Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • Lildebbie - thank you so much for that recipe (a few pages back). It sounds totally delicious! I'm sorry you're not feeling well...working when you feel like crap is the pits. Get lots of vitamin C and rest and I hope you feel better soon.

    LittleSpy - thank you for keeping me entertained today! I am the same way when I've missed a period...I've even freaked myself out so much that I have pregnancy symptoms for a few days. Try to relax and not stress out.

    RedneckWmn - I'm so sorry you had an anxiety attack. :frown: They are the worst. But, be proud of yourself for bringing your gym clothes with you to work so you have a plan in place to make up for this morning's missed workout! That work remodel sounds awful. When are they done? Also, what is OTB? The only OTB I know is off-track betting in NY, and I'm assuming you didn't eat there...

    HeatherMN - ahhh, okay! I thought it was a weekly challenge and was wondering why it was taking so long to get a new one. I'm thrilled you're having a fantastic day AND wearing size 10s! That's amazing!

    POS - glad your fasting is going well and that you're down a pound. Good luck - I can't imagine fasting as long as you do during such long, hot days.

    Elmo - I LOVED my cleaning service in NYC. I wish I could still justify it here in VA, but on a student budget...not so much! I'm also very envious of your dinner - I did a semester abroad in Florence and the homemade gnocchi was to die for. Totally worth the extra cals in my opinion.
  • I know we have some sushi lovers on the board. Going out to a sushi place on Saturday night for my friends birthday. Any healthy suggestions? I'm determined to turn my eating habits around on the weekends!

    Be really careful when eating sushi - things that are tempura are really just deep-fried and a lot of the sushi rolls have things like cream cheese and stuff in them. I usually get sashimi (tuna, salmon) over rice with wasabi. Low-sodium soy sauce. My treat when eating sushi are gyoza with just a LITTLE of the dipping sauce.

    Dr Oz has a quick, good article with tips - http://ask.doctoroz.com/question/healthy-asian
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    purple-Thank you for the sushi tip! I want to do a more healthy alternative. The only sushi I have had is the kind you buy at the grocery store, I usually get the avacado rolls. They have a website so I plan to have what I want to eat all planned out. The worst part is the dinner reservation is for 8:30. UGH! I'll have to check out that article AND OTB is on the border. I call it OTB, sorry. haha...

    Heather-I totally forgot to comment on your size 10's! Rock it girl! Your amazing!!

    Edit: The remodel in total is supposed to last another week or two. The painting part is almost done though, I think!
  • Planning ahead is great because you can see exactly what the ingredients are and enter them ahead of time - that's what I'm doing right now for my own dinner tonight. Am having dinner at my fave French restaurant and am completely paranoid about hidden butter and cream lurking in those oh-so-yummy sauces. I've purposely eaten light so far today in order to really enjoy dinner.

    So here's what I'm thinking for dinner...what do you guys think, health-wise? And also, keep in mind that I can't have a lot of fat...I really can't decide what I want/should have!

    Thinly sliced raw Salmon, marinated in Lemon juice, Olive oil, Capers and Chives
    Grilled Shrimp, Pineapple, Avocado, Tomato, Lime and Herbs Vinaigrette
    Baked Snails (6) with Garlic and Parsley Butter and Tomato concassée (I love escargots and they are soooo good at this restaurant....but they can't be that good for me, can they?)

    Seared Boneless Breast of Duck and white Peach, Green Peppercorn and Orange Zest Sauce
    Pepper crusted Beef Tenderloin, deglazed with Cognac and demi-glace

    So far, today's been good...I caught up on sleep last night, which I desperately needed, AND my size 24 skirt was definitely too big today. It was always a bit large, but now it's literally just too big! So that's exciting. I've noticed a lot of my clothes are starting to be less snug than they were two months ago.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I hate fish. So when I go for sushi I stick with veggie rolls. Cucumbers, carrots, avocado. They're not so bad for you. Brown rice is better than white, of course. And I'm sure any raw fish + veggie roll is even better for you because of the fishy protein. I just... can't... do it.

    Purple -- I totally get you as far as psyching yourself out with the symptoms goes. I've really thought about that a lot yesterday and today. However, when the cramping/bloating started, I thought it was TOM. No doubt in my mind it was TOM. But TOM didn't happen & then the cramps/bloat stayed. I didn't even know those were such common symptoms of pregnancy until I started looking into it after TOM was a few days late. And I don't think that tmi symptom (which really is tmi) is something I can *psych* myself into doing. :laugh: Let's just say I keep thinking TOM has arrived and I go to the bathroom and nope... it's the hormone related lady part stuff instead. :embarassed: Yep, I went there. I'm talking about VD and I don't mean Venereal Disease. The term just sounds so gross I can't bring myself to type it (you're welcome). I haven't noticed too much nausea today though so that could have very well been due to anxiety yesterday (here's hoping!). You're welcome for the entertainment. Whether I'm preganant or not, I'm sure there's more entertainment to come. :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess, it's a leap if you're used to doing avocado rolls, but sashimi (just the raw fish, no meat) is really good for you and low in cals. I had three pieces the other day for lunch (2 salmon, 1 tuna) and it came out to 120 cals. However, if you're not ready for the only raw fish jump, I'd echo purple and stay away from anything tempura or with cream cheese. Super tasty, but not worth it. I'd suggest getting edamame to start so you have stuff in your belly to start!

