

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Sylvia - Good luck! I don't like my turtle wattle either nor my saggy arms, but the I remind myself I am 64 and grateful to be alive after some near deaths. Sometimes I think it is a blessing not to have been born beautiful as I don't think it makes you happy and you mourn the passing of the years even more.

    Let us know as soon as youcan how you are.:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Katla, the stand your ground law is the one George Zimmerman used in Florida in defense of his shooting Travon Martin, an unarmed teen. It was a rather bad joke :embarassed: , since Grandmallie has been having so much verbal abuse from her DH (and they are currently in Florida)....

    The Polish Christmas Eve was delicious! Now I need to make a casserole to use up the leftover crab:laugh:

    Sylvia and Heather - am in the wattle bat wing club too! But at 66, almost 67, can't expect to look like a 20 something even though I know there's a young, thin person inside me hollering to get out. Well, I'm working on getting the thin one out anyway :tongue:

    Jill in western MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,988 Member
    :flowerforyou: No place to go early this morning so each dog got an extra long walk before I went to line dance. The class was great. We danced twelve favorite dances, several from many years ago. Meals today are “find it and fix it” so Jake is having hot dogs and bake beans and I’m having an Isagenix shake. After restaurant meals and parties, I wanted a day with very simple eating.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Sylvia, sending hugs to you as you head for the hospital…...best wishes to you for a speedy return and recovery.

    :flowerforyou: :blushing: Drkatie, your special Christmas moment brought tears to my eyes. You can make the fresh start you want right now.

    :bigsmile: Gwen, congratulations on making it through the holiday without overeating……things can only continue to go well for you on your journey.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I agree with you about being grateful to be alive……considering some of the bad choices I’ve made in my life, I’m fortunate to still be here.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 18,000 steps so far today

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    bump!j Simply no time right now....
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi MFP friends! I had a wonderful Christmas with our best friends, DD#1 and her BF, DD#2, and the emergency back up kid.

    My DH is the best….we agreed to stick to a strict budget this year and I did. But then I got a digital camera. Then he opened a box of chocolates to him from Santa, and wanted me to have one. I declined, but he picked one out and said “You really should have this”. I was about to decline again, when I saw it was wrapped and shaped oddly. So I opened it up and low and behold…a LeVain chocolate diamond ring! It is gorgeous. How sweet and clever of him!

    My huge prime rib was delicious and my two new never-before-tried side dishes were both hits. I didn’t log but was very careful with portions, even having only 1/16 of a pecan pie, so I think I did pretty well.

    Renny: Hope all your company arrived safely!

    Gail: new baby on the way for your family! How exciting!

    Heather: I imagine the baby was over stimulated with all the holiday goings-on. So kind of you to give her parents a break!

    Jfenner: I bet you are right about the bras! I never thought of that!

    Sylvia: your Christmas day sounds so moving! Hug away~!

    Rori: so glad you have been able to enjoy a quiet day after all the stress. My prayers and good thoughts to your and family on the death of your BIL.

    Joyce; I’m glad you were able to enjoy your family and you are looking forward to another day of reunion

    Grandmallie: sounds like you had a lot of restraint! Good for you! I have not heard the word “lanai” for years and years…since I left Hawaii.

    Barbie: glad you got to enjoy a fun day!

    Michele: you are so busy; I hope you get some time to rest!

    Cynthia: good for you to take time for yourself!

    Deb: I have always wanted to try cross country skiing. Tell me what you wear. We are going to buy some good outdoor winter wear and I’m not quite sure what to get. We have the good coats, but what about pants/tops?

    Margaret: Sledding! How fun!

    Katla: that technology is grand, isn’t it?

    Dr.Katie: such a good attitude! That will serve you well!

    Jane: so sorry you got a cold for Christmas! Glad you had all your babies near!

    Gwen: that is good advice for everyone; move at your own pace!

