drill wekeends when I'm not their and the women's hubands aren't there. Should they just stay in their rooms all night and twiddle their thumbs because they lack chaperones?

    So you work completely different schedules and never see each other? Sounds great......Lets see you are home at 3 and he is home at 8, how about, work out, clean and cook dinner? Why do you have to hang out with people? So he comes home from work at 9pm and you are randomly gone? lol oh ok. No one needs a chaperone, but in a relationship you dont go out and party while they are working until 9pm, you clean and cook some dinner. Why make him come home from work at 8-9 at night to an empty house because you are out partying with male friends?

    Again, illustrating that you cannot read.

    I did not say we never see each other. We spend most of the afternoons from Monday-Thursday together, as well as most of the time when we are both not at work the rest of the week.

    However, if I get invited to an event on Saturday night and he can't make it because he's working, am I not allowed to go because there might be men there?
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual.

    I work 7-3:30 Monday through Friday. My SO's current schedule is 10-8:30 or 10-9:30 Friday through Sunday, then 5-2:30 on Monday. His days off are not the same as mine.

    He is also in the Reserves and one weekend every month is 200 miles away. We also often, by necessity, go out of town separately (such as when my best friend threw a birthday party for her sister, whom I've known since she was born, out of town and my SO couldn't get out of work to go with me).

    Am I supposed to not see friends or leave the house because he can't chaperone me and make sure I don't get into any trouble? Or vice versa? Some of the women he drills with are married and they are friends and they hang out on drill wekeends when I'm not their and the women's hubands aren't there. Should they just stay in their rooms all night and twiddle their thumbs because they lack chaperones?

    So you work completely different schedules and never see each other? Sounds great......Lets see you are home at 3 and he is home at 8, how about, work out, clean and cook dinner? Why do you have to hang out with people? So he comes home from work at 9pm and you are randomly gone? lol oh ok. No one needs a chaperone, but in a relationship you dont go out and party while they are working until 9pm, you clean and cook some dinner. Why make him come home from work at 8-9 at night to an empty house because you are out partying with male friends?

    Again, illustrating that you cannot read.

    I did not say we never see each other. We spend most of the afternoons from Monday-Thursday together, as well as most of the time when we are both not at work the rest of the week.

    However, if I get invited to an event on Saturday night and he can't make it because he's working, am I not allowed to go because there might be men there?

    I can't even post anything serious here anymore...LOL YOU are supposed to get your B*tch a** back in the kitchen and make him some PIE!! LMAO :laugh:
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:

    Opens door and hugs pot!


  • Rawfoodsho
    When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual.

    I work 7-3:30 Monday through Friday. My SO's current schedule is 10-8:30 or 10-9:30 Friday through Sunday, then 5-2:30 on Monday. His days off are not the same as mine.

    He is also in the Reserves and one weekend every month is 200 miles away. We also often, by necessity, go out of town separately (such as when my best friend threw a birthday party for her sister, whom I've known since she was born, out of town and my SO couldn't get out of work to go with me).

    Am I supposed to not see friends or leave the house because he can't chaperone me and make sure I don't get into any trouble? Or vice versa? Some of the women he drills with are married and they are friends and they hang out on drill wekeends when I'm not their and the women's hubands aren't there. Should they just stay in their rooms all night and twiddle their thumbs because they lack chaperones?

    So you work completely different schedules and never see each other? Sounds great......Lets see you are home at 3 and he is home at 8, how about, work out, clean and cook dinner? Why do you have to hang out with people? So he comes home from work at 9pm and you are randomly gone? lol oh ok. No one needs a chaperone, but in a relationship you dont go out and party while they are working until 9pm, you clean and cook some dinner. Why make him come home from work at 8-9 at night to an empty house because you are out partying with male friends?

    Again, illustrating that you cannot read.

    I did not say we never see each other. We spend most of the afternoons from Monday-Thursday together, as well as most of the time when we are both not at work the rest of the week.

    However, if I get invited to an event on Saturday night and he can't make it because he's working, am I not allowed to go because there might be men there?