    Purple, sounds delish! At the last fancy meal I had I got two appetizers instead of an app and an entree. The portion was smaller (kept me in check!) and it was cheaper. Why don't you get the salmon or shrimp as your app and the escargot as your entree? The salmon sounds healthy, but if you can have them go light on the olive oil, I'd do that for sure. Tasty, but will save you some cals.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I feel soo bad.. I have had horrible cramps all afternoon...IT seemed TOM after 2 days has left but left cramps to just tick me off....what is the deal with this.

    I usally don't get cramps, or at least not the doubled over kind...that with my stuff head is making for today to be miseerable

    Not to mention ,someone keeps trying to fax something to my work phone...
  • Julie-just my input but I say go get a blood test. They are 100% accurate and can NEVER be wrong. Sometimes the home tests aren't sensitive enough, and maybe your HCG levels are low now (or maybe you aren't pregnant :tongue: ) But if you did you wouldn't have to wait so long and you'd have your answer in about an hour....I know because I've waited at the lab before :laugh:

    Cris-I'm so sorry you're feeling fed up, but I agree just recharge and come back when you are ready.

    Nancy-about your back, my sister has scoliosis her spine curves in 2 spots. The doctor said if you look down her spine from the top it looks like a corckscrew. Sometimes they can do surgery, I know a few people who have had great success with it. But they were all very young, because usually it's caught at about puberty. It may be something to look into or to get a second opinion about.

    Ok getting busy at work....I'll post more later
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess and Laila: Be patient with your body and it not wanting to let go of more weight right now. My plateau lasted FOUR months, but now I'm starting to see weight come off again. I think the body needs to "believe" you're not doing harm to it before it can continue on. Look how long we've done bad things to our body to gain the weight.

    Julie: Be patient with your body, too! Whatever the outcome, you'll figure it out and make the best of it because that's the type of person you are. As far as womanly stuff goes, I admit I completely suck because I've never had cramps, am super regular (as long as I have my math right) and only have TOM for 1-4 days tops. Once in a while I feel a twinge in my ovary when ovulating but that's it.

    I won't have access to a computer until tomorrow evening or Saturday morning, so I'll give my weigh-in number as soon as I can. I'm coaching at the Special Olympics state equestrian competition all day. It's always super busy, but so much fun! And it sure beats spending a day at work!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I do take a pregancy test a few days when I am late, however, it doesn't show up right away...give it 2 weeks before taking another pregancy test...it should come up POSITIVE.

    OMG 2 weeks is like an ETERNITY! :laugh: Thank goodness for Cris and her dollar store tests or I'd already be in the poor house. :wink: Like weighing myself, there is no way I'm not going to test every single morning. And I'm very pleased to have kept it under that much control. :laugh:

    Lauren -- It's comforting to know that if I'm not pregnant, all things may resume as usual next month. I tend to be a worst-case-scenario high strung negative nancy (what a fun newborn mother I'd be, huh? :laugh:).

    Julie, I LOVE those dollar store preggo test...I use to buy 10 in a month and around TOM..if I missed it i would take 3 a day to see if anything difference. Doctor says that the best time to do the test is first thing in the morning...but I use to do it morning, afternoon and night..silly me...

    I use to do this when I was on the pill and ya know if you miss a pill and well a spur-of-the-moment bed pilates, expect the obvious..pregnancy. Now ya know how I got pregnant with my last child..hehe..

    I am so tied..I want to take a nap. I have so much preping to do and I am about half way done! ugh!!!

    be back later :)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie just logged in to see if you were preggo, didnt read any posts, but wanted to check up on u! u better FB me if I miss the news!!! or jess u bettter text me! someone let me know!!

    ps- second symptom was sore bobbies sorry TMI
  • SOOOO......I have 150 calories left for today! :laugh: I guess my crappy appetite is gone. Actually I've eaten some crap today. I had a job interview and it was 1 hour and 45 mins away so I had to get up early and then I didn't get time to make breakfast:huh: ......ok so I didn't plan time to make breakfast, (sleep is more important!):ohwell: So I was trying to figure out some place I could go that would use all my calories for the WHOLE day. Cuz the last time I did that I got McDonalds...and there went my whole day. So I stopped at Subway, and got a 6inch flatbread sandwich with egg whites, black forest ham, american cheese, onions and tomatoes for 400 cals.....it was SOOOO yummy :smokin: but I just entered it all and look and it's like 1900 mg sodium :noway: But I have been drinking more water today than I have been the past few days. Maybe cuz I ingested more sodium? I don't know but I do know that my body tends to drop sodium pretty fast, I have had it be low in the past which my doctor then said "eat more salt!"
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I tend to be a worst-case-scenario high strung negative nancy (what a fun newborn mother I'd be, huh? :laugh:).

