

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~gonna take a rest day.Feel lousy with this cold.
    Hope everyone is ok.
  • riblondie
    Hi Everyone, My name is Edie, I'm 63, from Rhode Island and have been using MFP for a little over a month before finally using it online. I started my journey 11/15/2013 and have lost 15 lbs. Christmas was a huge challenge, but I think I survived. I'm afraid to get on the scale. I have been sick since the week before Christmas so my eating habits have been a bit sporadic. I'm trying to start eating right again, but just not feeling up to eating much right now. I hope to get back on track by Monday as I have a weigh-in coming up on 1/9/2014 and I would like to show at least 1 lb. if not more.....lol

    You all sound so nice, friendly and supportive which is exactly what I need. Due to health & physical issues I'm very limited to exercise. I have a Walking CD by Leslie Sansone that I am using, so I do get myself moving. I used one of hers in the past and it helped very much. By using something like this I am able to rest when I feel my back or leg start to get pain in it. I have some back and leg problems that walking or moving around too much makes it unbearable. I do what I can.

    I am happy to have found this group and look forward to chatting with you again! Happy New Year!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Riblondie: Welcome! This is a great and supportive group. Thanks for letting us know you're from RI. We have people from all over and it is fun to learn about different parts of the country and world. We also have people with different physical challenges. Persistence pays off. You can change your health for the better.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Had a sort of decent nights' sleep and I have one nap under my belt for the day so far.....feeling pretty good at this point, hope it lasts.
    DD is down at a friends stables for some horse time; I'm going to go to the grocery store shortly.

    Feel better to Jane and Viv and anyone else not feeling up to par........these colds/sinus things truly are vicious, I could really identify with Viv saying she hurts from coughing.

    Welcome riblondie!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello all. I'm out of the procedure. It went well, but afterwards, when they removed the sheath I developed a massive hematoma. The nurse told the doctor it was the size of a volleyball. Six people were holding pressure, they were preparing to send me to the OR, the doctor came running, but it started to go down on its own and my hemoglobin levels looked good, so they cancelled the OR. They did a sonogram, so we are waiting for somebody to officially read it, but I heard the sonographer tell the nurse practitioner that it looked good. I have an ice pack on it now and have to lie still for another four hours. I'm purple from my mid abdomen to my knee front and back.

    I'm never EVER doing this again. I don't care what happens. This doctor doesn't like to use the magic dissolving sleeve that made the last cath so much better. So, during the procedure he decided he would do it anyway, but where the puncture was right up against the bone he couldn't do it after all. He said don't worry, we have a special team to do the sheath removals, and they're really good at it. Lucky me. I'd hate to see what would have happened with less skilled people doing it.

    So, I may still get out of the hospital late this afternoon, but we are going to spend another night in the hotel and drive home in the morning.

    I hope everybody is having a great day.


    Ps: by the way, they said the sheath removal fiasco was complicated by the amount of loose skin from weight loss. :sad:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Sylvia, I am so sorry that had to happen. I have been one of those nurses compressing with all my might to try to stop the bleeding. It isn't easy on the nurse either, emotionally or physically. I take it they didn't find the need for any other stent or other intervention though. You may have to do some lifestyle adjustments as you get to know your body. Believe it or not, all those pounds lost is adding years to your life. I'm sure inwardly those nurses were proud of what you have accomplished towards your health. Thanks for checking in for us.

    Well our Christmas is coming closer and closer and I have come no closer to getting my house clean. My norm is to wait until the day before my daughter comes and totally wear myself out. HELP ME!!! I do have my silly gifts made for me brothers. The medicine I give my cat daily has to be given by syringe. The syringe comes in a glass tube like a test tube. So I took one of them, I don't like to throw things away so I have 2, put the nose piece of my C-Pap on each end. When I get a new mask, it comes with 4 sizes of nose pieces. Then I threaded to Q tips into these little holes that are on the nose piece. It makes it stand up on it's front legs while the back drags. I guess I could try to dress it, paint it, use permanent marker or something to paint to tube. So far I'm just calling it a critter. For my other brother I took my old C-Pap tubing, kind of deconstructed the mask using some of it's tubing and incorporated it into the C-Pap tubing making two loops. It is a portable kissing booth. You put the one loop around your neck and then kind some one else to put the other loop around their neck. both these guys are crazy. I was going to make a wreath but I couldn't figure out how to make it rigid, plus it would be very large. I also have a solar powered car ventilator that I bought out of one of those catalogues you get in the mail. I never could get it to work. My younger brother worked on a nuclear sub for 20 years, He was actually part of the planning stages in building one of them, He worked on the nuclear part, managing the gauges. So I figured that he could find a way to make it work. But that isn't a funny silly thing. And that's what I make them, I don't think I have ever spent any money at all on my silly gifts, just recycled things. I may get in trouble one of these years when they decide to gift them back to me. Now I have to find a creative way in wrapping them. That also means pulling out all the wrapping paper, scissors and tape. UGH! I thought I was done with that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, yes, they were working so hard, and I know it's hard on their fingers too, pressing so hard for so long. They brought in two male nurses because they could press harder, and it eventually worked. But it hurt terribly, and I was crying, which made them feel bad. I felt sorry for them. They were being very professional about it, but I could tell they were feeling bad that they couldn't get it to stop. The nurses here are really great. The nurse practitioner just popped in to say that the sonogram really did turn out well.

