

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Merriest Christmas Greetings to all who celebrate and a great day to all others on this wonderful thread. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    It's a simple and peaceful day in our humble home. Being big basketball fans, we're satisfied just having all the games on while the roast cooks in the oven. I've experimented with a new soup: carrot, apple, and ginger. Smells great! :drinker:

    By way of closing the loop, the trip to San Diego last week had more drama than we had anticipated. My DBIL passed away quite suddenly the second day we were there. :brokenheart: My sister has 2 grown children who live in the community, so I was at a loss at how DH and I could be of any use/solace/comfort. Knowing that my sister is a big Trader Joe’s shopper, we loaded up on healthy foods and snacks and took them over, just as her youngest was about to head to the same store. It was hugely appreciated, and we spent the afternoon just catching up and being together. Services are going to take place on the 3rd, two days after what would have been my DBIL’s 76th birthday.

    Juanita: Adding my sympathies on the loss of your brother. I hope that good memories bring you comfort. :flowerforyou:

    Kayak: Sending up prayers for your friend. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: (((hug))). Keep your chin up -- sounds like you have good medical care and will be better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Relived for you that the electricity came back and your efforts were appreciated. :wink:

    Grandmallie: DH and I made a pact a few years ago to just stop with the gift exchange. No disappointments either way. We're much more content treating ourselves to nice times in warm climes, like you are doing with your trip to Florida. Take a nice swim outside for the rest of us who are sitting in sub-freezing temps. :glasses:

    Michele: Wanted you to know that two of your tips have become staples in my healthy eating regime. Although I don't bake nearly as much as you do, I have switched to silken tofu as an oil substitute. Also, whenever the pangs for sweets start overtaking my mouth and mind (like yesterday and today), I delve into a green salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar. Really neutralizes the cravings. Thanks so much for sharing!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
     .
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Merry Christmas ladies! Not the most usual Christmas for us, since our big family get together is on Jan 4th just our Evansville family have lunch together just to be together. So we had sandwiches today. Our family likes starch and deserts so there were 3 different kind of chips, well chips and then two tortilla chips, home made queso sauce, and 4 deserts. Oh and a potato puffs casserole which is mashed potatoes, 1/2 and 1/2, sour cream and cheddar cheese, and 4 deserts one was home made bread pudding. Needless to say I didn't eat much. I raided my sis's fridge and got some carrot sticks, had a sliver of lemon bundt cake and chocolate pie. I'm going to fix some egg salad and crackers for supper tonight. Now on our Christmas my calorie count won't be as good as it was today. And there won't be as many left overs to tempt me. Our menu was the same for Thanksgiving but there will be 4 more families coming. It's dangerous for me to have my corn casserole left over.

    I called both my brothers and their son's lives are maturing a little more as they grow and so lives are a little more stable. Both brothers have sons in detention centers. One is jail and the other a group home and both guys got to be home for Christmas and were behaving themselves. One of the guys is in jail because of drugs, the others due to sever behavior. The behavior issue one will not be with us at Christmas. I'm kind of glad although at the same time very sad. Anyway, they were all having a good time with the boys and grand children. Grand kids sure change a persons life!!!!

    Have a good day everyone, everyone's day sounds marvelous, glad power is back on and flood waters have not hit.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    evening dear friends~
    lordy I can barely move, I did fairly well at the pot luck but Holy crow there was alot of food, i took about a tablespoon of about 4 -5 things,about 1/2 cut of butternut squash, and treated myself to a glass of ginger ale.
    i did hit the dessert table and had 4 different things, but small. i went for a 15-20 minute bike ride after dinner and then visited with friends next door. every year we come down we get to meet more and more people, and all are so freindly..
    makes us sad that we have to go back up to Connecticut, but bills have to be paid:grumble:
    got to skype with the older grandkids which was fun and they are itching at the bit to come out to ct, so we will have to talk to there parent's about that...
    I am thinking about all of you friends in Canada that are getting wiped out with the bad weather. Our renter is up in Ontario and said it just has been wicked and she cant wait to get down here
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    Praying for all of us, may we be stronger, healthier and happier. May our friends and family be healthy and happy too. May we have big hearts to forgive others and small memories to forget old, bad habits and painful experiences (and people).
    :bigsmile: Anamika, these are beautiful wishes for all of us…..thank you for sharing them.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, one good reason for getting the procedure done right away is to get it over so you don’t have to be thinking about it and can get on with your life……the financial advantage is a bonus.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, your craving for a pear is more evidence that healthy eating is more automatic for you since you’ve been on this journey on MFP

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, congrats on your one year on MFP.

