Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie, sending you calming vibes.
    Jess, crickets = gross. Mold = disgusting. ICKY day for you.
    Deb, glad you're taking tomorrow off to spend the day with Serena. She must be thrilled to have the whole day with you. I still get excited when my mom takes off work to spend time with me and I'm 29!
    Purple, I keep forgetting to ask, but where did you live in NYC and what are you studying in grad school? I've been in NYC for the past 4 years.

    The tiny hangover is gone, but TOM is all about it. Cramps and ickyness all around. Caved this morning and bought a muffin on the way into work. So tasty. So calorific! I had lunch plans with a friend and we went to sushi. I was a good girl and got sashimi and one avocado roll for a 260 calorie lunch. Yeah smart choices!

    Someone wrote up the event last night. - http://idrunkthat.com/events/brooklyn-brewery-detonation-release-party - apparently I'm a part of the NY Craft Beer Community! So FANCY!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: I want to go to beer release parties! I'm jealous!

    Julie: Best of luck however the baby-thang turns out!

    Jess: Sounds like you're having an icky day. Run away, I say!

    Last night at dinner, I was telling bf how I was up a pound from the previous morning and she says, "Yeah, but it's your girl week, right?" I said, "Well, I should have gotten it last week, but I'm sure it's just a few days late." He gives me this terrible look and I say, "I've had the symptoms for a few days, so I'll probably get it soon." He looks relieved. I tell him, "It will be okay."

    Yeah, he doesn't want any more kids (he has one 6 yr old son) and I think he'd go running for the hills if I ever said I were pregnant. He will be SO relieved that not only did I get TOM today, but that I wasn't really late, I just counted wrong on the calendar. Oops. Nothing like scaring the poor guy! From now on, I'm going to keep better track of things!

    Yippee, I just realized it's lunch time!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LOL Heather. I can't tell you how many times I've rechecked my TOM date over the last few days. I even went so far as to find this thread from July with me complaining about TOM just to check the date! :laugh: Your poor bf. :tongue:
    Luckily dh is being really calm about this situation.

    Also LOL at Lauren. You ARE fancy! The lol is because I seem to be using the word "fancy" a lot lately and now I'm wondering if I got that from reading your posts. :laugh: Kind of like how I started calling dh "darlin'" to be silly and now I actually call people "darlin'." Including strangers. I learned last week that old men at the grocery store REALLY love it when you call them Darlin'. :indifferent:
  • LittleSpy - if you're really stressed out, make an appointment at the gyno. They can tell you better than those take home tests whether or not you're pregnant or if there is something else wrong with you. I really don't like going to the doc, but if you're as worried as you sound, maybe it would be best for your peace of mind?

    Momma - sheesh! I hope you live in a state with good public schools! I went to one of the best state schools in the country (was lucky to live in VA) and my brother attended another great state school. We both got amazing educations and the bill was one heck of a lot cheaper than it would have been at a private school.

    Jess - crickets are nasty and creepy and gross. Similarly, there was a MASSIVE spider on my threshold last night as I was coming home and I shrieked and swatted it away, all while my mother was laughing at me - we were on the phone as I was walking up to my door. It was very dramatic. Hope the renovation ends soon.

    Elmo - I lived in Park Slope, right near Prospect Park. Loved that neighborhood and miss the late-night delivery, Thai food, and Terrace Bagels! All of those things are nonexistant in VA. I'm in a MBA program. Where are you in NYC?

    Ran to Trader Joe's on my lunch break and stocked up on great fresh produce and meat, plus tons of frozen vegetables - gotta gear up for class starting next week! My biggest trap will be feeling so tired that I don't make anything healthy...hoping having lots of frozen veggies handy (as well as the chicken, fish, and beef that I'm freezing) means that I'll be better and not eating out all the time.

    If you guys have any great easy, fast, and low-fat recipes that you use frequently, would you consider sending them my way? Class ends at 5ish and I know that I'm going to be tired, cranky, and not particularly excited about spending a lot of time in the kitchen. I have a couple easy ones that I'll trade! Pretty please?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    one of my favorites lately is apple chicken quesdillas.

    We have these low -fat tortillas they are like 89 cals.

    depends on how many you are making to how much stuff you need.

