Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hey gals thanks to those who checked up on me!! I have been having a rough couple of weeks and all I was able to get on was facebook every now and then.My father had been in the hospital and had to have two stints put in and he goes back in 6 weeks hoping all is working properly now.I have just been bombarded with alot these past few weeks to even try to log on here.SORRY!! I hope you gals will take me back.I just needed a break from worrying about my weight and all.On a good note I am losing again but I believe its just because we are lacking food in our home and its because I want to make sure the kids eat first before me.We have had very little pay this last month and its been really rough.We have had to survive off of 400 dollars for the past month now because they screwed my husbands payroll up and it should be back on track this week so they say.All my bills are behind and I have just been so overly stressed with not being able to buy groceries or pay the bills but the good thing is I didn't have to worry about me eating my stress or worry away because any food we do have I have been saving for the kids.I know this is bad and I should be eating 3 meals a day at least but when you don't have it and you have children you want to make sure they are fed properly before you.You moms know what I am talking about.I have tried to eat something little every so many hours.Just pray for my family that I can get all this mess straightened out and I can get back on track losing weight properly.I already know I may gain a bit from not eating right this past month but I am dedicated and willing to stick to it until I get to my goals.Sorry I was gone so long!!Thanks Cris for the new thread and thanks POS,Meook,Jess and Dawn for checking on me.


  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm glad you're here, Ann. I am sorry you are having money troubles. I have them as well but I am not trying to feed a family, so I can't imagine how hard it must be. I am praying for you!

    Cris - sorry to hear that you had an emotional overeating time this weekend. I do the same - have been for weeks now, since school started. I've been trying to "fake it 'til I make it." Don't seem to ever be "making it".....:ohwell: It's one of the reasons I am fading out here lately. Too embarrassed to keep coming on and saying I overate and didn't exercise yet again.

    But we have to believe that even the smallest of successes is a huge success right now. Like in Lauren's case - damn straight she should be proud she didn't eat that entire pizza! I am going to try to make note of my small successes like I used to. Like today: I bent over and changed the litter boxes without screaming in pain. :noway: Baby steps? :heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    THanks for the new tread Ann! I am not caught up on posts, will be by tomorrow..

    check in: yesterday
    calories, way over...I was mad at something and well I over ate because of emotional reasons...I SUCK:sad:
    water, not enough
    exercise, none
    proud, that I confessed something I keep hidden within my self...my addiction to food...sad but true:cry:

    have a great day!
    be back tomorrow...
  • Blue-You're right sometimes you need to cling to those baby steps to make sure you come back full force when you feel better. Please don't get frustrated. You've lost a tremendous amount of weight, you'll get your mojo back, just hang in there and keep coming back to us :bigsmile: you never know, you're struggles may help someone else stay on track and keep coming back to!

    Ann-I haven't got to know you well yet but I totally feel you with the money problems. I've been there. Am still there is some ways. In fact the smallest worry I have right now is the fact that I breastfeed my baby and we get his regular foods from WIC. So at least I know he'll eat. For the rest of us, we exist on Ramen and PB&J if necessary. Hang in there, hard times comes in groups and it will pass too.

    Meanwhile you'll both be in my prayers {{{HUGS}}}

    So I feel much better today, no more migraine!! :bigsmile: Today is my half way point of my 8 day stretch! So I'm happy about that too. And my sister moved out yesterday, now it's only my husband and our kids at home finally :flowerforyou: Today is a good day, so far!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Girls I know things will get better its just a matter of time and this shall pass too!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    well the plan to do week 2 day 3 isn't happening today. I am exhausted after burning 1056 calories doing some serious gardening today and it has just started raining which is all the excuse I need to stay inside. :frown:

    Ann - Thanks for the thread and good to hear from you - keep your head up girl :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Blue - good going, something is better than nothing, overeating a bit is better than overeating a lot, you'll be back on track in no time. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cris - I feel your pain - I do the same thing from time to time. Way less than I used to but I had a rough week this week and from M-F I consumed about 10 servings of ice cream - 5 of those were on one day ( this is why I shouldn't keep it in the house :embarassed: ). You recognize that you are eating to suppress difficult feelings and that's the first (& huge) step to change the behavior.
    One day I hope to be able to acknowledge the feelings I'm having and the subsequent desire to eat and replace the eating with a different outlet. I'm not there yet but I'm on my way and so are you.
    <<<<HUGS>>>> :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I just have time for a quick check-in...I'll do individual responses later tonight or tomorrow.

    Had a good moment today - was helping a friend paint her apartment (she's in post-breakup "I need to renovate my life" mode) and she went out to get more paint and lunch - she was so sweet and also got a large salad so I could continue to eat well! I had one full slice and split another with a friend, so 1.5 slices and some salad. In the old days I could have eaten 3 or 4 slices, but I can't do that now, even if I wanted to.

    My arms hurt from all the painting, but I'm so happy I was able to have just a little bit of the pizza - I'd missed it, because I hadn't had pizza in MONTHS.