    :brokenheart: Rori, sorry for the loss of your DBIL…shopping for your sister was an inspired thing to do….as good as being there for her

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, your family sounds like my sisters-in-law in Ohio who think that fried chicken and cream pie are a perfect meal...:laugh:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This has been a lovely, peaceful day beginning with the usual dog walking followed by our regular spiritual meeting we go to on Wednesday mornings. Jake built a cozy fire. There was time for dancing and more dog walking. We went to lunch with friends at our favorite Chinese restaurant.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ...16,000 steps today
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Brooke from CO - How time flys!

    I bought a ham to have for dinner tonight then Jessica's friend from TN sent barbecue. We'll have that tonight because I have to try it, then I'll give the rest to Jessica to take back with her. I'm also making the ham, we can have it for sandwiches afterwards.

    katla - how wonderful that you got to talk to your son!!!!

    I got an email from Bryan. Two whole sentences. But at least he did remember that it's our Christmas here.

    Correction: we won't be having the bbq tonight. The meat needs to defrost for 12-24 hours. Had I known that I would have defrosted it last night. Well, we'll have it this weekend when Kris is here.

    Meg - hope that prime rib turns out just fine. I'm sure it will

    Gail - what a wonderful way to announce an expectant arrival!!! So clever. How nice of you not to tell of your sister's joy. Last year Denise wanted me to melt her butter for her lobster, this year she didn't have any and I specifically melted butter for her. She'd told me many times that she liked these certain cookies that I made, she would ask me over and over for the recipe. This year she told me that she doesn't like them, after I made them for her and put them on the dish she gave me. Oh well.....

    Sylvia - oh, how wonderful a day for you! Brings me joy just to read of it.

    Rori - so sorry about your bil. How very thoughtful of you to go to TJ's. Thank you for your very kind words. I'm glad to help anyone

    Joyce - how great that the boys were home and behaving themselves.

    Allison - safe travels as you get back to CT

    Although I did exercise today, I don't think I'll be able to tomorrow, not unless I can get everything done and maybe at night be able to. We need to leave at 7 to take Denise to the airport, then I really need to come home, make the cookies for when Jess and Kris come back, clean (do some laundry, vacuum). I did clean the stainless appliances, the stovetop, and started cleaning the countertop.

    Michele in NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :brokenheart: Rori, So sorry for the loss of your DBIL, does change the holiday season, my DB passed day after his 60 th wedding anniversary, so sad, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    Juanita in sudbury
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    We had a great time with the kids tonight. Ended up just doing the lasagnas, garlic bread and the bread pudding for dessert. We'll have the scallops and salad for dinner tomorrow night. We sent all the red lasagna remains and about 1/2 of the white lasagna home with the fellows, along with the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for DS1 and lime cookies for DS2. That much more out of the house. How I am craving fruit tonight and none in the house! Will go to Publix at lunch tomorrow for fruit and yogurt -- the usual lunch for me. Did very well on water today, so that should help overall.

    Off to bed now. The dishwasher is running and coffee is set up for morning and going back to work. Sweet dreams to all..... :flowerforyou:

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Gail- It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Our time with family was fabulous. Lime cookies? Sounds great! I love all things lime!! Would you share the recipe?

    Deb A in CNY
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Took a day off, enjoyed myself, now logging everything to the gram again. :happy:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    morning sweet friends,
    im up and starting the process of getting things ready to leave:frown: it is cloudy and overcast ,but reasonably warm so i am out in the florida room(lanai) having my lemon water and i have to throw some socks on so that I can ice my heel. have the sheets and towels already in the wash and started packing some of the foodstuff that we will take back.
    I am thoroughly going to enjoy this last day here,for tomorrow is not promised, want to soak up all my surrounds to get me through until next december.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies! It sounds like most of us had a great time celebrating the season with family and friends. Although two of my children could not make it home this year, I did get to have long conversations with them on the phone. We were surrounded by family Christmas eve and Christmas day. It was one of the most relaxing and joyful Christmas celebrations! I embraced the "less is more" philosophy this year with decorating, cookie making, and kept the meals simple- mostly of the work done before people arrived. I actually got presents all bought/made early enough to be able to wrap them with care. No last minute Christmas Eve all-night marathons of finishing touches on handmade gifts and all of the wrapping! I normally feel very stressed out by crowds of people, but this year I enjoyed every minute! Everyone had a great time. Lots of happy memories made.

