Over 200 New Year New Me Part 31



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Where is everyone??
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've bored them all to death with my "I'm pregnant/I'm not pregnant/I'm pregnant" bs.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I've bored them all to death with my "I'm pregnant/I'm not pregnant/I'm pregnant" bs.

    I am literally laughing so hard at my desk. Love ya Julie!!

    I thought it was MY fault since I was the last poster!! I have been reading over on the success stories thread b/c I'm just not that motivated to do much of anything work-related today. The successes are motivating for the weight loss, just not for the spreadsheet I have to make!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning...err...afternoon ladies! I came into work late. Went to the gym bright and early and did an hour of cardio and some ab work. YAY!! I haven't read all the posts. Need to go back and read the posts.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-That's hilarous what your dh said about babies being better then cancer. Don't fret yet. I'm sure TOM is on the horizon. You've got yourself all worked up about it now. It'll show it's ugly face!

    Elmox-You are exactly right. We need to learn to maintain so why not practice now while we take a little "break"?

    Nancy-So sorry to hear about your drs appointment. But I agree with the others, it's a great push to continue this wonderful lifestyle change.

    I know there is more but I forgot. I have a pounding headache. Going on day 2 and all this paint smell isn't helping. :sick:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, while I'm trying to keep my mind on anything else...
    Country music girls -- any of you like The Avett Brothers? I've recently just gotten into them. They're more of a folk country and not a pop country.
    I think they're pretty awesome. They have a strange sound -- like a pop oldies/country/bluegrass/folk mix in some songs (is that possible?). So far, it seems I'm liking their older stuff more than newer but that's a trend that I've noticed with most musicians I like.
    They're actually playing the State Fair this year (which occurs about 4 miles from my house) so I'm pretty excited. Fried friedness, farm animals, and The Avett Brothers = hooray!

    So... maybe you should check them out? Or not. Oh, and they're pretty cute. But, gah, especially Scott. I've always been such a sucker for dark hair, blue eyes, and facial hair
    Edit to add eye candy. :wink: :blushing: If this isn't a reason to listen to them, then I don't know what is.

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    LOVE the Avett Brothers. Could listen to I And Love And You on an endless loop. I always put it on when I'm doing dishes because it's just a good sound. Jonathan knows I'm working in the kitchen if he hears the Avett Brothers!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've never heard of 'em. I'm going to have to check 'em out!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy crap I just channeled Melinda. I'm having an insane hot flash. I think it may be my very first hot flash ever. Hooray! :drinker:

    I'm sure hot flashes are a symptom of pregnancy, huh. :grumble: :tongue: Seriously. If I'm not, then my body and mind are playing one hell of a trick on me. I thought phantom pregnancies only happened to women who really really wanted to be pregnant. I'm really not one of those women right now.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Thanks for the tip on the Avett Brothers. Unfortunately, Minnesota is not a hot music scene, so we always hear stuff WAY after those of you located on the east coast of the country. It took MONTHS from the time my friend in NY first heard of Maroon 5 until it played on the radio here. Lame. But, I'll check them out.

    Usually, I can hop on this thread anytime during the day that I'm bored and have a few posts to read, so I was wondering if it was I who scared everyone away.

    I've been trying to think of a creative, fun name for the blog I've been wanting to do about my travels with bf. So far, they've been mostly in Minnesota, but any travel we do outside of MN would also be blogged there later. I think I know how I want it set up, but haven't had success in thinking of a good name. I also need to get a working laptop to be serious about it. I'm considering starting on a free site to see how it goes and if it's successful enough to get a few followers, I'd consider moving it to have its own domain. I'm open to suggestions. See how bored I am?
  • Ugh. So freaking tired today. Orientation dinner last night good - filled the plate with 2/3 veggies and 1/2 chicken breast, but the chicken was breaded and in some sort of sauce, as were the green beans...and then I had a small bite of a cannoli.

    So I think that I did well overall, and am proud of myself for the progress made, but am annoyed that I don't actually know how much I really ate yesterday!!!

    On the good news front, however, I dropped to 268 on Sunday and it's stayed there - I thought it was a fluke - so I'm down another two pounds from Friday. I held off updating for a few days because I really thought something was up, but I've been hovering just above or below that number since then, so have finally decided to embrace it! :happy: :bigsmile: I really didn't want to move it down only to have to change my weight UP at the Friday weigh-in.

    I'll do personal replies to everyone later - at work for a little bit then home to cook dinner.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi girls, I've been gone too long, gained some weight back and need to get back on track. I'm getting back into my exercise routine now, but haven't started tracking my food yet. I'll get there, I just need to stop having a pity party and jump back in.

