Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning ladies!

    I missed so much this weekend!

    Melinda - You live in Northeast Ohio? I'm from Wadsworth originally (I saw your post about Akron).

    Jess - your hair is adorable! I've been going back and forth on whether or not to chop my hair. I can't decide!

    Julie - I agree with Cris... the dollar store tests are just as good as the rest.

    Cris - I hope you're feeling better. :heart:

    I know there are so many people I've forgotten.

    Vacation starts Wednesday night at 5:00! Can't wait for it :) We're taking the girls down to his parents' house in Kentucky (almost Tennessee). I think I should be able to keep the eating under control since we won't be restaurant-ing every night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I know it's the middle of the day and it's early after my missed TOM but 1st test shows NOT pregnant. That's enough to keep me from being totally insane right now (I think). :indifferent: At least until Wednesday or Thursday morning. I ended up with EPT digital because they were on sale and I had a coupon. Got 3 for the price of 2 generics so that satisfied my insatiable need to feel like I'm getting a "good deal." :laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning ladies, just a quick hello and how are ya?

    Cris, I hope this week is better.

    Ann, I am back and I am so glad you are too. I am really sorry about the hard time that you are having. I am praying and I know things will improve soon. It is so easy to say that when I am not dealing with it , but I know that it will improve. Keep your head up.

    Nancy, {{{{{hugs}}}}} sister. You can do this. Remember that you can buckle your seat belt and that you can actually work out, walk and bend over. You are so much better off than you were. Hold on and keep going. You can do it!!!! Think of the little mice in Cinderella that sing "You can do it, You can do it" lol :heart:

    Julie, keep us posted.

    Jess, love the hair!!!

    Okay, I am doing pretty good. I have lost 6 pounds since being back on mfp. Yay I can do this again!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Glad to hear the results of your 1st test are as you'd like them to be.

    Momma: I'm happy to see you! Congrats on the 6 lbs. Hopefully we'll see you more often!

    It's almost lunch time here and I can't wait. The best part of the weekends are being able to eat when I'm actually hungry instead of two hours after I've started to get hungry. I need to win the lottery so everything can run on my schedule!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Congrats on the first round of test results! I'm sure your body is just out of whack! Good luck girl.

    Heather-I have the opposite problem at work. We are so slow and the kitchen is a step away all I want to do around here is eat because I'm bored. It hasn't been a good day eating wise.

    Momma-congrats on the 6 pounds! How is Ryan doing in kindergarden?

    I'm struggling with not stuffing things in my mouth today. :noway: I feel tom is lurking...this could very well be the reason. Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Want to go back to bed and start all over. My morning workout sucked. I feel like I didn't even give it 50%. Somehow managed to burn 258 calories. It's so easy to gain weight and so difficult to lose sometimes. I'm feeling defeated.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hey My Oh so missed sisters!!!

    I have missed all of you soooo much! I can't even express it in words. I just haven't had the time to log on to the computer. I have been trying to watch what I eat and stay at it even if I don't put all of my food in. This weekend I was not so great. I was eating my problems. I know I have been keeping you all in the loop and don't know if you want to hear all of this but here it goes.

    I am still studying for my CPA while working 2 jobs. That is the main reason why I haven't been able to keep in touch as much as I wish I could. So here we go on the bad stuff. Well, if the mortgage insurance wasn't enough I went to the fertility specialist on Thrusday and found out that it is going to be difficult for me to get pregnant. First, I need to have surgery on my ovaries so that they can close them because I have an infection in my tubes that is leaking into my uterus. Until this is fixed there is no way that we can even try to get pregnant. But after that is done the doctor said that we can do IVF but that will be our only option for us for me to carry the baby. The problem that the surgery causes is that I had my entire large instestine removed when I was 21 and had some really bad complications with it. That leads into them doing this other surgery because they have to go through your belly button to do the surgery and there is no telling where all of my organs are so there is a high chance that they can puncture something and cause more problems. So my husband doesn't want me to even chance the surgery but I am asking the doctor if I have to have it done no matter what because of the infection, which I am waiting on a response on that. My husband and I stressing over the money issue that IVF would cause so we are looking into other options. My Step MIL knows someone that runs an adoption agency so we are going to go and talk to them to see how much that costs and what all is involved. With all of this going on you would think I would be a nervous wreck but surprisingly I am not. I really don't think I have grasped the concept of it all yet. I hope that made sense to everyone. I know I was rambling but wanted to keep you all updated.