    Right now I'm riding out another two hours till I can get up and go to the bathroom. I refuse to use a bed pan. That's not fun for anyone concerned. So I'm trying to keep my mind off things till then. I haven't eaten or drunk anything to help avoid the problem, so I'm getting hungry. The iv isn't helping with the bladder though.

    I have to wait another week before I can get back to rehab. No, they did not place another stent. He believes the angina I've had is from blockage in the very small areas that are inaccessible. So, he's starting me on a daily med that's like nitro but long acting. He thinks that might ease the pain. In a month I come back to check in.

    Joyce, you cardiac nurses are angels!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: You are in my continuing prayers. It sounds like you went through a nasty ordeal because of the hematoma. I hope the swelling disappears and you have no further problems.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia Prayers and well wishes being sent your way.

    Welcome Riblondie you have come into a beautiful supportive group of ladies

    Have a great weekend everyone, Blessings to those in need, congrats to all who are doing so good with restraint on their food, hard to do at this time of the year, but your right I am craving salad and fruit so old habits are changing slowly....

    Juanita in Sudbury we now have about 2 feet of snow winter is here to stay:grumble:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I miss that adrenaline rush you get with all those emergencies in cardiac nursing, running down the hall, watching the monitors, giving the emergency medicines and see immediate response, team work, teaching, working in state of the art technology, working hand in hand with doctors, oh I miss it so much. But not to be anymore. God knew I was needed elsewhere, at home, with a rebellious teenager and marriage that was getting more distant by the day. He also knew I had parents and in laws that could use my knowledge. So my MS came along!!!!!!

    Well the kitchen floor is cleaned, as soon as I told my husband I was going to clean it he told me that he would start it by doing the sweeping to get it ready for mopping. So he put all the chairs on the table, bar chairs on the breakfast bar, poor cat, even her food gone form the floor. So he swept, beat the rug in front of the sliding door. Then when I got my mop out, he got the other one and sure did a lot more than I did. So I guess the dusting in every room starts next. Or maybe cleaning the bath tub. Now that's a job. I think some of that stuff is permanent. But I know DH will help. I found out real quick what my tolerance is when I started mopping.

    Glad your doctor has a plan, good luck Sylvia.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, sometimes you just can't win. They got me up, walked me down the hall, I felt great. They pronounced me fit to go home. So they took out all the tubes and wires, and I got dressed while hubby went to get the car and pull around to the pick up place. While dressing, I started to feet light headed. I sat down and drank water and felt a little better. I got into the wheelchair, had my overnight case on my lap, and said, "I don't feel so good". I guess I almost blacked out, because the next thing I knew I was being lifted into the bed and a whole bunch of people were pulling my clothes off, attaching electrodes, starting oxygen, taking blood, starting two new IVs, and reattaching the blood pressure cuff. They were pulling my eyes open, patting my face and asking if I knew where I was. Suddenly my doctor appeared out of nowhere, yelling at people to either shut the damn door or get a blanket over her. My hero! He said my blood pressure had dropped to 50/20. The crash cart was by the door and they had paddles out. They even had a chaplain!

    Joyce, you would have loved it. I, however, did not. A nurse went down to get hubby, and by the time he got back upstairs it was pretty much over. But I don't get to leave today after all. Big surprise. The doc said it was the same kind of response that possums get when they are surprised he had a name for it, but I don't remember. Vega something. I was dehydrated and had not eaten because I didn't want to use the bedpan. But my biggest mistake may have been taking a good look at my leg and groin in the mirror while I was getting dressed. It was pretty shocking. It looks like I've been in a horrible car wreck.