    No. Are you not going to walk into costco because men might be there? No. That isn't the subject
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When you are married, you typically do things with your spouse or together as a group, our friends both male and female are mutual.

    I work 7-3:30 Monday through Friday. My SO's current schedule is 10-8:30 or 10-9:30 Friday through Sunday, then 5-2:30 on Monday. His days off are not the same as mine.

    He is also in the Reserves and one weekend every month is 200 miles away. We also often, by necessity, go out of town separately (such as when my best friend threw a birthday party for her sister, whom I've known since she was born, out of town and my SO couldn't get out of work to go with me).

    Am I supposed to not see friends or leave the house because he can't chaperone me and make sure I don't get into any trouble? Or vice versa? Some of the women he drills with are married and they are friends and they hang out on drill wekeends when I'm not their and the women's hubands aren't there. Should they just stay in their rooms all night and twiddle their thumbs because they lack chaperones?

    So you work completely different schedules and never see each other? Sounds great......Lets see you are home at 3 and he is home at 8, how about, work out, clean and cook dinner? Why do you have to hang out with people? So he comes home from work at 9pm and you are randomly gone? lol oh ok. No one needs a chaperone, but in a relationship you dont go out and party while they are working until 9pm, you clean and cook some dinner. Why make him come home from work at 8-9 at night to an empty house because you are out partying with male friends?

    Again, illustrating that you cannot read.

    I did not say we never see each other. We spend most of the afternoons from Monday-Thursday together, as well as most of the time when we are both not at work the rest of the week.

    However, if I get invited to an event on Saturday night and he can't make it because he's working, am I not allowed to go because there might be men there?

    No. Are you not going to walk into costco because men might be there? No. That isn't the subject
    But I never said I was going out with guy friends and leaving my SO home alone. No one said that.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I have to agree with rawfoods on this one!

    If you are hot! And I REPEAT! If your hot! And he's your friend! He'd do you if you offered him some hip!

    The male of every species on this planets first primordial instinct IS To procreate his own blood line!

    To think differently or to think men have evolved past this is just foolish!

    I tell you what, the next time you are hangin' alone with one of your male friends, run this experiment!

    Tell him you really horny! Tell him you need to get Fu@%ed!

    Just sit back and be dumbfounded by his response!

    Guaranteed he'll bite!
    Based on the level of writing in this post, I'm not surprised you think men have not evolved past the point of humping every willing female in range.

    I assure you you have nothing to worry about with your male friends!

    That was uncalled for. :angry:
    No worries. Considering the source. :smile:

    And as I said, I am not an insecure person. A complete stranger with a dog for a profile picture has to do a lot more to rattle my cage.

    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    Ha Ha...I read your profile...real friends show you their boobs...true friends let you touch them?? Sounds to me like you agree with Raw because you ARE one of the dudes she's talking about! LOVE IT! I believe the pot is knocking at your door waiting to let you know what color you are... :laugh:

    Opens door and hugs pot!



    I LOVE IT even more when a man can admit he's a tool! Good on ya! :smile:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I don't agree with double standards, if it's ok for one, it's ok for the other.

    I've been in a relationship for 8 years. I have male friends - I wouldn't say they're close enough to hang out with and go to events with just me and them outside of work for example, but that's not because they're men, that's just because we weren't that close. I've spent time with other male friends as part of a group without my boyfriend there, I've also gone for lunch at work with other males, and I've gone out for drinks after a work do, just me and this other guy / work collegue I got on with. It's all about trust, I trust myself. I trust my boyfriend to do the same if he wants to. Some of his closest friends during our relationship have been women.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    if hes that insecure, tell him that your guy friends are gay, .............he wont be upset then and insecure knowing you are with guys who are gay

    all in all, I think I would reevaluate this guy..........
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Wow your pretty good at casting insults.
    like you don't know how to read towards rawfoods!

    And yes my profile picture is my dog. But unlike your profile picture at least the dog isn't me!

    wow, what a human being you are