    I'm FINALLY feeling better after that myelogram test, and they didn't discover anything more than they already knew from the MRI. I have 3 herniated discs in my neck and they are pinching 2 nerves, and I also have carpel tunnel in my right arm. Miraculously, a lot of the symptoms that drove me to the doctor in the first place are much better or gone ... very little tingling in my arm and no shoulder pain. My neck still hurts - but that is nothing new. I think that being sick after that test so that I couldn't come to work for a week, and then having a weeks vacation after that is what 'cured' me. I kind of wish I had never gone to the doctor in the first place ... I initially went to be tested for Lyme's disease! And ended up $5000+ later with all kinds of tests and now I don't need to do anything about it because most of it got better! I guess if it gets worse again I will know what it is.

    Now to work on my weight.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Welcome back! I'm glad to hear you're feeling at least a little better after the testing. Hopefully things will continue to improve. Get "back on the wagon" with us!

    So, ladies, I've moved my blog to the one I was playing around with previously. You can see it at hajohnson.blogspot.com. I'm considering buying a domain to change the name because I didn't know what the heck I was doing when I set it up last year. It's a trial run (free), so we'll see. Many of the posts are from this website, but I'll be adding stuff going forward. If you happen to check it out (no pressure, I swear!), please feel free to give me your honest feedback!

    Why the heck isn't it 4pm yet??
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OMFG !!!!!
    Work has been crazy. Combine that with wedding planning and I'm a bit of a madwoman at the moment.
    Checkin in from the iPhone.
    Yesterday was good all around and only 52 g sugar.
    Today looks like it will go well too but maybe a bit higher sugar.

    getting my hair did and thinking of names for heather's blog.

    Should check out the blog. 1st. Ok be back soon.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So good to see you again, lstpaul! Post as much as you can!
    purple - great job on the new weight number!
    Julie - thank you for the eye candy pick-me-up. But I must warn you, when you show a pic with an outstanding banjo in it to a musician (me), that becomes the main eye candy event. :tongue:

    check in:
    calories: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 20 min walk plus dancing with my students
    proud: I made it through another day without crying!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Blue (((((((hugs))))))
  • I lied about checking in with everyone tonight...had a friend stop by to chat with the roommate (just back from 9 weeks of internship) and she ended up staying for 3 hours. I'm too tired to do anything now but check in and go to bed. Getting tired of this post-surgery exhaustion.

    Calories - 500 under
    Water - 8ish cups
    Sodium - 908 under (did we get a new challenge for this week? or is the sodium thing a constant?)
    Exercise - none
    Proud - did a great job at orientation!

  • Man we have been SOO busy at work today. I haven't had any time to check in.

    But check in for yesterday is
    Calories: under
    Water: AWFUL!! like 4 cups I think
    Sugar: over (I think)
    Proud: nothing....

    And here I am at the end of my shift, almost my day and I still have 600-ish calories to go. I'm not freaking about it, I'll try to get 200 in so I hit 1200 at least. But I need to drink more too.....I was doing so good getting 12-15 cups every day now I'm lucky if I hit 8

    Ok so this is an odd question (well seems odd to me) do any of you ever "feel" skinnier? I think it's my underware that are the culprit. Today, and yesterday even I just "feel" smaller. But really how much smaller can I be in 1 week? This may be TMI but oh well! Anyway so I put my underware on today and they are baggy, just a little in the butt. I literally only bought these a month ago, maybe even just 3 weeks ago. But now they are hanging there. My hubby says "ahh.....ummm....is there something wrong with your bum???" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and now because of it I "feel" smaller and am anxious for Friday for the weigh in. I am going to buy myself a scale this weekend so I can get on whenever the whim strikes me. Right now I maybe weigh myself 1-2x/week. Which is usually enough but it's such a hassle to pull out the Wii just to weigh myself....then I have to listen to it go "duh-duh-duh duh dunnnnhhh, that's obese!" Like ahhh duh! I know that!" :laugh:

    Anyway so that's it for today, sorry I didn't have anything personal to say...just wanted to pop in for some face time.....talk to you all tomorrow.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im not being good and I dont care....Im so over summer it just needs to end

    I'll see if my motivation comes back but really doubtful. I have plenty of reasons to lose weight, I have our family portrait coming up in Sept, our engagement pictures coming up in October, trying on dresses in January...and plenty more between but this heat and summer activities has finally broken me and I am just done done done. I havent been on since Monday

    Julie- I was reading through the posts so fast to see if you ever posted a positive result up! OMG you are making me nervous (in a good way)for you. I had cramping when I got preggo. I thought I was having a weird period because of the way the cramps were and it almost felt like my period was stuck..i dont know how to describe it. I had no other symptoms besides the cramping.

    I gotta go im exhausted just wanted to check in and say im ok but done with making myself crazy over weight loss
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    well girls i have been absolutely horrible today

    TOM Is kicking my but i guess...I have eaten soo much crap it isn't even funny...and i feel all stuffy in my head...

    I totally think after today i am not loosing anything this week.
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