    I always read all of the posts and appreciate each of you so much. For over a year now I have been able to maintain my healthier lifestyle because of all of the love and support you give to each other.this year I will do my best to add my words of support and encouragement to all of you. You are the most caring, accepting,funny, and insightful people I have ever "met"! Thank you for being here!!

    For those of you who have lost friends or family members- I hope you find peace in your memories of good times you shared.

    For those of you who have reached your goals- final or short-term- congratulations! You have worked hard and deserve to celebrate your success!!

    For those who are struggling or have experienced set-backs- Hang in there! This is not necessarily a linear path. I have experienced many ups and downs. I do know however that I am healthier and stronger than ever before and definitely much happier.When I do get off track, my body lets me know that it does not like what I am doing and I get right back to what is best for me.

    I am sitting here with the fireplace going, snow falling and nothing that HAS to be done today. Yes, I have a few chores to complete and schoolwork that will need to be done in the next few days, but for a rare moment I feel that I can choose to accomplish something or have a lazy day. Just that thought energizes me!! I have felt that I have been on a non-stop merry-go-round since September when school started. I must remember to set aside time to relax and enjoy life.

    I hope each of you has a peaceful day filled the joy of life. Take time for yourself. You are all very special ladies who add so much to the lives of others!!

    Deb A in beautiful snowy CNY who sees cross-country skiing in today's plans.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good morning Everyone,

    Rori prayers for you.:flowerforyou:

    Two neighbors went out of town, so I shoveled their sidewalks for them. Went sledding yesterday for the first time in years. I would take my students two or three times a year when I taught full time. It was as much fun watching the children and adults as it was to sled.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie aka Alison: I am so glad you had the opportunity to skype with your DGD. Best wishes for a safe trip home.

    Renny and Alison: DH didn’t get me a particular gift this year, either. We got one another a new refrigerator and freezer, which we’ve had for a couple of weeks. We got to talk to our DS on the phone for a good long while, and also our daughter and daughter in law. I was surprised at how contented we were even though we couldn’t be with loved ones in person this year. I expected to be sad and lonely and it didn't happen.:bigsmile:

    Heather: The little ones seem to get overwhelmed. Rocking and soothing is one of a grandmother’s gifts to baby and the chance to rest is a gift to the exhausted parents.:flowerforyou:

    jfenner: Your explanation about bra sizing is right on target and easy to understand. Thanks for that! What is the stand your ground law? I’m glad you’re enjoying your Polish Christmas treats.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m happy you had the BEST Christmas. Regarding sweet potatoes: We fix ours in a similar way and love them. I always hated them when they were “candied yams.” They’re sweet enough on their own.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I’m sorry about the unexpected loss of your brother in law. Taking care of practical matters is the best gift for immediate family at a time like that. Your gift of healthy food was just right.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Two whole sentences from Bryan s 200% more than you expected. It is a step in the right direction, and each little step is important. Congratulations.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita in Sudbury: Your DBIL was hoping to make it to his anniversary. God granted his wish. Hugs to you and sorry for your loss.:flowerforyou:

    Deb A in CNY: Your message today is very welcome. I am delighted you’re doing so well.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Sledding sounds like fun. I agree that watching others having fun is often a treat all on its own.:flowerforyou:

    Our quiet day at home was actually very pleasant. We got to talk to our son, daughter, and DIL. We had facetime with DD’s family and got to see our DGD play with the spring horse we sent. I don’t often think of technology as a particular gift, but it made our Christmas bright this year. We got to talk to our son on the opposite side of the world, and see our DGD ride her spring horse over a thousand miles away. Those are miracles that I appreciate.:flowerforyou:

    Happy Holidays!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I just remembered that it has been a whole year since I started trying to lose weight. It seems to have flown by. And I felt so good about myself and so skinny - till I saw the pictures hubby took yesterday. What I saw in those pictures was a fat, ugly old woman with drooping neck and jowls. I have a tiny mouth and tiny eyes set in a huge fleshy face and mousy brown hair. It was awfully depressing. I still look very fat in the pictures. I honestly cannot see a difference in pictures taken before. Except for looking old. I'd become one of those ladies who always wears turtlenecks and scarves, except in can't stand anything around my neck.