    **TMI Over**

    I am sorry that I haven't been able to read everything. I am soo far behind but just know that I am still rooting for all of you and I know you are all doing great! I will try to check in more often but until then. :heart: :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So I just got into a near shouting match with the same stupid coworker I always have issues with. My supervisor asked me to develop something so we can ensure accuracy of insurance payroll deductions throughout the entire process from the time we get the change paperwork from the employee through the time that the deductions come out of the paycheck. This way we'll be able to be accountable and ensure that it's all done correctly because there's a history of our department (one person in our department) making a lot of mistakes (until I go over the reports every month and correct them all).

    So, the coworker who's making 90% of the mistakes is rebelling against the tracking log I developed. He came to me yelling about how it's creating so much extra work and expense (??? he wasn't able to explain that one to me -- I guess he thinks the 1/3 sheet of paper & ink costs more than having incorrect insurance premiums coming out of several employee's checks several years until the balance they owe is over $5,000. True story. And since our employee's can't afford to pay $5000 out of their pockets, our agency has eaten that cost to appease the insurance company. ANYWAY--). Not only is it not more expensive, it's NOT creating ANY extra work. It's just that he's been doing his job incorrectly for the last 5 effing years. And I don't think he so much appreciated me explaining that lil' tidbit to him. :tongue:

    I feel like I need to address the situation with my supervisor. I don't appreciate being talked to like I'm stupid when I'm the one correcting all of HIS mistakes on a monthly basis. He's such an antiquated idiot it hurts my brain. Sorry. I just feel like I can't b**** to anyone else because I know dh is really tired of listening to me gripe about this particular situation.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Raiderape, that sounds like a lot to deal with right now! Wow, I would do what the doctor says. Your health is what is most important right now. I think it is wonderful that you are looking into the option of adoption. But I also think it is wonderful that you are keeping all of your options open and I hope IVF works out for you.

    Julie, it is time to bring this to the supervisors attention. You are right. What this guy is doing is WRONG!!

    Jess, thanks for asking about Ryan. First the good news, I feel like everyone is on board to help Ry be sucessful in kindergarten. The teacher is wonderful and Ryan had a pretty good week last week!! (For the most part) Here is my however, today was an exceptionally bad day and I am still trying to figure out what I am suppose to be doing for him. I am so frustrated and I don't know what I can do. I have never had to deal with anything like this. My girls have always done what they are suppose to do at school and have even thrived and gone above and beyond what is expected of them. My poor little guy, I love that little boy so deeply and I just want to help him.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Momma I have missed you too and I am hoping things get better for me too.Congrats on the 6 pounds!!
  • Ok so I've had an odd last few days. Recurrent migraines, decreased appetite and then today I wake up with my back killing me. I am hoping I'm not getting a kidney infection, these are the symptoms that usually show up with that. But I normally get the back pain first.

    The appetite thing is getting me, I'm having to force myself to eat. Last night when I got home from work I ate 2 pieces of pizza, store bought. So not great but it at least got my calories up a little bit. Today is the same kind of thing. My head is just vaguely hurting and I have a heating pad on my back and I'm stuck at work :sick: But I kind of want to eat a bunch of crap. I am craving a candy bar right now.

    I had intended on responding to posts but I can't remember them now! lol I can't concentrate. This is bad.

    So my check in for yesterday is:
    calories: over by 60 (i think)
    water: 11 cups, so ok
    sugar: right at 50! :tongue:
    excercise: bed pilates and couch pilates :blushing:
    proud: that I came back to work considering my back hurts to even sit up :ohwell:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello ladies, I've been lurking all day. I have a new employee that started today, so the day has been kinda crazy making sure she's all set up. But she's amazing, so I'm thrilled!

    Julie - Vent away sister! Sounds like dude sucks. I also know how the DHs can get tired of hearing the same old whining, so you know you're safe here.
    Jess - LOVE the new hair. Super fun and fresh!
    Danielle - Sorry to hear about the migraines! Sounds awful. Rest up!
    Ann - Good to have you back! You're a good momma putting your kids first.
    Raider - I'm so sorry to hear the news, but I think it's great you're looking into adoption. There are so many kids out there that need great homes and loving parents.
    Momma - Glad that being back has resulted in such great results! Yeah you!!