    But basically a little cut up chicken, some shredded cheese, we use mozzerela and chedder, cut up granny smith apple, i usally dice it, some corn...mix it all up putt in the tortilla and bake it for like 10 min or till the stuff is allmelty...they are yummy. YOu can throw oninons and tomatoes and stuff in too if you want...the more stuff you put in the farther the mix goes :smile: Here is a link to the recipe
    I really really like these :smile:

    so i was annoyed at the gym!! I go all the time right, at 1 pm every day...I go and watch one life to live (yes i am a soap addict), today the channel it is on was not where it usally is...the only place it is on is by the treadmil. I usally do the elliptical or arc trainer...SO i go ask the guy if he could put it on one of thoese (there is like maybe 10 people in there), he said yeah let me go find the remote, never saw him again, so i went bqack to the treadmill...I don't run, especially today my knee was hurting so i walked burning a fraction of what i do normally...i was soo annoyed.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yum, Deb, those tortillas sound delicious. But of course my first thought is that I want to put bacon in them. :laugh: :grumble: Hey, I didn't eat bacon for 26 years so I put bacon on everything now. That's fair, right? :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yum, Deb, those tortillas sound delicious. But of course my first thought is that I want to put bacon in them. :laugh: :grumble: Hey, I didn't eat bacon for 26 years so I put bacon on everything now. That's fair, right? :wink:

    OH believe me my DH would !! He thinks bacon goes on everything, there is a place that has bacon ice cream and soo wants to go.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    While on a shopping excursion with a friend once, we bought her boyfriend a ribbon-shaped car magnet (like the ones for breast cancer, support our troops, etc.) that said "I support bacon." Cost: $3.99. Seeing his face light up: Priceless.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    While on a shopping excursion with a friend once, we bought her boyfriend a ribbon-shaped car magnet (like the ones for breast cancer, support our troops, etc.) that said "I support bacon." Cost: $3.99. Seeing his face light up: Priceless.

    oh my ...i need to get one of those for DH...he would just die.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Last weekend, Jonathan made Maple Bacon Ice Cream. I mean, REALLY?? Delicious, but I only had about 1/4 c total. And it's been in the freezer just waiting for me..

    I can't resist beer, but Maple Bacon ice cream? No worries! :laugh: :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Purple - Park Slope is such a fun area! The event last night was in Prospect Park at the Audubon Boathouse. It was gorgeous, I didn't feel like I was in NYC at all. I live up in Harlem, we are in the ground floor of a brownstone and love it. We've lived in the same place for 4 years and will keep on living there barring any major life events (pregnancy, job in another city).

    Good luck in the MBA program. You mentioned orientation and I wondered if you were in Student Affairs. My first masters (yes, I have two. What's up over-education!?!) is in Higher Education Administration w/an emphasis on Student Affairs. I worked as a Greek Life advisor for a year before I moved (with the hubby) to New York to teach.
  • Julie- I say call your ob/gyn. Even though my doctor won't see me until I'm late for a week and do 2 tests a week apart. It's annoying. But in your case (no TOM problems like delays or skipping) I'd probably go to an urgent care or ER for a test immediately, well maybe. :laugh: I have good insurance and if I was going CRAZY I'd want to know, so I'd be willing to pay the copay. But in my case, I have a history of TOM issues so I just wait it out like the doc says. I went through a period of time where my TOM was either 29 days or 39 days, like seriously? how retarded can one's uterus be? Believe me those 10 days were usually nail biters, but I also hadn't been diagnosed with my PCOS yet.

    Lauren (blue?) :laugh: now I'm having brainfarts on people's names! I'm so happy you're back! You could just tell you're feeling better by reading your post. Love the emoticons! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Heather-my hubby would LOVE that decal! He made stuffed peppers once. (I am not a fan of peppers) but he grilled them and made this cream cheese, chives, bacon mixture that he stuffed into them and then wrapped them in bacon. I'm not a huge fan of bacon either. But I tried it and said, leave off the bacon wrap. He looked at me like I was an alien! :laugh:

    Deb-I'm so happy Serena is recovering well. Good for you on taking a day off. I remember the days my mom would call in so she could do something with one of us kids! It meant so much. I bet she'll be stoked. Have fun at the movies :bigsmile:

    SO the headaches continue....I'm considering making an appointment with my doctor and getting my migraine meds back. This is day number 4. And I'm seriously irritated with people saying 'oh they must not be THAT bad, you're still working' I said to my sister in law this morning 'well maybe I'm not a wussy, or maybe I have no choice since I'M the only one working full time!' :mad: oops :noway: ....Can only wait until hubby hears about that one. When I'm in pain my edit button fritzes out. :sad: And no it's not the worse I've ever had, but I was so irritated with my SIL, who uses just about any excuse to not move on in life and still lives off my FIL. And she's married......with 2 kids....

