Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- so glad to read your back is feeling better! And what a sweet thing to hear from your student!
    Lauren -- Semi fail is completely better than fail.
    Purple -- Pool floating sounds awesome. What I wouldn't give for a pool! (apparently the answer is enough money :tongue:)

    TOM remains AWOL.
    I'm now pretty much at peace with the idea of being pregnant and have moved on to freaking out about this being a health issue that could prevent me from ever being able to get pregnant. I know, I know. :tongue: I need to relax. I'm torturing myself over what's probably nothing at all.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning gals...Yesterday was hectic didn't get on.

    I am feeling sooo blah...I feel TOM is coming anyday soon.

    Raider - Lots of stuff to deal with , good job not freaking out..YOu do want to put your health first.

    Juile - Good luck with the preg tests...Between my two girls i probably bought like 100 of them :smile: I acutally had onoly taken 1 digital and it told me i was preggers when i wasn't so not real confident on how those work.

    Serena had her check up today, all is good from her tonsels being out.

    NOw just praying that she will succeed this year, it just breaks my heart to see her not try, she is super smart and could do soo well if she would put forth the effort.

    well off to work.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I just dropped my baby off for "Senior Sunrise" yes it is only sunrise here in the far West:laugh: I am too tired today. Anyhow my oldest is a senior this year and all the extra events are occuring and cost. So I thought I would say a quick hello to everyone and hope you all have a great day.

    Julie, your weight loss could also be the cause of the late TOM our bodies are so picky. I think I traded you TOM schedules I am usually late and now I am going about ever 21-28 days.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey deb, you and I must have been typing at the same time. My heart goes out to you I hope Serena has a great year too. Ryan started kinder last week and he is starting to have more "BAD" days than good. So Frustrating for us mothers who just want the best for our babies.:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey deb, you and I must have been typing at the same time. My heart goes out to you I hope Serena has a great year too. Ryan started kinder last week and he is starting to have more "BAD" days than good. So Frustrating for us mothers who just want the best for our babies.:flowerforyou:

    I am hoping Ryan will get on a roll and do great...still all new to him.

    I am trying to come up with every reward under the sun for serena to do her work...i am hoping with just me keeping at her and being stricter on what she can do (ther eis a great website call handipoints.com, they earn pionts for tasks and they give them 2types of points. 1 to play a game on the computer where they get a cat and they can buy stuff for it, dress it up, build a house for it and such, and then the other points are parent reward points where you can put x points = reward. She has been helping come up with stuff., so hopeing that motivates her to see it. THen the counesling from day 1, the pysc too is still running test. HE definetly thinks it is NOT ADHD, but he does think she may have some mood disorders/depression (which is what i was thinking along), i was actually reading a article about childhood depression and it is more common than you think.

    Anyway ..sorry to ramble,...b ut you are right...we just want the best !! I really not sure how i will handle when my little baby goes to school ...i got 2 more years before she starts K....i am hoping serena will get on track before then.
  • FINALLY catching up on these recent posts!

    LittleSpy - pregnancy tests are the worst! I think they make them as confusing as possible on purpose so you have to buy 10 of them to get a consistent result. I have never had a false positive, however, despite having had one or two scares. Sometimes your body needs time to adjust to changes like the ones we're making to diet and exercise. Having a pool was the reason I chose the condo I'm renting during grad school. After five years in NYC I was desperate for one!

    Danielle - I would have been so freaking pissed if I'd gotten that kind of text from my boyfriend! Nothing like a nonchalant "Oh, by the way..." to get me angry! :grumble:

    bluenote - You're right, I should just be proud that I had a good day, even if nothing was eventful. I love that the little kids commented on your dancing - nothing like an innocent boost to your day!

    elmo - When drinking, salad NEVER seems yummy...I always think that it's my body's way of saying "get this, so it can sop up some of this alcohol!" It seems, though, like you were able to make some smarter choices - limiting the beer, limiting the serving size of fries, etc - and that's a good thing.

    lildebbie - glad everything is going well with your daughter and her tonsillectomy. Here's hoping you all find a way to help her making learning/trying more fun and enjoyable so she'll do it. :flowerforyou:

    Momma - you have a senior in high school and one in kindergarten? My mind is boggled - that must be a lot of juggling!

    I hope I didn't miss anyone and that everyone has a great day!

    I'm finishing up my internship this week and also helping with first-year orientation, so my schedule is hectic and will include a lot of non-homemade food. I'm really nervous about that, because who knows what type of danger is lurking in a catered meal. I'm going to try and eat beforehand so I won't be too hungry and eat a lot of stuff that's potentially bad for me.

    Finally, on a kind of embarassing note - post-surgery my body has been kind of...confused...with digestion and keeping things moving, if you know what I mean. The doc recommended Metamucil fiber crackers and I was wondering if anyone here had tried them. Thoughts?