    Sunday check-in:
    Cals - Under w/exercise (which, to be clear, is often WHY I exercise!)
    Water - Not great. I'm super dehyrated today. 32 oz?
    Exercise - Run/walk in the morning for 35 minutes. Did 2.8 miles total, ran 1.6 of them! Hooray!!
    Proud - See above. :-)

    Going to a beer release party tonight (yes, another one...). Will be food and beer. I'll consider it a success if I don't eat 4 pieces of pizza!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    So I'm headed to the beer release in 15 minutes and I have 63 calories remaining. Blurgh. Couple things threw me off today - took the new employee out to lunch. Thought I was being good - ordered a big salad dressing on the side. While healthy, the salad had about 450 calories (some avocado, beets, toasted almonds, chickpeas). Boo to that. Then there was a going away party and someone make homemade peach pie. So I had a tiny slice + ice cream = 260 cals. Not too bad, but not great.

    I'll try to limit my beer intake tonight and eat smart, but I'm definitely going over. Boo hiss to going OVER today.
  • I'll try to limit my beer intake tonight and eat smart, but I'm definitely going over. Boo hiss to going OVER today.

    It happens, on the days like this when I know I'm going over I shoot to stay under my maintenance calories. That way I'm not TOTALLY screwed up. :bigsmile: But have fun, I'm considering taking my hubby to a beer tasting party on friday night, it's our 1 yr wedding anniversary on Sunday and these are all local brewers and I know he'd really like it. But I've never been to anything like this before so who knows....
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    hiya !!!
    Jess - love the new hair...sooo cute. :heart: :heart:
    Danielle - love your new photo :heart: :heart:

    Checkin for yesterday:
    calories - 1800
    sugar - 66 - whoops !!!!! fiance talked me into baking his favorite cake and I did it & ate some :grumble: :grumble:
    exercise - gardening 1056 cals
    water - 100 ish

    Today -
    calories - 1200-1300 (not done yet)
    water - 80ish'
    exercise - none
    sugar - 33 right now so will be under 50

    Danielle - how are you doing with the challenge? I'm guessing OK since you are struggling to eat your calories the past few days. Have you quit the energy drink? Maybe you are having caffeine withdrawal ??

    Sorry, not feeling good today myself and that's all I can remember for now.
  • hiya !!!
    Jess - love the new hair...sooo cute. :heart: :heart:
    Danielle - love your new photo :heart: :heart:

    Checkin for yesterday:
    calories - 1800
    sugar - 66 - whoops !!!!! fiance talked me into baking his favorite cake and I did it & ate some :grumble: :grumble:
    exercise - gardening 1056 cals
    water - 100 ish

    Today -
    calories - 1200-1300 (not done yet)
    water - 80ish'
    exercise - none
    sugar - 33 right now so will be under 50

    Danielle - how are you doing with the challenge? I'm guessing OK since you are struggling to eat your calories the past few days. Have you quit the energy drink? Maybe you are having caffeine withdrawal ??

    Sorry, not feeling good today myself and that's all I can remember for now.

    My picture is me with my son in March, he was 5 months old that day and I was in a wedding :bigsmile:

    I am doing ok with the challenge, I have quit the energy drinks completely so I am forcing myself to choke down coffee. My hubby went and bought me some creamer and that helps mask that urine smell :laugh: so it's not all that bad. But I wouldn't guess it's caffeine withdrawl because I'm still drinking coffee everyday, I do not want to go through the withdrawls so I'm forcing myself for now. I used to have migraines regularly and I did have headaches when I was PG with my son but they weren't migraines and were more than likely related to my blood pressure. I am kind of nervous that this means my hormones are decreasing and I'm gonna start TOM again :cry: it's been a lovely 18 mos without it, I'm still keeping my hopes up that it's not hormones. But I don't know. It's better today.

    So I just added up all the food I have with me and I'm gonna end up sitting at like 1000 cals today. With breastfeeding this is not enough since that alone burns about 500 cals/day. I don't know what to do!!!!!! And I hate to eat right before I go to bed.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Danielle -- If you like peanut butter & milk, go for a big ol' spoonful and a glass. That's what I do on days I don't have much of an appetite. HUGE CONGRATS on your sugar control today!
    Raider -- I agree with Lauren that it's awesome you're looking into adoption. That's something I'd look into as well if we weren't able to have children. I've always loved the idea of adopting a Chinese girl but I know that process would be very expensive and time consuming.
    Momma -- Yay for 6 pounds! That's really amazing!
    Lauren -- Good luck with the beer. Your willpower amazes me.
    Meokk -- sorry you're not feeling well. :frown:

    Had the munchies again today. I've kept them under control for the most part but I'm probably sitting at a 400 calorie deficit today at best. I'm just feeling tired and munchy and still a little freaked since there's still no sign of TOM.
  • Well I'm a little peeved. My husband just texted me and said, "hey I gave you half a serving of pasta but a whole serving of sauce" I thought it was a bit much sauce.

