Clean Eating Bashing?



  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Sure, why not...

    ...even though the sequel is (almost) never better than the original.

    ETA: "Clean" adherents, behold and tremble in fear:

    (...and scroll back a few days if you're really brave.)

    Why, I don't get it. What is wrong with the food you eat? Most of it looked just fine to me. And if you are happy with it and your weight loss, who cares? I am sorry to disappoint, but it hardly provokes fear.

    A false and stupid dichotomy has been created here and it is getting a bit ridiculous. And the self-righteousness is every bit contagious on both sides.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    And again for the record, nobody gives a crap, really, what you eat. It is when you* tell people that they aren't healthy / don't care about their health / will get cancer / won't lose weight etc etc if they don't eat clean that you* bashed.

    * you = clean eaters that say these things. Just like the Op did on the first page of the original thread.

    If this particular part gets quoted another 20 pages will the "clean eaters" finally understand?????

  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!

    Michael Phelps can do whatever the F he wants and should. It is all about how he feels, how it effects his performance. We are not monoliths and this is not black and white. Hear, hear for the gray.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    Usain Bolt claims he ate a thousand McNuggets at the Beijing Olympics.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Pop tarts are not healthy..



    IT says vitamins and minerals right on the box! LOL. Joking aside though, So assuming a 2,000 calorie day getting 10% of your daily vitamins from 10% of your calories doesn't seem too bad? Then if you add in the other pop tart and a hyooge glass of milk, I think you'd be doin' alright.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!

    Michael Phelps can do whatever the F he wants and should. It is all about how he feels, how it effects his performance. We are not monoliths and this is not black and white. Hear, hear for the gray.
    still did not answer my question? So what do you think? or would you rather beat around the bush?
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    Usain Bolt claims he ate a thousand McNuggets at the Beijing Olympics.
    Haha! At the olympics or training for?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member

  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    And again for the record, nobody gives a crap, really, what you eat. It is when you* tell people that they aren't healthy / don't care about their health / will get cancer / won't lose weight etc etc if they don't eat clean that you* bashed.

    * you = clean eaters that say these things. Just like the Op did on the first page of the original thread.

    If this particular part gets quoted another 20 pages will the "clean eaters" finally understand?????


    Only if you can quote me all the examples of the above. No one has been bashed on this thread with the exception of the off-putting Obamacare comment in the beginning. No cancer, no weight gain, no you don't care.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    Usain Bolt claims he ate a thousand McNuggets at the Beijing Olympics.
    Haha! At the olympics or training for?

    At. He didn't like the native food so he apparently ate almost nothing but McDonald's.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyone's opinions.
    From this site here:
    "Everyone is amazed to hear that anyone could possibly consume 12,000 calories each day, but Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps’ diet includes lots of food when he is training. Phelps trains six days a week and exercises five hours a day, so he is using up the calories that he consumes. He revealed his typical daily diet during an interview that amazed everyone to hear that his breakfast alone includes three fried egg sandwiches with a lot of cheese, lettuce, tomato, fried onions, and mayonnaise. That is only the beginning though. He also drinks two cups of coffee, and eats a five egg omelet, one bowl of grits, which are a maize porridge, three slices of French toast with powdered sugar, and three chocolate chip pancakes.
    Most people eat that much in two days, but Michael Phelps’ diet must give him the energy he needs. For lunch, he then has one pound of pasta with tomato sauce, two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise on white bread, plus energy drinks that equal around 1,000 calories. Dinner includes another pound of pasta with sauce, a whole pizza of six or eight slices, and more energy drinks. Even cyclists in the Tour de France only consume around 8,000 to 10,000 calories per day when they are competing."
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!

    Michael Phelps can do whatever the F he wants and should. It is all about how he feels, how it effects his performance. We are not monoliths and this is not black and white. Hear, hear for the gray.
    still did not answer my question? So what do you think? or would you rather beat around the bush?

    Apparently, all athletes eat Subway. Because it's fresh. Synonym for clean? Maybe.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!
    Michael Phelps can do whatever the F he wants and should. It is all about how he feels, how it effects his performance. We are not monoliths and this is not black and white. Hear, hear for the gray.
    still did not answer my question? So what do you think? or would you rather beat around the bush?

    Apparently, all athletes eat Subway. Because it's fresh. Synonym for clean? Maybe.
    Good point....or they at least endorse it!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)
    Considering Michael Phelps admits to eating a mostly "dirty" diet (of 12,000 calories a day) and has more gold medals and total medals than any individual in the history of the Olympics ever, I'd say he's the poster boy for proving that "clean eating" is an unnecessary approach for health and fitness.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    MIchael Phelps' diet, since you asked

    "Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. Two cups of coffee. One five-egg omelet. One bowl of grits. Three slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar. Three chocolate-chip pancakes.

    Lunch: One pound of enriched pasta. Two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread. Energy drinks packing 1,000 calories.

    Dinner: One pound of pasta. An entire pizza. More energy drinks. "

    12000 calories a day
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    when Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his prime and training he used to follow up his workout by eating an entire chicken and a pitcher of beer...filthy, filthy beer. And that was just his post workout recovery snack...
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    And as Waldo said, overall diets are healthy or unhealthy, individual foods cannot be, as foods don't exist in a vacuum, and there is not a single food on this planet that will actually provide every single nutrient a person needs to be healthy on its own.

    Cow's milk, an unclean food by many definitions, is probably the closest (I believe it has the iron that human breast milk lacks, no?)
    Yes,cow's milk contains the minerals that human milk lacks.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Lets take a fitness approach....would an athlete training for an event....Lets say Michael Phelps (or anyone you choose) be better eating a so called "clean diet" or would he just train eating a not so clean diet (fast food)? Just want to see everyones opinions:)

    So, there's no grey area to either approach, huh? It's all broccoli or all mcmuffins in this world?!

    Michael Phelps can do whatever the F he wants and should. It is all about how he feels, how it effects his performance. We are not monoliths and this is not black and white. Hear, hear for the gray.
    still did not answer my question? So what do you think? or would you rather beat around the bush?

    Why do you care what I think? He reportedly eats 12,000 calories a day when training. 12,000 calories. How is he an example for anyone except an elite athlete. Do I personally think people - including athletes, are better off eating a diet of less processed, rather than more processed, whole foods? Yes. I do. But I still don't care that others don't share my beliefs. They are based on my personal experience and that of others around me. I mean, really, why does anyone do something they don't believe in and think works for them? And why would I argue with other people's success even if it is not inline with my WOE? My only contribution may be and that is a big may be, if someone if failing.