I feel sorry for the new year resolutioners..



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.
    Can't agree more... I also resent the fact that my gym will be a zoo until like January 15th.

    Mine will be a zoo for at least the first couple of months and at the same time...there will be a time limit for cardio equipment! I've tried and failed at the new year's resolution this. A couple of years ago...I started in September in the middle of the week and have never looked back! Don't wait...just do it!

    Me too! I woke up October 11, 2011, said I was tired of being fat, and never looked back! I think my husband had doubts that I would stick to it, but I think my picture speaks for itself. :-D
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I agree with what others have said about having to set "start dates" already being the wrong attitude, but I think the biggest reason the resolutioners fail is because they try to change everything at once. I was a resolutioner in that I made a broad goal to improve my physical health, but I made slow changes for the better instead of overwhelming myself by doing it all at once. It took me a couple months after I started exercising a little more before I began counting my calories - hence my join date of March. I don't see the point of waiting for a specific time or day to completely overhaul your habits. Make one gradual change at a time instead.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    That's not true. 2 years ago I was one of them...
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    I agree with majority of the people. If you have to wait to start changing your life you're not really ready to do it. I just woke up one day threw out all the crap in my house and went to the grocery store. There's nothing special about waiting to Monday or the New Year. I'm not saying everyone is going to fail, but I don't believe most of them of mentally ready.
  • nelsoji
    nelsoji Posts: 79 Member
    I think whatever it is that gives you the motivation to make a shot at it is a good thing. If that means you wait until Dec 1, or Monday, or Jan 1, or whatever - who cares. This site should be about supporting those that are ready to make a change. My favorite thing to see is someone very large or obviously out of shape at the gym. That means they are at least trying - and when you see them there the next week, even better, the next week, even better.

    I don't care what it takes - if you find that your motivation is to start on day x - then good on you - make it happen!!
  • KarmaKills
    KarmaKills Posts: 99 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

  • kdsp2911
    kdsp2911 Posts: 170 Member
    Everyone will have an opinion. They will all be different. However, I do lean more toward the opinion of the OP. If people are resolving to do better in the new year, it is no one's place to judge them or tell them they will fail. If they choose to come to MFP for support that's what they should get, not angry bashing and promises of utter failure.

    I understand the point of "why not start today", but the holiday's are here and some people just don't have the will power right now to avoid all the temptation. Postponing major changes may be better suited for after the temptation dies down a little, that way they have almost a year under their belt when they approach the holiday season next year. However, they can start making small changes now that will impact their major fitness goals for the new year.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I agree with what others have said about having to set "start dates" already being the wrong attitude, but I think the biggest reason the resolutioners fail is because they try to change everything at once.

  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    I find planning is best. I never start anything unless it's a Monday or the first of the month. I will be restarting with a new account in the new year. I'm still going now. Still dieting, still losing, but definitely start fresh at new year. If they try and failed, at least they tried.

    That's called OCD not planning.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    in, because this is going to end swimmingly


  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I find planning is best. I never start anything unless it's a Monday or the first of the month. I will be restarting with a new account in the new year. I'm still going now. Still dieting, still losing, but definitely start fresh at new year. If they try and failed, at least they tried.

    That's called OCD not planning.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    Just bookmarking so I can read this later.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Haha, no one is telling resolutioners "GO AWAY!!! YOU'RE ONLY GOING TO FAIL!!!" It's already been said that small changes can take place any day of the week.

    Those that say, "I'll start on Monday" are also those that are most likely to say "I'll start again on Monday" after they slip up during the week.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I look forward to it because I'll learn about all the new fad diets out there. It's a very educational time for me.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Not everyone is so hateful. I don't like all of the negative posts I have seen about new year's newbies either. I hope people are just venting and will ultimately be nice and helpful to anyone they can.

    I can't wrap my head about why they would have to vent. For me it is ridiculous to get upset and nasty over the assumed New Year's resolutions of people that they don't even know, who actually have not made those resolutions yet and therefore have not failed yet either. There are just too many people around who enjoy getting angry and negative over nothing.
    I believe that anything that motivates people like a date or event is a good thing and deserves our support and would say that those who do not want to give it, or those people who have really nothing to say ( with that I also mean the " I'm in ", or " get the popcorn " crowd ) or get nasty,should just stay away from a given thread.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

    ^^^ Could not have said this any better. Why not start today... why does it have to be Jan 1?

    Gives you like 3 weeks to eat all the things you plan on denying yourself come January 1st (you know because you wont eat less just wont eat)
  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    I wouldn't say I expect them to fail, I'm all for anyone bettering themselves. The crowded gym isn't even so bad it's the lack of etiquette that comes with having so many new people in the gym. Right now if I go to my gym on a crowded night I still would only have to wait at most five minutes to get on a rack or machine. After the first of the year though that number will easily double as you have alot of people that will set on their phone texting for several minutes between sets. There's also going to be more people not putting weights/accessories back where they got them from to begin with and a few that feel they can claim three pieces of equipment at one time because they're doing super sets. All of these things are common in most gyms now but it starts happening alot more. Combine this with the fact the majority of these new people aren't going to stick around and you can see where the negativity comes from. I'm just glad it happens at the first of the year, I dont have near as much going on at that time of year so it doesn't hurt me to stick around the gym for a little bit longer to get my workout in.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I say no matter what the reason... if they make it here... great. Maybe they won't stick around but chances are they'll come back at some point. Who knows? Maybe they'll get to looking at some of the amazing pics on the Success Stories forum and it will sink in for them. Whatever it takes.

    My only issue is setting a date WAY OFF IN THE FUTURE to start losing weight/getting healthy. Why not today? Giving yourself an excuse to eat like a total hog from November - January is ridiculous. Just like people on the 1st episode of the biggest loser that are 400lbs and say "i've been wanting this for so long to make it on the biggest loser so I can lose weight". Uhm?? Last time I checked you didn't need to be on a TV show in order to lose weight.... they're giving themselves a reason to keep going through the McDonalds drive-thru. "I'll just keep eating myself into an early grave until I make it on the show". Those people won't make it. The ones that start doing it before they make it... or before January 1st... the ones that start RIGHT NOW... they will make it.
  • MumToBrendon
    This thread has proved my point exactly.
    Only a handful of decent people here.
    I think on January 1st I will add as many resoulutioners as possible and support them, encourage them and try to keep them going.
    Not going to keep wasting my time on shallow narrow minded people.

    You can start or fail any day of the year. If they choose to wait and start at a later date. Good for them. If they wake up one day or are half way through a slice of triple chocolate cake and start right that second. Good for them. Either way, they should be treat the same.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    i think its.silly to wait until the monday or the first. its true holidays are more trying but even if u have a few parties and xmas eve day new yr you still have thr rest of the month to eat healthy n exercise. its not a waste ever.