    So meokk-I may end up going over my sugar today, I'm at 48 right now.

    If only I'd had half a serving of sauce too then I'd have 10 more for sugars, or a whole serving of pasta I'd have 200 more cals and would most likely be just fine now.

    Julie-I like PB maybe I'll do that, but I prefer to eat it with an apple. Just a little with each slice, it's yummy!
  • I overdid it today and am now so freaking tired.

    Today's check in:

    Calories - 1366 (504 under. Should have eaten more!)
    Sodium - 125 under
    Water - 7 cups
    Exercise - nothing beyond some pool floating
    Proud - I really don't know...I had a good day, I was productive, and I spent some good time relaxing poolside, but I don't know what I'm proud of today. :(
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    COGirl - I hope the migraine has subsided by now. :flowerforyou: I used to get those a lot - wow, are they terrible.
    Julie - YAY and awe... on the preggo results. And yeup, you got a real loser there as a co-worker. Vent away! :explode:
    Jess - CUTE new cut! I didn't recognize you, but then I saw that adorable little I'm-up-to-something smile and knew it was our girl! :wink: And don't feel defeated - you must always remember how far you've come. That's what you tell me! It better be true, dammit, or I'm coming to get you! :laugh:
    Heather - woohoo on getting close to your lowest! :flowerforyou: I am about three pounds from mine.
    Momma - WTG on those 6! :heart:
    Raider - don't ever feel bad about not catching up with this speedy gonzales group! :laugh: You could get up from the computer, go to the bathroom, come back and find you've missed three pages' worth! Just do what I do when I am low on time: find the post that looks like it has responded to the most girls and read that - instant catch-up! LOL :wink:
    Danielle - very cute pic and your baby is PRECIOUS! :heart: And Happy First Anniversary a few days early! :flowerforyou:
    Lauren (elmox - I suddenly had a brain fart and don't know if I got your real name right - sorry!) - Do the best you can and ENJOY. :drinker: I like Danielle's advice of staying within maintenance on days like this one.
    meokk - I admire you for liking gardening. I HATE wearing gloves and I can't stand the feeling of dirt under my nails! I know: me = sissy!!! :tongue: But I love to LOOK at other people's gardens! Does that count?
    purple (don't think I ever knew your real name!) - you're proud because you posted your check in today! :flowerforyou: Accountability is a great thing to be proud of!
    tstout (teresa? - again, brain fart on real name - ugh! I've been gone too long, sisters!) - your vacay sounds like fun. How long will you be gone and will you still be able to log in here to gossip with us? :tongue:

    Sorry if I missed ya - will catch you on the rebound if I did!

    I had a great day today - my back is feeling much better. I got in a fifteen minute walk at school, plus I danced a little bit with the first grade and KG-ers. We did the "Back to School Bop." :tongue: Ms. K. (moi) was shakin' what her momma gave her! :wink: I had the kids cracking UP! One little first grader said, "Ms. K., last year you never danced with us. I like the new Ms. K. better." From the mouths of babes! :heart: :heart: :heart: Oh I love my babies! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    check in:
    calories: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: just the 15 min. walk and about ten mins of dancing - still watching the back - tomorrow is doc appt.
    proud: I made it through the day without crying!!!! First day for that in about ten days! :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Will-power semi-fail.

    3 pints.....my semi-win - this was over 3 hours. So a beer/hour, not too horrible.....right?!?!?
    Small order of fries.....semi-win - There was like no food at this event (boo to the organizers), just had a few small pieces of sausage. At 11, we realized we were drunk and hungry, so off we went for food. I was smart enough to realize that I did not need to order a sandwich and fries. Not smart enough to just order a salad. But really, who orders a salad when they are drunk!?!

    All in all, I was entirely too drunk for a Monday night. I now have a tiny hangover. Have also asked the hubby to cut down on weekday beer events. Too much!

    Oh yeah, and to top this fabu hangover off, TOM started today!

    It's gonna be a day....
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