    So, the nurse brought me two cartons of milk and some Lorna Doone cookies, and they ordered me a nice dinner tray with whole wheat pasta and meat sauce, green beans and garlic bread. So now I'm sitting here, stuffed to the gills and feeling better. My BP rebounded pretty quickly. So I feel a lot better. I'll try walking again later tonight, but just a little. I've convinced hubby to go on to the hotel and get some sleep. He didn't sleep at all last night and if he stayed here he wouldn't sleep tonight either.

    So as soon as I got back online I saw the post from you, Joyce, saying how much you missed the excitement. I thought that was so ironic, since I had just been on the other end of it.

    I hope this is the end of my little saga. Have a great weekend everybody!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Brooke :smile: So nice to see your post:bigsmile: ! I`ve missed your quotes!!!

    Katla :smile: So glad you got to talk to your son:heart: !!!

    Gail :smile: What a fantastic way to announce the happy news:love: …I love it!!!

    Rori :smile: So sorry to hear about your DBIL:brokenheart: :cry: , will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers!

    Grandmallie :smile: Have a safe trip home!!!

    Barbie :smile: I love your graphics!

    Deb in CNY :smile: I so enjoy reading your posts!!!

    Margaret :smile: You are a fabulous person:heart: !

    Sylvia :smile: You are a beautiful person:heart: !!! I can`t believe a grandma not hugging her grandkids:noway: …that is so very sad:cry: ! I would gladly help you strangle her:angry: ! Glad to hear your procedure is over, oh my, what a time you`ve had! I`m hoping you have a speedy recovery:flowerforyou: !

    Katiebug :smile: I love your favorite Christmas moment, how absolutely wonderful:love: !

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: ! What a lovely pic of your family!

    Meg :smile: Woo hoo…what a wonderful chocolate gift you got:love: !!!

    Amanda :smile: So very sorry to hear about the miscarriage:brokenheart: , prayers to you and your daughter! The grandtwins are 3 already:love: , they grow so very fast!

    Yanniejannie :smile: A milk frother….how do you like it? I have one on my coffee machine, it`s glorious:love: !

    Michele :smile: I`m sure the weight will come back off, you are usually a light eater!

    Viv :smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: ! Sometimes those colds hang on for awhile:grumble: !

    Heather :smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, crying sweet baby and all!

    Riblondie :smile: Welcome to the group, come in often and chat!

    I know I missed a lot of people:embarassed: , it`s hard to catch up after a couple of day!

    I have had 2 busy days, catching up with friends; yesterday was 3 different friends at 3 different times….whew…. Today I had to take my car to be serviced and inspected, they have had it all day, in fact they called me late this afternoon and told me I could pick it up in the morning, at least I do have a loaner car! Geez, I guess this is my Christmas present to myself:noway: :frown: ….I can`t believe how expensive it is:sad: !
    My dinner is almost done, salmon, baked potato, and a salad....yum:love:

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!

    DeeDee in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,988 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meg, what an awesome gift from your hubby and what a creative way to give it to you.

    :heart: Sylvia, wow, it sounds like you’ve had a very challenging day and have emerged victorious…….you had some wonderful health care professionals caring for you…..dehydration is something we don’t think about until it has huge consequences……I know that I have gone without drinking anything for long periods of time when a rest room was not available but you had some really serious consequences.

    :yawn: Katla, a nap is a great way to deal with whatever ails you.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, you keep mentioning yoga…..it has inspired me to give serious thought to trying it again soon.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, get some rest and before long you’ll be showing big exercise numbers on your fitbit.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, going around and seeing the lights on houses is so much fun….many people in my neighborhood have their lights shining early in the morning when I walk the dogs.

    :flowerforyou: Edie, there are many of us who use walking as a big part of their exercise programs and several who have health challenges so you’ll fit right in with us…..welcome

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, keep taking it slowly so you’ll be recovered soon.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, you are very creative

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, your dinner sounds delicious…..how great to be able to spend time with friends.

    :bigsmile: The results came from my mammogram and all is fine…:bigsmile: ..line dance class was smaller than usual today but a great time was had by all. Awhile ago the teacher told me and several other people that she thought she’d be retiring after the first of the year, but the way she was talking today, it sounds like she has a new burst of enthusiasm and retiring isn’t anywhere on the horizon.

    :grumble: :grumble: :laugh: :laugh: Jake stopped at the store this morning and bought peanut butter, chunks of chocolate, and almond brittle so the house of full of temptations again.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today….45 crunches…one minute plank……5 pushups

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings from Omaha where, inexplicably, it was 61 degrees today! I took advantage and got a nice walk in. Pretty routine day; went to the dentist, did the grocery shopping, went walking when DD#2 went to the nursing home to see dad. She reports that when she got home, the beagle met her at the door with a donut from last weekend in his mouth and tail just a-waggin’!