    Yesterday my grandson told me that he likes me better than his other grandma because I hug him and she never did. Isn't that the saddest thing you ever heard? My son told me that she had her favorite (oldest granddaughter) and treated the other two like dirt. I would gladly strangle that woman. Poor babies. Well, they can all get as many hugs as they need here at my house. Even my reserved, sedate hubby hugs them.

    I'm packing my overnight bag to go to the hospital. We take the dogs to the vet about 3:00 and hit the road.

    Have a great day everybody!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Wonderful celebration with family, now back to reality. I have officially weighed and recorded the gain. l am back to logging and watching. I have vowed that 2014 is going to be better than 2013. I think I am going to end 2013 at a higher weight than I started with, although I am still about 30 lbs down from my all time high. I've already done the 2.75 mile trek once today and plan to go again with DH in a few. He has officially gone a whole year walking it twice a day. There were several days when he did it 3 times just because he had already done his 2 and knew that I would be more likely to go once if he went with me.

    I'm trying to stay positive, because I could do a real whine fest if I got started and there are so many more important things in life than my failure at losing weight. So, I will share my favorite Christmas moment. My DGS is on the autism spectrum. My DD and DSIL have been working hard with him and his social skills (i.e. Every time he opened a present they would tell him to look at the giver and say thank you.). His idea of a hug or kiss is to back into you and allow you to hug or kiss him. When he opened his present from my sister (a Jake and the Never-land Pirates spy glass), he spontaneously ran up to her and backed into her for a hug! It was totally precious.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Thurs.
    My favorite gift was having my 5 children and 4 grandchildren together.
    My not favorite was a cold Violet ,gave me.
    Got some new Pics to hang of the grandchildren.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    @Mollywhippet: I'm so sad you felt that way after seeing the photos! You've come a long way. Are there "before" photos you can use as a comparison? Are there any changes you can make immediately that would make you happier (different haircut/color, a new top?). I hope you can be proud of how hard you've worked and how much you're helping yourself by losing so much weight!
    Hi Everyone !!
    I made it through the holidays without overeating. I am going to keep moving forward at the pace I am on right now .It is still working for me ! I am glad to see everyone seemed to have a good holiday ! I will keep posting seeing you alls weight loss gives me the motivation to keep going !!! Thanks !!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sounds so wonderful to read everyones rememberances of the day after sleeping on it. Seems like as we get older we do change our priorities. Sylvia I remember when I first started my diet one of my goals was to get rid of my chipmunk cheeks. Well I pretty much have, didn't realize it would then become a double turkey gobbler instead. But then I look at my belly, chest and legs and become content. I guess I can't have it all. Just like the time you had your procedure, we will all be waiting on pins and needles until we hear from you.

    I weigh daily but only log it once a week. Hopefully next Wednesday I hope it is very, very good. It was good today. I do know that I am just a few pounds of being just overweight.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Just checking in.
    Hugs to you Rori.
    Sylvia, I'm glad to hear your holiday went well.

    All well here. The baby has settled after yesterday's debacle. Poor DS slept on the sofa and they ran completely out of formula and had to make a dash for the little shop at 8 am. All very frazzled, but today has gone really well. This evening we took a little walk around to look at the neighbour's lights. Great fun!

    Just had hors d'oeuvres of blinis, sour cream and lumpfish roe. Tonigh smoky salmon with chipotle and then white choc cheese cake. I am already up to 1400 cals so will be going v easy. It's the wine that piles it on. Won't be having cheese cake.!
    The family were going to go home if the baby hadn't settled today as they were on their last legs. Luckily they are going to stsy unless she starts yelling again. DGS has been a complete dream all holiday, but then he has had constant attention from DH. The only downside is that I am left with the washing up as he usually does it all.,:laugh:
    I must say that my son is a model husband. He is such a great dad and just keeps going whatever. Real backbone. DDIL was really feeling the strain with a baby that shrieked all day, but he kept on keeping on. She is much happier today, though I can hear the baby fussing now!:sad:

    Now to watch a children's programme and then DGS to bed.

    Love to all and hugs to anyone having a hard time. Bad weather in Canada. (((((×)))))
    Heather UK