    And on that TMI note, talk to you all later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I hadn't had the metmucil crackers, but i have given them to my daughter (she has major consitpation issues), she says they aren't that bad,. My mom eats them all the time she says they are pretty good too.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I hope today is better for you! Please don't feel defeated and don't go near the kitchen at work!!

    Raider: Sorry to hear about all of the obstacles in your way to getting pregnant. Like the others, I'm glad you're considering adoption if all else fails. Take care of yourself no matter what!

    Danielle: Nice job on limiting the sugar intake and on the pilates!!

    Nancy: Your students sound adorable. How great is it that they appreciate the "New Ms. K"?!

    Deb: I'm glad to hear Serena's post-surgery checkup went well. Hopefully the psych can come up with a concrete answer to the behavioral problems soon so you can help Serena work through it.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 78
    Sodium: Over by 1725
    Water: 75.10 oz.
    Exercise: None, unless I can count the shopping I did for my mom's birthday party.
    Proud: That I'm finally getting organized for the above-mentioned party.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    raider-I'm so sorry to hear about your difficult times trying to conceive. I think that's great that you are considering the adoption route! I have friends who can't conceive but refuse to adopt. That's awesome girl!

    Julie-Sounds like your co worker needs to be put in check!

    Momma-That's awesome that he has a great teacher. Those can be hard to come by. I really think a good teacher makes a huge impact on a child. I'll continue to keep him my prayers that he does well. You are a strong Momma. I know you can get through it.

    Danielle-Crossing my fingers that it's not a kidney infection. I haven't had one but I hear they are awful! Great job on the energy drinks and the sugar challenge.

    Elmox-Drunk munchies are the worst! I almost indulged on pizza Saturday night but I got drunk and passed out on the bathroom floor! It's a hard mountain to climb!

    Blue-Thank you for the reminder. I often forget about how far I've come. I needed that. Thank you my weight loss sister! I love that you danced with your kids! That's so great! And glad you are feeling better. Sometimes we just need time to recharge our batteries.

    LilDebbie-Great news on Seren's check up!! Hope things go well with her this school year.

    Okay so I must make my morning confession. I went and had Mexican food (You were so right Cris, you knew I wouldn't last a week) and I literally ate until I felt like I was going to explode. I'm so ashamed. I haven't eaten to this point in I can't even remember. I wanted to cry. The weird part was, I didn't even eat that much. Not nearly as much as I ate on a regular basis. But it reminded me why I'm doing this. I went out with a friend last night, relaxed on the patio and talked, slept in this morning and re charged my batteries. I feel a lot better! I felt very very very defeated yesterday. Thank you all for your kind worse of encouragement. I know I have been having the 'i feel frustrated' more often then not lately. Also thank you all for the wonderful comments on my hair. It was shorter then anticipated but I think it turned out great! No worries Heather, staying away from the kitchen today!

    Thank you to all my wonderful weight loss sisters!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay those of you who do the side by side comparison pictures...how do you get it in one picture format and side by side?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I soo don't want to be working...I am soo burnt out...

    I wish alot these days i could just stay home and not work...but i know that isn't even a possiblty since i make like 70% of our income.

    So i have an appt tomorrow for serena to go to the dentist, i am soo tempted to take the day off, spend it with her going to the dentist, then lunch and a movie. I ound they are playing shrek at the $ movie tomorrow ..yes we both could get in get a kids pack for under $10.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay those of you who do the side by side comparison pictures...how do you get it in one picture format and side by side?

    Jess - I downloaded a software called photoscape It is free and works pretty good and easy.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks Deb! I'm going to have to check it out. I think you should take the day off if you have that opportunity. I bet she would love to spend the day with her Momma before she goes back to school!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well i did it, I have taken off tomorrow. I am soo glad.

    We had this big meeting how the rest of the year are going to be soo busy (not to mention project i have been working on that would reduce the manual work I have to do got pushed :grumble: ) but we are going to be nonstop for a while. I need a breather.

    I wish i could take a Friday or something, but she is having a end of summer camp thing on Friday and I wouldn't want her to not get to go to that.

    We will have a good time...

    Would like if both of could sleep in the morning.but i have to take abby to day care and Jeremy goes to the gym early on wed mornings...oh well
  • I hadn't had the metmucil crackers, but i have given them to my daughter (she has major consitpation issues), she says they aren't that bad,. My mom eats them all the time she says they are pretty good too.

    I bit the bullet and got them - they really aren't that bad! Here's hoping that things regulate soon.

    The only I thing I don't like is that they have 4.5 grams of fat in two little crackers!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I just use the program Paint to do my side by sides. Open one photo in paint, then open the other in another Paint window, then copy one and paste it & move it where I want it. I do any resizing I want to do there, too.