    Hey! That's me! And my name is Nancy! :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie - I'm thinking preggers. Yeup. Preggaroonies.
    Cris - I hope you stick with us even if you are not tripping off the weight loss crap right now. That sentence was very loaded because I am also in that same mood! We love you too much to let you go!

    With all this talk about pregnancies and babies I am starting to get confused as to who might be pregnant! :laugh: It's not me, unless it is an immaculate conception! :grumble:

    check in:
    calories: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: barely anything. I am pouting because my PT suddenly can't "fit" me in anymore....my irrational side thinks this. My rational side (which rarely makes an appearance, dontcha know) says he is busy trying to find a spot for me. And when I'm tired, my irrational side usually wins. I am exhausted, so who do you think is winning?
    proud: I didn't cry at wor....oh wait...no...scratch that. I made it through the day alive.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    blue, I am proud of you for making it through the day alive!!! You made it through another day. :flowerforyou:

    Julie, the minute that egg is fertilized I vomit morning, noon, and night. I get exhausted and want to sleep. The girls are very tender. Any how, go get a blood test it is the most accurate way to tell.

    Cris, hello my friend. I:heart: u

    Ryan had a FANTASTIC day at kinder today:love::love: :love: :love: He is my little guy and I am so proud of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - Glad ryan had a good day

    Well my lack of TOM , then followed by major cramp = tom with revenge this evening...but cramps are better so i guess that is good

    I am pretty going to be counted out on loosing anything this week...this evening i am still 3 + up from friday...so unless a mircale happens i ain't going to see a good number.

    I am soo glad is tomorrow...my mom is taking the girls on saturday...probably won't do anything this weekend but maybe some peace and quiet.

    I haven't been to the gym much this week, we may go this weekend some.

    So we went up to school to have meet the teacher day 2. The 1st meet the teacher was just meeting the teacher last night, but we couldn't go inside so we were just outside. Today she wasn't there but we was able to go in the class, we were there for like 45 minutes..We went to the cafetria, then the class walked around the class i was trying to get her engaged..and talking to her. LIke the desks are grouped together (they were big girl desk not tables) and asking her if she would like to stay with the other kdis (last year she got isolated in a desk by herself), then she needed to do her work. THen we looked at all the books they had (alot of the kinds she liked), and we looked at the computers and i talked to her how we have to be nice to the computers. We saw all the kids in her class (the names on the desks), the little boy that lives on our street that rides the bus with her is in her class so she was excited.

    so then we walked around to the cafetria and around the school, then she wanted to go back to her room, and she looked around some more. she told me a few times she was scared that she wouldn't do good and it was going to be hard. i just kept telling her she could do it and she is soo smart.

    Later tonight she says "i don't see any problem passing 2nd grade" and i say why "because you are going to do great" and she says "yep".

    OH i hope this year is great ..I really really do.
  • Back from dinner - it was a great success, even if I am over my cals for the day. I decided NO appetizer as the entrees came with soup or salad. So I had some French onion soup (creamier than expected) plus the beef tenderloin with gorgonzola and a port wine sauce (I think). I had about half of that, plus all of the sauteed spinach and a small portion of the potatoes. The remainder is in the fridge for later. Had a few bites of sorbet (OMG it was to die for) and some French bread, but overall I think it went well.

    I never would have been able to stop partway through that meal to see if I was full or not. I'm just really hoping this doesn't derail my 2 pound loss this week. Fingers crossed.

    Happy on wine and hoping everyone has a good night!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    No loss for me this week but only up less than a lb so i will take it as TOM is still here, plus sodium fest on wednesday.

    I was up .7 lbs from friday..

  • Well, it looks like dinner last night didn't derail my loss for the week - that two pounds is gone and has stayed gone!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Purple -- way to go with your 2 pounds lost!!


    I'm up a pound from last Friday at 193.4. I'm very surprised it's not more. Very. I had a sodiumfest yesterday and I'm retaining so much water I could barely get my rings on this morning. Plus I haven't worked out except for hiking last Saturday. I've been too tired and obsessed. So 193.4 is good and I'll take it.

    I went to bed at 7pm last night. :noway: Got up at 9 to get bubble tea and then went back to bed. :laugh: Still crampy and bloated this morning. Still negative. If I'm serioulsy not pregnant then I must be a whole hell of a lot crazier than I thought. :huh: Psychosomatic symptoms of pregnancy isn't a level of nutso I ever thought I'd be reaching. :tongue: And the waiting game continues. If I wasn't having these symptoms I would take the negative and leave it alone & go about my business. I just can't imagine I'd be feeling the way I do in the absense of TOM without being pregnant. I guess stranger things have happened. Maybe my body effed up & this is it's hormonal reaction to the eff up this month. I don't know but I'm seriously done obsessing (publicly at least :tongue:) and rambling to you all about it. I'll continue with the testing until next week & then schedule an appointment for a blood test if I need to. Thanks everyone for reading & being so supportive this week. :flowerforyou:
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