    Well I was taking a little break from the book and now must get back to it. Take care all, Meg from Omaha where it is nice and sunny!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    well we finally got to the pool for the last time:frown: but at least i got a bit of color ,so that is good.. we have gotten most everything done, except for sweeping and washing the kitchen floor, the car is mostly packed, will go for a bike ride a little later to say goodbye to the park, and we will head out around 4-4:30 am and get about 750 miles to ROcky Mount ,N.C.,by later tomorrow afternoon
    the dogs are getting edgy knowing that something is going on, keep telling them we wont leave them behind..
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovelies

    I wanted to wish you all a belated merry Christmas. I wanted to get on before now, but Christmas followed in the way the rest of the year has been. Highs and lows. Christmas eve was not good. My eldest daughter had a miscarriage, she was only nine weeks, very upsetting. We were all excited as we thought that both my daughters would be having babies next year. Not to be. My youngest daughter couldn't come over from Germany as she is expecting our new grand-daughter in a few weeks time. It was the first time ever that I haven't spent Christmas with all three of my children. Still, we spent the day with my darling, darling, darling grand-twins. They are three (can you believe it!!) and were such a joy with all their excitement. Tiring for my poor daughter who at least came out of hospital in time for santa to arrive.

    So, a mixture of emotions. To be honest, I've shed a lot of tears over the last couple of weeks, ever since coming back from Germany. My promise to myself for next year is to try to be a little less emotional if possible.

    I truly hope you have all had a good time and enjoy the remaining days of 2013. Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Amanda,sorry to hear about the miscarriage.:cry:
    Sending HUGS
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,988 Member
    After the day when we reflect on “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward All Men”, I want to start today to think about the principles that are included in Kwanzaa, the holiday that begins today.

    Self Determination
    Collective Work and Responsibility
    Cooperative Economics

    Even though Kwanzaa is not a holiday that I celebrate, it would serve me well to reflect on these principles in my own life and family.

    Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    New pic is my family plus 2 girlfriends and 1 boyfriend.Taking a couple months ago.
    Have a good night all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,988 Member
    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad: Amanda, I am so sorry to hear about the miscarriage:brokenheart:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We're in the holiday inn across the street from the medical center. Very nice room. We went out for supper to a taco place and I had two chicken tacos and one beef. That put me 85 calories OVER my goal. My line turned red! I didn't know it could turn red, this is my first time going over. So, when we were driving back to the room we went through the drive in window at Wendy's and I got a small frosty! Heck, I was over already, and I won't be eating much tomorrow, so what the heck.

    Meg, when we got back to the room I read your last message (about hubby giving you candy) and read it out loud to my hubby. Without missing a beat he said "well, did you check your frosty? Oops, we might need to have your stomach pumped." Silly goof. He would never think of getting me jewelry. Never. Good thing he's got other qualities.

    Good night friends. I'll check in again tomorrow after the procedure.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia.......my thoughs are with you tomorrow......hope all goes smoothly......

    Rori.........my condolences on your loss; buying food was a lovely, practical gesture!

    Heather .........glad DGD decided to be soothed and settle down

    Barbie..........love the graphics!!!

    meg......Diamonds are always welcome!!! Enjoy it!

    Katla..........your day sounded lovely

    Our day was very quiet........gifts were exchanged, my oddest one was a milk frother........something I never heard of, let alone knew I needed, but DD swears it will change my life (or at least my hot chocolate). The beef tenderloin was a hit. Also had garlic mashed potatoes, cranberry relish, cole slaw,cresent rolls, and peas
    pretty basic and simple. Went to the folk dance get together which was a mistake, whenever I think I'm just about better with this crud, it knocks me down again.........came home with chills/temp and just couldn't get warm.......trotted back to dr. today, now have Doxy for a week. On the plus side, I have no appetite.

    Drove over to put out Gwen's meds for the week tonight; they are becoming less complicated again, so maybe I'll be able to turn that duty back to her. Going to take my cough med and conk out.

    Best to all,
    mid-Atlantic, cloudy and cold!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: So sorry about your daughter’s loss, and yours. :cry: Does she have other children or would this have been the first? My daughter had some miscarriages before DGD came along. They are so heartbreaking. :brokenheart: Sometimes expressing emotions is essential. Don’t be hard on yourself for tears.:flowerforyou:

    Gwenercr: I am happy for you that you wee able to make it thorough and stick to your goals. That is a big success, especially this time of year.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Jill: I appreciate your good sense and sense of humor.:happy:

    Barbie: Find it and Fix it Day sounds like a stroke of genius. Speaking to the tenets of Kwanza brings an important perspective. Thank you.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Wow! A chocolate diamond ring is a very special gift. Somebody loves and appreciates you. :bigsmile: I am thrilled with the technology that enabled us to have contact with our kids despite enormous distance. It is beyond “grand” and into the “miraculous” zone from my POV. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: Wishing you a safe trip home.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you after the procedure. Your DH has a good sense of humor. I’m so glad he is with you this evening. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    I have been feeling less than wonderful today so I took a nap. It helped. DH hasn’t been feeling the greatest, either. I hope we didn’t get caught by any hostile germs. :noway: He’s cooking dinner tonight, and I’m enjoying a little down time. There are no obligations tomorrow. Yay!:flowerforyou:

    Happy Holidays!
    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Gail - yea, I have those fruit cravings, too. A friend I have who always sends me a gift (and I her one) usually sent me a bottle of wine. Well, Vince and I aren't big wine drinkers at all so it would just sit on the shelf. Finally, I told her that I really loved fruit so now every year she sends me a fruit tower. This year there are apples and pears. Oh, there are some other things, candies and all. A lot of it I'm just going to donate to the soup kitchen. My stomach feels so "yukky" and I want to get these cookies out of the house. But gotta save them for when Jess and Kris get here this weekend. I'm going to send some home with her and then just have the ones that Vince'll eat. My stomach feels so "yukky". I feel like Cookie Monster at the end of Christmas Eve on Sesame Street when he eats the Christmas tree and then goes "oohhh". Vince loves anything key lime. I'd love that recipe, too

    Margaret - that was so nice of you to shovel your neighbor's walkways! Glad you had fun sledding. I haven't been sledding in years and years. When we lived in the Poconos, the kids were really too little, then we moved to Kennett Square where the sledding isn't that great (if at all) and now we're in NC where the sledding is nonexistent unless you go into the mountains.

    Getting things cleaned up, Jessica will be back tomorrow, going to have another Christmas with Kris. But this time, I'm going to try to watch it. Well...it happened. I went a bit over 140. Well, I know that'll come off. Made the shortbread cookies that Jessica liked last year. Let's hope she likes them again this year. I personally didn't think they were all that great mainly because it's a mix. Took Denise to the airport. Wish I could see her more than three days out of the year. Jessica went back, left her cats here since she'll be back tomorrow. I'll give Lance his insulin tonight and tomorrow.

    katla - technology is wonderful, isn't it? Wish I understood it more, but then again, that's why I have Vince....lol

    Sylvia - a grandmother that doesn't hug her grandchild??? When I have grandchildren (in the next century, thank you very much), they'll get so many kisses and hugs they won't know what to do with them all. Good luck to you tomorrow.

    Sylvia - I don't like my stomach, wish it was flatter. HATE, absolutely hate, a muffin top.

    barbie - how I hear ya about wanting simple eating. I did log my food today, just went over by a little (only 25 cals). Had shirataki noodles for dinner (wanted something plain) and I think I'll have them again tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow night Jess and Kris come here (but not for dinner)

    Did an hour of a DVD by Brooke Burke (I forget the complete title). I did it in the afternoon, usually I exercise in the morning. There were things that I knew I could do, but I just felt so "heavy" like I had too much on my stomach, to do it all. Actually, I got that DVD for Christmas so I needed to make sure that it was OK. I one time got a taichi DVD and didn't watch it for a while. There was a pixel problem but because it was so late I couldn't return it. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the Y and do a spinning downloadable workout.

    Meg - what a wonderful gift!!! Glad your dinner turned out delish. You did well having only a small piece of pie

    For some reason, I feel very tired right now. Probably because I had that not-so-good foods (pie, cookies). I did find that having nuts is good, especially pistachios in the shell. They take a while to shell so you wind up eating fewer

    Allison - drive safely. I'm always sad when I have to leave FL, too. But on the bright side, I'll wave to ya as you go thru NC so that's something you can look forward to!!!!!

    Amanda - I'm so very sorry for your daughter. And on christmas Eve no less! Those twins are ALREADY 3! OK - now how in the world did they get older when I didn't??? HUH?????

    Michele from NC
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies
    Seems like all of you are busy......
    Sylvia,:flowerforyou: all the best for your procedure....... and Lady we all think you r great not just the way you look but the person you are. I dont like the way I look either, but I have learnt to be grateful for the strength to exercise, to enjoy setting goals and working towards them and I love acknowledging I'm the fittest today than I have ever been.:heart::smooched: :bigsmile:
    Amanda sending you warm wishes and hugs:heart: . to your daughter as well
    Grandmallie loved the name for your husband... Ebnezer!
    Barbie dont know about this festival, but will definitely make a note of all the things you listed:flowerforyou:
    Meg what a delicious gift :bigsmile:
    As for me going steady with Yoga and hope to visit the gym as well for some weights and elliptical / crosstrainer
    Best wishes to all here:flowerforyou:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :heart: Amanda sending hugs to you and your daughter :heart: and Rori sorry for your loss :heart:

    :sick: Jane sorry you have a cold, dreadful things! I have been coughing all night and feel crummy again! Seems there are lots of bugs about - DGS felt unwell on Christmas Day, DS and partner left early to take him home. I think it was mainly the excitement of the day, plus he was up extra early too. He was fine the next day thank goodness.