    Deb -- SO GLAD YOU TOOK THE DAY OFF! Sometimes you just need to breathe.
    I'm personally just counting down the days to Labor Day weekend. I've taken that Friday off & Monday is a holiday so it's a 4 day weekend for me. After that, Veteran's Day is a 4 day weekend (we get Thursday & I took Friday). Then Thanksgiving 4 day weekend. And then GLORIOUS Christmas/New Year's. I asked for 3 days off work during the holidays. Not much, right? Well, combined with our paid holidays, it gives me 11 (ELEVEN) straight days off work -- December 24-January 3. Eleven. That is by far the longest amount of time (by about 6 days) I have had off work since I was 16 (and was out of a job during summer break for about 2 months). I am so freaking excited.

    Freakout update: I'm back to freaking out about the pregnant thing. I was a little relieved because I started feeling a little crampy like TOM was coming. But, of course, then I realized that's also a symptom of pregnancy :tongue: :laugh: And then I remembered 2 Sundays ago I was feeling really crampy & I thought "weird, I guess TOM's coming a couple days early." And of course I was crampy last Friday because I thought TOM was coming then. So yeah, I've pretty much just been crampy on and off for 9 days now. Right at the time it seems many women experience cramping when they're pregnant. :indifferent:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Wow that's a lot of time off. Not going to lie, I'm a little bit jealous. But I know you will enjoy all your wonderful time off. I love this time of the year cause we get at least one paid holiday off a month till January. Wish I could offer you some wisdom on the pregnancy thing. I haven't ever been and hopefully wont be anytime soon! Hope you get an answer soon though. I know it's nerve racking!

    LilDebbie-Yay for getting to spend time with Serena! That's great that you were able to take the day off.

    I am so over this remodel we have going on at work. It's bringing in crickets by like what feels like the millions. I'm a girl and I think they are nasty. You can't second guess those boogers! They hop in all directions. Everytime I see one I stand on my chair and scream like a girl for someone to come get it. Pretty sure the workers are amused by this. They laugh and come get them for me. So nice of them! Don't like crickets. YUCK! :sick:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, if you are preggers it will be the best thing that ever happened to you! If your not then swipe away some sweat from your brow and say whooo glad I'm NOT preggers. Look at it this way postive or negative it turns out to be good news:laugh: :laugh: . You are in a good stable relationship and either way it is going to be good. Just relax sister, stress causes weight gain.

    Purple, I have a Senior in high school, 8th grader, 4th grader, and Kindergartner. My husband and I decided on the 16 year college payment plan. Starting next year we have a child entering college every 4 years.:laugh: :laugh:

    My neighbors called and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. It has been beautiful around here. We have been about the only area in the US who has had a very mild summer. We usually have tons of 100 days all summer I think we have only done that 2 x this year unheard of. I am not complaining. My walk was done in the low 70's. This afternoon we will hit the 90's but we have very dry heat and it is tolerable. I do enjoy California weather.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - thank!! I do need a breather...I actually need like a week off . THis is the 1st year i hadn't had a straight week off for something. THe last 2 years we were livining in MS, so our "vacation" was coming home to TX, 9 hrs each way in a car with 2 girls (not best times) years before that we always took vacations. This year DH has no vac time till october, added with we have no $$ since i had to dump like 1200 in the house in MS...anyway...a day off is what i need.

    I am jealous at all the time you have. I do get labor day, on-call thought...which totally sucks...but oh well...Then thanksgiving, i am taking wed off , so i have wed-sunday off (my sis is coming from TN, which I haven't seen in almost a year -- at her wedding last september), then at christmas I am taking some days too. I am getting a total of 9 days off, I am taking the 3 days before christmaseve (we get thursday and friday off), so i am off the Friday and not going back till Monday after Christmas, will be nice.

    I am hoping spring break we will take the girls somewhere , maybe down the coast since we didn't get to go this summer..

    Sorry about the preg feelings. When i was pregant i never got crampy really, (well in the beginning, at the end is a different story especailly when you are carrying a 10 1/2 lb baby), but anyway, I was very very tired...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- You're right. I am thinking about either way being positive. I think that's part of my freak out. :laugh: This is the first pregnancy scare I've ever had (only 2 previous and TOM wasn't nearly as late with those) where being pregnant doesn't seem like such a bad thing. :blushing: We know we want kids (kid). We were just thinking a couple years down the road would be better (and it would). But.. if it happens now then that would be okay, I think.

    Jess -- I also hate crickets. I used to run around catching them as a kid. :noway: Now they're the one thing other than spiders that make me shriek like a little girl. Oh, I get the willies just thinking about them. :laugh:
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