    Sorry...rant over :cry: :frown:
  • Oh yeah, my check in for yesterday.....

    Calories: 1300 something, so very under for me...my thing is set about 1700
    Water: under :grumble: like 8 maybe 9 glasses
    Sugar: over :angry: 60 something ( I had an apple before bed )
    Proud: no clue....that I made myself eat my 1300 cals (of healthy food) and did not stop at mcdonald's on the way home. Cuz I'm sure I could've eaten a big mac and fries with no problem last night.....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yum, Deb, those tortillas sound delicious. But of course my first thought is that I want to put bacon in them. :laugh: :grumble: Hey, I didn't eat bacon for 26 years so I put bacon on everything now. That's fair, right? :wink:

    OH believe me my DH would !! He thinks bacon goes on everything, there is a place that has bacon ice cream and soo wants to go.

    I saw a bacon chocolate bar at a wine store recently. No lie! :noway:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Danielle - blue=Nancy. But that's OK because you were close - Lauren (elmox) hails from old Lou as well! But now she thinks she is a Yorker.....:grumble: :laugh: :wink: And I am very sorry about your migraines. :cry: Don't you just love it when people think since you're at work you must be fine? :explode: That is what they are saying to me about my back. Grrr! :grumble:
    Lauren - I didn't know you taught! What and what level?

    I walked about 20 minutes today - that is all I could get in. I had my doctor's appt. after school and well, after hearing what he said all I basically wanted to do was sit and stare. And eat. Luckily I did NOT eat my feelings this time. He told me I have degenerative scoliosis and arthritis in my back! He showed it to me on the x-ray. I know when I first saw the x-ray, I kept thinking, why does my spine look like the letter "c"? :noway: Well, basically my spine is curving, or bowing I think is the word he used, because of the arthritis. This is what is causing the back pain. He said moving the furniture just triggered the arthritis.

    He also was amazed I had not complained about back pain over the years because he said the scoliosis has been there for a while. I told him, "Doc, when you're this fat, EVERYTHING hurts." :laugh: You just learn to live with it!

    So, no way to "reverse" the damage; only ways to control the pain. He is starting me with a pill form of Voltaren, an arthritis gel I already take. He said it is stronger than the gel. He then wrote a script for PT to treat my back. So I'll go to the same PT guy who I love to go to anyway for my knee. He said exercise will be restricted but not forbidden. The PT is supposed to work a plan for me for cardio and back strengthening.

    I asked him what happens if this gets worse. He said, "Oh there is no "if", more like when. :noway: You probably have a good ten or twenty years in that spine before it becomes debilitating." :frown: Ten or twenty???? I was thinking more like 50!!!!!! :embarassed:

    He also said the weight loss will really help alleviate the pain. So onward I go! Tomorrow, a full 30 minutes of walking!!!!! If I can't make it, someone....er... ten of you come and push me! :tongue:
  • Just got back from orientation/after-party and am dead on my feet!

    Tonight's check-in:

    Calories - 13 under (1857). This is suspect, though, because all the foods I listed for dinner were estimates. And I have the munchies now...need to go to bed as soon as this is done so I don't eat anything more.
    Sodium - 436 under
    Water - over 9 cups.
    Exercise - standing and mingling in heels? If only that counted!!!
    Proud - I mingled and chatted and smiled and relaxed and actually had a good time at the welcome dinner!!! It sounds silly, but at the party I felt like one of the "cool kids". This has never happened before.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - I am sorrry about your dr appt. I have being seeing these commerical on tv about this clinic/doctor doing surgery for scoliosis , wherey they were putting pins and stuff in the back. I would think they could do something to straighten out like that??

    starting my serena and me day. I didn't sleep well at all last night...i got up several times, my head was all congested and throat hurting, then i kept having bad dreams that abby was sick this morning and couldn't go to day care...she was still sleeping when i got up (very unlike her), she seemed to be okay, she has had a runny nose and cough for a little while now but nothing new...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- So sorry to hear about your back. But yay for an extra big push to march on with weight loss & healthy lifestyle!