    Apparently my dog buries donuts, not bones. Just great! He gets his cholesterol checked tomorrow after a couple of dietary indiscretions, I can’t wait to hear how high it is! I finished the next-to-last chapter on the pediatric test bank. One left before new years and then it’s done!

    Now DH just rescued the dumb beagle from the backyard where he was in a standoff with a possum. Good thing it didn’t attack, or even worse….good thing it wasn’t a racoon! Now he’s all proud of himself! Maybe he’ll reward himself with yet another hidden donut!

    Grandmallie: have a very safe trip home!

    Amanda: I’m so sorry for your loss and for your DD’s loss. It would be hard not to be emotional after all this.

    Barbie: thanks for posting the values of Kwanzaa. I think lots of people could follow them!

    Jane: fun pic! Thanks for sharing!

    Sylvia: at least your dear hubby has a funny sense of humor! Best wishes for tomorrow and good outcomes! ….Later….omg what a mess you had to endure! I’m glad you are resting in the hospital instead of trying to go on home. Please take care! Is your new med isordil or renazolin? …Later later…vasovagal response. Holy cow you poor thing. I didn’t want to tell you that I am with Joyce in missing all that excitement because you were hurting and so scared! It is a good lesson for me to hear all this from the patient’s point of view. It makes me understand that not everyone appreciates the drama! Take care now….that’s an order.

    Yanniejannie: I sure hope you get to feeling better soon!

    Katla: yay for no obligations! I just figured out that the entire time I am on leave from work I have something every day! UGH!
    So to get even (LOL) I am taking the first Friday back off and planning a three day weekend of scrapbooking!

    Michele: I wanted to tell you I got a couple more Rodney Yee yoga tapes for Christmas!

    Anamika: you have such a great attitude being grateful for the right things

    Viv: I love my fitbit sleep tracker!

    Heather: rest and enjoy the quiet!

    Margaret; I would love to hear more about the conservatory? What do you do and see there? Beautiful picture!

    Katla: what a beautiful thing to hear that clock chiming once again! I wish I could hear it

    Edie: welcome to our group and congratulations on your loss. Come back often!

    Juanita: wow that much snow there?

    DeeDee: wow you have been one busy lady!

    Well I have to say now that I am grateful to hear the patient’s story so I can be more empathetic in my work and hopefully teach the students to remember how the patient must be feeling. I am also grateful for my crazy Benny Beagle and the wonderful weather we had today. NOT grateful to have to go pay bills now! Take care all, Meg from Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Edie-:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I forgot to mention that after my little melt down, my main daytime nurse got a royal reaming out - right in the hallway outside my open door - for having disconnected the iv bag very soon after I got back to my room from the procedure, which was about 10:00. My melt down happened about 5:00. I heard the doctor ask her whose idea it was to discontinue the iv, and she said she didn't think I needed it any more. I saw the doc throw up his hands and walk away. Now she had been grumpy with me all day, and I didn't know why - was I bothering her too much? Did my little monitor going off every 15 minutes deep her from doing other things? So after this happened she REALLY didn't like me. I was glad to see her leave at 6:00. She left me lying in a pile of partially removed clothing with a blanket spread over me. The night nurse helped me get the clothes from underneath me, and the bra strap that was wrapped around my oxygen probe, and the sweat pants that dangled off one ankle, and helped me put on a new gown and a new sheet and blanket. That might be something else nurses in training might need to hear. By the way, there were only 8 patients on the floor all day, and 10 nurses.

    I'm not sure the doctor should have done that right out in the hall where anybody could hear, but he was pretty steamed. He was like my personal guardian angel, appearing out of nowhere when I needed him. He was johnnyonthespot after the hematoma, and after the fainting, and he stuck around each time to explain it to me and hubby. He is tops in my book.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    DeeDee, what gets me is not that she's not a hugger. My grandparents were not huggers, and my parents weren't huggers, but they didn't hug any of us. This grandmother hugs one granddaughter and not the other granddaughter or grandson. And they are all just as sweet as can be.

    It was hard for me to learn to hug. I felt uncomfortable being touched, but I wanted my son to know he was loved, so I learned. Now hugging grandkids is one of the greatest joys of my life. I wouldn't dream of playing favorites.