    :flowerforyou: Love to everyone, hope the weather is being kind to you. It's wild and windy here, but we have had it easy compared to people down south - still flooding and power cuts in lots of places.

    :frown: I ache with all the coughing, so I'm going to take some meds and go for a lie down - hmm so much for getting steps on my new Fitbit, but hey ho at least I am not eating too much :bigsmile: I've been logging my sleep and if I have set the Fitbit correctly, I woke up 24 times last night - I know I came down to sleep on the settee around 3 o clock and that was when I had most sleep before getting up at 5:15.

    :flowerforyou: Have a good day dear friends - Friday I think - I've lost track.

    Chat again soon x

    Viv in wild, windy and wet York UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Good morning!
    After 2 days of not logging or exercising I got back into it this morning. Such a great feeling!:bigsmile:

    DGS cried when he had to leave this morning and it feels very quiet here now. They have a hectic month ahead of them in January with a new roof extension going up and trying to find a live in home help and nanny for when DDIL starts back at work soon. Phew!!! At least they know that they have 2 sets of doting grandparents to take the strain if needed. My ex has 2 youngish children himself so does not make a great grandparent!:noway: I am totally in awe of what young parents take on these days and they have still brought up a delightful and well behaved son.
    Yesterday's walk to see the neighbourhood lights was magical. We wandered round the lanes looking at the small offerings of most houses, which of course was fantastic to DGS, and then we walked down to the local pub to see if they had any lights and the house opposite had the full works in their garden! A triumph! I felt as if I was in a Christmas film!

    Amanda- it's lovely to see you back, but so sorry to hear your daughter's troubles. Glad the twins were a delight. When I heard DDIL talking to DGS this morning when he woke up I thought what a lucky boy he was to have so much love in his life. Delightful children usually have delightful parents, but it doesn't seem to work the other way round as perfectly lovely people can spawn horrors! Very unfair!

    Alison - safe journey. Do you have to wait til next December to go again?

    We've done some clearing up, but more to do. Sweeping up the tinsel that DGS fed to the bouncy horse! Then so much bed linen and towels to wash. But, apart from the crying baby who drove her parents to distraction for half a day and a night, we all had a lovely time.

    Quiet now. . . sssshhhh!

    Love Heather in windy, damp Hampshire in the battered UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Morning,

    Amanda Prayers for your family.:flowerforyou:

    Viv healing thoughts:flowerforyou:

    Something for me today. We are off to do my favorite holiday activity Como Conservatory. The picture of me was taken last spring a this place.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Healthy and smiling faces are beautiful, especially with a certain sparkle in the eye that comes from happiness and a positive outlook. Wrinkles are not ugly. :noway: Ask anyone who owns a Sharpei. :wink: Anamika is right when she talks about focusing on fitness and appreciating her body for what she can do. Best wishes for an easy and successful procedure today. We’ll be waiting to hear from you.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Tai-Chi intrigues me. I’m sorry your DVD was flawed because then I could ask you for a recommendation. :ohwell: There is a class at the senior center here, and we had a car disaster in the parking lot when we tried to go. :grumble: We never went back. The car was repaired and is still with us.:smile:

    Viv: I hope you’re better soon. It seems like you’ve been suffering with this bug more than long enough.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I went walking with my DIL to exercise the dogs, and we were having such a good time looking at Christmas lights in her neighborhood that we just kept going. It is magical, and so welcome this time of year when things are dark more often than light. :love: I think about the people “down under” who are having Christmas in the summer and wonder what they do to light things up in mid-winter.:flowerforyou:

    There is a clock tower on the old section of the County Courthouse that is just about a block from here. It used to chime, but has been silent for several years. A local group decided to repair it, and we’ve recently heard it chime again. It will be chiming on the hour from now on. This has taken hundreds of volunteer hours so far, and there is still more to do. The clock has four faces, and only one of them is showing the correct time at this point. I love the spirit of volunteerism that is making this possible.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Happy Holidays!
    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day