    Calories: 1457; Would've been way over, but barely had an appetite when I got home after my stomach had been *growling* at me for hours at work (nausea... :noway:)
    Exercise: Yeah..... about that. I felt like crap all day yesterday.
    Water: about 8 cups
    Proud: Kept calories under 1500. That's definitely a win on such an emotionally charged day.

    Still no TOM. Another negative pregnancy test this morning (THANK YOU Cris for the dollar store tip. I had no idea. :laugh: Now I can satisfy my crazy need to test every couple days without spending a fortune). I guess it's still early (33 days) since the last few months my TOM has generally been around 26-27 days. A week is a long time to wait when you've never ever been this late (poet). I feel like I'm still at square one as far as answers go. But I'm really going to try not to obsess about this today (I know, I'm kind of failing a little bit right now). I feel weird with lots of uterocentric (I made up a word!) ailments. :laugh: I'm going to try to hold off until Friday to take another test (assuming TOM still isn't here). I don't like this waiting game. :ohwell: **deep breath**

    Last night dh asked if there were any other reasons I could be so late other than pregnancy. I explained to him that stress or weight loss could have something to do with it, but I felt I wouldn't feel so weird if those were the causes. As far as other reasons that include my other symptoms, I told him it could just be a super wonky TOM or cysts... or even cancer or something like that. He said "Well... babies are better than cancer." :laugh: It's good to know where he stands on this issue. :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: So sorry to hear about what the doctor said, but at least you know that losing weight is something you can do to help things along.

    Julie: I'm glad your hubby thinks babies are better than cancer! At least he knows what is going on, though, so if you are preggo he won't be shocked. No fear of him feinting, at least.

    Deb: We got the "I Support Bacon" sign at Spencer's. I don't know if you have those around you, but they're in almost every mall here. They sell some funky, novelty items.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 168
    Sodium: Under by 151!
    Sugar: 55
    Water: 91.3 oz.
    Exercise: Shopping/brisk walking at the mall for two hours (does that count?)
    Proud: I resisted the urge to get a pretzel and/or Caribou coffee at the mall. And I saw 187.8 on the scale this morning!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie, there have been a few months when I just don't get a period. That will FREAK a girl out. Took pregnancy tests = negative. I went in for my annual last month and asked my doctor about that. He wasn't worried and said that weight loss could affect my cycle and it's possible that I might skip periods until I can get to the same weight for awhile. Not sure if that's at all helpful. I totally know the freak out that comes with being late. We want kiddos, just in a few years from now. :smile:

    Blue, I taught 10th and 12th grade English. 10th and 12th my first year, only 12th my second (loved only planning for one class!). I came up to New York and was placed through Teach For America, a non-profit org that recruits, trains, and works with districts to place teachers in low-income/high-need areas. I work for them now, on the Admissions team. TFA places in 39 cities, include STL (mostly city schools). Also, that doctor needs sensitivty training - 10 to 20 years before it's awful. Thanks bud! However, I totally agree w/Julie that this is now a really good motivator to continue on the weight loss. Spine may bend less if there's less pulling on it! (I have no medical training, this just seems logical to me...)

    Yesterday was an eat what I want day, but it didn't end up so bad. Over, yes, but closer to maintenence cals instead of losing cals. I feel like I've been on a maintenance kick here for a few weeks, and I'm ok with that. The past few weeks have been busy and fun. I've been tracking everything, thinking about portions, but also kind of letting it go. We're all going to have to maintain when we reach out goal weight - I'm just practicing now!!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals: Over by 250 = 1450
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: Just some walking, nothing much.
    Proud: I ate out every meal yesterday - deli muffin for breakfast, sushi/sashimi for lunch, chinese for dinner. Could have probably pulled back on my Chinese, but yesterday was a treat day for TOM. Treat day is done. :smile:

    Laila, how's it going with Ramadan?
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