    In case you haven't figured it out, I'm alone in my hospital bed with my ipad and an internet connection. Nothing else to do. Maybe I'll try to sleep for a few minutes between nurses visits.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    katla - I always go to collagevideo.com and view their clips of their DVD's. I also read the recommendations. I've found that the DVD's that are given "staff favorite" seem to be better. Then, I go to Amazon and see if they carry that DVD. Their prices are usually lower. they also have reviews from people who have done the DVD. At Collagevideo you can search the topic of "tai chi" and it'll give you the titles they carry. So sorry about your car disaster, but glad it was repaired. A car is only a piece of metal.

    janemartin - sending virtual chicken soup to you.

    Edie - welcome! Good for you doing what you can but doing it just the same. Kudos to you!

    Did an hour of a downloadable spinning workout today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do yoga and then stop at the Salvation Army. Last time I was there I saw this really nice blouse, only I didn't think I could use it. Seems that I can so I hope it's still there.

    Made pizza logs (from Emily Bites) for tomorrow. I'll have to have Jessica do most of the cooking (well, it's really mostly heating things up) since I'm supposed to serve at the mass. Guess a lot of people go away for the holiday so there aren't a whole lot of us right now. Supposedly the silicon mats that I use for baking cookies are dishwasher safe, so I'm trying that for the first time. Really, those cookies I made yesterday had a lot of butter in them which I need to really wash off. I don't want to make lobster for Kris because there is no way I can get anything near to what he's used to getting. We're just too far inland.

    Sylvia - I'm so sorry that happened to you. glad it's over for you, tho. Good news on the sonogram front! Can't get over your ordeal right before you left. I guess it was lucky that it happened at the hospital and not in the car while you were going home. While we were loading a truck to bring to storage here in NC, Vince got dehydrated. He was drinking water, but he was also sweating. He got lightheaded, too. I remember the EMS coming and giving him an IV, he felt much better after getting some fluids in him. Now whenever it's hot outside, he won't drink water but insists on having Gatorade.

    As I was laying down, I missed all the exitement here. The police were here! Seems that the alarm went off in the detached garage. It's also supposed to go off here in the house, but what we believe happened is that it did, in fact, go off but it was very very low. Vince at first thought that an USP was going bad. He disonnected one of them and the faint bussing stopped. Well, it seems that if we don't call CPI telling them of an error, they call the police. So that's what they did. They are supposed to be here Tuesday to check this out. I'm thinking that there's probably some sort of volume control, but we have no idea where that would be. the bad thing is that I saw how dusty the speaker was! I've never cleaned that.

    All day today one of Jess's cats, Shadow, hasn't been seen. Usually, she's on the bed. I even opened a can of the moist cat food thinking that she'd hear the sound and come running. No go. I searched high and low, just couldn't believe she wasn't in the house. Vince said that he'd checked under the barstools in the storage room. Well, I went and checked too. Sometimes even tho one person checks, it's good to have another person check. I saw her under the barstools. When I told Vince that I'd found her, he was surprised since he'd just looked there. Well, with her being all black, it's easy to miss. At least I know that she's safe.

    DeeDee - I have to get my car inspected in Dec., too. What a pain. To have to do it right around the holidays, just one more thing that I need to think about.

    Joyce - have you ever used old comics as wrapping paper?

    Juanita - I'm so amazed at how I am craving fruits for desserts and those cookies just aren't appealing to me at all. That's something. Last year there was no way I could walk past them without taking a bite, this year I have no desire. Now if there was a plate of pear and apples and oranges -- watch out!!!! You know, in a way I'm dreading Jess coming this weekend. Not that I don't love seeing her because I do. What I'm dreading is having another Christmas dinner. Well, after this that's THE END (thank goodness)

    barbie - glad to hear your mammo was fine.

    Meg - that's some dog you have there! Does he prefer Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts, or will either do? Yea, you got more Rodney Yee tapes! Which ones did you get?

    Michele from NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, the new med is Isosorbide Mononitrate. They gave me the first dose shortly before my fainting too, but not sure it had anything to do with it. And I didn't even realize till much later that the iv bag had been disconnected. Hubby saw her do it but I saw it still hanging there thinking it was hooked up. Oh well.

    As to hubby...it's easy to say I'd rather have laughter than diamonds when I get all I could ever want of one and no hope for the other. I remember how panicked he was the day we went to pick out my wedding rings. He didn't say so, but he was terrified that I would want a huge fancy diamond that would cost three months salary (he read that somewhere, probably a study funded by the diamond industry) and was visibly relieved when I picked out a much smaller diamond with four rubies that cost a fraction of that. I've never been much for jewelry but I did want rubies on it. He makes me laugh every single day, which to me is far more valuable, and laughter can't be misplaced or washed down the drain. But I still love your diamond story.