    Catch up with y'all later!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Haven't caught up on the posts. Bumping for later....had a fantastical weekend with my cousin and best friend. Send me to Tulsa and I chop my hair off. Yep.I cut a good 4 to 5 inches off. AHH!! I'll post pics later. Be back later to catch up.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- Glad to see you!
    Hugs for Cris, Laila, and Nancy.
    Congrats to Lauren for ONLY eating 4 slices of pizza. :tongue:
    Danielle -- good to hear you're having a better go of it.
    Jess -- saw your new hair on facebook -LOVE it!!
    meokk -- YAY gardening! Not to enable you, but it's probably better just to rest after all that work, anyway. :wink:

    Yesterday dh and I hiked up a mountain & back down. I had a lot of fun but dh wasn't feeling very well so we didn't trek as far as I had hoped -- only about 5 miles. Really great workout, though. And after that I'm pretty sure I ate all of the calories I burned (likely around 1500) and then some in the form of a chili cheeseburger, onion rings, and fries. And then ice cream... in bed (but only one serving so that was alright).
    So pretty!

    So... I thought TOM was showing up last Sunday because I felt crampy and bloated. Then I was sure it was showing up Friday because, again, I was crampy and bloated. And yeah... it still hasn't shown up. :huh:

    I've had the munchies all day today. I'm okay on calories as of right now but oh, the night is so young. And I want pie so much. :tongue:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie - I am jealous that you have calories left over! I ate all of mine by 1:30pm! :grumble: Darn chinese.

    Oh, and girls - FYI: don't ever eat chinese and then go work out. Ooofta. Unless you want to re-taste it all again with vigor. :sick:

    check in:
    calories: OK - over in sodium
    water: 100
    exercise: I did 30 minutes of walking at the rec center
    proud: I made it TO the rec center, then I made 30 minutes! My back sort of twinged at 25 minutes, so I slowed down the last 5. I walked a mile. :bigsmile: I felt really good! :bigsmile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    bump for later.. dealing with a migraine and HUGE new stress load that was just dumped on me.

    did not get my calories eaten today got about 500
    still working on water
    exercise.. moving moving moving

    I will update you guys later this week with the new events going on. (like I needed more going on right now)

    Have a great night!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Morning ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay..I started my morning off on the wrong side of the bed in a foul mood. I'm determined to make nothing but positive changes today. I need to perk up and make this week great! Heres to a great week everybody! :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Laila-Good job hanging in there. I know this is tuf for you.

    Mstahl-We've missed seeing you around. Good luck getting Megan in school. Sending good vibes to George!

    Danielle-I've done that myself. Falling asleep and woke up to my head slamming on the desk. OUCH!

    Julie-How do you get that much protein? I guess I could just go check out your food diary. I've been struggling hardcore with my protein.

    meokk-What a great thoughtful gift for your hunnie to get you! Enjoy your HRM!

    Cris-I hope this week start off great for you after your rough weekend.

    Ann-Of course you are welcome back here! We have missed you! I really hope things start to turn around for your family

    Blue-YAY for being out of your funk!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess, I haven't been doing awesome with protein lately. When I'm doing well, the first thing that helps is not eating frozen dinners for lunch. If I bring 6oz chicken breast along with something else I make at home for lunch, I can normally automatically get in about 20g extra for the day. I just sneak it in whenever I can -- breads with higher protein counts, greek yogurt & cottage cheese as snacks, protein smoothies after I workout, etc.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay I can't take it anymore.
    TOM never showed up for me this month. Not only should it have already showed up, it should have already hung around and be gone by now. If it doesn't show up today I'll be taking a pregnancy test in the morning because my nerves can't take all the waiting around for TOM to show. :tongue:

    What's your favorite preggo test & why? :laugh: I have no idea about this stuff. I've only bought one once before and that was several years ago. Hopefully I won't need it, and I fully expect it to be negative. I just need the peace of mind because all the wondering is causing me to lose it (I could be okay with being pregnant even though the timing isn't ideal. I just need to KNOW).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I know when my friend was trying to get pregnant she took a First Response and it said negative and then took an EPT the same day and it said positive. Good luck! Hope you get the answer you are looking for!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I love the new haircut! So cute!

    Julie: It looks like your hike was beautiful. We wanted to go hiking, but bf's son wasn't having any of it, so we're going to try to get out on Sunday. Good luck with the pregnancy test. Maybe things are just a bit weird this month, because TOM should have visited me last week and isn't here yet...no symptoms yet, either, other than being a bit more emotional than normal (which doesn't take much...I'm a crier!).

    Nancy: Great job getting back to the gym! Stick with us. We love you even if you do overeat a bit (though we may just give you a bit of tough love if you do it too often!).

    The weekend was a good one because I didn't overeat! I know sodium was still high, but it will be nothing to get it all flushed out again quickly. I'm pretty proud of that. My post-weekend weight is 189.2, so only 1.2 lbs higher than my lowest so far, which was yesterday morning. Woo hoo!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 55 (this was with pizza)
    Sodium: Over by 1677
    Water: 32 oz.
    Exercise: Evening walk with bf and his son.
    Proud: No dessert!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I lived off the dollar store (thought ud like this Julie) pregnancy tests. When I was pregnant with my son the first positive result I got was on a dollar store test so I know they work!

    Make sure its been 5+ days past your expected period date...thats the only criteria I think...Good luck!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I used to be a 21 day cycle kind of girl. But the last 5 or so times it's been closer to 25 days (23-26 I believe since January). As of tomorrow morning it will have been 32 days. :indifferent: Of course the rational part of me wants to be not pregnant because the whole financial situation and the timing and the location just aren't right. But I think all the other parts of me would be pretty excited. :laugh:

    I don't really think I am. But the tiny little iota of doubt is just enough to drive me nuts.
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